Today, I will let you know that Jiang Lin is blind and not blind.

After that, Jiang Lin threw himself out, rushing towards An Ge like a tiger rushing for food.


An Ge, who was snickering because he hid Jiang Lin's bamboo stick, was stunned for a moment. Even if she was a female cultivator, when Jiang Lin wanted to take advantage of her, she didn't have time to react at all, and was taken by Jiang Lin. The bear hugged and fell to the ground.

Not only that, Jiang Lin slapped her cheek.

At this moment, An Ge's head was buzzing, and it went blank.

She just saw that the bamboo stick that Jiang Lin used to explore the road was knocked down, and she wanted to play a joke on Jiang Lin and hide the bamboo stick on a whim.

If Jiang Lin can't find it for a while, she will definitely return it. After all, people can't see and are completely blind.

But I didn't think that such a prank would actually happen.

"An Ge, is it... is it you? I... I don't know where the bamboo stick I used to explore went to."

Jiang Lin asked knowingly and deliberately pretended to be innocent without knowing anything.

Moreover, like a blind man, he kept groping with his hands.

His eyes were already ruined, and his eyeballs were medically permanently necrotic. Now he doesn't need to pretend, just like a blind man touching an elephant.

He doesn't care where he touches it.

Now, Jiang Lin's heart can be considered a little more balanced. An Ge bullied him blind, hid his bamboo cane, and wanted to see his jokes, how is it now?

Bullying an honest person, I am an honest person, it's not easy to bully.


An Ge screamed and pushed Jiang Lin far away, then instinctively crossed his arms in front of him.

"An Ge, what's your name? What happened?"

At this moment, Yu Qingping opened the door of the main room and walked out, frowning and looking at An Ge.

However, when she saw it, she didn't know what was going on.

Now Jiang Lin is sitting in the yard, there is still a lot of dust on his body, obviously rolling on the ground a few times.

As for An Ge, her cheeks were blushing, as if she had been smeared with a layer of red paint, and her arms were hugging each other in front of her chest.

"You kid, bullying my family's An Ge?"

Even if Yu Qingping didn't see what happened before, she could guess what was going on.

With An Ge's appearance like this, it was obvious that he was taken advantage of.

But this made her have a lot of question marks in her heart. An Ge was not an ordinary girl, but a female cultivator. It would be so easy for others to take advantage.

Moreover, An Ge's reaction was not right. If he was taken advantage of, he shouldn't be shy, he should teach him a lesson!

However, Yu Qingping didn't think too much, and rushed to Jiang Lin to ask him what was going on.

Originally, she had a very good impression of Jiang Lin. Although she was disabled and blind, she at least still had a good sense of etiquette. As a result, her absence gave Jiang Lin a chance to be alone with An Ge, which was dishonest. .


The more Yu Qingping thought about it, the more annoyed she became. She regretted that she had missed her eyes and almost pushed her niece into the fire pit.

He wanted to match the marriage between his niece and Jiang Lin before.

Although Jiang Lin's physique is special, it doesn't mean that she doesn't consider An Ge at all about her character and personality.

Jiang Lin: ? ? ?

I bullied An Ge?

Didn't she bully me blind first?

At this moment, Jiang Lin held a big grass in his heart.

He didn't expect that he would disturb Yu Qingping in the main room. Now it's good. Yu Qingping is not sure and wants to find him to settle the account.

"Auntie, misunderstood."

An Ge didn't want to be ashamed, and quickly stopped Yu Qingping. If Jiang Lin was taught a lesson by her aunt because of this, she really didn't know how to say sorry to Jiang Lin.

"What's the misunderstanding? Did this kid eat your tofu? I think he's blind, and he knows the etiquette, so I have a good impression of him. I didn't expect it to be revealed by now. Living?"

"Aunt! You said it all, he is blind, and a blind man can have any bad thoughts?"

An Ge stopped Yu Qingping and did not let her teach Jiang Lin a lesson.

This incident was originally her fault. If she hadn't been playful for a while and hid Jiang Lin's bamboo stick, there would have been nothing behind it. Even if she suffered a lot of losses, this Jiang Lin cannot be held responsible.

Jiang Lin almost couldn't help laughing when he heard An Ge say this.

He just had a bad idea, but An Ge suffered a loss, and after being taken advantage of, he was still speaking for him.

Yeah, what kind of bad thoughts can honest people have?

At this time, Jiang Lin suddenly remembered the emoji package on the Internet in the later world of Middle-earth. A tiger was drawn as a cartoon image of grievance. The words on it were: What kind of bad thoughts can a kitten have?

However, one thing to say, he had bad thoughts because An Ge bullied him blind, otherwise, he wouldn't even think about taking this opportunity to take advantage of others.

"What did you say? You won't be hysterical again, will you?"

The corners of Yu Qingping's mouth twitched slightly, and she looked at An Ge inexplicably and was bullied. Now that the Ran family is blind, what kind of bad thoughts can you have?

Are you possessed by someone else's demon again?

An Ge babbled for a while, but still told Yu Qingping the whole story.

Originally, she was playful and wanted to joke about Jiang Lin, how could she tell others about such a thing, but now, if she didn't say anything, her aunt would look at Jiang Lin differently.

Are people wronged?

After Yu Qingping learned the real situation, the black lines on her forehead came out.

Poor people are blind, you are the one who brought others over to live, but you hid the bamboo stick they used to explore the way, and you are the one who wants to see other people's jokes.

have you?

Chapter [*] What kind of bad thoughts can a blind man have? (middle)

"Deserving it. If you bully others in the future, I won't turn against you."

Yu Qingping rolled her eyes at An Ge and whispered angrily to her.

This Nizi knows that people have to use a bamboo stick to probe when they walk, otherwise they will fall into trouble because they can't see, and it's not a loss to be taken advantage of by making such a joke.

After that, Yu Qingping left the yard and went back to the main room. She didn't go over to pull Jiang Lin up. This was something that her niece made up. It has nothing to do with her.

An Ge felt very embarrassed. She was a niece, but now even her aunt didn't look at her.

After a short pause, An Ge walked to Jiang Lin's side, helped him up, and helped him dust off his clothes.

"I...I didn't know you were there...I'm really sorry."

After Jiang Lin was lifted up by An Ge, he still pretended to apologize.

An Ge sells tofu flowers in Anyang City, and his craftsmanship is very good. He is a tofu Xishi himself, so he had a dark heart after eating An Ge's tofu before.

Moreover, he didn't have any burden in his heart. An Ge bullied him blind and hid his things. What happened when he ate a few bites of soft tofu from the other party?

"No... nothing, I... I don't blame you."

After Jiang Lin apologized like this, An Ge blushed again. He was taken advantage of, and he had to apologize to them.

But this result is still made by herself.

"Here, your bamboo stick, rest early, you should be tired too. By the way, did the fall hurt you just now?"

It was only at this time that An Ge thought that when Jiang Lin touched his chest before, the reaction was quite intense, and his hand was no longer heavy. Otherwise, Jiang Lin would not have rolled around on the ground for a few laps.

"It's okay, I didn't fall."

Jiang Lin smiled, then took his bamboo cane and went back to the room.

After half an hour, An Ge packed up the kitchen and came to Jiang Lin's door.

After knocking on the door a few times, there was no response, so she guessed that Jiang Lin should have fallen into a deep sleep.

"Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin..."

An Ge came to Jiang Lin's bed and called out twice. She was only slightly relieved when she saw that Jiang Lin was already asleep and couldn't wake up.

In fact, Jiang Lin has been awake all the time. Although he has been given a lot of sweating medicine in the meals he has eaten, this kind of medicine has no effect on him at all.

"I don't know if it's really fate with you."

An Ge looked at Jiang Lin who was "sleeping" and sat down beside the bed, muttering to himself.

Now, she doesn't know why she is so hopeful that Jiang Lin really has an extremely rare Yang Lian physique as Yu Qingping said, so that she has nothing to resist in her heart.

In fact, even if Jiang Lin didn't have any special physique and was just an ordinary blind man, she felt that she had nothing to be disappointed about.

At this moment, she seemed to realize that she really wanted to stay by Jiang Lin's side and not leave.

Shaking his head, An Ge suppressed the extra distracting thoughts in his heart, and released the Lunar Knife in Shifa's body.

With a move of her palm, An Ge's palm flew out a round blade with an ice-blue color.

In terms of appearance, the crescent knife is quite similar to Li Yingqi's golden crescent, both in the shape of a crescent moon, and the crescent and the blade are extremely sharp.

Before An Ge could take the initiative to control it, the Moon Blade spun around the room a few times, and then flew directly into Jiang Lin's body.

Attracted by the golden wheel of the sun, the moon knife rushed directly to the dantian position of Jianglin, where the foundation of Jianglin's road was located, and the golden wheel of the sun was buckled on the golden core of Jianglin.

"How is this going?"

An Ge was startled, she wasn't even ready to cast the spell, and the Lunar Knife plunged directly into Jiang Lin's body.

Moreover, what shocked her even more was that now the Moon Blade was out of her control. This did not mean that her own spiritual tool was isolated, or that there was a problem with the connection with its master.

It was simply disobedient, as if he was off the hook.

So, An Ge hurriedly lifted the quilt on Jiang Lin's body and put his hand on his chest, wanting to take the moon knife back.

Without her control, and Jiang Lin had the body of Yang Lian as her aunt said, then the Moon Wheel Saber might be unbridled in Jiang Lin's body.

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