After the scar is healed, the pain is forgotten, and the special thing is to forget it again and again.

If it weren't for this stupid one, what the outcome of the battle would have been, maybe I really would have to talk about it.

"Jiang Lang, it's all my fault, and you almost lost your life."

Zhanmin knelt down beside Jiang Lin, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, she still blamed herself very much.

"Xiao Min, stay in my arms."

Jiang Lin couldn't move his hands or feet yet, so he let Zhan Min crooked in his arms.

"Xiaomi, I don't know whether to call you Xuemei or Xiaomin, I'll call you Xiaomin for now. Although you remembered the past, I still want to apologize to you, I always wanted to Letting you restore Xuemei's memory, but ignoring that after you were born, you have a personality of your own. It's my fault that you have suffered so much pain that you shouldn't have suffered."

Jiang Lin lowered his head and kissed Zhan Min's forehead. Now that the catastrophe is over, he still felt that he shouldn't have done it before.

Although he did not care about it, there was nothing wrong with him. He gave Zhanmin a freshman and let Pan Xuemei recover. However, after the freshman, Zhanmin seemed innocent.

Now that one's own personality has been formed, who wants to be replaced by another personality?

"Jiang Lang, Brother Lin, you can call me whatever you want. Anyway, it's me. I, no matter what, belong to you. No matter what kind of hardships I've suffered, as long as I have your husband, I'll be happy with everything."

Zhanmin smiled lightly and put her face on Jiang Lin's shoulder contentedly. She didn't care what Jiang Lin thought, as long as she was with Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin loved who she was who she was.Anyway, she and Pan Xuemei are one body, is it possible to let her eat her own vinegar now?

Just when Zhanmin was about to enjoy the warmth on her man's shoulders, an extremely severe pain appeared in her mind again, causing her whole body to tremble unbearably.

"Xiaomin, what's wrong?"

"Jiang Lang, I... I have a headache, it hurts!"

Zhanmin tried his best to speak, and then groaned because of the pain.


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Zhan Min had restored his past memories in this way, which was not normal at all.

Before, because he had to deal with the mud demon, he had no time to focus on other things, so he ignored this section.

Grab a big grass!

Jiang Lin's mood now is like no one else. He finally destroyed the mud demon. Now he is in this state. As a result, Zhanmin has an accident again.

What is this to make it difficult for him again?


The first thousand nine hundred and seventy-five chapters must be practiced if not practiced

Jiang Lin raised his arm reluctantly, wanting to see what happened to Zhanmin, and when he touched Zhanmin's forehead, he found that Zhanmin was already full of cold sweat.

If it wasn't for Zhanmin's brain pain, it definitely wouldn't be like this.

Feeling the trembling of Zhanmin in his arms, Jiang Lin blamed himself for being too careless.

Originally, it was more dangerous for Pan Xuemei's remnant soul to merge with Zhan Min's soul. The system also reminded that during the process of Pan Xuemei and Zhan Min's fusion, Zhan Min should not have too much emotional fluctuations.

Otherwise, Pan Xuemei may be completely gone.

But Jiang Lin watched Zhan Min carefully, but something unexpected happened.

Zhanmin must have found out that he was no longer innocent. When he didn't know anything, he must have thought that when he was ignorant and ignorant before, he was sullied by some jerk.

For a girl who is about to get married, such a blow is not a big deal.

Therefore, Zhan Min's mood swings are certainly not small.

In addition, because he knew that he was being used and killed his lover, his mood fluctuated again and again.

In this case, it stands to reason that Pan Xuemei's memory should not appear at all.

However, after Zhanmin recovered these memories, Jiang Lin didn't think much about it at all, thinking that it was all right.

It was also a special situation at the time. He had to face the mud demon who had turned into a mud giant, and he had no time to worry about it, so he never thought about it.

If he realized something was wrong early in the morning, Zhanmin wouldn't have become the painful state he is now.

What made Jiang Lin more guilty was that Zhan Min was abnormal, and he had been taking Zhan Min's blood to extract the vitality from his body.

Up to now, Jiang Lin couldn't bear to blame himself, and forced himself to use his spiritual sense to investigate Zhan Min's situation.

This investigation made his heart suddenly tighten.

Now Zhanmin, his soul is splitting.

If it continues like this, Zhan Min will still not be able to live, and will inevitably end in smoke.

Jiang Lin understood what was going on after thinking about it for a while. The process of integration between Pan Xuemei and Zhanmin needed to be done step by step, just like those memories of the past were gradually emerging, in an orderly manner.

Under normal circumstances, Pan Xuemei and Zhanmin have to achieve more than [*]% of the progress of integration, and then the memory of Pan Xuemei and Zhanmin's acquaintance and love in Zhanfu will appear. This is in order.

But now, this process has been disrupted, leading directly to serious consequences.

Before Jiang Lin could think of a solution, Zhan Min fainted from the unbearable pain.

Jiang Lin had no choice but to take out some treasures that nourish the soul and mind from the ancient mirror on the side and feed it to Zhan Min.

Then, he directly communicated with his own system and asked for help.

The most important thing now is to stabilize the soul in Zhanmin's body, and no longer split.

After inquiring about the system, Jiang Lin clenched his fists. With the resources he currently possesses and the means he can use, he cannot stop this process at all.

However, the system still gave a solution - to first solidify Zhanmin's soul with the golden spirit of the golden core in the mud demon spirit, so that even if the split continues, it will not be resolved in a short time. what will happen.

As long as the corresponding measures are taken later, Zhan Min's situation can be solved.

Not only can it be completely solved, but it can also become better.

I lost your second uncle, can you stop panting!

Jiang Lin wanted to complain. The previous system explained that Zhan Min's soul could not be prevented from splitting, which really left him completely at a loss.

After taking back the system, a helpless smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face again.

Although the method provided by the system can solve Zhanmin's problem, the process is very outrageous.

That is, let him train Zhanmin.

Because the demon spirit of the mud demon was squeezed by the giant force and infiltrated by the flame, it has now become an earth spirit bead, and it is still an earth spirit bead with a gold core inside.

As long as he finds the six kinds of soil of the Five Elements, takes the earth spirit bead as the core, and creates a kind of mud tire, which can make Zhanmin overlap with the mud tire. At that time, the golden spirit of the earth spirit bead can be transferred out on the surface of the mud tire. A layer of glaze is formed, and under the catalysis of the flame, the soul will heal.

Not only that, after a period of time, Zhan Min's physique can also change from earth to gold, and the earth spirit beads will also become the core of her cultivation.

This result, which is what Jiang Lin had imagined before, passed on the chance that the mud demon was a blessing in disguise to Zhan Min.

But this process requires him to operate.

In other words, he had to use Zhanmin as a brick to refine.

He has the immortal fire sent by Danhuo Tianjun, and it has an excellent effect in refining medicine refining equipment.

Of course, it is also perfect for refining mud tires.

I rubbed a dj.

Jiang Lin's expression is as wonderful as it is, everyone else is alchemy, medicine, alchemy and utensils.

What's more, he is the only one who is a refining wife.

Hold the day!

Moreover, even if he doesn't want to, this is the only solution to Zhanmin's current situation.

Even if he does not practice, he must practice.

Suppressing the various emotions in his heart, Jiang Lin used his spiritual power again to extract the golden spirit energy from the earth spirit beads, allowing it to enter Zhan Min's body and completely fix Zhan Min's soul in one place.

"How is it, Xiaomin, are you feeling better?"

With the solidification of Jin Lingqi, and the fact that Jiang Lin had previously fed a lot of treasures to restore the soul and mind, it didn't take long for Zhanmin to wake up, and Jiang Lin hurriedly asked her if she had any headaches. get better.

"Jiang Lang, I'm much better, you... Are you trying to cast spells again? I'm so unsatisfactory, I'm always causing you trouble."

"Don't say such things again in the future, otherwise, your butt will be swollen."

Jiang Lin deliberately put on a cold face, then his face softened, and told Zhanmin about her current situation.

Zhanmin listened carefully. When Jiang Lin said that she was going to be smelted like brick, she felt quite speechless.

If outsiders didn't know, they would have thought that Jiang Lin had a bloody feud with her. Killing people was just a no-brainer. As a result, Jiang Lin had to forge his soul.

But the actual situation is that Jiang Lin does not know how much he loves her.

As for what kind of pain she will endure when being burned by the flames, Zhan Min doesn't care. After she gets over it, she will be able to get what she wants and be Jiang Lin's wife forever and ever.

The first thousand nine hundred and seventy-six chapters blindly walk the world (on)

"Okay, I will recover a little during this time, and the situation will get better, don't worry. You go and see how your mother and Han Jizu are doing, you can talk about the matter, your mother sees me like this , maybe I can be scared to death again."

After telling Zhanmin about these things, Jiang Lin asked her to wake up Mrs. Zhan and Han Jizu. He needed a quiet place for recuperation and had to return to Zhanfu as soon as possible.

"What's wrong with you looking like this? If she doesn't recognize your son-in-law, I won't do it."

Zhan Min wiped the dust on his face, and woke up not far from Mrs. Zhan and Han Jizu.

As soon as Mrs. Zhan woke up, she yelled at the monster, and Zhanmin explained it for a long time before Mrs. Zhan understood what was going on.

However, Zhan Min didn't mention the change in his soul, for fear that Mrs. Zhan would be worried about it.

Now that the misunderstanding on her body has been eliminated, Mrs. Zhan, who is her mother, must be happy in her heart. At this moment, she doesn't want to throw cold water on her head.

As for Han Jizu, he also broke out in a cold sweat. He never thought that he would be targeted by the mud demon.

If it wasn't for his own life, he would probably have farted long ago.

He didn't feel too outrageous about some of the things Zhan Min said. After all, he was an insider, but he didn't expect Jiang Lin's ability to be so great. A flat ground has now become a hundred meters deep pit.

This was also caused by Jiang Lin's bombardment of the mud demon.

Too Nima scary.

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