Jiang Lin quickly took a few bites and handed the bowl to An Ge. The approaching corpse seemed to be aimed at him, so he didn't want An Ge until he figured out what was going on. present.

Moreover, no matter what the reason, the corpse is a very good nourishing thing for him, and it can be quickly assimilated by his corpse without a moon blade.

Therefore, Jiang Lin also wanted to take this opportunity to directly put the corpse in his body.

"of course can."

An Ge smiled slightly, took the porcelain bowl, and walked to the kitchen.

It's quite edible. If I were to support it in the future, it would be really difficult to support it.

While walking, An Ge inexplicably had such a thought.

As soon as this idea appeared, she stomped her feet in embarrassment, thinking what was this!

After An Ge left for a short time, Jiang Lin faced the courtyard wall. After two blinks of an eye, a corpse flew over.

However, what surprised Jiang Lin was that the corpse didn't seem to have come because of him, in other words, it was not attracted by his corpse.

His ears moved slightly, Jiang Lin sensed the flow of the corpses, and found that the corpses were actually heading towards the kitchen.

And at this moment, in the kitchen, there is only An Ge who served him the meal.

What is this scenario?

Jiang Lin felt a little confused. Although An Ge was a mysterious body, he was not a magnet and would automatically attract these things.

It is too strange that these corpses who are coming now will approach An Ge.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin didn't have any scruples, he just opened his mouth and took a breath, sucking the corpse into his stomach.

Next, An Ge was going to put the Moon Lun Knife into his body. At this moment, he absolutely couldn't let things happen unexpectedly.

Jiang Lin didn't know that after he took this corpse away, he had a relationship with the old ghost wood demon.

In fact, even without this corpse evil, he would still meet the ghost wood old demon.

The ghost wood old demon needs a girl with a mysterious body, and An Ge is a woman who meets the conditions, and the moon wheel knife in her body is also of great benefit to the ghost wood old demon.

Therefore, no matter what, An Ge could not avoid being targeted by the ghost wood old demon.

And he, who might have to be supported by An Ge, could not avoid a conflict with the ghost wood old demon.

Chapter [-] Bullying honest people?

After Jiang Lin put the corpse in his body, he noticed something strange. There seemed to be some demon power mixed in this corpse. Not only that, this corpse seemed to be motivated by these demon powers.

In other words, the corpse he swallowed should be controlled by the demon power.

Can control the corpse demon?

Jiang Lin frowned. He had never seen such a situation before.

Although in the ancient times of Middle-earth and Daluo Xianjie, zombies were called demon corpses, but only because the coffin bacteria in the throat of zombies would turn into corpse pills when they became Mao Zong, similar to the demon pills cultivated by monsters.

That's it.

In fact, zombies have little to do with monsters, which determines that monsters can't call and control the corpse qi and corpse evil that belong to zombies.

At least in Jiang Lin's cognition, this is the case.

But the corpse he received now seems to have been sent by a demon.

However, Jiang Lin didn't think much about it, the demon power contained in the corpse had little effect on him.

Only a part of the demon power, even if it has a source, can't help him at all, unless it is a monster whose cultivation level is much higher than his.

After that, Jiang Lin ignored the three seven twenty one, and directly released the corpse poison in the bones, swallowing and assimilating the corpse in the abdomen and part of the demon power in it.

No matter what the reason for the arrival of this corpse is, it is most likely related to An Ge. At this moment, whether it is based on the consideration of obtaining the Qi of Xuanyin or the consideration of obtaining the Moon Wheel Knife, he cannot let him What happened to An Ge?

Given the current situation, it was the most appropriate way for him to accept these corpses.

As for whether it would cause any trouble, Jiang Lin didn't care. He really didn't want to cause trouble, but the benefits that would be of great benefit to him were right in front of him. If trouble could not be avoided, he could only provoke it.

Um?what happened?

At the same time, the old ghost wood demon in the general's mansion opened his eyes.

He sensed that the corpse he released before and the demon power mixed with it had disconnected from him, and it was completely cut off.

Could it be that there are some highly skilled hunters or demons in Anyang City?

The ghost wood old demon raised his hand and tapped his forehead. Now he has completely cut off the connection with the corpse that he released before. This can only be a possibility, either the corpse has completely dissipated, or it is A similar situation occurred.

If it is demon power, there is still the possibility of being blasted away, but those corpses are not so easy to deal with, unless it is an expert shot.

No matter who it is, as long as it doesn't delay my major affairs, everything is fine.

The old ghost wood squinted his eyes. He is in a hurry to heal his injuries and has no time to explore what happened. As long as it doesn't cause him any trouble, he doesn't want to worry about it for the time being.

In fact, because of this change, the old ghost wood is quite afraid. The current situation is enough to give him a headache. If something happens again, it will not be good for him.

It is also for this reason that the ghost wood old demon did not go to the direction of Jiang Lin to investigate anything, nor did he act as a demon in that area, which gave Jiang Lin time to recover and develop with An Ge.

Not long after, An Ge returned to the yard. She didn't know that Jiang Lin had solved a problem for her during the short period of time she was away.

"I'm a little sleepy. I'm really sorry. I should have done something for you to eat and live here. I should have helped you clean up."

After calculating the time, Jiang Lin put down the tableware and smiled apologetically at An Ge.

Although the medicine An Ge gave him didn't work for him at all, he had to cooperate in order for An Ge to put the Lunar Knife into his body.

"It's okay, I'll just clean up. I'll get you some toiletries first."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, An Ge knew that the medicine was working, so he asked Jiang Lin to go back to the room first.

This blind man loves cleanliness.

An Ge was cleaning up the dishes in the yard, and smiled when he looked at Jiang Lin who was washing his teeth with salt by the door.

If she hadn't witnessed the wounds in Jiang Lin's eyes, she would even doubt whether Jiang Lin was blind.

Jiang Lin was really different from the blind people she had ever seen. No matter whether it was Jiang Lin's clothes or face, there was no dirt and it was clean, especially Jiang Lin's teeth, which were as white as white jade. .

Ordinary blind people, if no one takes care of them, how can they take care of themselves so neatly.

Moreover, Jiang Lin's washing movements are very natural, and he obviously does it often.

In the future, if he and I...if...he would be quite worry-free.

An Ge was thinking about it again. She didn't realize that she hadn't used the Moon Gold Wheel to verify Jiang Lin's physique.

After Jiang Lin got up, he reached out and touched the door, but his bamboo stick was knocked over by him and rolled to the side, right at An Ge's feet.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin felt tired and crooked, because An Ge was not far away, so he didn't radiate his spiritual sense. That's why, at present, his eyes are really dark, and he is no different from an old blind man.

Very uncomfortable.

Now Jiang Lin just wants to make his eyes heal as soon as possible and end this predicament as soon as possible.

Following the voice just now, Jiang Lin touched An Ge's location.

An Ge picked up the bamboo stick under her feet and was about to hand it to Jiang Lin, but at this moment, she suddenly had a whim, and with a slight turn of her eyes, she hid the bamboo stick behind her and took a few steps back.

Jiang Lin walked to the place where the bamboo stick had been rolled, and stepped on it with his feet, and then his brows furrowed.

Just got here.

Although he didn't radiate spiritual sense, his hearing was not covered, so how could he have made a mistake with such a close movement.

However, Jiang Lin didn't think too much, and continued to explore the surroundings.

But at this moment, he heard An Ge's slight laughter, his ears moved, and he heard the sound of bamboo sticks swinging behind An Ge.

With this slight swaying sound and the laughter from An Ge just now, Jiang Lin could guess what was going on.

This An Ge actually picked up his bamboo stick, just pick it up and not give it to him.

It's fine if you don't give it to him, he even hides it behind his back, deliberately letting him be a really blind man here, but he can touch things vigorously.

have you?

Jiang Lin's current mood can be said to be extremely speechless.

This An Ge, first gave him the Mongolian sweat medicine, or a large dose, which was strong. After the Mongolian sweat medicine was given, he now deceived his eyesight and deliberately let him touch the bamboo poles here.

This does not show that bullying is not!

Bullying honest people?

In fact, An Ge was really wronged by him. Now An Ge has no sympathy for him because of the influence of the Moon Lunar Knife in his body.

If Jiang Lin could see with his eyes now, he would be able to see that An Ge was smiling secretly, covering his mouth, but this kind of smile did not mean ridicule or teasing at all.

Instead, it was like the bright smile of a naive girl playing hide-and-seek with her childhood sweetheart playmate.

Hey, if you can't find it, you just can't find it.

Chapter [-] What kind of bad thoughts can a blind man have? (superior)

Although Jiang Lin guessed what was going on, he didn't say anything.

I let you bully honest people, are honest people so easy to bully?

Do I look like a bullied person!

I'll let you bully me.

Jiang Lin continued to pretend to be groping for the bamboo stick. After his toes touched a bump on the ground, he adjusted his position slightly. A few steps ahead was An Ge's position.

He can listen to An Ge's breathing now.

Taking two steps back, Jiang Lin pretended to be anxious because he couldn't find the bamboo stick.

Speeding up his pace, Jiang Lin was naturally caught by the bump on the ground just now, and his body lost his balance in an instant.

I let you bully me blind.

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