Pan Xuemei was despised.

Frowning for a while, Jiang Lin felt that what Pan Xuemei said should not be too accurate.

The fact is that Pan Xuemei and Zhanmin's broken souls do not match.

This kind of mismatch, of course, has the kind of situation that Pan Xuemei said, but the deeper reason is still similar to the floral scent in Pan Xuemei's ghost body.

Because something like this happened before, it didn't take Jiang Lin long to react.

Pan Xuemei and him have been husband and wife for some time, and his wife will make a leap in life because of him.

That is, his corpse poison essence played a role.

This is also the reason why Chen Yu and Ren Tingting in his family are in their [*]s and [*]s and their appearances haven't changed at all.

Pan Xuemei is also in the same situation.

If you want to make Pan Xuemei's ghost body match the rest of the souls in Zhanmin's body, at present, there is only one way, and that is to make Zhanmin's body also have his corpse poison essence.

After all, Pan Xuemei's side has no way to change, so he can only make Zhan Min change.

In other words, if Zhan Min and him were married, this situation could be avoided.

"I tried to condense her soul and explain the facts clearly. Now the best time has been missed. If it doesn't work next time, there may be a big problem."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, intending to do some ideological work for Zhan Min and his soul.

If Pan Xuemei, this remnant soul, does not return to Zhan Min's body, not only will Pan Xuemei dissipate, but Zhan Min will also die completely and disappear.

Chapter [*] You have no choice (on)

"Jiang Lang, but she's a stupid girl. She's so stupid because of her incomplete soul. Even if you condense the rest of her soul, you probably won't understand what you're saying?"

Pan Xuemei looked at Jiang Lin with some puzzlement. If she could explain the situation to Zhanmin, then this change would not have happened again and again.

"Actually, it is not accurate to say that condensing the soul. What I want to do is to condense her spirituality over the past [*] years. She has such treasures as blood orchid. It is not difficult to do this. But in this way, she has only These spirituality will begin to dissipate and finally disappear completely, and even if it returns to normal later, it is similar to a newborn baby."

Jiang Lin explained to Pan Xuemei that humans are primates and inherently have spirituality.

Not to mention people, even cats and dogs, in the process of getting along with people, they will understand human nature.

As an omniscient human being, naturally, he will not lose to a cat or a dog.

Even if some people are as stupid as Pan Xuemei, there will be spirituality in their bodies, but this spirituality is hidden and will not be revealed.

To put it bluntly, it is almost like the subconscious mind.

Even fools and vegetative people, because they have lived in the human world for a period of time, some things that they have seen and heard form cognition and logic, and then converge into spirituality.

"Is there such a thing?"

Pan Xuemei had never heard of such a statement.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Of course. Take Zhanmin for example. It's good that she is stupid, but if I use some magic to control her as a puppet, she will do whatever I give her. It doesn't matter if she's stupid or not, it's because she has spirituality in her body."

After that, Jiang Lin didn't waste time, and took some blood orchids and other treasures from the ancient mirror and gave them to Zhan Min who was in a coma.

Jiang Lin took a piece of Zhan Min's hair and began to cast the spell. After a while, a shimmer of light rushed into Zhan Min's eyebrows.

It didn't take long for Zhan Min to open her eyes, but this time, there was already a lot of spiritual brilliance in her eyes.

It's completely different from the stupid girl Zhan Min before.

"You... who are you? Why are you in my room?"

After Zhanmin woke up, she looked at Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei. After seeing Pan Xuemei, she was even more puzzled. The woman in front of her looked exactly like her.

"Do you know who you are?"

Seeing that the spell had worked, Jiang Lin smiled at Zhan Min.

"Me? I'm Zhanmin, who are you?"

Zhanmin looked at Jiang Lin and the others with a defensive look on her face, and then she realized that she was only wearing a close-fitting bellyband, so she immediately pulled the horn to cover her front.

She really doesn't know Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei now, even if she just met them not long ago, she doesn't know either.

What you see and hear forms spirituality, not instantaneous.

"Since you know that you are Zhanmin, you should also know that you are a silly girl. If you think back a little, there is an impression of us in the memory of which silly girl you belong to."

" did I get back to normal?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Zhan Min recalled it for a while, and she remembered that "I" had just met Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei.

However, it was precisely because of her memories that she realized that she was indeed a fool before.

"You used to be a very stupid girl, the reason why you have become so awake now is because..."

Jiang Lin talked about how he cast a spell to make Zhanmin return to normal temporarily, and then he said: "Maybe you can't understand what I said, but I don't need you to understand, I just need to make you understand something. Really. Zhanmin is a silly girl from beginning to end, and you, it's just that the spirituality and soul in her body have been condensed by me, so she has a rationality that she does not have."

"I don't even know what you're talking about."

Zhanmin was almost confused by Jiang Lin. She didn't understand what she was just about her soul and spirituality.

"It's really troublesome."

Jiang Lin raised his hand and tapped his forehead. He condensed the soul and spirituality in Zhanmin's body. As a result, the consciousness formed by the soul's spirituality directly regarded himself as the deity.

Then he made a seal with his hands, separating Zhan Min's body and soul.

If you are not sure, you can speak directly with the facts, which is more persuasive.

"Do you understand now? Look at yourself, and then look at the body lying on the bed."

Jiang Lin gestured to Zhan Min, who was hanging in the air. Zhan Min followed his words and realized that he had become an illusory spiritual body, and the one lying on the bed on the headboard was the real one. A real person.

Seeing this scene, she also somewhat understood what Jiang Lin said.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin didn't let Zhan Min's soul and body continue to separate two places, and directly waved his hand to make Zhan Min's soul and spirituality in mid-air return to his body.

Zhan Min's soul is already weak, if it is not easy to explain, he will not choose this.

" should be a mage, right?"

After Zhanmin opened her eyes again, she looked at Jiang Lin. Although she roughly understood what was going on, she still didn't know what Jiang Lin was doing here.

After what happened just now, she also determined that the young man in front of her was not an ordinary person at all, but some strange people she had only heard of in rumors.

Otherwise, the other party wouldn't just move a finger and let her see the two of them.

"That's right. You are awake now because I have gathered your spirituality. Without this spirituality, you would still be that stupid girl, and it would be impossible for you to be as awake and normal as you are now. I've said enough. , then you just need to press all doubts and just listen to me."

Jiang Lin didn't continue to explain this, he pointed at Pan Xuemei and said, "This person who looks exactly like you is actually a remnant of a soul, and you are missing her remnant soul because of your incomplete soul. He was not a normal person when he was born."

Chapter [*] You have no choice (below)

"She is my soul?"

Zhanmin looked at Pan Xuemei again, only then did she understand why this woman had the same face as her.

It was also because of Jiang Lin's words that she knew why she had been a complete fool for the past [*] years.

"You don't need to have so many problems, just know that if you merge with her, you will be able to return to normal in the future, no longer foolishly stupid, and have a normal life. Although your spirituality will dissipate now, in the future It may not be impossible to form again. And if you don't become one with her, it will not only take two days, not only will she be dissipated, but you will also completely disappear. I found Zhan Min with her, and this is the reason why I am here. ."

Jiang Lin tried to make things easier to understand, including the cause and effect of Pan Xuemei's life and the escape of her reincarnated remnant soul to Zhan Min.

"I brought Xuemei here to let her and you accept her with a broken soul, but, because she is already my wife, and I have a relationship with me, and you have not yet been recruited, you have rejected her. That's why I brought you together."

After a short pause, Jiang Lin continued: "Originally, I could directly choose to solve such a problem. That silly girl has no ability to protect herself at all. In fact, I can do whatever I want to her. However, considering that I have already missed It was the best time, and even if I asked for her body later, there might be another accident in the fusion thing, so I chose to condense you and say hello to you. That silly girl, she can't think rationally. , and do not have the ability to be the master, but now you have."

"Ah? want to follow want to follow her..."

When Zhanmin heard Jiang Lin's words, he was stunned. Jiang Lin actually told her that he wanted to marry her.

My goodness!


Zhan Min was so surprised that he couldn't even speak incoherently, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

Jiang Lin didn't speak anymore, giving Zhan Min time to digest this established fact.

"Mage,'re not kidding me, are you?"

Zhanmin looked at Jiang Lin with a frown, she really had a hard time accepting what Jiang Lin said.

She met Jiang Lin, that is, today's matter, without saying a few words, let her entrust her life to the past.

No one can accept it.

"Jiang Lang, does he need to joke with you? Before that, Zhan Min was a silly girl. Jiang Lang was already here. There is nothing that can stop him from what he wants to do. Jiang Lang arranged some magic circles. The housekeepers and maids outside had no idea what was going on inside. Why did he gather Zhanmin's soul and spirituality to form you? Not to mention the silly Zhanmin Now, it's you now, if Jiang Lang wants to use force on you, even if you cry out your throat, you're saying that you shouldn't cry every day. I don't want to disappear, are you willing?"

At this time, Pan Xuemei, who had not spoken for a long time, spoke up. Now she is facing Zhan Min's soul, so she did not speak in a good voice.

It was these souls and spirituality that kept her from entering Zhanmin's body again and again, which made her feel a little resentful.

At the same time, Pan Xuemei also made the words clear, whether it was the foolish aunt Zhanmin before or the sober Zhanmin now, there was no other choice but to agree.

Anyway, she wants to live. The silly girl Zhanmin has no ability to make independent judgments, so it depends on Zhanmin's parents and her as a remnant.

No matter which party it is, Zhanmin can decide and make choices for him.

As for the consciousness formed by Zhanmin's soul and spirituality, no matter how much opinion you have, it doesn't matter.

This consciousness was condensed by Jiang Lin, and it was purely for notification purposes.

Moreover, if it does not agree, it will be the end of the soul.

No matter whether it is present or not, as long as people who are closely related to Zhanmin will not accept such a result.


"You don't still want to make choices, do you?"

Jiang Lin looked at Zhan Min with some amusement. Now that he has reached this point, where is there any choice?

"It seems...I don't have to choose either."

Zhan Min had a worried face. She understood what Pan Xuemei said just now. If she didn't agree, she would have to die without the mage doing anything.

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