"I still have a lot of money on me, girl, don't worry."

Although he felt that An Ge had asked too many questions, Jiang Lin still responded patiently.

However, An Ge didn't take Jiang Lin's words that it was not bad for money seriously. She thought that Jiang Lin didn't want to be looked down upon.

"Why don't you come and live at my place. It just so happens that there are vacant houses in my house."

Looking at Jiang Lin, An Ge popped out such a sentence, asking Jiang Lin to live in his home.

I'm going!

Jiang Lin was immediately stunned. Misunderstandings are misunderstandings. You even apologized, and you still feel sorry for your apology. You want to treat guests to dinner, which is also reasonable.

But why are you taking me home now?

What does this Nima mean?

Apologizing isn't like that, is it?

Do you want to give me tofu every day?Eat tofu all-you-can-eat?

At this time, Jiang Lin can really be said to be full of question marks.

"Girl, I'm a strange man. It's not suitable for me. If the girl lives alone, it's too inconvenient and will cause you trouble."

Resisting the speechlessness in his heart, Jiang Lin waved his hand and directly declined An Ge's invitation.

But at this moment, the golden wheel in his body was disturbed again, and there was a commotion in his body.

An Ge immediately explained: "It doesn't matter, there is still my aunt at home. I don't live alone."

Don't you understand what I mean?

Jiang Lin was completely speechless now, An Ge didn't get the point of his words at all.

You are a girl's house, how can you bring people to your house casually?

This is really no one.

"Girl, although I can't see your appearance, I can feel your kindness. However, as a man, how can I go to your place. I understand the girl's heart."

Jiang Lin still refused. Although going to An Ge's place could continue to absorb the mysterious yin, there were still many inconveniences under the eaves of others.

Moreover, his knowledge of An Ge is limited to these, and he is not very willing to let him contact him.

He didn't know much about An Ge, so why would he go there when he had nothing to do?

An Ge thought for a while and then said, "If you think this is charity, you can also pay my rent."

"no need."

Jiang Lin smiled kindly, then picked up the bamboo stick and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, the golden wheel of the sun that he was holding in his dantian just shrank as if he was out of control, directly squeezing out part of his spiritual power.

As soon as the spiritual power flowed in his body, Jiang Lin groaned. After his physical condition was not good, under normal circumstances, if it was not for combat or necessity, he would hide the spiritual power to avoid contact with the corpse poison and make each other jealous. .

Now that his spiritual power is squeezed like this, it directly makes him a little unbearable.

You motherfucker, do you owe repairs?

Jiang Lin suddenly caught fire, and the corpse poison and spiritual power in his body were not enough, and now the Japanese gold wheel has repeatedly gone wrong.

Want to rebel?

At this moment, Jiang Lin seemed to feel a little spirituality from Rijinlun, and then he was a little dazed. Rijinlun didn't want to stay away from An Ge.

Second uncle's, I am your master, what are you doing so close to others?

Jiang Lin really couldn't imagine that such a situation would happen to his magic weapon.

After forcibly suppressing the spiritual fluctuation of the golden wheel, Jiang Lin was about to leave. However, he really couldn't move.

The Japanese Golden Wheel really rebelled.

After gritting his teeth, Jiang Lin turned to An Ge and said, "Girl, I have an injury in my body just now, and I may not be able to go to the inn, so... just follow your words. However, I want to ask Come on, why do you always seem to want me to go?"

Now, it seems that as long as he doesn't agree to come down, his golden wheel will continue to be noisy.

This moment will undoubtedly make him worse.

Therefore, after a little evaluation, Jiang Lin decided to go to An Ge's place to live temporarily.

After his eyes were healed, he had to take good care of this magic weapon that was causing him trouble.

Chapter [*] You can find a monster, why am I looking for a blind man? (superior)

Jiang Lin is also helpless. Although it is indeed inconvenient to be close to An Ge, a female cultivator, it is also a little inconvenient. Compared with being distracted to control the golden wheel, it is not at all convenient. Convenience is nothing.

Moreover, since the matter has come to this point, he can absorb more mysterious yin energy when he lives in An Ge's house, so that his eyes can recover as soon as possible.

If at that time, his eyes recovered and he couldn't explain it, he made it clear that he would leave some benefits for An Ge and thank him.

Come to think of it, the other party will not turn against him because of this.

Of course, all of this must be based on the premise that there is no contradiction between him and An Ge.

As for further understanding of Anyang City, Jiang Lin is not worried, An Ge just invited him to live at home, and it will not restrict his personal freedom.


After being asked by Jiang Lin, An Ge was stunned for a moment, and then her pretty face became like a red apple.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's inquiry, she would not have realized that she was keeping the other party over and over again.

The previous invitation to apologize was justifiable, but what is she doing now, bringing people home.

"That...I...I think, I must have some special fate with you."

An Ge covered her cheeks with her hands, and she couldn't understand why she was hysterical before.

But Jiang Lin had asked this question, and she could only think of one reason.

What a fate of God.

Is there such a fate?

Jiang Lin really has nothing to say. Don't say that he doesn't believe it. Even some guests who have seen him misunderstanding with An Ge before will not believe An Ge's words.

If An Ge didn't admit the wrong person, then his attitude would change, as if he wanted to kill someone.

As a result, after the incident, I told people that it was fate.

Ghosts believe it.

However, although Jiang Lin didn't believe what An Ge said, he didn't think about it anywhere else, and he didn't even suspect An Ge had any bad intentions.

Because now, he could vaguely hear An Ge's heartbeat, beating extremely fast and thumping.

isn't it?

Jiang Lin's face moved slightly, and his expression was slightly exciting.

Could it be that this girl who sells bean flowers is interested in him?

Although Jiang Lin has a very straight personality, his emotional experience is very rich. He is quite experienced in the relationship between men and women. Now the opposite An Ge not only has a faster heartbeat, but also the flow of qi and blood is faster than usual. many.

Therefore, even if he couldn't see it at all, his ears heard these extremely faint movements.

That is to say, at this moment, An Ge estimated that her entire face looked like she had smeared rouge.

But Jiang Lin really couldn't figure it out. He is now a disabled person, a blind man. If he were an ordinary girl, he might not mind the other party's disability, but only for love.

But An Ge is a cultivator. Although his cultivation base is not very drop in his opinion, he is not weak at all.

What's more, according to the words of the previous guests, An Ge is still a very beautiful girl.

Such a person, whether it is looking for a husband or a Taoist companion, at that time there was no difficulty at all, and would he like a blind man? ? ?

If it weren't for Jiang Lin's blindness now, and he happened to encounter such a thing, I'm afraid he wouldn't believe it if someone else told him this kind of anecdote.

At this moment, An Ge is very embarrassed. Now that she thinks about it, she really doesn't know what she is doing.

But now that the words have been said, and Jiang Lin has agreed, she can't let her go back.

"Then...then wait for a while, and I'll clean up."

An Ge took a deep breath and calmed down.

She was also quite puzzled that she would show such an embarrassment in front of others, and the other party was blind.

Wait until you go back and ask your aunt what's going on.

An Ge looked at Jiang Lin again, intending to tell his aunt what happened today and ask why.

In such a situation, after she met Jiang Lin, she felt like she was possessed by the opponent's demon.

But Jiang Lin didn't do anything at all, and he had repeatedly declined before.

Can't figure it out.

After a quarter of an hour, An Ge ordered the tofu shop and led Jiang Lin to his residence.

This is the shop street of Anyang City. Under normal circumstances, merchants do not live here.

What An Ge said before was right. Accommodation in Anyang City is not cheap at all. The land here can be regarded as precious.

Therefore, it is not that the people who open shops do not want to live, it is because the space and area of ​​the shops are too small.

However, if it is not in the downtown area, the land rent will drop a lot.

"Girl, it's hard work for you to make a living outside alone."

Jiang Lin followed An Ge and opened the chat box.

From the current point of view, An Ge should have no ill will towards him. Now that he wants to live in the other party's house, he can't always treat the other party as a stranger.

An Ge nodded and said, "Yes, it's not easy. However, it's not bad to live your own sweat, earn your own money, and eat your own food."

Speaking of this, An Ge couldn't help sighing. Originally, this kind of life from early morning to late night was not related to her.

However, due to some changes, she had no choice at all.

"Don't call me girly, call me by my name. Actually..."

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