When he killed Wutian, he used a similar method.

Yin and Yang repel each other.

Blow it up and it's over.

Explosion is art.

Under the influence of Immortal Treasures, the corpse evil ball rose wildly as if it had been supplemented.

At this time, Jiang Lin was even more unequivocal, and once again sent the piles of fairy treasures into the Golden Crow of Flames.

Make up, make up hard.

"I lost it!"

Because it didn't take a few blinks of an eye, it was too late when the mud demon found out what Jiang Lin was going to do.

The power of destruction generated by the contact between the three-legged golden crow and the corpse sphere has already made it feel cold throughout.

This time, Jiang Lin not only released his corpse pill, but also sent out [-]% of his corpse poison. In addition, he absorbed part of the demon power of the mud demon. If there is a yin and yang repulsion with Yang Yan, The blasting power that was formed can really be said to be extremely terrifying.

However, even if the mud demon has discovered the danger, there is nothing he can do now.After Lan Xinyan has increased the medicinal power of the Immortal Treasure, the power of icy cold it brings makes it almost become a huge ice cube as a whole.

This is the condition that Jiang Lin specially created. He wants to turn the mud demon into a hearth and a huge human-shaped pressure cooker.

At this moment, the huge body of the mud demon was frozen and extremely strong, and the outermost protective layer even made the mud demon die. , the destructive power of that kind of destructive force can be said to be indestructible.

In addition, there is only this little space in the body of the mud demon, and the surrounding earth wall forms a reverse squeeze against this terrifying force, which can fully exert the power of Yin and Yang repulsion.

Jiang Lin could imagine how the mud demon would die—he was blasted into scum from the inside.

It is also the mud demon who killed himself and completely sealed all the openings in his body, otherwise he would not completely become a pressure cooker.

"Xiaomin, hurry up and blast a big hole on the ground at the corner of this area, preferably one or twenty meters deep. Take Aunt Zhan and Han Jizu to hide in, hurry!!!"

Jiang Lin didn't wait for the mud demon to react, and immediately notified Zhan Min outside through voice transmission. At the same time, he also gathered the remaining Yang Yan in his body and gathered it in his hands, and used the mud demon to protect his own demon spirit. The crystals were dug up.

This level of explosion, even he himself was not immune, but luckily the mud demon left him an excellent bunker.

After digging up the crystal, Jiang Lin hugged the half-human-sized crystal in his arms, sat down by himself, and with a kick of his foot, he even slid the crystal to the front of the soil wall, making his back against the soil. wall.

"I like your stuff."

Enduring the severe pain in his body and brain, Jiang Lin grinned, and then he let out a single palm, spraying out his own spiritual power completely, merging into the flame of the Golden Crow.

"I'm going to crush..."

The mud demon made a shrill cry like a girl, but it was drowned out before it could finish.

Jiang Lin, on the other hand, bent his limbs slightly and pressed against the crystal in front of him.


There was a strong explosion sound not far away, but the sound was extremely short, like a mute fire.

But Jiang Lin knew that this was not a misfire at all, and the real terror was just about to begin.

Now that he has exhausted all his strength, the vigilance of his limbs is still squeezing him with incomparable strength.

Before even half a blink of an eye had passed, Jiang Lin felt as if both of his ears were deaf.


In an instant, an extremely terrifying explosive force broke out completely.

In an instant, the huge body of the mud demon burst out with countless bright lights, as if it had been pierced with thousands of air holes.

And then there's - boom!

The [-]-meter-tall clay giant instantly turned into thousands of clods, and shot towards the surroundings.

And the cover wall above the entire space was destroyed in an instant, and that's not enough, the power of the explosion continued to destroy the ground, and the ground was lifted up and blown out.

This huge clod, thirty or forty meters thick and a hundred or ten meters in diameter, was blasted into the air.

Looking down from above, there was only a huge deep pit that was [-] to [-] meters deep and even wider than the previous bamboo house.

There were also huge cracks around the bowl-shaped pit.

It is true that such a deep pit was not directly blown out. The enclosed space transformed by the mud demon before took up a lot of volume.

But even so, you can see how terrifying the explosion in the mud demon's body this time.

As for the clods that the mud demon was blown into, they were completely turned into pieces of ashes because of the force of the terrifying impact.

"Jiang Lang, Jiang Lang!"

It didn't take long for Zhanmin to get up after the smoke and dust fell. She didn't even bother to clean up the dirt on her neck, so she called out to Jiang Lin everywhere.

Zhanmin had indeed created a deep pit with the two spirits as Jiang Lin said before, but even so, all the soil above them was blown up. Even they have to withstand part of the force of the explosion.

Therefore, Zhanmin didn't have to think about how terrifying the previous battle was, but Jiang Lin was in the body of the mud demon and was at the center of the explosion. How could she not worry about Jiang Lin's safety.

At this moment, Jiang Lin has already fainted, and he is now on the side wall of the deep pit, embedded in the earth and stone.

Zhanmin searched around for Jiang Lin's traces like she was going crazy. In the end, some of the soil on Jiang Lin's body fell off, and she discovered Jiang Lin's figure.

After dragging Jiang Lin down, Zhan Min was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

In Jiang Lin's current state, his limbs have been completely deformed. The bones of his arms and legs have been broken into several sections, and the bones at the broken places have been pierced and exposed.

Moreover, Jiang Lin's entire chest was gone, completely squashed, with a crystal the size of a baby's head embedded in it.

And the demon spirit belonging to the mud demon in the crystal has no demon spirit appearance at all, and was directly crushed into a round bead by external force.

Zhanmin didn't care about being frightened, and hurriedly fed Jiang Lin blood again.

If Jiang Lin really couldn't survive, she didn't know what to do.

About half an hour later, Jiang Lin's brows moved slightly.

The first thousand nine hundred and seventy-fourth chapter is too special!

"Jiang Lang, how are you? You... don't scare me, okay?"

Zhanmin held Jiang Lin in her arms and kept crying. God knows how guilty and scared she was.

The main reason why Jiang Lin suffered such a calamity was her. If it wasn't for her trick of the mud demon, Jiang Lin would definitely not have ended up in this field.

Although Jiang Lin concealed the reason for all this to happen, it was because Jiang Lin was worried that her mood would fluctuate, so how could he blame Jiang Lin.

And from the beginning to the end, Jiang Lin didn't mean to blame her in the slightest, and even apologized to her because he felt sorry for her.

Even if Jiang Lin had comforted her, the guilt in her heart would disappear like this.

"Xiao Min, don't cry, I...I...I'm fine."

Jiang Lin spoke with difficulty, and then he asked Zhanmin to dig out the crystal embedded in his chest, took out the ancient mirror from his arms, and took some suitable materials to wear from it.

Now, there is nothing that Jiang Lin can do if he is distressed. Without Zhan Min's vitality supply, his situation will worsen.

If his own corpse poison cannot be replenished, he is likely to be dominated by Wangtianjian's corpse poison and completely turn into a monster.

And if he wants to do this, he can only recover some first, and use Zhan Min as a medium to absorb the demon power of transforming the mud demon.

The mud demon had vanished long ago. Jiang Lin didn't have to doubt that. Before he lost consciousness, he heard the sound from the system.

However, there is still a large part of the demon power of this product accumulated in the demon spirit, which can just solve the urgent need.

Zhanmin immediately did as Jiang Lin ordered. After taking some material treasures that would not cause any side effects, she continued to let Jiang Lin drink blood.

After a long time, Jiang Lin's vitality improved, and Mao Zong's vitality began to gradually repair his injuries.

Zhanmin also tore his clothes and fixed the broken parts of his limbs.

"Xiao Min, how is Gu Jing?"

After a little improvement, Jiang Lin asked Zhanmin. He is completely blind now. Because of the trauma to his brain, he can no longer use his spiritual sense. He can only let Zhanmin tell him about the ancient mirror.

This ancient mirror is the body of his wife Jing Yuanying, and it cannot be harmed in the slightest.

At the time of the explosion, when he felt that he was unable to open the distance between himself and the crystal, he had forcibly moved his heart. Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie who stayed inside had not woken up and could not be injured again. But at that time, the time was very tight, and Gu Jing couldn't protect it.

Zhanmin checked it out, and then quickly said, "Gu Jing is fine, it's fine."

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, the ancient mirror was always in his arms. It was because he was worried that something might happen, so he drew a lot of protective runes on it.

Fortunately, after experiencing such a terrifying explosion this time, the ancient mirror is still fine.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin recruited the Japanese Golden Wheel and asked Zhan Min to break open the crystal protecting the mud demon spirit.

Although this crystal is extremely sturdy, it has reached a critical point after receiving such a large impact force, and it can be shattered with a little collision.

After Zhan Min took the ball made by the demon spirit of the mud demon, he followed the method provided by Jiang Lin, holding the ball in one hand and pressing it on Jiang Lin's throat with the other.

With Zhanmin's transformation, the demonic power of the mud demon continuously entered Jiang Lin's body.

During this process, Zhanmin felt unbearable pain in her mind again, but in order to let Jiang Lin recover from the injury as soon as possible, she chose to endure it.

"Jiang Lang, are you better? Your eyes..."

"It's fortunate that I have you, otherwise it's really dangerous this time. My eyes can only be like this for the time being. When the situation improves later, I'll think of a way, and it should be able to recover."

Jiang Lin shook his head, letting Zhanmin not worry too much.

Although his condition is very bad, but fortunately the mud demon has completely perished, the demon power has been acquired by him again, plus the vitality obtained from Zhanmin and the ghost energy obtained from Qiurong Xiaoxie, now he is haunted in his body. The corpse poison has been suppressed.

However, if you want to fully recover, it is not a matter of a while.

"It's not easy!"

After the corpse poison poured into his eye sockets and brain, Jiang Lin felt much better, and he couldn't help but sigh.

This time, the battle was really comparable to when he dealt with Wangtianxian before.

Although the mud demon has old injuries, this product is like a fake ancestor. If he is in his prime, he will naturally be able to challenge or even kill by leaps and bounds.

However, he is not at his peak state at all, and the mud demon has also played tricks to occupy the land, which is not enough. When Zhanmin didn't recover his memory before, it was a proper oil bottle.

In this case, let him fight against a mud demon at the demon ancestor level, and it is also a cunning mud demon with very strong vitality. After the battle, some of his methods are almost ineffective against the mud demon.

The difficulty of this can be understood by thinking about it a little.

But fortunately, the mud demon is cunning and cunning, but stupid is also really stupid.

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