"Also...is there such a way?"

Zhanmin stared at the mud demon in a daze, she had never heard of such a thing, even if it was the memory that emerged in her mind, there was no information in this regard.

During this period of time, because her emotions had been impacted many times, the memory in her mind had been interrupted, and she had no idea about some of the information in the world of monks that Pan Xuemei obtained for ghosts after her death.

"That's right, actually, my cousin knows that you were mentally ill and didn't have the ability to protect yourself. You were bullied, and you were just a victim. However, since you were still a fool at that time, you didn't remember anything about it. In this case, if you change your body, you can start all over again. At least it won't be like the gossip in the county town."

The mud demon pretends to be the same, but in fact, everything it says is fake.

There is indeed a method of rebirth through borrowing, but it is a high-level technique that even it cannot master.

It said so, it was purely wanting to use Zhan Min to make a game for Jiang Lin.

Give Jiang Lin a slaughter of ten deaths and no life.

"Is this really possible?"

After listening to these words of the mud demon, Zhan Min was a little stunned.

Although "Han Jizu" said these fantastic things, she could still understand only by listening to the conclusion.

"of course."

The mud demon nodded, and then said: "What does Jiang Lin do to you, you know in your heart that he has paid so much, do you want to miss him from now on? Besides, my uncle and aunt don't know how much they like him like this. A son-in-law, they want the two of you to get married and get married, their two elders worked hard to raise you, and now their only wish is this, do you want to disappoint them?"

The mud demon's ability to deceive people has always been very skilled. Pan Xuemei, Zhanmin's previous life, was bewitched by it to the point of hanging himself.

Now to bewitching Zhan Min, that's a trivial matter at all.

"Put yourself in the other person's shoes" to consider the other side, and then play a hand of emotional cards, let alone Zhan Min, the Pan Xuemei of the year, replaced by the current Zhan Min, would also be bewitched to the north.


Zhanmin didn't know how to respond for a while, but the words of the other party really spoke to her heart.

"Then... Then what is this rebirth by borrowing? Can it really be successful?"

"You can rest assured about that."

Seeing that Zhan Min was gradually getting on the road, the mud demon flashed a sinister smile on his face, and then he said: "It's equivalent to using some special methods to use your little blood and hair as a guide to recreate a new one with you. Come to the same physical body, and finally transfer your soul and mind. Speaking of which, that warlock is really capable of supernatural powers, he told me back then, let me study hard, and it will be useful in the future. I didn’t expect it. It would actually be used on you, if I hadn't heard those words in the county town, I wouldn't have known that such a thing happened."

What the mud demon said was amazing, and Zhanmin had a need, so she gradually believed it.

"Okay, I'll start it now. It's been a few days since you and Jiang Lin's wedding. I'll prepare all the utensils that I need as soon as possible. If it's fast, I guess it will be done by this time tomorrow. By then, you will Go find me fifteen miles to the south, by the way, remember not to let Jiang Lin know about this matter. Otherwise, I am afraid that even I will not have the opportunity to continue to be friends with him."

Seeing the look of hope in Zhan Min's eyes, the mud demon knew that his plan had an initial chance of success.

Next, as long as Zhan Min cooperates, everything should go quite smoothly.

After that, the mud demon instructed Zhan Min to prepare excuses and some details to leave the Zhan Mansion tomorrow, so he left the woods.

When Zhan Min walked out of the gate of Zhan Mansion, it sensed Jiang Lin's spiritual sense and swept over, so it deduced that Jiang Lin was always paying attention to Zhan Min's movements in order to protect Zhan Min's safety.

Therefore, it specially explained that if Zhanmin left tomorrow, he would be followed by Jiang Lin.

The mud demon did leave directly. Although Zhan Min was also the target of the mud demon, now, it was not ready to attack Zhan Min.

In addition to discovering Jiang Lin's spiritual sense just now, it also discovered that there is a phantom Rakshasa in Zhan Min's shadow to protect him.

Once it starts, Jiang Lin's distance from here will only make it startle.

This is not what it wants to see.

In addition to Zhan Min, the conditions for becoming a demon saint or even an alternative immortal also require the source of flame in Jiang Lin's body.

If the two don't come together, it doesn't make much sense at all.

As for the Phantom Rakshasa in Zhanmin's shadow, the mud demon is not worried about whether he will tell Jiang Lin what he said to Zhanmin.

Since this happened to Zhan's family and Jiang Lin didn't know about it yet, this meant that the Phantom Rakshasa beside Zhan Min only served to protect Zhan Min's safety.

Otherwise, once the phantom Rakshasa spread the word, Jiang Lin would have no reason to let this misunderstanding continue.

"I remembered it all."

Zhanmin kept the things explained by the mud demon in his heart, and then returned to Zhanfu.

She still didn't know that she had been used as a chess piece, making Jiang Lin fall into the Jedi's chess piece.

"I didn't expect such a good thing to happen, chance, chance, it's coming!"

The mud demon laughed loudly all the way, and this time it even felt that the right time, place, and itself were all taken up.

Under normal circumstances, it is well known in the city that whoever daughter gets married will cause trouble. If it hadn't been for Zhan Min's matter spread to the county seat and heard by Han Jizu, he would not have known about such a situation.

There is no reason to use Zhan Min as a pawn.

This is the time of day.

When Jiang Lin was called by Zhanmin tomorrow, everything was already under his control, and the killing was just waiting for Jiang Lin to drill, which was the right place.

As for Ren Ren, it was naturally the cooperation of the deceived Zhan Min.

The mud demon even began to imagine that he broke through to the level of the demon saint in one fell swoop, and then went ahead like a broken bamboo.

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-one chapters are easy to hide and arrows are hard to guard against ([-])

"Why do your eyelids keep jumping?"

Jiang Lin asked his servants to cook some treasures to make soup, and then he touched his eyes. Just now, his eyelids kept twitching.

In the past, such a situation had occurred because he was about to encounter danger.

But he couldn't think of anything that could threaten him.

During this period, in addition to accompanying Zhan Min and guarding his wife, he was also dealing with hidden dangers in his body in his spare time.

Although he can't deal with it completely for the time being, he can still do it by suppressing it.

Logically speaking, this warning sign should not come from the internal strife in the body.

Could it be that there will be some dangers ahead?

Jiang Lin felt that if the bad omen was not on his own, it might be on the way to Anyang City.

After all, his original plan was to go directly to the thousand-year-old mass grave in Wen Erguo after he married Zhan Min.

He estimated that in the past two or three days, all the memories that belonged to Pan Xuemei sealed in Zhanmin's mind should also appear.

When Pan Xuemei returns, he plans to go to Anyang City first.

Of course, he has not forgotten about the mud demon, but the mud demon was hit hard by him last time, and it is estimated that he has shrunk, and he does not know where to hide.

If he wants to find it, some Dao techniques must be used. If nothing else, even chasing the mud demon, he must use his spiritual power to fly.

Therefore, he is going to go to Anyang City to see first, if he can get any good results, after giving himself more opportunities to shoot, he will go to the trouble of the mud demon.

The mud demon was severely injured by it, and the injuries were further injured. It took ten or eight years of effort to recover, and it was not too short of time.

Jiang Lin's plan was very good, but after all, he was not as good as God.

This time he was really wrong.

The danger was not far from him, and the source was the mud demon that was thought to be unable to recover in ten or eight years.

Moreover, the danger this time is not obvious. It was the mud demon who hid in the dark and came out with a mind and no intention, setting up an extremely insidious killing game for him.

It's easy to hide with a gun, but it's hard to guard against a dark arrow. Even if Jiang Lin had warning signs now, he didn't expect the mud demon to go.

"Brother Lin, how is my father? Haven't you woken up yet?"

After Jiang Lin came out of Zhan Juren's room, he met Zhan Min. Zhan Min also knew that his father was depressed because of her affairs, which caused the situation, so she felt very sorry.

"Uncle didn't wake up, but he just didn't pay attention to his body. It's not a big problem. After taking some medicinal herbs, he will be able to recover."

"Brother Lin, you've worked hard."

Zhanmin pursed her lips and smiled, her lover really made her feel that there is no better man in the world than this.

"From now on, she will be my old husband-in-law. As my son-in-law, I will take care of him, so what's the hard work?"

Jiang Lin raised his hand and gently scratched the bridge of Zhan Min's nose, then took Zhan Min's hand and took him into his arms.

"Xiao Min, are you still thinking about your past life like you used to?"

After kissing Zhanmin on the forehead, Jiang Lin asked. According to his expectation, Zhanmin should have remembered the things he met in Pan Mansion.

Zhanmin didn't resist this time. Now she got hope from Han Jizu, who was possessed by the mud demon, and she was more resistant to some of Jiang Lin's intimacy behaviors like a few days ago.

"I don't want to think about it!"

Hearing Jiang Lin's question, Zhan Min pursed his lips, and his breathing became a little heavy.

What she hates most now is thinking about things, and when she thinks about it, she hates herself very much.

"It's okay, it's my fault."

Jiang Lin coaxed Zhanmin softly and warmly. He thought that Zhanmin didn't want to recall because he knew that Pan Xuemei in his previous life had suffered so many years after his death.

He had considered all of these, and since Zhan Min was somewhat conflicted, he would not mention it. Anyway, as long as the time came, these painful past life memories would be covered by Pan Xuemei's sweet memories.

There is no need for him to reluctantly show sensitivity now.

"Brother Lin, you are so kind."

Zhan Min blinked her curly eyelashes and looked at Jiang Lin with a pair of phoenix eyes, then she raised her face and kissed Jiang Lin involuntarily.

After the kiss, contradictory emotions appeared in her heart, and she didn't want to be in close contact with Jiang Lin until her body was rebuilt.

"Brother Lin, I... I went to my mother. I want to go to the county town with her tomorrow."

After pushing Jiang Lin away, Zhan Min followed the instructions of the mud demon and greeted Jiang Lin in advance.

"I'll go with you."

Jiang Lin nodded. Now that Zhan Min's mind has matured, the gazes of those in the county town probably won't affect her much.

Moreover, he also wanted to take his wife to the county town for a spin. At the beginning, all those idiots thought he was going to marry a fool's wife.

Since Zhan Min's recovery, he has never been to the county seat. It is estimated that the people in the county seat don't know much about it.

It happened that he went to Xiuxiu, the wife of Xiuwaihuizhong.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin really didn't show off his wife's mentality to others. It was because he heard the words of some broken-mouthed people in the county, and they said it a bit ugly.

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