Jiang Lin's mocking laughter appeared in the air, and then the mud demon's scream became even more shrill.

I train you Lou Mou!

The mud demon was so angry that it sprayed mud and dust all over its body, and it didn't understand what was going on in its heart. A month ago, it was tempered by Jianglin's flames, and it was because of this that it was born out of its demon spirit. Golden spirit.

Logically speaking, facing the flames of Jiang Lin again, even if the demon spirit cannot continue to transform, it should have some resistance.

After all, there are two elements of the five elements in its demon spirit, and it has the direction of transformation.

But how could the mud demon think that Jiang Lin used pure sun fire this time. Although this product was refined a month ago, Jiang Lin's sun fire was scattered among the rest of the sun at that time.

Now he simply uses this kind of terrifying flame, and the purity is much higher than that at that time.

Naturally, the demon spirit of the mud demon could not bear such a temper.

However, no matter how the mud demon roared, it still couldn't find Jiang Lin at all.

After being walked like a dog for a long time, the mud demon felt that his demon spirit had lost a lot of spirituality, and he no longer pursued mindlessly.

It intends to attack the enemy and save it.

In addition to creating opportunities for the next attack, Jiang Lin must have been worried about Zhan Min before.

As long as there are any problems with Zhanmin, Jiang Lin will definitely not treat him like a dog.

However, Jiang Lin had already discovered the mud demon's intention, and he directly let the slow corpse poison in his body radiate out.

The mud demon used these foul odors with corrosive power to erode him before, so he let the mud demon taste his dullness.

Deflate, like no one will.

Because he has been keeping an eye on the state of his body, Jiang Lin guessed that he would not be able to refine all the spirituality in the mud demon spirit, which would require him to deal with the body of the mud demon.

But this product can also be as slippery as a catfish.

Therefore, he scattered his slow corpse poison.

Even if the other party is slippery, if the speed drops several times or even ten times, it will have no effect.

Chapter [*]: Pan Xuemei's Recovery

Jiang Lin didn't think about such a method before, but the mud demon at that time was basically still in a state of prosperity, and there must be a way to deal with his dullness.

But at this time it was different. The demon spirit of this thing was tightly grasped by it. As long as he wanted to display any ability, he could interrupt the process with a little fire in his hand.

The mud demon just wants to block these slow poisonous gas, and there is no way.

When the slow corpse poison was emitted, Jiang Lin's eyes widened, and two gray-white light beams shot out from the bloody eyes, directly piercing the mud demon's chest.

The mud demon didn't have time to take care of Jiang Lin's attack, and he didn't have time to take care of his own wounds. He just wanted to capture Zhan Min and let Jiang Lin throw a rat, and at the same time use Zhan Min to exchange his demon spirit.

But it didn't take long for it to find that something was wrong, and its speed dropped a lot.

At this time, the dullness emanating from Jiang Lin had already spread and quickly filled the entire enclosed space.

These sluggish poisonous gases were created by him, and he could naturally control them, but they only surrounded the charm spirits who were guarding Zhan Min, and did not have any effect on them.

When the mud demon found out that he was abnormal, he quickly cast a spell to resist the strange poisonous gas that swept over.

Then Jiang Lin made it scream again and again at this very moment.

"This is what you asked for, it's all for you!"

An extremely crazy expression appeared on the mud demon's face, and then the dirty mud and dust in its body began to shake.

And the muddy water below also converged towards it.

In an instant, the mud demon turned into a clay giant nearly [*] meters tall.

After incarnating into a mud giant, the mud demon opened his mouth and inhaled, inhaling the dull corpse poison that permeated the entire space, and finally deposited it in the palm of his hand.

With a sound of "Boom", the huge palm of the mud demon fell, and the smoke and dust formed by the palm hitting the ground flew up, and finally a huge mud palm grew again on the broken arm of the mud demon.

Afterwards, the clay giant thumped the ground frantically, causing dust to float up in the entire enclosed space.

At this time, the mud demon turned to look at Jiang Lin's location.

Jiang Lin was still invisible, but after the mud demon at this time became a mud giant, all the mud and dust could become the medium of its perception.

Jiang Lin was naturally discovered by it.

Before Jiang Lin could move, his eyes experienced severe pain again, and blood spurted out from the eye sockets like spring eyes.


The severe pain in the eye socket and brain caused Jiang Lin to let out a deafening corpse roar, covering his eyes with his hands.

The dust particles that had caught his eye before suddenly turned into thorn-like golden stone spikes just now, just like bone spurs.

But such "bone spurs" grew out of Jiang Lin's eye sockets. It is conceivable what kind of trauma his eyes and the brain behind the eyeballs suffered.

It was precisely because of the action of covering his eyes with his hands that Jiang Lin released the demon spirit of the mud demon in his hands.

At the same time, the mud demon opened his mouth and took a breath, and then inhaled his own demon spirit into his body.

But even if the demon spirit returned to the body, the mud demon did not have any relaxed mood. Now, it has been completely insulated from further possibilities.

Even if he obtained the source of flame and Zhan Min's physique in Jiang Lin's body, it would be useless.

Whether it is incarnating into a clay giant or controlling the deformation of those particles in Jiang Lin's eyes, it consumes its original power.

And this kind of consumption is irreversible, even if it obtains any excellent opportunities, it is difficult to repair it.

The mud demon is also helpless. If its demon spirit is continuously refined, this time it will be doomed no matter what.

In such a situation, all it can do is to allow itself to survive.

Anything to become a saint and ascend to an immortal must be based on the premise of being alive. If it is completely gone, all visions will be meaningless.

"I'm going to crush you!"

As if the mud demon had a vendetta against Jiang Lin for killing his father, he slammed into Jiang Lin in midair with his arms tens of meters in length.


Jiang Lin spurted blood and flew upside down, his back cracked the surrounding enclosure wall, and then Jiang Lin fell from the air and landed beside Zhan Min.

Because the external attack he suffered was too heavy, even the defense of his body could not suppress the blasting power of yin and yang in his body.

In an instant, Jiang Lin's body seemed to be stuffed into fireworks, and it burst into flames, turning into a bloody man.

"Jiang Lang!"

At this moment, Zhan Min, who turned into an ice sculpture, made a sound, and then she broke free from Lan Xinyan's freezing, and squatted down and hugged Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Lang, I...how could I be so stupid, I hurt you."

Zhan Min burst into tears. When she was frozen into an ice sculpture by Jiang Lin, the memory in her mind kept reappearing. It was precisely because of this that the memory belonging to Pan Xuemei fully emerged.

Zhanmin naturally knew about her relationship with Pan Xuemei, and at the same time remembered everything, even the things that Jiang Lin condensed her spirituality and soul to inform her, she also remembered it.

"Xue... Xuemei."

Jiang Lin stretched out his arm, swinging aimlessly.

His eyeballs have been completely destroyed, and now the chaos in his body has erupted, so that he can't even get out of his spiritual sense.

"Jiang Lang, it's me, it's me."

Zhanmin hurriedly grabbed Jiang Lin's hand and hugged her in her arms. Now she and Pan Xuemei were inseparable from each other. She was both Zhanmin and Pan Xuemei.

"You...you're all going to die! Crush you into meat sauce!"

At this time, the mud demon roared hysterically. Now Jiang Lin and Zhanmin were of little use to it. Even if Zhanmin could repair its old wounds, it was not uncommon at all.

Now what it wants to do most is to make Jiang Lin and Zhan Min a puddle of meat pie.

That's how to get rid of his hatred.

Zhan Min couldn't care to cry, she picked up Jiang Lin and flew into the distance. At the same time, she also instructed the enchanting spirits to take Madam Zhan and Han Jizu away, and the rest went to entangle the mud demon.

"Jiang Lang, I won't let you have any trouble. I can save you. Even if I die, I won't let you have any trouble."

Away from the mud demon, Zhan Min raised his arm, opened his mouth and bit on his wrist, biting off his own artery.

Then she poured the blood gushing from her wrist into Jiang Lin's mouth.

She obtained Pan Xuemei's memory, and of course she knew that Jiang Lin had the body of a demon corpse.

And her blood is the best medicine.

Jiang Lin couldn't use any kind of corpse poison because of the alien corpse poison in her body, but the vitality in her body would not cause the effect of drinking poison to quench thirst.

Even if her blood was dry, she couldn't put her man's life in danger.

Chapter [*] Kill the mud demon! (superior)

Jiang Lin's hairy zombie was originally very strong in vitality, but his internal organs were injured and could no longer be injured, and his eyes and brain were almost irreversibly injured. In addition, the anger of the mud demon was terrifying. The hills can be leveled, so even if Jiang Lin has Mao Zong's vitality, it is really not enough to watch.

However, thanks to Zhanmin's recovery of Pan Xuemei's memory at this juncture and feeding him with blood, his condition improved slightly.

"Xuemei... Xiaomin, don't hurt yourself."

After his body improved a little, Jiang Lin realized that Zhanmin was saving him, which made his heart aches.

"Jiang Lang, if something happens to you, will I still live alone? It's all my fault. It's because of the mud monster's tricks that you've been reduced to this point. Don't talk, and take care of your injury."

Zhanmin's attitude was very firm, even if Jiang Lin felt sorry for her again, she would not be able to listen to Jiang Lin's words this time.


At this moment, several charm spirits entangled in the mud demon were blasted over, and some of them were even scattered.

Jiang Lin forcibly stood up, put all the wounded spirits into the ancient mirror, and ordered them to recover with the treasures in the ancient mirror.

"Dong dong dong."

At this time, the mud demon rushed over again.

Seeing that Jiang Lin's body had been exploding, he became even more angry.

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