Especially those who practice yin evil or ice cold exercises, the moon round knife can be of great use to them.

"Jiang Lin is not a cultivator, and, yes, his eyes are indeed blind. Well... he shouldn't have any ill will towards me, he has to leave several times, yes... he was kept by me. down."

An Ge knew what his aunt meant, worried that Jiang Lin was hiding something and had other intentions.

But she had been with Jiang Lin for more than half a day, and she didn't find anything unusual about Jiang Lin.

"I'll go see him."

Yu Qingping nodded slightly, but still felt that such a thing needed to be confirmed by herself.

An Ge has no opinion on this. After all, given their current situation, there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

And for the next month or so, Jiang Lin will live here, and she will meet her aunt sooner or later.

At this moment, in the side room, Jiang Lin's expression was very strange.

Although the main room is a little far from where he is, his hearing is very good, much more sensitive than the blind man with the strongest hearing.

Therefore, he listened to more than [*]% of the conversation between An Ge and Yu Qingping.

It was also because of this that he knew that An Ge actually had a moon blade in his body.

This treasure of the Yu family, when he was in Ermao country, he wondered if he could get it.

It's alright now, Anyang City is not only filled with Yin evil spirits, but also a lot of corpse evil spirits, and the Moon Wheel Knife is also here, in An Ge's body.

The most important thing is that he is now living in An Ge's house.

At this moment, Jiang Lin really didn't know if he should say thank you to the mud demon who had been blasted to ashes by him before.

Compared to Anyang City's yin evil spirit and corpse evil, it is obvious that An Ge's moon-shaped knife is more beneficial to him.

If Anyang City doesn't have what he needs, as long as he can get the Moon Wheel Knife, he can find a few more large pine graves. Besides, with the Moon Wheel Knife, if he basks in the moonlight later, the effect can be multiplied with half the effort.

However, if he hadn't become blind, it is estimated that this time he would have nothing to do with An Ge.

Jiang Lin never imagined that his blindness could bring him such great benefits.

This eye, it's not a loss to be blind at all.

Although the destruction of his eyes brought a lot of inconvenience, it was obvious that he could gain more benefits than disadvantages from it.

Chapter [*] Are you my aunt or his aunt?

However, Jiang Lin's mentality of blessing in disguise did not last long.

Although the Moon Blade is by his side now, it seems to have put him in a dilemma.

Before, he didn't know such a thing, so he came here with An Ge.

Now that I know, if I told the other party clearly, it would be really difficult to wash off when I jumped into the Yellow River.

An Ge and his aunt have always been in a state of being a soldier. If they found out that he deliberately concealed his identity, they would definitely think that he wanted to contact An Ge on purpose, and wanted to obtain the moon-shaped knife in his body.

No matter how to explain it, it is probably meaningless. At that time, it may directly become a situation of hatred.

As for leaving An Ge, Jiang Lin didn't even think about it.

The Lunar Knife, which is of great use to him, is here, can he leave just like that?

Moreover, people are going to come to investigate at this moment, and if he wants to leave again, it is not obvious that there is no silver [*] taels here.

Let's go first.

After thinking about it for a moment, Jiang Lin decided to respond to all changes with the same, and use time to dilute it.

Not to mention anything else, that is, he is familiar with An Ge and his aunt, and he will not directly turn his face at that time.

Now they don't know each other, they just madly label him a bad guy, and he can't do anything about it.

Jiang Lin also made some judgments about Aunt Ange's cultivation level. He has not yet formed a baby, and his cultivation level should be similar to his own.

In this case, even if the other party came to investigate, he would not worry.

It didn't take long for An Ge to follow Yu Qingping to the door of the side room.

Yo, a very nice young man, unfortunately blind.

After Yu Qingping saw Jiang Lin, her brows raised slightly. Although Jiang Lin was not very handsome, his appearance was against the sky, but at least he was not bad.

With her hands sealed in front of her, Yu Qingping reached out and wiped it in front of her eyes. After that, her eyes turned ice blue, and the outline of a crescent moon appeared in her pupils.

However, after checking with her eyes, she, like An Ge, did not find anything unusual.

Although Yu Qingping's cultivation level is the same as Jiang Lin's, if she really wants to fight, even in Jiang Lin's current state, she is not [*]% sure. Can't see through.

How did the eyes hurt like this?

After not realizing what was wrong with Jiang Lin, Yu Qingping focused her eyes and looked at Jiang Lin's eyes covered by black cloth strips. Seeing the trauma to Jiang Lin's eyes, she also frowned. This young man His eyes were blinded by foreign objects.

At this time, Jiang Lin got up and smiled at Yu Qingping, and said, "Hello Auntie, I feel quite embarrassed for Jiang to disturb your place."

"It's nothing, An Ge has already told me, no matter what, it's her fault first. Sit down."

Yu Qingping was just about to get in touch with Jiang Lin, but now Jiang Lin greeted her, which just gave her a chance.

So, she walked over and helped Jiang Lin to sit down.


At this moment, Yu Qingping, who was in contact with Jiang Lin, also sensed that she seemed to be attracted to Jiang Lin as well.

Now, although the Moon Wheel Saber is no longer in her body, she used to practice it for a month and was the previous owner of the Moon Wheel Saber. Naturally, the spiritual power in her body has undergone slight changes.

However, even if they touched each other's palms, she couldn't find any clues.

This blind man seems to have a very rare Yang Lian physique, but it's a pity.

No matter what happened, Yu Qingping let go of his vigilance, and then he looked at An Ge to remove the blindness and disability of others. Jiang Lin is quite a good person.

However, An Ge gave her an angry look.

"Your name is Jiang Lin, right? You can stay here for the rest of the time. But... I have a patient over there, and An Ge is busy with business. If there is nothing to do, just don't walk around. already."

Yu Qingping nodded with satisfaction. Although Jiang Lin was blind, he still spoke in a decent manner, and he was also a person who knew etiquette.

"Oh, by the way, if you want to go out for Gong or convenience, tell An Ge that she will bring you here. Naturally, she needs to take care of some inconveniences."

Saying that, Yu Qingping gave An Ge a special look.

Anyway, you brought the people, and I am not responsible for the aftermath.

"Auntie, you..."

An Ge's cheeks were bulging with anger. Can you say this in front of others?

However, complaining in his heart, An Ge really felt that he didn't know what to do.

What her aunt said was reasonable, but she had never thought of such a thing before.

But now that her aunt said this, she wanted to slap herself a few times.

Now that the whole family Jiang Lin goes to the toilet, maybe she has to follow behind.

God, is there such a thing?

"No, no, I'm really blind, it's not that I'm paralyzed, I don't need special care from others."

Jiang Lin waved his hands again and again. At the same time, he was also a little ashamed. Is there such an aunt?

Let your niece take care of others to go to the toilet, why are you afraid that I will fall into the cesspool?

Just thinking about this picture made him unable to bear to look directly.

"You should rest here first. If you need anything, An Ge should handle it."

Yu Qingping covered her mouth and smiled, then motioned for An Ge to go out with her.

"Auntie, what are you doing? You're an auntie like this? You still say that I'm a girl who hasn't left the cabinet, and it's outrageous for you to ask me to serve others."

After leaving the side room, An Ge questioned Yu Qingping angrily. This change of face was so fast that she was caught off guard.

Before half a cup of tea, her aunt wanted her to drive people away, but it took so long before she was asked to serve others.

Is there something so outrageous?

Now, An Ge really doubts whether her aunt is in the same sleepwalking situation as she did before.

"Auntie, don't you have hysteria too?"

"I'm fine, I'm normal. That Jiang Lin is nothing, he's quite a normal person. Actually, when I say this, don't I also create a chance for the two of you?"

"Chance? What chance?"

An Ge's question mark, her aunt's words, made her more and more confused.


Yu Qingping took An Ge's hand, and then said: "I think you are looking for this person, and you are really looking for the right person. Although he is an ordinary blind man, his physique should be a rare body of Yang Refinement, which is rare for thousands of years. The Crescent Blade in your body was attracted by him. The reason why you are hysterical is because of the Crescent Blade in your body. It has a desire for that Jiang Lin, so it affects you. Not bad, apart from being blind, there doesn't seem to be any other problem, otherwise... you can support others in the future, and live together, it's pretty good."

"What? What?"

The expression on An Ge's face was completely stunned. After a while, she frowned and asked, "Aunt, I don't even know what to say about you. Are you my aunt or his aunt?"

An Ge is very sure that since he was born, he has never encountered such an outrageous thing.

This shows that it is my own aunt who arranged marriages for others!

Not to mention An Ge, it was Jiang Lin in the side room, his face was twitching at this moment.

Like An Ge, he wanted to ask Yu Qingping: Are you my aunt or her aunt?

Jiang Lin didn't even think about whether to develop anything with An Ge, but An Ge's aunt wanted to kiss him now.

The key point is that he is still blind now, and An Ge, at the very least, should be at least a beautiful woman, or a big girl, [*] years old.

Is there such a good thing?

Jiang Lin really doubted whether he was hallucinating.

Such an aunt, please give me a dozen!

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