And, it's a hard fact.

Because the mage and the remnant soul in front of him really have no reason to deceive her, and there is no need for it at all.

If so, what else can be done?

Thinking of this, Zhan Min secretly glanced at Jiang Lin, and then her eyes fell on Pan Xuemei's face.

Looking at the past like this, she found that Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei were really an enviable couple.

Rather than being stupid or dying early, it's better to promise.

After he was mentally prepared, Zhanmin thought a little more. This young man could find her for his wife, so he must be extremely concerned about his wife.

In this case, in the future, he can be regarded as finding a good home.

"Yes, you have no choice."

Jiang Lin spread his hands and continued: "Whether it's because of the situation here or the death calamity we will face in the future, it's just one sentence, you don't have to choose. If you don't want to, my wife will be gone. I will agree. Also, you need to figure out one thing. The reason why you can think and weigh now is that I have temporarily sobered you up. I shouldn’t be the kind of person who asks for trouble, right? Act directly, and deliberately make you sober for a while, not agreeing to this matter."

"I already know."

Zhanmin nodded. She was different from the silly girl Zhanmin in the past. She knew how to think and kept her senses, although it was only temporary.

But precisely because she was able to think, she also understood that if Jiang Lin hadn't explained all this, she wouldn't have known that she was going to die in two days.

She knows better that there is no free lunch in this world, and she doesn't want to die or disappear, so she has to pay a price.

But now it seems that the price is actually nothing, it is to be someone's wife, and her remnant soul is already someone's wife.

After all, this is not a disadvantage.

Taking a step back, if she and Jiang Lin became husband and wife, it was not at all unkind to others.

The feeling this Lang Jun gave her was quite good.

Chapter [-]: Successful fusion

"Master, I don't even know your name yet."

Zhanmin looked at Jiang Lin shyly, and now she felt that her consciousness was beginning to become blurred, which means that it would not take long for her reason to disappear and return to her previous stupid appearance.

Since she had already agreed to Jiang Lin, she would definitely be giving it to someone tonight, and she couldn't even know the other person's name.


Jiang Lin smiled. There should be no problem with Zhanmin's current attitude. Even if Zhanmin's spirituality disappears later, after everything is ready, his soul will no longer reject Pan Xuemei's remnant soul.

At this time, Zhanmin looked at Pan Xuemei again and asked, "He... how did he treat you?"

"I can meet him, I have to thank the heavens and the earth. I used to be a hanged ghost, and my tongue was seven inches long, and he didn't dislike me. Even after I became one with you in the future, I would still be crazy Silly, he won't have the slightest disgust, what do you think he does to me?"

Pan Xuemei said with an extremely happy smile on her face. In order not to lose her, Jiang Lin traveled thousands of miles to find someone. Even if he saw Zhan Min so stupid, he never showed helplessness or disappointment.

For such a husband, I don't know if I can find a second one.

After listening to Pan Xuemei's words, Zhanmin was completely relieved. Jiang Lin was as she had guessed, and he was a very trustworthy man.

After confirming this, the helplessness and reluctance left in Zhanmin's heart gradually disappeared.

She has been stupid for so many years, and I don't know how many people laugh at her. Except for her parents, who else will not dislike her.

Now that there is a man who is willing to take care of him for the rest of his life, it is a pity for God.

"That, Young Master Jiang, Zhanmin has an unkind request."

Zhanmin thought for a while, then looked at Jiang Lin with a begging look.

"Go ahead."

Jiang Lin nodded, whether it was Zhan Min or Pan Xuemei, they would be his wife when they became one in the future. If Zhan Min had any requests now, as long as it was not outrageous, he would not refuse.

"I've spent [-] years in a daze, and I'm so stupid. Thanks to my parents, my parents didn't dislike me, and they didn't give me away. Instead, over the years, I took care of me everywhere. Since you're not an ordinary person, Mr. Jiang, you can Do I do something for Zhan Min and give my parents some physical benefits. I am already at an age when I should be filial, but I still keep worrying about them, I feel too ashamed."

Zhanmin made her request clear. Since she already knew that Jiang Lin was not an ordinary person, but a mage with a strange technique, she wanted to use Jiang Lin's ability to gain some benefits for her parents, even if Just to extend their lives for a few years.

"Don't worry about this, I will not treat them badly."

Jiang Lin didn't think about anything, and directly agreed to Zhan Min's request.

Even if Zhanmin didn't mention it, he would leave some treasures for Zhanmin's parents after he married Zhanmin.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin would not do this. Although there are many treasures in his family, they are basically reserved for his own family.

In addition to his own master and wife, the rest of his father-in-law or mother-in-law, although he will also give gifts to show filial piety, but only use some relatively common ginseng and ganoderma as gifts.

He rarely takes out the treasures of heaven and earth.

But for Zhanmin's parents, he wasn't going to be stingy, nothing else, just to love them like a baby when Zhanmin was stupid.

If Zhanmin's parents hadn't taken their daughter as a darling, what Zhanmin would have become now, if you think about it, you might not be able to live long ago.

Such a silly girl has no ability to survive at all.

In that case, let alone Zhan Min, even Pan Xuemei, he would never have the chance to meet him.

Even if Zhan Min could survive, he wouldn't be like a person at all.

And Zhan Min is so beautiful that he can be bullied by anyone.

"Thank you, Young Master Jiang."

Zhanmin smiled at Jiang Lin, then didn't know how to express it.

Jiang Lin snapped his fingers and removed the spells from Zhanmin's body. After that, the condensed spirituality in Zhanmin's body began to dissipate, and finally the souls scattered in his body.

"Sister, I have a headache."

After the spirituality condensed by Jiang Lin dissipated in her body, Zhanmin changed back to the silly girl she was before, and then she threw herself into Pan Xuemei's arms and acted coquettishly at Pan Xuemei like a child.

Pan Xuemei was very helpless, she and Zhan Min were supposed to be one body, but now the soul is divided into two, and Zhan Min is still coquettish at her remnant soul.

This is truly a miracle in the world.

Therefore, she could only coax this silly girl because of her incomplete soul.

At this time, Jiang Lin took some immortal treasures from his arms and handed them to Pan Xuemei, and asked her to feed Zhanmin. Pan Xuemei and Zhanmin failed to merge twice before, and Jiang Lin forcibly condensed his spirituality. Now There are some side effects.

"Jiang Lang, I'll recycle the ghost bag first, have pity on her."

After Pan Xuemei told Jiang Lin, she turned into a streamer and entered the ghost bag in Jiang Lin's arms.

"Where's my sister? Where's my sister?"

Seeing that Pan Xuemei disappeared without a trace, Zhan Min stared blankly at Jiang Lin.

What sister, she is yourself, do you really think you have a twin sister?

Jiang Lin patted his forehead, and then said, "She's gone to bed, so should you."

Saying that, she picked up Zhan Min, carried him back to the bed, and sat beside the bed herself.

"Guest officer, you should also go to sleep in the guest room."

Zhanmin pushed Jiang Lin, until now she still treats Jiang Lin as a guest in the inn.

"I sleep here."

"Huh? No, guest officer, no."

"Nothing, you promised it when you were awake just now."

After saying that, Jiang Lin lowered the curtain.

At this time, the servants of the exhibitor who were standing guard outside the room didn't even know that they had completely neglected their duties.

The exhibition people sent so many family members here to protect their precious daughters, but in the end, it was of no use at all.

Early the next morning, before the maidservants outside waited on Zhan Min, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged in the circle, urging the circle attentively.

The fusion of Pan Xuemei and Zhan Min had failed twice, and this time, he didn't want to have any more accidents.

"Xuemei, come out."


In response, Pan Xuemei floated out of the ghost bag and flew towards Zhan Min, who had not yet woken up.

Seeing the tears in the corners of Zhan Min's eyes and by the pillow, Pan Xuemei also looked back at Jiang Lin, and then rushed into Zhan Min's body.

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and carefully sensed Zhan Min's situation. It wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that nothing happened, and his dangling heart was relieved.

Pan Xuemei's remnant soul merged with Zhan Min. After several twists and turns, it failed twice, but this time, it finally succeeded.

Chapter [-]: The Son-in-Law Has Been Lost From The Sky (Part [-])

"Fortunately, nothing happened again."

Jiang Lin wiped the fine sweat from his forehead. Now it's not far from Pan Xuemei's disappearance and Zhan Min's sudden death. If this time fails again, even the always calm he will really panic.

Not long after, there was movement at the door, and the maids had already brought water and salt, ready to wash Zhan Min.

Jiang Lin hid his figure and went to Zhan Min's bedside. What Zhan Min needs most now is to have a good life and recuperate, so that Pan Xuemei's soul can be well integrated with his own soul. Of course, he will not let these maids disturb him.

When he brought a few maids over, Jiang Lin used a spell to temporarily turn them into puppets. After giving the order not to disturb, these maids woke up.

Seeing that Zhan Min was still sleeping, they did not wake him up and left the room directly.

"Next, I'm going to propose a kiss."

Jiang Lin sat on the edge of the bed, wiped the tears from the corners of Zhanmin's eyes, and then raised his hand and tapped his forehead.

Now that Pan Xuemei and Zhan Min's souls have merged, he doesn't plan to tell Zhan Juren the facts.

Otherwise, once it is spread out, if some monks or evil spirits hear about it, they may infer that Zhan Min and Pan Xuemei are special.

It may also create unnecessary trouble for no reason.

Therefore, all he has to do is to wait for Zhanmin's situation to stabilize in a few days, and propose to Zhanjuren to marry Zhanmin.

However, in the eyes of Zhan Ju and outsiders, Zhan Min is a foolish girl. He is a foreigner, and no one knows what it is, and suddenly said that he wants to marry such a Zhan Min, and it may not be smooth.

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