"How could such a thing happen, Xiaomin, are you now my daughter Zhanmin or Pan Xuemei?"

Mrs. Zhan held her head. The things Zhanmin said really made her unacceptable for a while. However, what she wanted to know most was whether her daughter was still alive.

Although the person is still the same person, no parent does not want their child to suddenly become another person.

"Mother, I'm Xiaomin, and I'm also Pan Xuemei. You have raised me for [*] years. Is it possible that I can forget you?"

Zhan Min smiled slightly. She was quite satisfied with her current situation. She was not replaced by Pan Xuemei, but integrated with it.

Otherwise, she would be miserable enough. Pan Xuemei loved Jiang Lin deeply, and so did she.

"That's good, that's good, you can take care of Jiang Lin, no matter whether he is a scholar or an immortal, as long as you like it, he will treat you like a darling, and we, parents, have no opinion at all. "

Mrs. Zhan nodded, no matter what, her daughter was fine, and she loved Jiang Lin to the death, and Jiang Lin took Zhan Min very seriously, so why would she mind.

What's more, Jiang Lin is so capable. If any girl could marry such a young man, she would be overjoyed.

Zhan Min nodded slightly, then cast his magic power and sent Madam Zhan and Han Jizu to the ground. He carried Jiang Lin on his back and flew up.

Mrs. Zhan was also very frightened when she saw Jiang Lin who was covered in injuries, and then said: "Jiang Lin, although you are not an ordinary person, you are our son-in-law after all, as long as there is anything that can help you recover, if we can Do your best, and speak up."

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Auntie, I don't need your help, I can recover on my own, just don't be afraid of me for you and Uncle Zhan."

"Anywhere, Xiaomin is not afraid of you. What should we be afraid of as elders? If your injury is too late to recover, we can postpone the marriage."

"No need to delay, it's business as usual. Xiaomin suffered such grievances, no matter what, I can't let her be stabbed in the spine any more."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Although he and Pan Xuemei were married, Zhan Min must have been looking forward to marrying him in a wedding dress.

He made Zhanmin suffer that kind of grievance, and the marriage cannot be cancelled or postponed.

Although the time is a little tight, it is not difficult for him to be a groom.

"Xiaomin, these two days, you can stay with your uncle and aunt. It is estimated that after you get married, I will take you away. Whether you will come back in the future is still unknown. The situation in my body cannot be dealt with overnight. Yes, I went to the Pan Mansion to alleviate this situation. At that time, I planned to go to Anyang City. There used to be a thousand-year-old mass grave, and it may have the evil spirit I need. Because of your situation , I've lost a lot of time now, and the killing of the mud demon this time has worsened the situation in my body a lot, and there may not be much time left for you to do your filial piety to the second elder."

Jiang Lin said hello to Zhanmin in advance. If it wasn't for the mud demon thing, he could relax a little and let Zhanmin spend more time with his biological parents.

But now, that time is gone.

"Jiang Lang, I have been your wife for a long time. Regardless of whether the marriage is done or not, I will take your husband as the most important thing."

Zhanmin nodded, although she felt reluctant to part with her parents, but now, in terms of priorities, she must put Jiang Lin's safety first.

Marrying such a cultivator, some things are bound to be impossible.

It's just that she felt a lot of guilt towards Zhanjuren and his wife.

"But, Jiang Lang, your eyes shouldn't be able to recover in such a short period of time. If you travel far, I'm very worried about you."

Zhan Min couldn't help but start to worry about Jiang Lin. With Jiang Lin around, she will be fine, but if she is refined, I am afraid that she will not be able to act. Once Jiang Lin encounters something dangerous, there is really no help. I was able to find it.

Although Jiang Lin has a charm, her strength is not good. She still has the strength of a ghost king to some extent.

"Isn't it blind? What's the matter? Even if you are blind, you and me can still walk and run around."

Jiang Lin smiled casually. It's not that he has never been blind. When he was with Yu Canhua, he was blind for a while, and it was not the first time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin couldn't help feeling emotional, since he came to Daluo Immortal Realm, his head fell, his eyes were blind, and he was even left with only a pair of bones.

He had never encountered such an experience in Middle-earth.

Once he returns to Middle-earth, these experiences can become valuable experiences for him to ascend on the road of cultivation in the future.

Even if there is a doomsday catastrophe in the world, he still has some confidence to face it.

"Moreover, being blind is not necessarily a bad thing, at least it can avoid some unnecessary troubles."

Jiang Lin looked more openly, whether it was a normal person or a cultivator, when he saw a disabled person, most of them would only pay a little attention to them when they first saw it, and basically would not have any superfluous thoughts after that. .

From this perspective, it may not be a bad thing for him to become blind.

Of course, this has a major premise, that is, he Jiang Lin is only temporarily blind.

"Go, go, go, my husband, even if he is blind, no one can compare."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Zhan Min stopped persuading him.

According to Jiang Lin's prudence and wisdom, even if he is blind, he can still walk the world.

The first thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven chapters blindly walk the world (below)

After everyone returned to Pan Mansion, Jiang Lin recuperated in his room, and Zhan Min and Mrs. Zhan went to Zhan Ju to explain the situation.

When the exhibition people heard such a thing, their jaws were almost dislocated in shock.

Is there such a thing?

However, after being shocked, he was still relieved a lot. At least his daughter was not bullied by some gods, and now he and Jiang Lin can be considered to have experienced the catastrophe and achieved a positive result.

This Jiang Lin, how did he get rid of it?

After he was relieved, Zhan Juren became a little slandered again. According to his daughter Zhan Min, he was still a stupid girl at that time, and he and his wife didn't know anything at that time. Really, Jiang Lin It's the same stupid daughter who bullied him.

Zhan Juren didn't think much about it, after all, because of Pan Xuemei, Zhan Min was Jiang Lin's wife anyway, and the ending now couldn't be better.

For the next two days, Jiang Lin was hurrying to recover from his injuries, and Zhan Min's situation could not be delayed for too long.

If it wasn't for Zhan Min's blood nourishment, I'm afraid it would be too late.

It is estimated that on the day of the wedding, he will not be able to catch up with the bridal chamber, so he will have to give Zhan Min to... practice.

Coincidentally, Gu Shulan, who had been separated from Han Jizu before, found Han Jizu and learned about the destruction of Pan's house and the murder of Hong Ma, and she was really sentimental.

It was also when she learned that Jiang Lin and Zhanmin, that is, Pan Xuemei, a lover, had gone through so many hardships, and she was no longer against Han Jizu's request and was willing to marry Han Jizu.

Since happiness is by your side, it is better to seize it early.

With the arrival of Gu Shulan, Jiang Lin gave her and Han Jizu the search for the land of the six five elements.

On this day, the whole Pan Mansion was full of joy. Zhan Juren and the couple were full of joy. They didn't explain anything deliberately.

As for those who chew their tongues, they should be jealous.

Zhan Min was the happiest among the people present. Although Pan Xuemei had already married Jiang Lin once, after all, she could only recall it from her memory. Of course, she wanted to experience the feeling of being married for herself.

Moreover, for a man like Jiang Lin, she would be happy to marry her every day.

The only fly in the ointment is that although the rest of Jiang Lin's injuries have recovered [*]% to [*]% due to her blood and vitality, her eyes are still not good.

Moreover, in order to make the marriage more beautiful, Jiang Lin deliberately used the transforming power of the corpse to make it seem to outsiders that everything was normal, which made her feel even more distressed.

At night, after the guests dispersed, Jiang Lin arranged a magic circle in the Zhanfu compound.

The golden spirit energy in Zhanmin's body has already reached its limit, and if it continues to drag on, Zhanmin will not only have a headache.

After that, Jiang Lin asked Gu Shulan to help him to mix rootless water and Zhanmin's essence with the six five elements of soil, namely roadside soil, city head soil, house soil, wall soil, big post soil and sand in the middle of the soil. The blood created a clay statue, the size of a clay tire no different from ordinary people.

"Xiaomin, get ready."

"Jiang Lang, people... people want to have a bridal chamber."

Zhan Min was a little reluctant, and Fu Er whispered in Jiang Lin's ear.

"There is time in the future, darling, your own safety is important."

Jiang Lin comforted Zhan Min softly, if it weren't for the fact that the time was really short, he would still want to enjoy a happy time.

For the past month, he has really been enough to be an old monk.

Zhan Min pouted, and then swallowed the Earth Spirit Orb, which had been refined by Jiang Lin, into his stomach.

Afterwards, she looked at Zhan Juren and his wife, and said with tears in her eyes: "Father, mother, please forgive my daughter's unfilial piety. After today, my daughter will leave with Jiang Lang, and I don't know if there is any chance for you to do my best. filial piety."

"Silly daughter, as long as you are fine and live a happy and prosperous life in the future, my mother and I will be satisfied. God has given our precious daughter a happiness that ordinary people cannot match, and we are very content."

Zhan Juren wiped his tears and comforted Zhanmin with a smile: "Also, my god-sent son-in-law has given us so many herbs, enough to prolong our life. Maybe, my mother and I can have another one for you. We retire."

"Go! It's disrespectful to the old."

Mrs. Zhan glared at Zhan Juren with teary eyes, then went over to hug Zhan Min tightly, and told her not to worry about her family in the future.

"Sister Mei, you are the daughter of my uncle and aunt, and I am your good sister. My uncle and aunt do not despise me, and plan to accept me as a goddaughter in the future. In the future, my step-grandfather and I will take good care of them, you Go in peace."

Gu Shulan held back her tears and, like Mrs. Zhan, comforted Zhan Min.

After Zhan Min nodded, he walked into the array.

Jiang Lin began to cast a spell to make it overlap with the mud tire. When he saw a layer of gold paint on the surface of the mud tire, the immortal fire in his body was released.

Jiang Lin gave Zhanmin a ray of the source of the immortal fire in advance, so the process of refining and burning will not make him feel much pain.

An hour later, the golden color on the surface of the clay body gradually grew stronger, and as soon as the light converged, the entire clay body shrank sharply, and finally became the size of a pendant.

Jiang Lin used to hold the pendant in his hand, and he felt that the pendant was exactly the same as Zhan Min, and he was completely relieved.

Like Zhanmin himself, the pendant that Zhanmin transformed into was tied in a bun to form a small hole. Jiang Lin took a red rope from his arms and passed it through the small hole.

Then he put it on his neck.

Others are men wearing Guanyin and women wearing Buddha, Jiang Lin does directly wear his wife.

That's it 6.

"Uncle, aunt, time is running out, I'm leaving now. Don't worry, in the future, I will love and protect Xiaomin so that she won't be hurt any more."

Jiang Lin said goodbye to Zhan Juren and his wife, Han Jizu and the others, and walked out of the yard and galloped away.

Considering the situation that he was not suitable for fighting, Jiang Lin did not choose to drive the golden wheel of the sun, and he became the state where he could not use his spiritual power as before.

Jiang Lin galloped in the direction of Anyang City.

Go straight to Anyang City.

There is not much time for him to relax now. After a battle with the mud demon, he desperately needs Yin Sha Qi, and Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie have been in a coma because of the corpse poison of Wangtianxian last time. He couldn't get ghosts from them again and again.

In this case, he didn't have time to inquire too much information about Anyang City, so he'll talk about it first.

If there is no benefit to be gained there, he will have to find another way.

This way, everything went smoothly, Jiang Lin did not encounter any problems.

It's just that I occasionally encounter passers-by, or when I rest in the inn, it attracts some surprised eyes after all.

The current Jiang Lin is a [*]% blind man. Although he reluctantly took out the thorns and golden thorns in the eye sockets, the sight of a pair of eyeballs sent a chill down the spine.

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