"Well, it's really cute."

At this time, when the guests at the booth saw the girl supporting Jiang Lin, they praised him aloud.

"Isn't it just a hands-on effort, where can it be praised."

An Ge smiled sweetly, and then asked Jiang Lin, "Guest, what flavor of beancurd do you like?"

"It will be all right."

Jiang Lin didn't even know what Wen Erguo's bean curd was like, he could do whatever he wanted. Anyway, he didn't come here to eat bean curd.

"Wait a minute, sir."

An Ge nodded slightly, and then continued to work.

And Jiang Lin can expand his hearing range, ready to capture some useful information for himself from the conversations of surrounding guests and pedestrians in the distance.

It didn't take long for An Ge to bring a bowl of bean curd and put it on Jiang Lin's table.

"Guest officer, this is a spoon."

Because Jiang Lin was blind now, An Ge personally gave the handle of the spoon to Jiang Lin.

This time, the Lunar Knife in her body reacted again.

An Ge frowned slightly and glanced at Jiang Lin, but she still didn't feel anything, so she didn't take it to heart.

As for Jiang Lin, he didn't take it to heart either. He thought it was the day gold wheel in his body that sensed the mysterious yin energy in An Ge's body, and spontaneously reacted.

Then he tasted An Ge's craftsmanship, and he had to say that An Ge's technique of making beancurd was really nothing to say.

Moreover, this tofu flower is tofu flower, there is nothing else in it, it is simply a kind of food.

However, it was precisely because of this that Jiang Lin was even more confused.

Ordinary practitioners have nothing to do with chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, let alone cooking, I'm afraid they can't even wash rice.

This is not an exaggeration. In the later generations of Middle-earth, even some entertainment stars, even washing rice, especially use dishwashing liquid.

But this young cultivator named An Ge still has such a good craftsmanship. If you have craftsmanship, you can have craftsmanship, and... he even took it out for sale.

Are the monks in the Daluo Immortal Realm short of yellow and white things like gold and silver?

Now, Jiang Lin really wanted to see what the tofu Xishi, who was praised by the guests for being beautiful and kind-hearted, looked like.

However, this was just some irrelevant curiosity in his heart. After tasting two mouthfuls of bean curd, he began to absorb the mysterious yin energy scattered around him, and at the same time he continued to let go of his hearing.

Today, Jiang Lin didn't have much in-depth understanding of this Anyang City. In this case, he could only restore his eyesight as soon as possible.

Without his eyes to use, although he is not completely blind, he still has many inconveniences.

If you want to find out about the situation of Anyang City, in his state, unless you use spiritual sense to scan.

But in case it swept the body of any demon catcher and evil spirits, it would not be easy to say.

Sometimes, there is nothing to look at in the past. If you use spiritual sense to probe, it is equivalent to trying to find out the root cause, which is too easy to cause trouble.

Therefore, now Jiang Lin can only temporarily rely on his own ears.

But after listening for a long time, he didn't get much information that he wanted to get.

"Guest officer, is it not to your taste?"

At this time, An Ge saw that Jiang Lin had been sitting still, and the tofu flower in front of him had not eaten much, so he went over to ask.

"No, it's delicious."

Jiang Lin smiled and then picked up the spoon.

"It's all cold, I'll change a bowl with you, you just need to pay for one."

With that said, An Ge took the bowl and spoon from Jiang Lin's table and came over again after a while.

"I'll do it myself."

Hearing that An Ge put the porcelain bowl on the table, Jiang Lin did not ask An Ge to help.

Although his eyes were injured, he was not permanently disabled, so there was no need to ask for help even when he was eating.

"It's okay."

An Ge smiled and took the spoon and put it in Jiang Lin's hand, but at this moment, her complexion suddenly changed.

"You... who are you?"

An Ge looked at Jiang Lin with a wary expression, his attitude was completely different from that of the girl who sold tofu flowers before.

Chapter [*] is a misunderstanding and fate ([*])

Just now, An Ge found out that the Lunar Sabre in her body was abnormal again. This time, she didn't take it seriously anymore.

It was a coincidence once, it could be a coincidence twice, but this is the third time.

How to explain it?

Every time it comes into contact with Jiang Lin's wrist or palm, the moon blade in her body will appear abnormal, which is definitely not right!

Although An Ge has an inextricable relationship with the Yu family, but now, she has an irreconcilable conflict with the Yu family.

And the Lunar Sabre in her body is the treasure of the Yu family, so she is naturally vigilant when this treasure has repeatedly appeared abnormal.

He thought that Jiang Lin had something to do with the Yu family, or even someone sent by the Yu family.

As for the purpose, it must be to come to her, so as to take away the Moon Lun Knife that originally belonged to the Yu family.

With these speculations, An Ge's attitude towards Jiang Lin naturally changed suddenly.

"what happened?"

"what's the situation?"

At this time, because An Ge's voice was much higher, it attracted the attention of the surrounding guests.

In their impressions, An Ge is a very gentle girl, why did she turn into a sullen look today.

At the same time, Jiang Lin was also a little stunned.

He admitted that he did not show anything unusual, and the aura in his body was all dormant and hidden, not to mention An Ge, a female cultivator who had just formed a pill, even a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level. his details.

Moreover, An Ge probably didn't find out that he was absorbing the mysterious yin aura escaping in the air, otherwise, he wouldn't have attacked until now.

"Girl, I don't understand what you are talking about. Is it because I provoke you, girl?"

After pressing down the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin frowned slightly and faced An Ge.

"You don't have to pretend, are you blind? You just want to use this method to approach me, right?"

Seeing Jiang Lin pretending to be innocent there, An Ge sneered, and then one of her plain hands quickly reached out and grabbed the black cloth covering Jiang Lin's eyes.

She thought that if Jiang Lin was sent by the Yu family, or belonged to the Yu family at all, he would definitely not be blind.

Since the other party wanted to get the Moon Wheel Saber on her body and take it back, how could it be possible for a blind cultivator to come over.

The cloth strips on his eyes were torn off, and Jiang Lin's brows furrowed even tighter.

He really didn't understand which An Ge was singing. Now what An Ge was talking about had nothing to do with the mysterious yin or his status as a cultivator, but that he was pretending to be blind there.

I rubbed a dj.

What the hell do you think I want to be blind now?

After tearing off the black cloth strip on Jiang Lin's face, An Ge's expression froze.

Isn't Jiang Lin's eyes just destroyed?

Moreover, the wounds in Jiang Lin's eyes, even if An Ge was a female cultivator, felt a chill in his back after seeing it.

This kind of pain is really terrifying.

However, this is not the point. The point is that Jiang Lin is indeed blind, and he is blind.

The kind that can't even be cured.

The eyeballs are permanently necrotic.

Now, Jiang Lin's eyes are like a small baseball, and the wound is like a red thread sewed on a baseball, and it looks scary.

"Girl, if I provoke you in any way, I'm here to apologize to you, sorry."

Jiang Lin took some silver coins from his arms and put them on the table, then he touched the bamboo stick beside the table, ready to leave.

In any case, this Xi Shi, who sold bean flowers, gave him a very good impression.

Although he didn't know what the other party looked like, the other party offered help when he saw how disabled he was now, which was enough to show that the other party had a good heart.

Although he couldn't absorb the qi of Xuanyin himself when he left, to be honest, An Ge didn't owe him anything.

Now An Ge is angry for no reason, whether it's a misunderstanding or other reasons, he doesn't need to stay any longer.

Everyone is angry, he is still here, is it because he wants to cause trouble?

Seeing Jiang Lin groping his way with a bamboo stick, An Ge immediately felt an endless sense of guilt in his heart.

What were you doing just now?

Why is it so turbulent, and all the grass and trees are soldiers?

After his emotions were stabilized a little, and his head was clear, An Ge blamed himself immensely.

She didn't even know what she was thinking, but she actually went to embarrass a blind man.

She suffered such hardships at a young age, and she may have just passed by this place now, and she was treated as an enemy by her.

Injustice or not!

"An Ge, you... what's the matter with you?"

"People, there seems to be nothing wrong with them, right?"

At this time, the surrounding guests all looked at An Ge, and even some pedestrians on the street turned their attention to her.

Generally speaking, when a normal person sees a disabled person, there will still be a feeling of pity in their heart.

Now Jiang Lin is here to drink a bowl of bean flowers, and it's not that he doesn't give money, but he is treated like this by the boss.

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