After that, An Ge couldn't help but confided to Jiang Lin, but she didn't say much, just talked to Jiang Lin.

With her character, she would never confide her heart to anyone, but now, in front of Jiang Lin, a blind man who had just met, she confided her heart.

Not long after, Jiang Lin and An Ge arrived in front of a farmyard.


Jiang Lin frowned. Although the demonic energy emanating from the house in the courtyard was extremely thin, he was still able to sense it.

However, Jiang Lin didn't pay much attention to it, and it was inconvenient for him to ask what to explore now.

"I'll take you to sit in the guest room first, and then I have to talk to my aunt."

When the courtyard door was opened, An Ge felt a little embarrassed. She didn't know how to explain to her aunt that they were here to avoid their enemies. Besides, there was a special sickness in the family, so she should be able to keep a low profile. How low-key.

It turned out that it was better now, she led a man back from outside in a confused way.

What is this called!

An Ge's face flushed with embarrassment after thinking about it for a while.

Chapter [*] You can find a monster, why am I looking for a blind man? (Down)

In this regard, Jiang Lin has no opinion, and he will be at ease when he comes.

He lit a bamboo stick and was led by An Ge into a side room in the courtyard, after which An Ge went to the main room.

"An Ge, why is there someone at home?"

Before An Ge knocked on the door, the door of the main room opened, and a middle-aged woman walked out.

This woman is An Ge's aunt, and she is also a practitioner from the Yu family—Yue Lian, Yu Qingping, the previous generation of the Yu family.

Just many years ago, Yu Qingping was kicked out of the house because she fell in love with a green bamboo monster.

It is also for this reason that Yu Qingping and Qingzhu Yao are both regarded as family shame by the Yu family, and they are regarded as thorns in the flesh by them.

And the green bamboo demon was hit hard by the monks of the Yu family and hid in the main room.

This is also the reason why Jiang Lin noticed that there was a demon in the yard when he first arrived at the door.

In order to heal her lover's injury, Yu Qingping brought the green bamboo demon and her adopted child, An Ge, to Anyang City, which is full of yin and evil spirits.

An Ge was doing business in Anyang City, and he also wanted to get some money to buy material treasures for his uncle.

The Yu family has a lot of contacts in Wen Erguo, and now they are looking for traces of the two of them as a demon. In desperation, An Ge can only cover up as an ordinary person, do a small business, and do it for his own sake. Aunt and uncle in exchange for some resources.

"I...I don't know what's going on, it's just..."

An Ge bit the bullet and talked about the matter of encountering Jiang Lin, having a misunderstanding with him, and finally bringing him here.

"An Ge, are you confused?"

Yu Qingping stared at An Ge dazedly, and even thought of a disabled person as a monk of the Yu family. After all, guarding against others is essential, and there is nothing wrong with being careful. After admitting the wrong person, it's okay to apologize to others.

No matter what, they are no more than before, and they have to live in hiding. The identity of practitioners is really a burden to them now.

Apologizing to ordinary people is also an apology, after all, there is a mistake first.

But wouldn't it be enough to apologize, what are you taking people home for?

"Not to mention that your uncle is a green bamboo monster. We are afraid of being found by the Yu family, so we can't get to know the neighbors too well. Just saying that you are a daughter who has not left the cabinet, how can you bring a strange man home. Woolen cloth?"

Yu Qingping looked at An Ge with a weird look, and she even wondered if there was something wrong with her niece.

"Auntie, what do you say now? I've already brought everyone."

An Ge felt aggrieved. She didn't know why she was hysterical, and she wanted to ask her aunt, but her aunt just scolded her for bringing a man back.

If you bring people here, you can come here. They are all blind, they can't see anything, and they won't find a wounded monster here.

What's the big deal?

An Ge felt very uncomfortable with what her aunt said, not to mention that she didn't know why she invited Jiang Lin to come and live here, even if she knew the reason, such a thing was not absurd.

It's like she brought a man back on the front foot, and she will spend the night with him on the back foot, sleeping in a room.

She brought a man back to give him a convenience, but it didn't mean that she would become an innocent girl because of this incident.

"Tell him to let him leave. We are now in a very difficult position to take care of ourselves. You are up early and late for the night again. Do you have to take care of others?"

Yu Qingping made it very clear that Jiang Lin could not be allowed to stay here. If the other party were a normal person, there would be a lot of trouble.

"I... how can I say it? I can't say it."

According to her aunt's words, An Ge felt embarrassed just thinking about it.

She did everything, the misunderstanding was because of her, it was her who apologized, the one who wanted to treat guests, and the one who brought people home.

Moreover, Jiang Lin had refused many times before, but now that the matter has come to an end, everyone has come, but she asked her to drive them away again.

Is there such a thing?

Can't open this mouth.

An Ge didn't say anything, just a look of reluctance.

The words are very simple, but what is Jiang Lin going to do?

The reason why Jiang Lin agreed to come here was because he had an old disease in his body and it was inconvenient to find the inn, so he came here with her.

Now that it is far away from the downtown area, she sent people out. Could it be that she made a blind man sleep on the street?

Originally, Jiang Lin had suffered a misunderstanding that he should not have encountered.

Are you bullying people hard just because they are good at talking?

Yu Qingping was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You brought the person, I don't even know who the other party is, do you want me to tell? The only people who can move at home are me and you, and I have to guard your uncle. , only you go over there. Wait, why did you bring him here? An Ge, don't you want to find a blind man for yourself?"

Seeing the reluctance on An Ge's face, Yu Qingping couldn't help but think a lot. Her niece is very sensible, and she would never have done such an outrageous thing in the past.

Now that things are like this, An Ge insists on keeping people behind.

No way?

After that, Yu Qingping's expression became a little weird, and she realized that An Ge had never had any emotional experience.

"Auntie, your words are so ugly. I always bring men over, saying that I am a girl who is looking for men everywhere. Jiang Lin is blind in both eyes. I told him to leave. Where is he going blind? Anyway, I Let him stay. Also, what are you thinking, aunt, looking at me with such eyes. Not to mention that I am not what you think, but I am really like that, what else? If I can find a monster, can't I find a blind man? What's wrong with me looking for a blind man?"

An Ge was very angry with her aunt. She always thought that she was like an uneducated swinging girl who led a man to her house, and thought she was going to find a blind man to develop her relationship.


Taking ten thousand steps back, she was just looking for a blind man to be her husband, so what's the point?

There is something to learn, she is looking for, at least it is a person, not a monster.

"Auntie didn't mean that."

Yu Qingping's complexion also changed slightly after being scolded by An Ge like this, and she realized that she was an elder and did not play a role as a model at all.

Just now, she only wanted to be surprised that An Ge might be with a blind man, but she forgot that her Taoist companion was not as good as a blind man in the eyes of outsiders.

The first thousand nine hundred and eighty-fifth chapters rely on misfortune and fortune

"If you don't want to, then forget it."

Yu Qingping took An Ge's hand and smiled slightly. Like An Ge, she was too nervous before because she was too nervous, so her attitude was a little urgent, and she felt a little resentment in her heart.

Thinking about it now, An Ge has always been taking care of her and the Green Bamboo Demon, and he really shouldn't make An Ge embarrassed.

"Come on, tell your aunt, what's in your heart, little girl? Actually, aunt, I have no right to speak, and you are indeed at the age to talk about marriage. If you really like it, aunt doesn't really have any opinion. ."

Yu Qingping deliberately teased An Ge. She always felt that something was wrong with her niece. Although she thought about it for a while, she realized that although An Ge did it reasonably, she could vaguely feel An Ge. Deliberately protecting the blind man named Jiang Lin.

"Aunt! What are you thinking!"

An Ge once again made a big red face. She was very ashamed because of what she was doing in a daze, but now her aunt still uses such a thing to tease her.

Seeing An Ge's appearance, Yu Qingping became even more curious.

To say that there is nothing tricky in it, she doesn't believe it at all. She has watched her own niece grow up. Although she is in her youth, she is not a girl who is easily shy and ashamed. Funny, his face flushed, how could it be just because he misunderstood others and wanted to give them some convenience.

Could this little girl be really in love at the beginning of her life?Still love at first sight?

"Aunt~ I... I don't know what's wrong, I'm like a demon following him."

With a pretty face blushing, An Ge was about to ask Yu Qingping, but when Yu Qingping heard this, she had a look of "look, I'm right", which really embarrassed her to the extreme.

"I'll see what he looks like and see if he's the most handsome blind man in history."

Yu Qingping said that she was going to the side room where Jiang Lin was. She was really aroused by An Ge's curiosity.

What kind of blind man can make this beautiful and lovely niece of hers obsessed.

"Auntie, if you do this again, people will really ignore you!"

Being seen as a joke again and again, An Ge was also a little angry, and Yu Qingping didn't embarrass An Ge any more when she saw this.

"I still want to ask auntie, what's going on, you don't even think about why the moon knife in my body changes as soon as I touch him? That's why I treat him as a The members of the Yu family came to take the Moon-Lun Dao. As for bringing him here, it was because I became sleepwalking. Later, people asked me why I kept not letting him go, so I reacted. "

As he spoke, An Ge was still pinching his fingers. What kind of thing was this? He always wanted to bring others home, and was asked why.

Shame to death.

"Is there such a thing?"

After Yu Qingping heard An Ge's remarks, she was also quite surprised. It turned out that An Ge was talking about other people's demons. I don't even know what I'm doing.

Because An Ge did not elaborate before, Yu Qingping did not know the specific details. Now that An Ge explained it, she was also puzzled.

An Ge is not an ordinary girl, but a practitioner. Her talent is already very good, and her cultivation is not weak. How could this happen?

It's impossible to be confused by a man, let alone a blind man.

"Could it be because he has a special attraction to the Moon Blade? Or...he is not an ordinary person at all?"

Yu Qingping pondered for a moment, and could only find out these two reasons. The former one was fine, but if it was the latter, then An Ge really brought a wolf into the house this time.

Not only the members of the Yu family want to take back the moon-shaped knife in An Ge's body, but the rest of the practitioners and evil spirits also want to get it.

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