But now, his distant nephew actually said that the young man's character and talent were unremarkable, and his eyes were quite worshipful.

Han Jizu has a close relationship with his Zhan family. In such a matter, it is absolutely impossible to say anything deceitful.

In other words, the young man who came to propose marriage really wanted to marry her daughter, and there would be no bad intentions.

"Oh, look at this, the big water rushed to the Dragon King Temple. This is the family that doesn't know the family anymore."

After Zhan Juren was stunned for a while, an embarrassed yet graceful smile appeared on his face, and his attitude towards Jiang Lin changed drastically.

Such a young man is the son-in-law he so desperately desires!

Chapter [*]: The Son-in-Law Has Been Lost From The Sky (Part [*])

This face is changing so fast.

Even Han Jizu, a relative, wanted to laugh when he saw Zhan Juren change his face like this.

However, he is really grateful for this distant uncle. His uncle's daughter is a fool. Under normal circumstances, let alone marrying a person, even if it is given to another family as a maid, others may not want it.

But now, the Zhanjia can recruit a land fairy like Jiang Lin as his son-in-law, which is really a burning incense in his last life.

If it wasn't for this trip by himself, Han Jizu would never have imagined that there would be such a coincidence in the world that Pan Xuemei's reincarnation was actually his uncle's daughter.

"Zhan Juren, Xiaosheng Jiang Lin, came here to propose marriage to Ling Qianjin."

Jiang Lin didn't expect such a big change in Zhan Juren's attitude. After bowing his hands, he said his intentions.

"Eh~ Since you are a good friend of the step-grandfather, you are also my junior. Don't call me a showman. Just like the step-grandfather, just call me my uncle."

Zhan Ju person laughed, and then went over to greet Jiang Lin to sit down in person. After letting the servant serve tea, he asked the housekeeper to invite Mrs. Zhan over.

Although he hadn't asked Jiang Lin for more information, he was really satisfied with how he saw Jiang Lin as a young man.

The exhibition person thought for a while before asking, "Jiang Lin, how much do you know about my family, Zhanmin?"

He originally wanted to say that his daughter was a fool, but he was afraid that Jiang Lin didn't know about this, and he might just leave after knowing, so he wanted to ask Jiang Lin in this way.

"Ling Qianjin is not a normal person mentally, I know that."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then said, "Actually, I was at Yunlai Inn a few days ago. I was there and met Uncle Zhan, but because I was sitting in the corner, Uncle Zhan didn't see me. I was there this time. Sincerely come to propose marriage, even if Miss Zhan is like a silly child, I am willing to marry her. I was at Yunlai Inn that day, and after I left, I will never forget Miss Zhan, always thinking about it. I have come to propose a marriage, if this matter can be successful, I am willing to take care of her for the rest of my life."

"So it is."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Zhan Juren felt relieved. It turned out that the other party had long known that his daughter was abnormal.

"Uncle Zhan, Jiang Lin didn't come here empty-handed this time, but he didn't bring some yellow and white things with him. These are some medicinal materials that I excavated when I was walking in the mountains. I also hope that Uncle Zhan will not dislike it."

With that said, Jiang Lin took the package he brought on the table next to him and brought it to Zhan Juren.

"Where, the gift only represents sincerity. Since you are sincere to propose marriage, it doesn't matter whether the betrothal gift is more or less."

The exhibition person repeatedly said that it was okay, but at this moment, the medicinal fragrance in the package floated to the tip of his nose, which immediately made him feel very relaxed and happy.

With a startled cry, Zhan Juren opened the package subconsciously, and then he was dumbfounded.

In this package, there are actually rare medicinal herbs that exude a faint glow. Some of them are known to him, but most of them are ones that he has never seen at all.

However, even if he hadn't seen it before, he knew that these were medicinal herbs that were hard to buy.

He just took a few sips of the aroma of the herbs, and he already felt that his whole body was full of peace, and he could imagine what kind of medicinal effects these herbs had.

"Brother Jiang, you are such a great writer."

Not far away, Han Jizu naturally also smelled the fragrance of these medicines, and then he gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up.

He already knew that Jiang Lin was a capable cultivator, and it was not surprising to have such a treasure.

It's just that he didn't expect Jiang Lin to treat such a treasure as a betrothal gift.

These treasures are estimated to have the effect of prolonging life.

"Good good, really good!"

At this moment, Zhan Juren's heart was completely happy.

Later, the exhibition people asked Jiang Lin's family background and other questions. Jiang Lin naturally followed the way he and Han Jizu originally

And the information that Feng Yunting said was repeated again.

Zhan Juren nodded slightly, and he just asked casually, although Jiang Lin had no parents, no relatives, but these were not big problems.

As long as he doesn't dislike his daughter and is willing to be nice to his daughter, nothing else matters.

"Uncle Zhan, Jiang Lin's character, I dare to promise you that he will definitely pass the test. If he wants to marry Zhan Min, he will never fail her."

At this time, Han Jizu mentioned to Zhan Juren that when he was walking with Jiang Lin, he encountered bandits who were rescued by Jiang Lin, and when he was bullied by Wang Dianshi in Gaoping County, Jiang Lin Wynn repaid and fought against the government. .

"Not afraid of power, good character, good character!"

After listening to Han Jizu talking about these things, the exhibition people could not wait to marry their daughter immediately.

Jiang Lin is actually both civil and military. Not only is he talented, he can even single-handedly take on [*] yamen with his strength.

What is even more outstanding is the character of others. In order to repay the kindness of the night, he even dared to face the difference between the officers and soldiers.

Such a son-in-law is simply nothing in the sky!

Not long after, Mrs. Zhan also came to the living room, and Zhanju told his wife about Jiang Lin's proposal and some information about Jiang Lin.

When Mrs. Zhan learned that it was such a trustworthy young man with both political integrity and talent, she was about to cry on the spot.

This is really God's eye, and they continue to show their homes.

Moreover, this future son-in-law who came to propose a marriage came up with such rare medicinal materials that a thousand dollars could not buy.

Mrs. Zhan really doubted whether Jiang Lin was sent by the gods to marry the silly young lady of their Zhan family.

At the moment, as soon as the couple got together, they were going to choose an auspicious day to arrange the marriage of Jiang Lin and Zhan Min.

However, Jiang Lin did not agree, but set the marriage to be a month later.

It's not that he doesn't want to marry Zhanmin, it's just that Zhanmin's mood during this period cannot fluctuate greatly, neither great joy nor great sadness, otherwise it will affect Pan Xuemei's awakening.

Chapter [*]: The whole city is watching jokes ([*])

When Zhan Ju and Mrs. Zhan thought about it, they didn't have any opinion. Their daughters are stupid after all. During this time, it was not bad for Jiang Lin and Zhan Min to have more contact and get acquainted with each other.

After that, Zhan Juren asked the housekeeper to ask the maids to bring Zhan Min over and let her meet with Jiang Lin.

"She... is she Zhan Min?"

When Zhanmin appeared at the door of the living room, Han Jizu's eyes were stunned. If he hadn't known in advance, he would have thought that the girl who came was Pan Xuemei.

"Then who do you think it is?"

Zhan Juren looked at Han Jizu with a puzzled expression, this kid was like seeing a ghost when he saw his daughter.

He didn't know Han Jizu's current mood, it was really like seeing a ghost.

Pan Xuemei was originally a ghost.


Mrs. Zhan called Zhan Min, but Zhan Min ignored her at all.

Seeing Jiang Lin in front, Zhan Min smiled stupidly, and then trotted directly into Jiang Lin's arms.

"Silly girl, what a formality."

Zhan Jue was also stunned when he saw this, and then he clapped the coffee table beside him and asked Mrs. Zhan to pull Zhan Min away.

Although the marriage of his own daughter and others has been decided, this silly daughter threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms as soon as she met, what kind of words!

If it doesn't work out, Jiang Lin will feel that this kind of situation is still a common occurrence.

Mrs. Zhan went to pull Zhan Min, but Zhan Min didn't want to, shouting: "I want him to hold, I want him to hold."

Jiang Lin saw that Zhan Ju and Mrs. Zhan were so embarrassed that they didn't know what to do, so he explained: "Uncle and aunt, I used to tease Miss Zhan when I was at the Yunlai Inn that day, so she didn't care about me at all. ."

In fact, he made up a reason at will. He couldn't tell Zhan Juren and the others that he had been living with Zhan Min for the past few days.

It's not like that either.

"Okay, let's go to your mother's place."

Jiang Lin pinched Zhan Min's slightly fat cheeks and coaxed him softly. Then Zhan Min reluctantly stopped sticking to him and went to Mrs. Zhan's place.

Zhan Ju and Mrs. Zhan glanced at each other, and their hearts were filled with joy again. Their daughter was a silly girl, but if it was possible, she would have to get married. I no longer know.

Maybe you don't even know what happiness is.

But now it seems that Zhan Min likes Jiang Lin very much. If he gets married with Jiang Lin in the future, he can happily be a bride.

OK, great.

Zhanju and the others even suspected that such happiness was too unreal, but if only Jiang Lin was here, it might still be fake, but now there is a Han Jizu who knows Jiang Lin in the living room.

Han Jizu is their nephew, so this is not a daydream.

"Uncle and aunt, I want to live in your place temporarily during the period before we get married. I used to travel in the mountains a lot, and I was fortunate enough to pick some medicinal herbs that have miraculous effects on the mind, to see if it can restore Miss Zhan. However, You can rest assured that Miss Zhan will not be hurt at all, I can guarantee this."

Jiang Lin made a request that he would temporarily live in Zhan's house. During this time, he had to take care of Zhan Min, so he naturally needed to live here.

As for what he said about using the herbs to restore Zhanmin, that was just the reason for the arrangement.

However, since Zhan Min will gradually recover, it will not take long for his mind to gradually mature, so he said hello to Zhan Juren in advance.

Zhan Ju and Mrs. Zhan looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Jiang Lin wanted to live in Zhan's house, so there was nothing wrong with it. Although it was not very etiquette, who would make their daughter stupid?

However, what they were worried about was that their daughter would be damaged by the test drug.

But when they thought that the herbs that Jiang Lin sent were almost all precious and harmless, their worries went away a lot.

If their daughter can return to a normal person, they can also relax completely.

After the matter was finalized, Zhan Juren asked the housekeeper to go to the Yunlai Inn in the county seat to reserve a table of the highest-grade banquet on the pretext of receiving favors from Han Jizu.

Since Jiang Lin was Han Jizu's friend and came to propose marriage, he naturally had to attend.

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