Some people even said that he married Zhan Min because he was inhumane, and it didn't matter if he married a sow.

At that time, all his attention was on Zhanmin, and there was no need to reason with those people, and he wouldn't even bother to talk to them, but when he had the opportunity, let those good-hearted people enjoy the feeling of being slapped in the face. OK.

"When our mother-in-law goes to the city, it must be to buy some items for women. What are you talking about?"

Zhanmin shook his head and found such a reason not to let Jiang Lin follow.

"Okay, you go."

After Zhanmin said this, Jiang Lin realized that he was following Mrs. Zhan and Mrs. Zhanmin, and it was indeed not very good-looking. Moreover, there was a powerful charm in Zhanmin's shadow, even if there were any special circumstances, You can also notify him as quickly as possible.

What's more, Zhan Min's body surface still has the seal of protection that he arranged, so he is not very worried about Zhan Min's safety.

Therefore, Zhanmin did not let him follow, and he did not insist.

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-two chapters are easy to hide and dark arrows are difficult to guard against (below)

After Zhan Min found Mrs. Zhan, she closed the door and told her what Han Jizu had mentioned to her.

Mrs. Zhan was overjoyed when she learned of this situation.

In this way, Zhan Min and Jiang Lin's marriage can continue, and Jiang Lin won't be in a situation where he might get angry because he was deceived.

Even on the day of the wedding, some gossip reached Jiang Lin's ears, and his daughter had already changed her body, and these gossips naturally became rumors.

Although they deceived Jiang Lin anyway, they were willing to compensate Jiang Lin with everything they had.

They will leave everything to Jiang Lin.

Even if Jiang Lin's attitude towards them changes [*] degrees in the future, and they have no filial piety at all, they don't care, as long as Jiang Lin can treat Zhan Min well.

Mrs. Zhan also knew that she acted selfishly and felt ashamed of Jiang Lin, but as a mother, there are a few who are not selfish because of the happiness of their children.

She and her master are willing to pay any price, as long as her poor daughter can be happy.

"Fortunately, your grandfather cousin had a chance before. Our family has always thought that Jiang Lin was given to us by God, but now I think about it, if it wasn't for your grandfather cousin, where would this marriage be? It will go well. Now there is an unexpected situation, and the trouble will be known to the whole city, it is still the method he thought of. "

Mrs. Zhan was very emotional, if only Jiang Lin appeared this time and there was no Han Jizu, I am afraid that the two of them would completely miss Jiang Lin, this peerless son-in-law.

However, Mrs. Zhan didn't know that the current Han Jizu was not her distant nephew at all.

And her son-in-law, Jiang Lin, who made her so satisfied that she could no longer be satisfied, would be planted in the hands of her "distant nephew".

After Mrs. Zhan said something to Zhanmin, she went to Zhanju, and after awakening him, she explained the same thing.

Zhan Juren's attitude is also the same as Mrs. Zhan's. If this daughter's marriage can really be done, everything will go smoothly, and he can only eat fast food and recite Buddha for the rest of his life.

The next day, Zhan Min and Mrs. Zhan left Zhan Mansion with a few maids as the mud demon said.

After half an hour, they arrived at the place where the mud demon said, but a bamboo hut with a courtyard appeared out of thin air.

In fact, this place is already an extremely dangerous killing situation. In order to hide from the public, the most important thing is to hide from Jianglin, so the mud demon arranged this place into a bamboo hut made of purple bamboo.

"Here it is."

The mud demon looked at Madam Zhan, who was looking forward to it, and smiled.

"Come in, Jiang Lin... Didn't he come?"

"No, I'm really sorry for him. Step-grandfather, is this possible for you?"

Mrs. Zhan took a deep breath. Whether or not it can be done depends on her distant nephew.

"No problem, come in."

The mud demon patted his chest and let Madam Zhan and Zhan Min enter the bamboo house.

As for the maids who came with them, they were waiting outside the bamboo hut.

After that, it began to cast spells with the first-class purple bamboo and the rest of the utensils it had prepared.

At the same time, the mud demon also asked Zhanmin to take hair, nails and a drop of blood.

Zhanmin did as she was told. Although there was a charm in her shadow, she would only show up to protect her when she was in danger, and she would be stopped by it if she hurt herself.However, now Zhan Min is only taking a little blood, so Charming Spirit naturally has no movement.

Appearing when it is not necessary will only scare Zhanmin.

Moreover, the mud demon does not have any demonic energy leaking now, and in this case, the charming spirit will only quietly lurk.

After getting the hair, skin and blood provided by Zhanmin, the mud demon released its own filth, and began to chant with Zhanmin's hair, nails and other materials.

It didn't take long for the purple bamboo in the house to take on a human form, and then it took on the appearance of Zhan Min.

The face, clothes, everything is exactly the same as Zhan Min.

Of course, the mud demon won't really change Zhanmin's body, it's just doing its own plan.

The body that this purple bamboo has turned into cannot be used by Zhan Min to transfer his soul and consciousness.

"Okay, thanks to the warlock who taught me these things."

Seeing that a body identical to Zhan Min himself was successfully created, a cunning light appeared in the eyes of Han Jizu, who was controlled by the mud demon.

"Auntie, Xiaomin, I'll cast the spell next."

The mud demon reminded, and then began to sing.

It was indeed casting a spell, but it had nothing to do with Zhan Min.

What the mud demon did was to create some illusions, making Mrs. Zhan and Zhanmin think they were reviving their souls.

"Auntie, let Xiaomin lie down."

When Mrs. Zhan and Zhanmin were immersed in the illusion, the mud demon gave Mrs. Zhan an order. It knew that there was a phantom Rakshasa in Zhanmin's shadow, so it didn't control Zhanmin and didn't touch it. Zhan Min, but control Mrs. Zhan.

At this time, the black area in Zhanmin's shadow moved, but after Mrs. Zhan just helped Zhanmin lie down, the charm continued to be quiet.

At the same time, the mud demon used a magic trick, causing the purple bamboo shell on the ground to stand in Zhanmin's original position.


After the mud demon withdrew from the illusion, he clapped his palm.

At this time, Mrs. Zhan and Zhan Min returned to reality from the illusion.

"It's really done, it's great, it's great! Xiaomin get up quickly and see if it's the same as before, is this body still adapting?"

Mrs. Zhan opened her eyes when she saw the "body" lying on the ground, and lifted it up with a happy face.

"Mother, it's fine, it's the same as before."

Zhan Min responded and felt that there was nothing unusual.

"Look, I didn't lie to you. Come on, let the maid outside call Jiang Lin over and give him a big surprise. I'll take care of Xiaomin's 'former body'."

The smile on the mud demon's face became stronger, and the progress of the plan was very, very smooth.

Mrs. Zhan didn't even think about why the mud demon called Jiang Lin, so she didn't say anything about the bamboo house, and asked the maids to hurry up and inform Jiang Lin.

"Auntie, Xiaomin, let's talk for a while. It's estimated that your mood is very depressed during this time."

The mud demon smiled and went to the bamboo courtyard, and the purple bamboo body with Zhanmin's hair and blood was taken out by his hand.

After closing the door of the bamboo house, the mud demon controlled the purple bamboo body to fly up and landed on the firewood not far away in the courtyard.

Next, as soon as Jiang Lin appeared, it ignited.

At that time, Jiang Lin had no time to investigate, and there was no way to find out that the purple bamboo shell was fake.

Even if his eyes are like eagles, Zhen Zhanmin is also here.

It is impossible to say that Jiang Lin has no doubts in his heart. As long as his attention is diverted, it is possible to enter this killing game.

If none of these are established, there is still an acquaintance who can use it.

Taking [*] steps back, Jiang Lin was extremely wise, and he was not doubtful.

In this killing game, Jiang Lin had to enter if he did not enter.

Chapter [*] You can really die (on)

At this moment, the mud demon was even intoxicated. As long as Jiang Lin entered the killing game it arranged, it would be able to deal with Jiang Lin and Zhan Min, that is, Pan Xuemei.

Zhan Min's special fate, as well as the rare source of flame in Jiang Lin's body can be obtained by it.

Moreover, using this place, it can immediately start to recover the injured body, and then directly destroy the realm.

This is also the reason why it didn't kill Zhan Min just now.

When Jiang Lin arrives, it will be better to deal with them together.

The more he imagined, the more excited the mud demon became. All of this was simply too perfect.

I have to say that the mud demon planned this time, and there was nowhere to pick out the fault.

However, the object of its plan this time is Jiang Lin.

If it can know how many dangers Jiang Lin has experienced in the past, but in the end, all dangers are saved, this time, it will not do so.

It can be said that the killing game it has painstakingly planned is a perfect match. However, such a killing game has its limits.

It's like using such a killing game to deal with an immortal, it won't work at all.

Although Jiang Lin was not an immortal, there were more than one immortal who died in his hands.

After half an hour, the maid who passed the message returned to Pan Mansion and found Jiang Lin.

"Young Master Jiang, Madam asked me to let you come over, saying that the lady will give you a surprise."

"Surprise me? What surprise?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. Didn't Mrs. Zhan and Zhanmin go to the county town to buy some items for women?

And yesterday, Zhanmin deliberately did not let him accompany him, so why let him go again now.

What to surprise him.

"I don't know about this. Anyway, the lady is full of joy."

The maid shook her head, she really didn't know what surprise Madam Zhan wanted to give Jiang Lin, and Madam Zhan didn't tell her.

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