"I'm going over here."

Jiang Lin didn't think much about it, since the maid said so, it means that Zhanmin deliberately did not let him accompany him yesterday, just to make up for today's surprise.

So Jiang Lin left the Zhan Mansion, led by a maid, and took him to a bamboo house more than ten miles away.

Half an hour later, the maid pointed to the bamboo hut not far ahead, and said to Jiang Lin, "Young Master Jiang, it's in the bamboo hut in front of you."

"Huh? They didn't go to the county seat?"

Jiang Lin frowned and looked forward. Before he could realize that something was wrong, he saw a fire over the bamboo house, and it was Zhan Min who was on the fire.

The mud demon has been paying attention to the surroundings for a long time, so when Jiang Lin and the maid appeared, it started to move.

The firewood was ignited by its spell, and the purple bamboo shell on it was lying on its side, with its face facing Jiang Lin's direction.

Jiang Lin's eyesight was extraordinary, and he could see clearly even from a distance.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Lin was shocked, and his mind went blank.

After that, he didn't think about anything, and rushed over desperately.

It's not that Jiang Lin wasn't careful enough, but the mud demon's move was too clever.

The purple bamboo body is a dummy created from Zhanmin's deity's blood and hair and skin combined with the dirt in the mud demon's body, but this dummy is no different from Zhanmin in terms of breath and appearance.

If it wasn't for a close-up observation, even with Jiang Lin's eyesight, it would be difficult to distinguish the true from the false for a while.

What's more, the matter is related to Zhanmin, or a life-and-death crisis. Jiang Lin is concerned about chaos, so how can he think more.

He has always been like this, and when it concerns his family, he can't keep a clear head as usual.

There is no need to take one step back or two steps as the mud demon imagined, and now Jiang Lin will directly enter the center.


After Jiang Lin rushed into the bamboo courtyard, he slammed his palm out, extinguishing the flames of the firewood pile, and then dodged away.

At this moment, he was also very puzzled, why Zhanmin's mother and daughter told him not long ago that they were going to give him a surprise, but now such a thing happened.

What confused him even more was that since Zhan Min was in danger, the Phantom Rakshasa hiding in his shadow should have already notified him.

Even if the charm is destroyed due to force majeure, the protective runes on Zhanmin's body will respond when Zhanmin is in danger of life and death. In this case, he can also know.

But now, there are no signs or warnings.

Something is wrong!

After Jiang Lin approached the firewood pile, he found that the purple bamboo shell on it had been baked by the flames, causing the magic spell applied to it to fail, and gradually showed its original shape.

However, at the same time Jiang Lin reacted, a large area of ​​filthy dust swelled up around the entire Bamboo Courtyard, covering the entire Bamboo Courtyard almost instantly.

At the foot of Jiang Lin, a large swath of mud was sprayed out in an instant, just like a blowout from an oil well.

Jiang Lin's on-the-spot reaction was not slow. He teleported several times without letting the dirt fall on his body. However, at this moment, the dirt hidden in Zizhu's body exploded out, with a speed that was too fast to cover his ears. He rushed towards Jiang Lin's face.

No matter how quick Jiang Lin's reaction was, he realized that these filthy mud belonged to mud demons, but he was still a step behind.


Jiang Lin let out a scream, and the dirty soil shot out of the purple bamboo directly caught his eyes, and because the dirty soil also contained this golden spiritual energy, some dust particles rushed into his eye sockets. Afterwards, it transformed into tiny sea urchin-like fine sand.

Immediately, his eyes seemed to be stabbed by ten thousand needles.

Jiang Lin knelt down on one knee, blood dripping from his eyes, and the sludge also sprayed on him.

In an instant, the skin on his body was corroded and festered.

Regardless of Jiang Lin's body or corpse, he was already invulnerable to swords and guns. As long as his strength did not exceed the upper limit of his defense, he would not be able to cause any damage to him.

However, Jiang Lin's body and corpse are not corrosion-resistant, to be precise, they are not corrosion-resistant.

The sludge that spewed out from under the ground contained tyrannical corrosive power.

After Jiang Lin was injured, he immediately mobilized the Yang Yan in his body, forming a circular fire hood around him, blocking a large amount of sludge.

At this time, applause broke out in the bamboo courtyard.

Han Jizu, who was actually a mud demon, came out from behind the bamboo house.

It really admired Jiang Lin. If he hadn't done enough work, it would have been difficult for him to hurt Jiang Lin.

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-four chapters you can really die (in)

"Han Jizu?"

Now, Jiang Lin couldn't open his eyes at all, but his spiritual sense was still able to radiate out, which is why he "sees" Han Jizu.

"No, you are a mud demon!"

Jiang Lin faced the mud demon, and the endless killing intent in his body suddenly erupted.

It was only now that he realized that the warning sign he appeared yesterday was not because of some intractable monk or evil spirits he would encounter on the way, but because of this mud demon who had been hit hard by him.

"Where's Zhanmin?"

Jiang Lin endured the doubts and anger in his heart, and almost roared coldly.

The reason why the purple bamboo shell just now was able to confuse him is because it contains Zhan Min's blood and spirit.

"Jizu, what's going on?"

At this moment, Mrs. Zhan and Zhanmin opened the door of the bamboo house and came out. Just now, they suddenly found that it was suddenly dark, and there was a very big movement outside, just like an earthquake, so , came out and asked Han Jizu what was going on.

But as soon as they opened the door, they saw Jiang Lin in the fireball, that is, the light of the fireball, so that they could see the surrounding situation.

The current Jiang Lin was covered in blood, and there were erosion wounds all over his body.

"Brother Lin!"

When Zhanmin saw Jiang Lin's appearance, she screamed in shock.

After that, she rushed towards Jiang Lin recklessly.

The mud demon didn't stop it at all, and now that Zhan Min and Jiang Lin were together, they just did what it wanted.

It can get the expected benefits, and Zhan Min and Jiang Lin can also be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks.


After Jiang Lin discovered Zhan Min, his dangling heart finally fell, and Zhan Min was not hurt.


This is the game set up by the mud demon.

After confirming that Zhan Min was fine, Jiang Lin gradually calmed down.

His mind moved slightly, and he thought that the mud demon had borrowed Han Jizu to use Zhanmin.

And Zhan Min has more than one protective measures on his body, so the mud demon didn't do anything to Zhan Min in order not to startle the snake.

After realizing this, Jiang Lin didn't let Zhan Min rush over, and he teleported directly. The place he was in was full of sludge with powerful corrosive power, even if Zhan Min was protected by charms and amulet runes , it won't last long.

After appearing by Zhan Min's side, Jiang Lin let his own yin fire spread out, wrapping Zhan Min and preventing him from being hurt by his own yang flame.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with you? What's going on here!"

Zhanmin didn't care about the flames between himself and Jiang Lin, and jumped directly into Jiang Lin's arms, tears pouring down like rain.

She didn't even know what happened, why a good bamboo courtyard suddenly changed, and why Jiang Lin was burning with flames and hurt like this.

What she cared about now was Jiang Lin. The blood on Jiang Lin's face and the rot on his body made her feel as if her heart had been cut by a knife.

"Jiezu, what's wrong? How did it become like this?"

Mrs. Zhan was also dumbfounded, she didn't understand what was going on.

"He's not Han Jizu at all."

After Jiang Lin wiped Zhanmin's tears, he faced the mud demon again.

He really couldn't figure out why the mud demon appeared here. He could see clearly the injury of the mud demon at the beginning.

It can be said that as long as the chaos in his body has a tendency to cause chaos at that time, it can be delayed for a while, and the mud demon will definitely be completely stunned.

Such a heavy injury, unless the mud demon can use fairy treasures or material treasures with excellent medicinal effects, it is impossible to recover in such a short period of time.

Moreover, even if he recovers, it is impossible to plan such a conspiracy in such a short period of time.

"How is it, Jiang Lin, I haven't seen you for a month, it's like every three autumns."

Seeing that Jiang Lin's eyes were blind and his body was rotted by his own sludge, the mud demon began to get carried away.

"Don't you know? I'm all thanks to you, thanks to you."

Now that things have basically become a foregone conclusion, the mud demon directly broke away from Han Jizu's body and showed his true appearance.

"Monster, monster!"

Mrs. Zhan saw a cloud of gray mist flying out of Han Jizu's body, and then turned into a disgusting clay figurine, she screamed and fainted.

Jiang Lin didn't care about the mud demon's words at all. Although he was puzzled and extremely puzzled, these were no longer the primary issues. The most important situation now was to break through from this slaughter.

Since the mud demon planned such a trick, and still held back not hurting Zhan Min, this is enough to show that the other party has considered it very carefully.

This also shows that this robbery is absolutely extraordinary.

If the predicament is not resolved as soon as possible, he may be unable to move forward.

What's more, there is still a Zhan Min by his side.

Is the whole space sealed off?

Under Lingjue's investigation, Jiang Lin discovered that the filthy soil above had formed a cover, covering a radius of [*] meters.

"I'm talking, what are you doing?"

The mud demon roared when he found Jiang Lin's spiritual sense exploring the surroundings.

Then, it was short and slapped the ground with both hands, and then within a radius of [*] meters, the ground turned into a quagmire, and the endless filthy and rotten aura permeated in an instant, and the surrounding vegetation, sand and stones were assimilated into mud.

However, after these breaths appeared, the mud demon controlled it and fixed the terrifying power in the mud around Jiang Lin and Zhanmin.

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