It hurts to look at.

But he is such a blind man, he still rides a long distance.

This is really bullshit.

In such a state of blindness, Jiang Lin traveled thousands of miles on horseback and arrived at Anyang City.

Chapter [*]: Tofu Xishi (Part [*])

Is this Anyang City?

Jiang Lin faced a city below the mountain. Even if there was still a distance, he could still feel the demonic and evil spirits of Anyang City below drifting over with the breeze.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief. He came to Anyang City. At the very least, he hadn't run in vain.

But what he didn't expect was that today's Anyang City is not only a sinister place, but also must have gathered a lot of monsters.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for such a strong demonic energy to appear.

This was somewhat unexpected to him.

Of course, Jiang Lin couldn't see the distant scenery under the mountain now. However, there was a charming spirit beside him who could tell him what he saw.

Judging from the details relayed by Charming Spirit, the layout of Anyang City is quite particular. Jiang Lin constructed the layout of the city below in his mind, and found that this city cannot be built by ordinary people at all.

To build a city, as long as there are masons and craftsmen, but to build such a huge city with clear gossip and nine palaces, it is not something ordinary people can do.

Moreover, after carefully pondering the layout of the lower city, Jiang Lin also found that this Anyang City was not built according to some kind of feng shui pattern, and it also did not have the effect of suppressing the yin and evil spirits.

It's just that Jiang Lin is now blind in both eyes after all, and it is impossible to determine for the time being.

If there is really some powerful evil in the city, he will have to plan his next work.

After receiving the charm, Jiang Lin leaned on a bamboo stick and descended the mountain. As early as when he was not far from Anyang City, he stopped riding a horse.

When he was about to reach his destination, he still felt that he could not be conspicuous, so he abandoned the horse and kept walking.

Otherwise, it would be a bit outrageous for a blind man to ride so bluntly.

Before, he basically didn't stay because he was on the road, but now that he is close to Anyang City, it is better to keep a low profile.

In addition, he also wore a black cloth strip on his face to cover his injured eyes.

Just when Jiang Lin hadn't walked far, a young man with a beard, dressed in black and carrying a long sword galloped on a horse on the mountain road.

When the good horse under him could no longer climb higher, the young man jumped up and flew to the top of the mountain.

Jiang Lin's ears moved slightly, and his footsteps stopped.

Although he can't see with his eyes, his five senses are much stronger than ordinary people. He knows that he should be a young cultivator when he meets this person, and he is also a cultivator who practices masculinity.

He himself is a veteran of cultivating flames, and he can sense the aura emanating from others even if he doesn't look at it or radiate spiritual sense.

After the young cultivator discovered Jiang Lin, he let out a light sigh.

The man's eyes were covered with black cloth strips, and he was leaning on a bamboo stick in his hand. He must be blind.

But such a blind man climbed such a high mountain without anyone to help him.

However, the young cultivator didn't pay much attention. Just as Jiang Lin had guessed, ordinary people would only take a little more look when they saw a disabled person, and then they wouldn't pay any more attention.

The young cultivator flew to the place where Jiang Lin stood before and looked at Anyang City at the foot of the mountain.

He pointed out that with a single stroke in front of his eyes, the eyes of the young monk burst into golden light.

"I didn't expect that Anyang City would become so demonic, and it would allow me, Liu Yi, to kill the Quartet again."

After a hearty smile, the young monk picked up the wine gourd around his waist and took a few sips.

Are you a witch hunter?

Jiang Lin's nose moved slightly. In addition to smelling the strong fragrance of some spirits, he also smelled the demonic aura of a fox and the demonic aura emanating from the demon pill on the young man named Liu Yi.

Therefore, after a little association, he guessed the identity of this person, a monster hunter who hunts monsters for treasures.

Exactly as expected.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly. Before he even entered Anyang City, he met a monster hunter, which meant that Anyang City below was really a mixed bag.

After that, Jiang Lin didn't delay any longer, he used the bamboo stick to explore the way and walked down the mountain.

In the afternoon, he arrived at the city gate of Anyang City, and when the distance was close, Jiang Lin discovered that this Anyang City not only had the evil spirit, but also the corpse spirit in the mixed atmosphere.

"What a surprise."

Jiang Lin murmured, he came to Anyang City mainly because it used to be a thousand-year-old mass grave, with a lot of evil spirits.

But now it seems that there is not only the evil spirit here, but also the corpse evil that he can absorb without transformation.

Pressing the joy in his heart, Jiang Lin followed the pedestrians into Anyang City.

However, what puzzled him was that although the residents of Anyang City lived in an area filled with demonic and evil spirits, they did not seem to have been affected, and their blood energy fluctuations were still the same as ordinary people.

Although he was a little puzzled, Jiang Lin also paid attention to these doubts. If his eyesight did not recover, he could only touch the elephant here.

But if he wants to restore his vision, he has to let the corpse poison in his body grow stronger. Now his corpse poison is all suppressing the chaos in his body, and he can no longer separate out the excess corpse poison for him to recuperate his eyes.

In medical terms, his eyeballs have been permanently necrotic. If he wants to recover, he can, but he can't do it yet.

After that, Jiang Lin put his own spiritual sense outside one or two meters around his body, which allowed him to walk normally.

"Douhua le, fragrant beancurd~"

After a stick of incense, Jiang Lin arrived on the most prosperous street in Anyang City. At this time, he heard the voice of a young girl not far away.

The voice was extremely pleasant and tactful, but what caught Jianglin Jianglin's attention was not how nice the voice sounded, but the girl who made this shout, exuding a very rich and pure aura of profound yin.


The nun sells tofu flowers?

Is it so down-to-earth?

Jiang Lin really felt that he had lived a long time.

In addition to the mysterious yin emanating from the girl who was touting the guests, she also had spiritual power fluctuations in her body, which meant that this girl was indeed a practitioner.

But such a young cultivator actually set up a stall to sell bean curd, which is really interesting.

Lighting the bamboo stick, Jiang Lin approached the Douhua stall where the girl was.

Only then did he sense that the guests around him were all ordinary people.

This female nun is actually selling tofu flowers.

"Guest officer, sit first."

Seeing Jiang Lin approaching, the girl went up to meet him, but after seeing that Jiang Lin was blind, she was stunned for a moment and said, "Guest officer, you... your eyes..."

"Just blind."

Jiang Lin smiled and didn't say much. In fact, he approached, in addition to wanting to listen to the daily conversations of the guests at the booth, he also wanted to stay here for a while.

The purity of the mysterious yin energy on this female cultivator is something he has only seen in his life, and he only needs to keep a certain distance from this female cultivator to benefit him.

Chapter [*]: Tofu Xishi (Part [*])

As for whether this female cultivator will find out, Jiang Lin is not too worried. Judging from the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by the girl selling beancurd, her cultivation base should have just formed a golden core, which is in line with his strength. The difference is not small.

In this case, as long as he does not take the initiative to reveal his means, he will not be seen through his identity.

It is also because the cultivation base is not too high that this female cultivator cannot fix the mysterious yin energy in her body, causing it to escape.

These emanating mysterious yin qi will gradually evaporate and dissipate after leaving the body.

"I'll help you."

When the girl saw that Jiang Lin was blind, and she was blind at such a young age, she felt some pity in her heart, so she walked up to support Jiang Lin.

Hearing the girl's footsteps, Jiang Lin received his spiritual sense.

Although he just wants to absorb some mysterious yin energy without harming the other party, but for now, he does not want his cultivator status to be known by someone who is not familiar with him at all. He keeps a certain distance from the girl. It doesn't matter, but if you get close, your spiritual sense will be discovered.

"Thank you."

Jiang Lin nodded and thanked the girl.

So, the girl reached out her hand and grabbed Jiang Lin's wrist.


After the girl touched her wrist, Jiang Lin's eyebrows moved slightly.

He felt that the golden wheel in his body suddenly had an urge to leave the body.

How is this going?

Jiang Lin couldn't think of what caused it for a while. In the past, his Japanese Golden Wheel had never had such an abnormal situation.

Jiang Lin had such doubts because he didn't know the origin of the girl who sold tofu flowers.

In fact, this sweet-sounding girl, named An Ge, had a treasure that Jiang Lin had known about for a long time in her body - a moon-shaped knife.

When he was in Ermao Kingdom, Jiang Lin had learned about the Yu family from the demon-catching family from the handwritings of the ancestors of Taoist Tian, ​​and even knew that the Yu family had a heavy treasure moon wheel knife, and this girl, An Ge, was with the Yu family. The Yu family is inextricably linked.

The Yu family's Crescent Blade is now possessed by An Ge.

Jiang Lin really could not have imagined that it would be such a coincidence that the first girl he met in Anyang City who had an intersection was actually closely related to the Yu family, and he still had what he wanted in his body. treasure.

How is this going?

At this time, An Ge, like Jiang Lin, felt a little puzzled, and her body also changed a little.

The Moon Wheel Saber nourished in her body, because she and Jiang Lin were in physical contact with each other, caused the attraction to Jiang Lin's Sun Gold Wheel.

It's just that An Ge didn't think much about it, thinking that her cultivation was a little unstable, and then she helped Jiang Lin to sit down at the table on the side.

"This girl An Ge is not only beautiful, but also has such a kind heart."

"Yeah, it's still ingenious, this Yuhua Tofu Workshop is a must in Anyang City."

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