Up to now, the mud demon still chooses to be cautious in tactics.

Because after sensing that Jiang Lin's aura was not sluggish, it didn't want to waste any of its strength.

Although the current situation is very gratifying, it still doesn't understand where Jiang Lin's strength is.

The expression on Jiang Lin's face became dignified, and the aura around him now not only contained the power of decay, but a more terrifying power of degradation.

All living and dead will be disintegrated.

Is this the true strength of the mud demon?

Jiang Lin hovered half a foot above the quagmire and hugged Zhan Min tightly. Seeing the situation around him, he was also stunned.

Last time, although he almost killed the mud demon, but at that time he had the advantage of the first mover, and he went up to Wang Zhuang, which made the mud demon show no strength at all.

But now, the positions of him and the mud demon are almost completely reversed.

Now the mud demon has taken the lead, and borrowed external forces to arrange a killing situation.

What's more tricky is that the dirt and dust covered above have been covered with a layer of gold paint, and it is not so easy to break through.

With this layer of gold paint, even if he uses Yang Yan or even the true fire of the sun, the dirty soil behind the gold layer will change in shape due to the high temperature, strengthening the top cover.

In a short period of time, it must be impossible to break through.

After sensing it again, Jiang Lin frowned even tighter. In addition to the flames, he could also bombard with the Yang Yang Palms, but the filthy soil above was built into a whole, unless he reduced the attack area or Amplify the attack power ten times or even dozens of times, otherwise, it is estimated that it is impossible to blast a gap.

At this moment, Jiang Lin felt that the area he was in was falling horizontally, and the top layer formed by the muddy quagmire and the filthy soil above was gradually being pressed down.

"I have to say, you are really going to die."

Seeing this, Jiang Lin also dismissed the idea of ​​breaking through to the outside world.

The mud demon didn't plan to let him and Zhanmin escape from this closed space at all. In this case, it was time to start a war.

As long as you kill the mud demon and go straight to the general, the predicament will be solved naturally.

Chapter [*] You can really die (below)

"What did you say? I didn't hear it."

The mud demon seemed to have heard a big joke. It really couldn't figure out where Jiang Lin's strength was, and Jiang Lin did cause a lot of psychological shadows on it, but Jiang Lin said that it was killing it now. Make it laugh.

"You don't really think you've hurt me once, and you think I'm just that capable? No? No?"

The mud demon glared at Jiang Lin, it was cautious because of the consideration of not letting things go wrong, but at this moment, this Jiang Lin actually looked down on it.

"Didn't you hear? I said you were going to die! I spared your life last time, but I didn't expect you to be healed and the scars forgot to hurt. It's really hard for me to deal with the enclosed space you created, but Now the ground level of the entire area in this area is falling. Do you want to sink it to the ground to trap me completely? You never thought that in this situation, you will never have the chance to escape like last time. already."

Jiang Lin smiled coldly, what he said was the truth.

The mud demon is now causing the entire area to descend, and after this confined space sinks into the ground, the soil above it will still become solid.

That is to say, even if the mud demon splits into several gray mists again this time, there is no way to escape.

The mud demon's hand is also equivalent to breaking his own way.

However, all of this must be based on the premise that he can kill the mud demon.

"Oh, why didn't I think of it? I didn't think about it!"

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, a frightened expression suddenly appeared on the face of the mud demon, but then it slowly changed its face, and its face turned into a mocking look.

How can anyone think that it is so beautiful?

Think I'll make the same mistake last time?

It’s ridiculous!


The mud demon really felt that he was amused by Jiang Lin. Until now, Jiang Lin still thinks about his past victories.

Things have changed, idiot!

Now and then!

Thirty days of Hedong, thirty days of Hexi!

"You really don't know your current situation, blind man!"

After the mud demon roared, the demon power in his body surged out, and under its full strength, the mud below Jiang Lin began to boil, and the mud began to shoot out, towards Jiang Lin and Zhan Min Shoot away.

As for the rotten and foul air above the mud, it also squeezed and penetrated towards the fire cover around Jiang Lin.

"Xiao Min, I'm carrying you on my back, don't be afraid, I will protect you at any time."

Jiang Lin softly explained to Zhan Min who was in his arms, then he carried him behind his back, stepped on the mud, and used his strength to charge at the mud demon.

"Brother Lin, I am dragging you down."

Zhan Min's tears dripped on the back of Jiang Lin's neck. Although she still didn't know what happened, a monster appeared from Han Jizu's body and wanted to harm her lover, even if she didn't know what it was. The situation, I also know that she killed Jiang Lin this time.

As for why Jiang Lin was completely different from before, what was the monster on the opposite side, and what happened to the surrounding mud, she didn't want to care or think about it.

As long as Jiang Lin is safe, nothing matters.

However, even if Jiang Lin rushed to kill the past, he couldn't help the mud demon at all.

Now the mud monster occupies a favorable location and can completely integrate with the quagmire below. No matter how strong the flame of Jianglin is, unless the mud in the entire area can be evaporated and sublimated, otherwise, it cannot pose any threat to the mud monster at all. .

The mud demon didn't choose to fight Jiang Lin head-on. On the one hand, it wanted to see what kind of strength Jiang Lin could show in the face of desperation. On the other hand, if it could, it didn't want to put its own strength. All the magic power is exhausted.

Now, as long as it drags on, the situation is getting more and more favorable for it.

If it can retain more demon power, it will be more smooth in the future when it recovers from injuries and even breaks the realm.

"You seem to be very energetic. You can jump around like this with a woman on your back. I'll let you be honest."

After the mud demon hid in the quagmire to avoid Jiang Lin's Yang Finger Sword, it emerged from the other direction, and then it let out a loud roar, causing the quagmire to churn, and finally formed a muddy water under Jiang Lin. swirl.

The suction force formed by the vortex began to absorb the vitality in Jiang Lin and Zhanmin, especially Zhanmin, whose vitality was rapidly losing.

The demon power attribute of the mud demon is similar to Zhanmin's life attribute, and it can directly absorb the vitality in Zhanmin's body.


Jiang Lin quickly put down Zhan Min behind him, hugged him in his arms, and let the spiritual power in his body transfer into his body.

However, just as Jiang Lin was taking care of Zhanmin, the mud demon's arms were covered with a layer of gold paint and stretched out directly.

Protected by the golden spirit energy, the mud demon's arms pierced directly through Jiang Lin's shoulder blades.

"You really are the most capable thing I've ever seen, no one."

Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and spider web-like blood threads appeared in his pupils.

Now, he can no longer let the corpse poison in his body suppress the chaos, the mud demon must die!

Chapter [*] Is the last words finished? (superior)

After completely liberating the corpse poison in his body, Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Zhan Min's vitality is being absorbed, and even his own vitality is captured by the muddy water vortex below, so he has to use the vitality of the corpse to carry it hard.

However, because of the mobilization of all his own corpse poison, how could the corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian, which has been suppressed in his body, let go of such an opportunity.

Make a mess, make a mess.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Lin vomited blood.

Although the mud demon pierced his shoulders with claws, such an injury was nothing to him.

However, the mud demon didn't know Jiang Lin's situation. It thought that his blow had really hit Jiang Lin hard.

Now Jiang Lin's aura is much weaker.

"Brother Lin!"

When Zhan Min saw Jiang Linkou spewing blood and both shoulders were pierced, his face became bloodless.

It was also because of these successive emotional shocks that unbearable pain appeared in her mind.

"Xiaomin, I'm fine."

Seeing Zhanmin holding his head in his hands, with a painful expression on his face, Jiang Lin temporarily suppressed the endless killing intent in his heart and raised his hand to stroke Zhanmin's hair.

He comforted softly: "Silly girl, you are my wife, there is nothing to be a drag on it. Husband and wife need to face the possible hardships and disasters together, and I have never blamed you. Be obedient, and don't allow any self-confidence in your heart. I have no idea of ​​guilt. Besides, I have nothing to do now, these injuries are nothing to me at all. I have never told you about some situations, in short, don’t be overwhelmed by fright because of some injuries on my body I'm not so worried about myself right now, I'm just worried about you. The reason why I didn't tell you something is because I'm afraid that your mood will become unstable and it will be harmful to yourself."

Jiang Lin is indeed a little embarrassed now. Now, because of the appearance of the mud demon, Zhan Min has been experiencing large emotional fluctuations again and again. If Zhan Min continues to regret and blame himself, Pan Xuemei's memory may be forever. buried deep.

In that case, he would be equivalent to losing Pan Xuemei.

Therefore, Jiang Lin could only do his best to appease Zhan Min's emotions.

Zhan Min nodded slightly, although he didn't know why Jiang Lin didn't explain many things to her, but since the time he spent with Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin had been relying on her for everything. Now think about it. , which is in line with what Jiang Lin said about not wanting to make her emotionally unstable.

Therefore, she also tries her best to control her mental state.

However, now Zhan Min's mind has a lot of memories belonging to Pan Xuemei rapidly emerging.

Zhan Min's mood swings would indeed prevent Pan Xuemei's memories from appearing. However, the dissipated vitality in her body is similar to Pan Xuemei's situation after her revenge. This creates an alternative stimulus.

Although Pan Xuemei's remnant soul merged with Zhan Min's soul, it still existed.

What Zhanmin has seen, heard, and experienced has greatly stimulated him, and naturally a stress response is formed, and he wants Zhanmin to quickly revive the memories of his previous life.

It's just that the memories that emerged in Zhanmin's mind were not benign. If one did not get it right, it would be harmful to both her and Pan Xuemei.

At this time, the mud demon laughed out loud when he saw that Jiang Lin had been severely injured, but he didn't have any reaction.

Then, it pulled its outstretched arms out of the blood holes on Jiang Lin's shoulders. Suddenly, Jiang Lin's back was like two fire hydrant nozzles. became two blood columns.

To be done, to be done!

At this moment, the mud demon's mood is very throbbing. As long as it continues like this, even if Jiang Lin has any other means and abilities, he will not be able to exert his power due to his own injury.

In addition, because of the vitality in Zhanmin's body, it obviously feels that the wound on its back is healing quickly.

In this way, it will not be afraid at all, even if there are any unexpected changes in the future.

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