Chapter [*] Don't feel bad, don't feel bad!

Jiang Lin wondered if he had hit the jackpot. He was taken home by a beautiful woman, and then the parents of the beautiful woman took a look at him and wanted to betrothed his beautiful niece to him.

TV shows don't do that.

Anyway, take into account the development of the plot.

Moreover, An Ge is not an ordinary girl, but a female cultivator who has formed a golden elixir.Among his so many wives, there are such cultivation bases, but there are not many at all, and the few with higher strength have some special reasons to form a marriage with him.

Now, inexplicably, there may be one more wife like this. Isn't this a big luck?

At this time, An Ge's cherry mouth became an "O" shape, and then she looked at Yu Qingping and said, "Auntie, don't have any sinew, right?"

Because she was too surprised by Yu Qingping's words, An Ge didn't notice that Yu Qingping said Jiang Lin's physique was special, so she couldn't understand what her aunt was sick anyway.

"How do you talk? No big or small."

Yu Qingping glared at An Ge, the girl first said she had hysteria, and now she said something was wrong with her brain.

"Auntie, he... I only met him today. You will let me live with him in the future. Is there anything like you?"

"What happened when we first met, and you said that you misunderstood others, then Jiang Lin not only didn't get angry, but also apologized to you patiently. This shows that people have a good character at the very least."

"But he...he's blind."

"What's wrong with the blind man? No matter what, he won't randomly go to see girls from other families in the future. Moreover, if they are blind, they will definitely be inseparable from you in the future, and they will definitely end up with you."

"My goodness……"

An Ge patted her forehead, her aunt didn't grasp the point of her words at all, she just kept messing around there.

During the day, An Ge couldn't grasp the main point of Jiang Lin's words, but now it was her turn.

"Aunt, are you also possessed by his demon? I am your niece that you have raised for nearly [*] years, and she is almost the same as your daughter. Now, for a blind stranger, you want me to support others in the future?"

"Don't be so excited, Auntie, the reason why I have such thoughts is because of Jiang Lin's special physique. If I were your age, if I hadn't met your uncle, if I had met Jiang Lin, I would have Maybe so."

Yu Qingping glanced at An Ge angrily, her niece still thought she was going to push her into the fire pit.


An Ge stared at Yu Qingping in a daze, and she was stunned by these words again.

Yu Qingping shook her head, and then explained: "Your cultivation now is centered on the Moon Wheel Saber, as was my aunt in the past. This Moon Wheel Saber can absorb and transform the mysterious yin and coldness between heaven and earth, but this kind of The method is not without its drawbacks. It is easy to change the physique of practitioners who practice with the moon wheel knife, thereby transforming them into a body of evil yin. The more compatible the physique and the moon wheel knife, the greater the possibility. Once the physique changes , cultivators will be tortured by the body of evil yin, and it is difficult to climb higher in practice. Therefore, the Yu family basically recruits a body of yang or pure yang into the Yu family in every generation, or is looking for rare The positive treasures of heaven and earth, in order to avoid such a situation."

"Auntie, do you mean that yin and yang need to be in harmony to avoid loneliness and evil?"

"Yes, you are very savvy in cultivation."

Yu Qingping nodded slightly, and then continued: "You have formed elixir now, and it is very likely that such a situation will occur at the end of the golden elixir level. This is also what my aunt is worried about. But now, we are regarded as the Yu family. A thorn in the eye, aunt is really incapable of helping you deal with the possible problems, and on your own, it is probably enough."

Hearing this, An Ge understood Yu Qingping's intentions. Back then, when Yu Qingping passed the Moon Golden Wheel to her, she had said that she might encounter obstacles after cultivating to a certain level, but she didn't say that in detail.

She was adopted by Yu Qingping since she was a child, so she didn't have much scruples at that time, so she took the moon knife over.

"That aunt, I...In this situation, I don't have to be with him...with him..."

An Ge's cheeks were blushing again. She was not a new practitioner, so she naturally understood what Yu Qingping meant by yin and yang.

Now that she has formed an elixir, in terms of her cultivation talent, and with Yue Jinlun's Sasuke, I am afraid that within ten years, her own cultivation will be able to advance at this level.

But by then, the situation had almost become urgent. If she wanted to solve this problem again, she would be able to solve it if she wanted to.

It can be said that if she misses Jiang Lin now, there will be nowhere to look.

"Actually, there is no need. If he is a practitioner, you can use the Taoist foundation as the soil and water for each other to plant spiritual tools for each other's life and cultivation. You don't necessarily need to perform the ritual of husband and wife, but it requires each other to communicate in spirit. Getting married is the best. But Jiang Lin has no foundation, and if he doesn't use ordinary methods, he can only be used as a vessel for cultivating the moon-shaped knife. However, if this is the case, he will be miserable. Without your Yuan Yin, the moon knife won't take much care of him."

Yu Qingping spread her hands, and wanted the horse to run, but also wanted the horse not to eat grass, how could there be such a good thing?

"That definitely won't work!"

An Ge shook her head again and again. She usually encountered evil spirits. As long as the other party did not harm people for no reason, she would not harm them. Now Jiang Lin is a living person, and her eyes are already blind. She has suffered so much. How can you commit murder again.

"Then...then only you can raise him. Selling tofu to raise him can also raise him to be fat."

Yu Qingping even laughed when she said that, if An Ge and Jiang Lin really became friends, they would have to support them. In such a situation, it is not enough to be a dew couple, but to be with them for a long time.

Not feeding it.

In the future, if An Ge has no children, it's okay to say, if there are any more dolls, it will be raising the children during the day and raising the husband at night.

"Don't talk nonsense any more, Aunt, are you finished yet?"

An Ge groaned, she still doesn't know where to go now, her aunt is always talking nonsense, and if it's even more outrageous, maybe she will live with Jiang Lin today.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. However, Auntie is also afraid that it will really delay you. It's best to test it first to make sure. Tonight, you should put some strong stun medicine in his meal first."

Yu Qingping didn't make any more jokes about An Ge, and gave the latter an idea. If she made a mistake in judgment, it would be shocking to push her niece into the pit.

I'm going!

Jiang Lin in the side room had been closing his eyes and listening to the voices outside. Hearing this, his face turned black.

An Ge's aunt actually asked An Ge to give him medicine, and it was a strong medicine.

For a while, Yu Qingping's image in Jiang Lin's heart was completely destroyed. This aunt has no conscience.

I'm so blind and disabled, won't your conscience hurt when you do this?


"Aunt, he still has injuries, how can you give him a stun medicine?"

"If you don't put him in a coma and make him unconscious, how can you put the Moon Lun Knife into his body for confirmation? Of course, if you don't think it's okay to confirm it, that's fine. If something goes wrong in the future, Don't bury me."

Yu Qingping said that it doesn't matter, she has already mentioned it anyway, for fear that she will make a mistake in her judgment. Now the decision is with An Ge, and it has nothing to do with her.

"But... But this will hurt him. The way he looks is already distressing enough. If I put the Lunar Knife into his body again, won't it be the same as what you said? It will hurt him. body of."

An Ge was a little embarrassed, and she was also afraid that Yu Qingping would make an oolong incident, but she could not bear to let her do it.

Don't, don't, don't be distressed, you must not be distressed!

At this moment, Jiang Lin stood up a little excitedly.

Chapter [*]: Ghost Wood Old Demon ([*])

What kind of bodhisattva is this, what immortal is specially taking care of my Jianglin?

Whoops, thank you!

Jiang Lin's heart was filled with joy. Although he had encountered many good things before, it was only this time that he really wanted to offer incense sticks to the immortals and bodhisattvas.

One good thing after another.

Now all the moon-shaped knives he wants to get will be sent into the body.

This is really sleepy and someone brings pillows, and when hungry, someone brings bowls to feed!

Aunt, I have to apologize to you, although you have no conscience, but I like it!

At this moment, Jiang Lin has also become a true fragrance party, An Ge, an aunt whose conscience will not hurt, really likes him too much.

Now he wants to let Yu Qingping fight the fire again, to make An Ge's heart harden, it is best not to feel sorry for him at all.

Send the Lunar Knife directly to him.

Jiang Lin somewhat regretted that he had lied to An Ge that he had suffered an internal injury, which caused An Ge to be unbearable. If the girl couldn't bear it, she would not know when she would be able to get the Moon Blade.

Although An Ge and Yu Qingping were just testing, and the Lunar Knife would still be retrieved, at least he was given a period of time so that his body could get some sustenance.

"If you feel bad, wait for him to wake up, take care of him, and make up for it. If aunt is really wrong, he is blind and homeless, you can be considered as giving him a good time. Life has passed. If it's true, maybe he got a beautiful girl because of this, so what if he suffers a little? Besides, I will let you give him some strong medicine, which can also make him suffer less pain."

After thinking about it, Yu Qingping still persuaded Ange. She had raised this niece for nearly [*] years and regarded it as her own, and did not want to see Ange make a mistake in such a thing.

"Then do as my aunt said."

An Ge pursed his lips, and finally nodded slightly.

After that, she went directly to the kitchen to prepare dinner for her family. Of course, she specially added ingredients to Jiang Linsheng's meal.

Although she and Yu Qingping are both female cultivators, the Green Bamboo Demon is a monster and would not have prepared this kind of sweating medicine, but now they are in a very bad situation. Pay attention to avoid whistleblowing.

The influence of the Yu family in Wen Erguo is still not small, and it is also quite famous among ordinary people. The Yu family is looking for their traces everywhere, and naturally they can use all the power they can use.

Therefore, An Ge and Yu Qingping prepared some fragrances and drugs. They didn't want to hurt anyone, so they used this method. When the person who wanted to inform them woke up, they would have disappeared long ago.

Not long after, An Ge came to the side room and took Jiang Lin to the courtyard.

"An Ge, where's your aunt?"

"She eats in the room, don't wait for her, eat it, see if it suits your taste."

Because An Ge had put medicine in Jiang Lin's rice soup, he felt guilty and kept serving him vegetables.

Jiang Lin knew that the rice in the bowl was intoxicated, but he still ate it deliciously.

If you eat it, you can get the moon-shaped knife, even if the red crane top is in it, he also eats it correctly. At the same time, he also praised Ange for his good skills.

Seeing Jiang Lin eating with relish and praising her for her good cooking skills, An Ge felt even more guilty.

If Auntie's judgment is right, me... me and him...

After a little reverie in his heart, An Ge couldn't help but look at Jiang Lin who was eating quietly.

Although Jiang Lin is a blind man, he has nothing to do with being sloppy at all. His clothes are all neatly dressed, making it seem like he doesn't even have the slightest thought to dislike him.


At this moment, Jiang Lin suddenly stopped his chopsticks and looked into the distance.

Just now, he sensed a lot of corpse fluctuations in the direction he was facing.

There is a corpse poison in his body, and the corpse level has reached the peak of Mao Zong again. Although there is still a long distance between the place where the corpse appeared and his position, he was still sensed by him.

The location Jiang Lin sensed was actually the General's Mansion in Anyang City.

At this moment, in the General's Mansion, twenty or so corpse soldiers were besieging two evil cultivators, a man and a woman.

"General, this old slave has already cleaned your body for you, don't worry, I will cherish your stalwart body very much, old slave."

In the dormitory of the mansion, a general wearing bright silver armor was lying on the stone platform, and beside him was a white-haired man with a femininity looking at the general on the stone platform with a smile.

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