And this blue heart flame is different from the general yin fire and yang flame. It is a flame with extremely low temperature, but the freezing power it contains is not simple at all.

Back then, in the underground of Shudi in Middle-earth, even Daoist Chunhua and that Fei Zong were frozen by this flame for three or four hundred years, and their terrifying might was evident.

With Lan Xinyan's freezing power blocking, the vitality in Zhanmin's body will be frozen into one, and will no longer be absorbed by the muddy water vortex below.

This was also what Jiang Lin thought of when he was thinking about how to deal with the mud demon.

After freezing Zhan Min, Jiang Lin let some charms in the ancient mirror in his arms show up, and sent Zhan Min, who had turned into an ice sculpture, to the edge of the closed area for protection. one place.

Next, he wants to start a killing spree to keep Zhan Min and the others away from the battle circle, and to avoid being affected by the aftermath of the battle.

After sending Zhan Min away, Jiang Lin was completely corpse, and stiff hair appeared all over his body, which was one of the reasons why he chose to freeze Zhan Min.

If Zhanmin saw his man turned into such a monster, it would be strange if he didn't freak out.

Jiang Lin let out a low growl, and then his figure completely disappeared out of thin air.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

The mud demon blinked hard and rubbed his eyes again.

At this moment, it suspected that it had seen a ghost.

What was that thing just now?

Demon corpse?

Before it came back to its senses, a terrifying monster corpse with a corpse tooth growing to its chin appeared in front of it.

"Two blood holes were stabbed in my shoulders, you are very capable!"

Before Jiang Lin could finish his words, Jiang Lin's corpse claws pierced through the belly of the mud demon and grabbed the demon spirit out. After that, his other hand landed on the mud demon's body with lightning speed. On the chest, the dead cargo flew out like a cannonball, hitting the wall formed by the surrounding dirt.

"How... how is it possible!"

After the mud demon spat out a mouthful of blood, it climbed up and looked ahead with an incredible face.

It was really right before, it was a demon corpse!

Jiang Lin, a living person, turned into a terrifying corpse in an instant!

Because Jiang Lin has internal turmoil, he knows that he will not cause trouble without causing trouble, so he has always had a very effective cover-up method.

Because of this, even if Jiang Lin used the corpse's ability before, the mud demon didn't find any clues.

It also couldn't have imagined that Jiang Lin, in addition to being a monk, was actually a jerk.

"What about you, have you finished your last words? Are you deaf?"

Jiang Lin showed a ferocious corpse, and his chilling eyes fell on the body of the mud demon.

At the same time, the strength in his palm suddenly increased many times, and the mud demon also spurted blood because his demon spirit was injured.

Success in one fell swoop.

Before, when Jiang Lin's vitality and blood were sucked and pulled, he had already begun to make plans in his heart.

How could he not know that the longer the time dragged on, the more vitality the mud demon would absorb, and the more difficult the situation would be.

The reason why he didn't choose to act rashly was because he knew that the mud demon was extremely cunning, otherwise it would be impossible for him and Zhanmin to fall into such a killing situation.

Therefore, at that time, in addition to wanting to hear what kind of "last words" the mud demon could say, he also had the opportunity to let the mud demon take it lightly and create a chance for himself to succeed.

"you you……"

The mud demon's eyes are open like a calf. It counts a thousand times. No matter how you think about it, how can you think that Jiang Lin is actually a demon corpse.

At this moment, the mud demon was indeed a little flustered. The means and abilities that Jiang Lin possessed were completely beyond his expectations.

Even though Jiang Lin was hit hard and his vitality was absorbed a lot, a backhand made it fall into a ruthless turn again.

What's even more outrageous is that the distance between it and Jiang Lin is still a safe distance, and he believes that even if Jiang Lin has any means to use, it will be enough time to deal with it.

But now, its demon spirits have been taken away.

Chapter one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine

Seeing the bloody face and scarlet eyes in the river forest, the mud demon felt a shudder in his heart.

Jiang Lin's current appearance, even if it was a demon, made him feel quite horrified.

Originally, Jiang Lin's corpse was scary enough. His eyes were severely injured before, and the blood was oozing from the corners of his eyes, which was really terrifying.

Even those Phantom Rakshasa who protected Zhan Min couldn't compare to him now.

In fact, the panicked mood of the mud demon is not what it sees, but its current state.

Previously, it used the magic method to extract a lot of vitality from Zhanmin's body, and its old wounds were almost healed.

But now, its demon spirit has been taken away, directly making all the previous recovery in vain.

Now, it and Jiang Lin are really on the same starting line.

Even though Jiang Lin had been injured before, this young cultivator had the body of a demon corpse, and he was not an ordinary demon corpse.

In terms of vitality, it is no less than it.

Therefore, even if Jiang Lin was traumatized, it still hasn't hurt the root.

If Jiang Lin used the body of a demon corpse to cooperate with the monks, even if the situation was unfavorable, he would not necessarily lose to it.

Not to mention that at this moment, its lifeline was seized by Jiang Lin.

Thinking of this, the mud demon regretted that he was too complacent before.

Before the accident occurred, Jiang Lin had been in a meaningless stalemate, but now it seems that what is meaningless, it is simply confusing it and reducing its vigilance.

If the mud demon didn't understand that Jiang Lin's previous behavior was only to succeed with one blow, then it would be too stupid.

It was because of this that the mud demon realized that Jiang Lin, a young cultivator, not only possessed terrifying means, but also possessed extraordinary wisdom.

Otherwise, it would not have made a big somersault in its hands just after leaving the cave.

However, although Jiang Lin now has the upper hand, he is not at all uncomfortable.

After absorbing Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's Yuan Yin, ghost anger and resentment, Jiang Lin did have a chance to make a move.

However, this is based on the fact that one's own spiritual energy Yang Yan and corpse poison do not appear at the same time. Even if they are used at the same time, they must ensure that a part of the corpse poison is left to suppress Wangtian's corpse poison.

However, now Jiang Lin can't keep part of his corpse poison.

From just now until now, the muddy water vortex below has always existed, that is to say, he has always been in a state of loss of vitality.

In this case, it is up to him to choose, and he must completely corpse this trip.

He could only make a desperate attempt to kill the mud demon completely.

In that case, it would be beneficial to Zhan Min, and it would also be of great benefit to himself.

As long as there is a result, the magic power of the mud demon can become his tonic.

But before the results appeared, he could not feel well for a while.

In order to prevent the chaos in the body from being discovered by the mud demon, Jiang Lin had to use the ability to strengthen his defenses to make the surface of his body iron, suppressing the explosion caused by the chaos in the body.

But the more he did, the more seriously he was hurt.

"Don't you want the source of the flame in my body? Come on, I'll give it to you for nothing."

After suppressing the blasting power in his body, Jiang Lin grinned, and then he clutched the mud demon spirit's arm and spurted out the true fire of the sun.


This time, Jiang Lin chose to practice.

However, this time, Jiang Lin directly used the true fire of the sun to refine the spirituality in the mud demon spirit.

Immediately, the demon spirit held by Jiang Lin was like a little mouse and let out a shrill cry.

At the same time, the mud demon screamed again and again, feeling the same as his own demon spirit.

The mud demon couldn't care about the pain of being scorched by the cannon, and rushed directly to Jiang Lin to take back his demon spirit.

It still doesn't know that Jiang Lin is already fighting its demon spirit's idea, so he just uses real fire to refine it, and does not directly destroy it.

Although even if the demon spirit is destroyed, it will not perish, but it will definitely be seriously injured and severely disabled.

At that time, it wasn't that it had become a saint, it would definitely be blasted into ashes by Jiang Lin.

"Hey, what are you in a hurry? Don't you want my source of flame, I'll give it to you now with both hands."

Jiang Lin sneered, he didn't entangle with the mud demon, he directly used his stealth ability and disappeared again.

However, he didn't stop at all in his hand, and instead intensified the fire.

This demon spirit is the root of the mud demon, so Jiang Lin doesn't need to put any effort into fighting the mud demon at all.

At the same time, he can also let the mud demon taste the feeling of being killed by the things he cares about.

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people.

Jiang Lin has always liked this.

This time, the mud demon was equivalent to swapping positions with the previous Jiang Lin.

When Jiang Lin was preparing to fight with the mud demon before, the mud demon and the soles of his feet were lubricated with lubricating oil. With the help of the quagmire below, the mud demon was as slippery as a loach.

But now, Jiang Lin has done even better.

After he was invisible, he also used his ability to glide, erratic over the quagmire, and the mud demon couldn't even touch his shadow.

The mud demon slips in the quagmire, but Jiang Lin is more advanced, flying in the air without showing up.

The mud demon roared wildly, but there was nothing to do with Jiang Lin.

Now it can really understand what kind of mood Jiang Lin was chasing after it.

I fuck you Amu!


The mud demon's mouth is full of filth, and he can only be so incompetent and furious that his mouth stinks.

"Don't tell me, this is what you said. The reason why you can get such an opportunity is because you have been trained by my flame. I will give you another good fortune now. You should be happy. I don't do good deeds. Leave your name and send the Buddha directly to the west."

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