It's just that the current imperial general who is guarding in the town of Anyang has completely lost his breath, and his face has turned black and purple.

Hearing that there was still a battle outside, the feminine man waved his sleeves, and immediately, a lot of gray evil spirits rushed out of the general's compound, all of which were corpses.

If Jiang Lin was here, he would definitely be very surprised. This means of driving the surrounding corpses at will, even his Mao Zong may not be able to do it.

Not to mention making the corpse agglomerate into a corpse soldier.

If he found the feminine man, he would be even more surprised, because this man who can drive the corpse evil is not a corpse evil, nor an evil cultivator.

Rather, it's a monster through and through.

Jiang Lin has encountered many strange monsters, but he has never seen a monster that can use the corpse as an attack method.

Chapter [*]: Ghost Wood Old Demon ([*])

After gathering a lot of corpse soldiers, the feminine man ignored the movement outside. Anyway, the general's dormitory was surrounded by barrier protection. Even if there was still movement outside, it wouldn't disturb the major event he was about to do.

The feminine man unbuttoned his clothes, smiled and said to the corpse on the stone platform: "Tonight is the night of the full moon, and it is the time when things will happen. This old slave has been waiting for decades for today. Don't worry, general, old slave. After getting your body, I will definitely protect this city for you."

After pursing his lips and laughing, the femininity man made seals on his hands, and a fist-sized baby flew out from his dantian.

"Quick, with this body, we can be reborn and no longer need to be limited to the ten-mile range of this mansion."

The feminine man's eyes were full of expectations. His body was a yin locust tree that contained a large amount of ghost corpse qi and yin qi, that is, the ghost wood, which was later born and turned into a demon body.

This feminine man was transformed by the ghost wood, an old ghost wood demon.

However, because its own body is too deeply rooted, even if the demon is transformed, it cannot leave the root too far.

The evil spirit here made him successful, and at the same time gave him a shackle that was hard to break free.

Unless he finds a good body for the Nascent Soul that he has cultivated, so that he can marry the roots, he can really get rid of such shackles.

Now is the best time.

"It's not easy, it's not easy!"

After the ghost wood old demon gave a charming smile, recalling the hard work over the years, he was also very sighed.

This is the last step in what he has planned for so many years, and now, hope is at hand.

The place where he was born is in the deepest part of the Millennium Burial Mound, because the yin evil spirit is too strong, not to mention people and monks, and even evil spirits are rarely seen.

Thirty years ago, a general wanted to build a city around this thousand-year-old mass grave. At that time, he left the central area of ​​the mass grave regardless of the cost of his own serious damage, and transformed himself into a self-named Mr. Onizuka. The cultivator finally bewitched the general to build the city on top of the mass grave, which is now Anyang City.

With the help of the general's human and material resources, he was able to arrange the entire Anyang City according to the pattern he wanted.

As a result, all the evil spirits in this mass grave were gradually gathered under his body, and then suppressed by a lot of popularity, causing the evil spirits to infiltrate.

The ghost wood old demon just took advantage of this endless yin and evil energy to rot his roots, so that he could truly escape from the shackles.

In order to prevent his plans from being discovered, for many years, he has assisted the general defending the city as an old slave, and he has also spent his own cultivation base, donating yin locust flowers to prevent the residents of the city from being eroded by the evil spirit. As a result, this place once again became a dead place.

It was not until he formed the Nascent Soul that further progress had been made in the plan that had been painstakingly and solitary for so many years.

Once he succeeds, it has nothing to do with him whether there are any living people in Anyang City.

At that time, he will be able to completely achieve himself with the blood of these tens of thousands of people, making up for the loss of more than [*] years.

Not only living people, but the many evil spirits attracted by Anyang City can also become his nutrients.

Just as the ghost wood old demon's Yuan Ying was about to pounce on the corpse of the general on the stone platform, the ground under the room suddenly shook, and then bone spurs condensed from underground bone powder came out. Infant was also unprepared, injured by a bone spur, and let out a shrill cry.

"Strange bone thorn? Lady Bone and her concubine? You are courting death!"

The ghost wood old demon did not expect that he had set up a barrier around the dormitory, but he was still destroyed by the bones and bone powder under the ground. Suddenly, his face was filled with murderous aura, and he directly took back his original soul. , turned into a black smoke and flew out.

Before, the old ghost wood demon didn't pay much attention to the outside intruders because he was concerned about the Yuan Ying borrowed body.

Now that he has seen the means displayed by the other party, he knows that the person who came is extraordinary.

Outside the dormitory, the old ghost wood demon's face became gloomy. Now it is indeed Madam Bone and her face-faced snake-eyed warlock who are fighting a group of corpse soldiers.

Although these two are evil cultivators, their identities are similar to him. They are both public offices of Wen Erguo. Moreover, these two are Eunuch Xue who obeys orders in the imperial capital. In the past [*] years, this Eunuch Xue can A lot of trouble for him.

I didn't expect that I would succeed in borrowing the body, but there was still a change.

"Gizuka, it seems that Eunuch Xue's guess is correct. You are indeed plotting some kind of calamity. The Royal General has evaded the transfer order several times, and now he probably doesn't know whether he is dead or alive."

Madam Bone narrowed her eyes and looked at the ghost wood old demon vigilantly. They couldn't break the barrier around the dormitory, and the corpse soldiers formed by the surrounding corpses seemed to be the handwriting of the other party. Next, I'm afraid There's going to be a fight.

"You know too much. If you ruin the good things of this old slave, you will die!"

The ghost wood old demon smiled coldly, and then his belly was straightened, and the Nascent Soul inside broke out, grinning and rushing towards Mrs. Gu, as for himself, he directly killed the snake pupil warlock.

Now that the plan has reached the most critical moment, he absolutely cannot let Mrs. Bone and the others leave alive.

"Yuan Ying? You actually cultivated into Yuan Ying?"

Mrs. Bone screamed, and then the flesh and blood of her arms faded, turning into a pair of bone claws, resisting the Nascent Soul of the old ghost wood.

The snake pupil warlock who was targeted by the old ghost wood was also very surprised. A pair of vertical pupils opened instantly, and then dozens of poisonous snakes flew out of his body and met the old ghost wood.

These poisonous snakes bit each other end to end, forming golden gears one by one, cutting towards the ghost wood old demon.

However, Madam Bone’s cultivation level is still one level lower than that of the old ghost wood. Under the circumstances of the old ghost wood’s murderous intention, the two of them quickly retreated, and Madam Bone was beaten by the old ghost wood because of this. Yuan Ying was injured.

"Madam, I'll cover you. You go and tell Eunuch Xue about this, and let him beware of this fellow."

Warlock Snake Eyes made the flying golden gears form a protective wall, protecting himself and Mrs. Bone.

Chapter [*] Ghost Wood Old Demon (Part [*])

Seeing this, Mrs. Gu flew up and flew to the top of the wall. At this moment, the old ghost wood demon instantly used all the demon power to gather in Yuan Ying's body. The chest of the snake pupil warlock.

However, after the Serpent Eye Warlock suffered heavy damage, he directly blew up his own golden core, and the golden gears around him were also stacked together at this time, trapping the Nascent Soul of the ghost wood old demon.


The old ghost wood did not expect that the snake pupil warlock would be out of breath, and he could launch such an attack. His Nascent Soul was bound by many gears, and the damage was not light, and even his vitality was severely damaged.

However, at this time, he couldn't care about his own injury, and one arm turned into a branch of Yin Huai, extending out at lightning speed, directly piercing Mrs. Bone's back.

Madam Gu screamed, and her own bones fell off, turning into a white light and flying into the distance.


The old ghost wood demon's face was extremely ugly. Now that his Nascent Soul was injured, he could no longer do the work of borrowing the body. He just had to wait until the next full moon.

Over time, it is likely to regenerate changes.

Moreover, during this period of time, the Nascent Soul he cultivated and himself need to be nourished.

Yuan Ying needs the essence and blood of a strong man, and he needs a part of the demon Yuan Dan and some mysterious things.

Although there are many yin and corpse qi in this Anyang city, he cannot absorb it at this moment.

In order to get out of the shackles, the ghost wood old demon used too much yin qi to rot the roots of his own body. If he absorbs the yin qi at this moment, before Yuan Ying does not borrow the body, he can only make him more injured. hurt.

Therefore, if he wants to recover the injury on the injured body and the Nascent Soul, he can only find other methods.

However, it is better to find some demon pills. After all, there are a lot of monsters in Anyang City, but for Xuanyin, you need to find some people with Xuanyin physique, especially girls.

In the past, the ghost wood old demon only cared about cultivating his own Nascent Soul, so that he could leave the body as soon as possible and use his body to marry his roots, and did not pay attention to whether there were any women with a mysterious body in the city.

Now that the plan has suddenly changed, it makes him a little difficult.

Although Mrs. Gu was seriously injured, she was not killed. If the information was passed on, his plan for so many years would fall short, and he must hurry up to recover.

But finding the target takes a lot of time.

After thinking about it for a while, the old ghost wood stared at it, endured the injury, forced the spell, gathered the corpses distributed in the ground of the general's mansion, and finally ordered them to disperse.

With these corpses, it can help him locate the approximate range of the target.

After that, the old ghost wood returned to the general's dormitory and began to recuperate the wounded body.

One of the corpses scattered by the ghost wood old demon flew to An Ge's residence.

How is this going?

At the same time, Jiang Lin was still facing the direction of the General's Mansion.

Under normal circumstances, the corpse will only flow at a slow speed, and such a flow cannot cause any movement.

Now he sensed that the corpse in the distance seemed to be under control.

Could it be that there are still demon corpses in Anyang City?

"Jiang Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Just when Jiang Lin was puzzled, An Ge tentatively asked, she thought it was Jiang Lin who had tasted some peculiar smell in the food.

"No...nothing, I just heard some movement over there."

Jiang Lin smiled and didn't take his doubts seriously anymore. What happened in Anyang City had to wait for his eyes to recover before he could easily investigate.

"So it is."

An Ge breathed a sigh of relief, if Jiang Lin had eaten something, she didn't know how to explain it.

Later, in order to ensure that Jiang Lin took enough medicine, she kept serving Jiang Lin with vegetables.

Seeing Jiang Lin not being a picky eater at all, An Ge put down the bowl and chopsticks, supported Yi with one hand, and put his eyes on Jiang Lin's face.

After a while, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and Sisi Xinyue appeared in her heart for some unknown reason.

An Ge's emotions were still influenced by the Moon Wheel Saber in her body. Now she and Jiang Lin are not far away, they are face-to-face.

Therefore, the Moon Wheel Saber in her body is naturally close to the Sun Gold Wheel in Jiang Lin's body.

Because of the mutual attraction, there is also a lot of joy in the spirituality of the moon knife. The moon knife is an instrument for Ange's life and practice, and it naturally has an impact on it.

Is this... a corpse is coming?

Before long, Jiang Lin stopped again.

What surprised him was that a corpse was approaching him in the distance, and the speed was not slow, it was estimated that it would arrive in a while.

"Excuse me, can I have another bowl?"

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