Since Zhanjuren treasures his daughter so much, he must give her to someone he can trust. Otherwise, even if he keeps his daughter for a lifetime, he will not marry her easily.

In this case, a stranger said that he wanted to marry Zhanmin, how could Zhanjuren agree so easily.

However, these things can be arranged at a later date, and now the most important thing is to protect Zhan Min.

Jiang Lin was prepared to guard Zhan Min inseparably during this time.

Zhan Min was condensed out of the spirituality in his body, and finally dissipated. After waking up, it was whiter than a blank sheet of paper, and he was not at ease no matter how caring maidservants took care of him.

For the next five or six days, Jiang Lin stayed in the room, but after Zhan Min woke up, he basically just stayed in a daze.

Now, because of her new life, she can't even eat.

Therefore, Jiang Lin used some magic to make them hallucinated after the maids brought the food, and did not let those maids find anything abnormal.

And these meals are all fed to Zhanmin by him.

Of course, when he was doing these things, he also used his ever-changing abilities, and even the servants and maids wouldn't notice anything.

As for Zhan Min, who stopped going to the inn, but often sat there, the servant girl who waited on didn't take it seriously. Zhan Min's situation had happened before.

After a maid who knew a little about medicine checked that Zhan Min was not sick, she didn't care.

"This is really how to raise a wife."

Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel a little amused when he looked at Zhan Min, who was pursing his lips.

During this time, he not only had to feed Zhanmin, but even took care of Lazarus. In addition, he also taught Zhanmin to speak.

However, Zhan Min learned quickly.

Although Zhan Min looks like a baby, she is not a real baby. The memory in her mind seems to have been initialized because of the fusion with Pan Xuemei's soul, but the past memory will not disappear out of thin air, but will be behind. It will gradually reappear in Zhan Min's mind in an orderly manner.

Therefore, Zhanmin's situation where he can't do anything will only last for a while.

In one month at most, Zhanmin can completely turn into a normal adult.

At that time, the memories belonging to Pan Xuemei should also be recovered.

During this period, Jiang Lin needed to be on the sidelines, so this required him to have the identity of a Zhan family son-in-law.

On this day, Jiang Lin estimated that Zhan Min had almost recovered to the mind of four or five years old, so he gave instructions to those maids to bring Zhan Min back to Zhan's house.

"Xiaomin, you go home first, and I'll be at your house in two days."

Jiang Lin touched Zhanmin's head. Now he is going to Zhan's house to prepare for marriage.

"No, I'm not."

Zhanmin's head shook like a rattle, and her face was full of reluctance. After she merged with Pan Xuemei's soul, she was reborn. The first person she came into contact with was Jiang Lin, so she was very dependent on Jiang Lin. .

"Good, don't make trouble."

Jiang Lin laughed when he said that, if a few months passed, Zhanmin's past memories were all recalled, and his mind grew rapidly. Thinking about the events of this period, I guess I don't know what kind of expression it will look like. .

She was stupid before, but now, she has grown up again, but no matter what, she is still like a stupid child.

In the end, Jiang Lin coaxed and coaxed, and Zhanmin was willing.

Because the next day or two needed to be temporarily separated from Zhanmin, Jiang Lin released a charm to hide in Zhanmin's shadow to protect it.

Just when Zhan Min was sent away and Jiang Lin was about to contact Zhan Ju, an acquaintance he knew appeared at Zhan's house.

"Uncle Zhan, how have you been all these years? My nephew was going to take an exam this time, but he ran away halfway, and some were afraid to go home, so he came to play with you."

Han Jizu looked at Zhan Juren with some embarrassment in the living room of Zhan's house. Zhan Juren had some distant relatives with him, but he hadn't contacted or moved around for many years.

This time, it was also because he arrived in Pingjiang County that he thought that there was a distant uncle here, so he was going to come and visit.

Because he didn't come here specially, he was still a little embarrassed.

As for why he appeared in Pingjiang County, it was because he and Gu Shulan were playing outside and wanted to see how the situation on Jianglin's side was going, so he turned around and came to Shuinan County.

"It's all okay, it's okay, step-grandfather, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. I didn't expect to become such a big person in a blink of an eye."

Zhan Juren laughed. Although their Zhan family and the Han family had not been in contact for more than ten years, he didn't have any relationship with Han Jizu.

Han Jizu's father was out and about doing business all the year round. He knew this. Now that his relatives came to visit, he was very happy.

The two chatted for a while, and asked each other how they were doing over the years. Han Jizu said, "Actually, my nephew came this time because a friend will be here, and I don't know if he is here now."

Chapter [-] The Son-in-Law Is Lost From The Sky (Part [-])

"Master, Miss is back, and a young man is visiting outside."

At this time, the housekeeper of Zhanfu came to the living room and told Zhanju people that there were guests.

"Young man? What are you talking about? I still have guests here."

The exhibition person frowned, why are there so many guests at his house today?

The housekeeper responded: "He...he said he came to propose marriage."

"Propose marriage?"

When the exhibition people heard these two words, they stood up excitedly.

On the side, Han Jizu almost spit out the tea in his mouth, but fortunately he held back.

He knew that his daughter, Uncle Zhan's daughter, was a fool, and she was the kind that could not be cured by any other doctor, but now someone has come to propose marriage?

Could it be that his uncle's daughter is already healed?become normal?

"Who is he? Where is he? How does he look?"

The exhibition person directly asked the housekeeper three consecutive questions. God knows how much he wants to come to a person who proposes a marriage.

Over the years, he can really say that he is looking forward to the stars and the moon.

In the past few years, some people came to propose, but none of them were normal, even the special beggars came to propose, just because his daughter Zhanmin was stupid.

In other words, no one wants his daughter.

Therefore, at that time, in a fit of rage, he asked his servants to beat the person who came to propose marriage. Since then, no one has come to ask for marriage again.

"He's not a local, and I asked him. He doesn't have any relatives or friends in our Pingjiang County or even Shuinan County. However, he looks like a talented person."

The butler told the truth.

"Not a local? Not even a relative?"

When the exhibition people heard this, their attitude changed. Here came a pure stranger who wanted to marry his daughter.

Isn't this a joke?

Thinking of this, Zhan Juren became even more angry. The young man who came here was simply interested in his daughter's appearance. He didn't care about anything else, he came to propose marriage.

Second uncle, after proposing marriage, can he support his daughter?

"If you let him in, I have to scold him well. I will scold as many as this kind of proposing!"

After giving the order to the butler, the exhibitor sat down angrily.

Realizing that he had lost his temper, he sighed and said to Han Jizu: "Alas! I don't know what your uncle did in my past life, but I was a fool when I gave birth to a daughter, and there was nothing I could do. Just a few days ago, she I don't even know my father."

"God this is so unfair."

Hearing Zhan Juren say this, Han Jizu realized that he had thought wrong just now, so he could only say this to comfort Zhan Juren.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to be led by the housekeeper of Zhanfu to the living room.

Han Jizu?

Jiang Lin saw Han Jizu sitting in the living room at a glance, and then he was a little surprised, how could Han Jizu appear in Pingjiang County, and he was still in Zhanjuren's house.

Han Jizu was also stunned, how could Jiang Lin appear at his uncle's house?

And he also wanted to propose marriage to his uncle's house.

What about Pan Xuemei?

Before Jiang Lin and Han Jizu spoke, Zhan Juren immediately started spraying: "You young man, why do you want to marry my daughter? Where are you from? What is your purpose for marrying my daughter? If you don't tell me how ugly you are, I'll break your leg today!"

I'm going!

Jiang Lin's face twitched a little. He was already mentally prepared and felt that the marriage proposal might not go smoothly, but he didn't expect that he didn't even open his mouth, so Zhan Juren was going to hit him directly.

"Uncle Zhan, don't stop, you wait first."

Han Jizu stood up and asked the exhibition people to stop for a while. Then he looked at Jiang Lin and asked, "Brother Jiang, you... how come you are here?"

"Of course I'm here to propose."

Jiang Lin replied, and then used his voice transmission ability to pass on his words to Han Jizu: "This matter is a long story, Zhan Juren's daughter Zhanmin is the reincarnation of Xuemei, they The two have been merged into one, so I came here to propose marriage to Zhan Juren. However, Xuemei's matter, I have not planned to disclose it for the time being out of prudence. I will explain it to you later. You can just treat me as a scholar. ."

After the sound transmission, Jiang Lin asked aloud, "Brother Han, why did you appear here?"

"Uncle Zhan is my relative, and I'm here to visit."

After Han Jizu received Jiang Lin's voice transmission, he finally understood what was going on, so he suppressed what he wanted to ask Pan Xuemei just now.


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, but then he was relieved. Since Han Jizu was related to Zhan Juren, it would be much easier for him to propose a marriage.

With Han Jizu as an intermediary, a lot of trouble can be avoided no matter what.

However, he still had some doubts in his heart. Since Han Jizu was a relative of Zhan Juren, there was no reason why he didn't know Zhan Min. If he knew him, how could Han Jizu not know Pan Xuemei who looked exactly like Zhan Min.

Jiang Lin didn't know that the last time Han Jizu met with Zhan Juren was more than ten years ago. At that time, Zhan Min was still a little girl. When Zhan Min grew up, Han Jizu never met.

"What? Stepzu, you two know each other?"

The exhibitors are a little stunned now, and they don't know what the situation is.

"Uncle Zhan, he is the friend I told you just now who came to Pingjiang County. He is the scholar I met on the way to the exam. He is not only a scholar, he is also a scholar of both civil and military, and has a good character and talent. of."

Han Jizu introduced Jiang Lin to Zhan Juren, because Jiang Lin had been reminded by voice transmission before, so he did not say that Jiang Lin was a monk.

Moreover, because Jiang Lin helped him in his affairs with Gu Shulan, he also directly praised Jiang Lin.


Zhan Juren's mind suddenly went blank. He sprayed Jiang Lin before because he didn't know the details of the other party, and felt that this young man was simply interested in his daughter's appearance.

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