In fact, Zhanjuren just wanted to let others know that he Zhanjuren's daughter was also wanted by someone!

And it is still such an excellent son-in-law that God has dropped!

A few days ago, things that Zhan Min didn't even know about his father at Yunlai Inn have now spread, and I don't know how many people laughed at them Zhanjia.

Now, he can sweep away the humiliation of the past.

Jiang Lin didn't have any opinion on this. It was not a shameful thing for him to marry a wife, and it was natural to celebrate a happy event.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin, Han Jizu, and Zhan Juren to arrive in the county seat.

In just a short while, the story that Zhan's daughter was proposed and that the matter had been finalized spread in the county town.

Of course, this is because when Zhan Ju people instructed the butler, he deliberately asked the butler to show it off.

Therefore, in this county, it has been passed on from ten to ten.

"Zhanjuren, congratulations, congratulations, the daughter is delighted."

"Oh, Zhan Juren, you are a happy son-in-law."

"It's really a talent, a man and a woman."


Pedestrians on the road saw Zhanju people, and they all congratulated him, some sincerely congratulated him, but some were ready to see a joke.

Zhanmin is a silly girl. This incident is not only a household name in Pingjiang County, but also in nearby county towns.

As a result, someone came to propose a marriage today, and it actually happened.

Really big news.

I don't know how many people who eat melon want to see how this person who proposes a marriage is a "three heads and six arms".

No normal person would want to marry a fool as a daughter-in-law!

Seeing Jiang Lin snuggled by Zhan Min, for a while, it really became a scene where a man was silent and a woman was crying.

A seven-footed man with an extraordinary temperament and a handsome face.

How can such a person marry the daughter of the exhibition family?

The sun is coming out in the west!

Jiang Lin naturally ignored the gazes of the many rare animals around him.

At most, it will take a few months for these people to know that he has married a very virtuous and beautiful wife.

Chapter [*]: The whole city is watching jokes (below)

"Thank you, thank you."

Zhan Juren laughed and bowed his hands to the people around him who were congratulating him.

Seeing Jiang Lin's expression on the street, he really felt that he was very honorable.

What's wrong with my daughter-in-law?It is not the same to find such a son-in-law.

Even the concubine of the princess of the imperial city is not necessarily better than this son-in-law of my family.

Good character, good talent, good martial arts, good looks.

Anything is fine!

Damn, the princess would envy my stupid girl!

What is this called, this is called stupid people have stupid blessings.

Not only Zhan Juren, but also Mrs. Zhan could hardly keep their mouths shut.

Compared with men, women like to talk more about their tongues. I don't know how many long-tongued women in the city take their show home and their daughters as a joke.

How is it now, I envy my daughter to be lucky to go.

After Jiang Lin and the others walked over, the pedestrians on the street were all fried.

Especially some young girls who are about to get married, they are envious and jealous.

Why can Zhanmin meet such a gentleman?

Why can't I meet you?

Jiang Lin's appearance, although it can't be said that everyone loves flowers and flowers bloom, but his temperament that is different from ordinary people is there.

Just this good temperament is extremely rare.

Therefore, seeing such a man with a silly girl, many female compatriots feel that they have been severely hit.

As for those married women, the heart is even more unbalanced.

A foolish girl can find a man like this, the head of her own family, what a crooked melon and cracked date!

Where Jiang Lin and the others passed, after the parties walked away, they all became noisy.

This thing can really be regarded as a miracle.

When there was no movement, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at the Yunlai Inn.

The innkeeper, whom Jiang Lin had met before, naturally congratulated Zhan Juren.

Later, the innkeeper was stunned when he saw Jiang Lin.

"Guest officer, Zhanju's future son-in-law, is that you?"

"It's me."

Jiang Lin smiled and nodded.

The innkeeper was really stunned. When Jiang Lin was eating at the inn that day, he persuaded Jiang Lin not to have such thoughts. As a result, if this guest came here again today, he would become the prospective son-in-law of the Zhan family.

How unthinkable is this?

It's good that Miss Zhan is beautiful, but she can't stand being stupid, and she doesn't even know her biological father.

If this is the Ming media who are getting married, they will not be burdened for half their lives in the future.

Moreover, Zhanju's family background is not bad. If you marry Miss Zhan in the past, it is not easy to support her, can people be willing?

It is also for this reason that Zhan Min has not been married for so many years.

Here, women can get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

Zhanmin is almost twenty, and no one wants it yet.

"Boss, the little girl caused you a lot of trouble before, and also caused you a lot of losses. Can you give Zhan a thin noodles and have a drink together?"

At this time, Zhan Juren invited the innkeeper to have a drink for two. It was naturally inconvenient for him to boast about such a good son-in-law, and that would be a loss of identity.

But talking to the innkeeper, it's nothing.

After all, Zhan Min had indeed caused some trouble in this inn before this, and it was reasonable for him to let the shopkeeper go to the banquet on the grounds of apology.

Seeing that the exhibition was warmly invited, the inn shopkeeper went to the elegant room inside together and took a seat.

During the banquet, Zhan Juren praised Jiang Lin well, just like praising his own son.

The son-in-law of an aristocratic family and the descendants of the generals are not comparable to his future son-in-law.

Jiang Lin has no dissatisfaction with Zhan Juren's behavior. No matter who it is, with such a silly daughter, if he can finally find a peerless son-in-law, he will have to drool more than tea, but he blows it vigorously. Fan.

The innkeeper's jaw was about to drop after learning about Jiang Lin's virtuous and talented martial arts skills.

This is really the same as what Jiang Lin said at the beginning, stupid people have stupid blessings.

After leaving the table, the innkeeper, of course, had a meal with others, and it didn't take long for the entire town of Pingjiang County to be boiling.

Can't believe it!

To outsiders, such a thing sounds like a fantasy.

Even if it is a fairy tale like Cinderella meets a prince, Cinderella is only covered in dust, but she is not stupid at all.

Even if he was a little stupid, he wouldn't even recognize his own father.

Therefore, some good people in the county have spread rumors. To put it bluntly, they are too full to eat and look down on others.

Whether it is male or female, old or young, it is basically either rumour or falsehood.

Anyway, these people are paying attention to Zhanjia's affairs, and they are ready to see if there will be any jokes in this marriage that is not at all reasonable.

Jiang Lin didn't expect that he would make such a big commotion when he married a wife, and what made him even more unexpected was that this incident would become a fuse that would bring him a lot of trouble later.

In the afternoon, Jiang Lin and the others returned to the Zhanfu. After the Zhanju people had settled down because of their daughter's marriage, they went directly to open the warehouse to put food and do good deeds.

"Brother Jiang, how did you find Zhanmin? I didn't expect Zhanmin to be the reincarnation of Miss Pan's other souls. Will Miss Pan be the same as her in the future?"

After Mrs. Zhan asked her servants to clean up the guest room for Han Jizu and Jiang Lin, Han Jizu came to Jiang Lin's room and asked Jiang Lin what was going on.

"I still want to ask you, Zhanmin should be your sister, right? You don't know Xuemei?"

"I know it, but I don't know. The last time I came to Zhanjia, I was only seven or eight years old. Where do you want me to meet Miss Pan?"

Han Jizu shrugged and said that he really didn't know about this.

"So it is."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then expressed his gratitude to Han Jizu. If Han Jizu wasn't there today, the marriage between him and Zhanmin would probably not have been written off yet.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin briefly explained what happened to Pan Mansion after Han Jizu and Gu Shulan left, and what happened to Zhan Min here.

"What about Miss Gu?"

"Don't mention it, I'm so sad."

After Jiang Lin mentioned Gu Shulan, Han Jizu's face drooped down.

Then he told Jiang Lin what was going on. Originally, he and Gu Shulan were already in love, and he also made it clear that he would marry Gu Shulan. Even if the other party was a ghost woman and had been a ghost prostitute, he wouldn't mind.

The family has always been left to him, as long as he insists, it will not be a problem.

But Gu Shulan refused to agree, saying that she was an unclean ghost, and she would continue her fate with Han Jizu in the next life, even if she was a concubine.

I just don't want to marry Han Jizu now.

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