However, no matter how the spell was cast, the Moon Blade was unwilling to get out of Jiang Lin's body.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's mood is also very speechless, not because the moon wheel knife flew directly into his body, but his golden sun wheel - this guy is near his dantian, and treats Ange's moon wheel knife as a girl to soak.

This thing revolved around the moon gold wheel, and from time to time it approached the past, rubbing against the wheel blade of the moon wheel knife.

I just said how can you trouble me, this has never happened before.

Jiang Lin was speechless. During the day, An Ge invited him to come and live, but he still wanted to refuse. After all, it was very inconvenient to come here. An Ge is a female cultivator, not an ordinary girl.

But when he wanted to refuse, the golden wheel in his body was unwilling, and he took the initiative to squeeze his golden elixir to release his spiritual power, which almost caused the corpse poison and spiritual power in his body to choke again.

It turns out that this product is really spring!

It was because he sensed that An Ge had a moon blade in his body, so he didn't want to leave.

Now, the Moon Wheel Saber that entered his body was like a shy little girl, but it didn't take long for the Moon Wheel Saber to stop being "reserved" and stick directly to the Rijin Wheel.

Second uncle, I really live to see you.

Jiang Lin's heart was like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping and roaring past.

Ri Jinlun not only "picked up girls" there, but also his mother's generosity, allowing Moon Wheel Knife to absorb the Yang spirit energy in his golden core.

You have a new relationship outside. If Ying Qi's Yue Jinlun finds out, he will probably turn against you - divorce!

The Japanese Golden Wheel only has some spirituality, and it is not psychic. Otherwise, it will definitely give Jiang Lin a big middle finger.

Fifty steps and a hundred steps, he was all hairy, and he said that others were monsters.

You have a lot of wives, what's wrong with me looking for a second room?

When you see a girl who looks the same as or similar to your wife, you're heartbroken. Isn't this Moon Wheel Knife and my original Moon Moon Wheel equivalent to twins?

When the moon blade and the golden wheel were glued together in Jiang Lin's body, An Ge was still casting spells and wanted to recall the moon blade, but this spiritual tool was just like you and me. How could she respond to her call? .

In desperation, An Ge had no choice but to call Yu Qingping over.

"Your crescent knife is out of control? That kid... did he take away the crescent knife?"

Yu Qingping frowned after listening to An Ge's explanation of the situation. Although she wanted An Ge to send the Lunar Sabre into Jiang Lin's body to confirm Jiang Lin's physique, she didn't want such a situation at all.

Now, An Ge can't control the Moon Blade to make it return.

"Auntie, why do you think people are having bad thoughts again? This time it's the Moon Lun Knife that doesn't listen to my control. It has nothing to do with Jiang Lin."

An Ge was very speechless, and at the same time, he felt sorry for Jiang Lin.

Everyone was fine, and they were all ready to rest, but she was pranked by her. At that time, her aunt suspected that they were deliberately taking advantage of it.

Now, Jiang Lin was unable to sleep because of the effects of the drug, and she released the Lunar Knife, but it penetrated directly into Jiang Lin's body.

Now, she still doesn't know what kind of pain Jiang Lin is going to endure, and what bad intentions her aunt has in acting as Jiang Lin.

Can't there be more trust between these people?

Chapter [*] What kind of bad thoughts can a blind man have? (Down)

Hearing what An Ge said, Yu Qingping also felt that she was going too far, so she stopped talking and went to the side room where Jiang Lin was with An Ge.

Yu Qingping asked An Ge to continue attracting the Moon Blade, while she was gathering spiritual power. As An Ge's assistant, she was the previous owner of the Moon Blade, second only to An Ge in terms of affinity.

But what surprised her was that even with her own help, An Ge still couldn't recruit the Moon Lun Knife.

Moreover, in this case, it is not that the Moon Blade is bound or isolated, or it is simply unwilling to come out.

"An Ge, take a closer look, the Moon Blade is spiritual after all, and I don't know what's going on now. Moreover, whether Jiang Lin's physique is a rare body of Yang Refinement depends on the changes of the Moon Blade. figure it out."

In desperation, Yu Qingping could only let An Ge try to communicate with the Moon Blade as much as possible. Now even An Ge, the current owner of the Moon Blade, does not understand what happened to cause such a situation. It's even more impossible to know.

"it is good."

An Ge nodded, and then tried to understand the situation according to what his aunt said.

After half a moment, the expression on An Ge's face became extremely wonderful.

She looked at Yu Qingping with a strange look, and said, "Auntie, the Moon Wheel Knife has some spiritual thoughts from it. It seems... It seems to have lived a good life in it, and it is very moisturizing, and it is not willing to come out for the time being."

"Ah? Is there such a thing?"

Yu Qingping's eyes widened, and the moon knife had a very good life in Jiang Lin's body.

And such a thing?

Yu Qingping really felt that her cognition of the Moon Blade was completely refreshed. When the Moon Blade followed her, there was never a similar situation.

At this time, Jiang Lin's eyeballs moved slightly, and now his mood can be said to be quite Nice.

From the beginning, he knew that An Ge would send the Lunar Sabre into his body for confirmation, but this confirmation was only a process, and the Lunar Saber would eventually be recruited back.

But now it's different, because the moon knife is in love with the Japanese gold wheel in his body, so he doesn't want to leave.

This greatly prolongs the time that the Lunar Knife is in its body.

Let him use this treasure to absorb and transform a lot of yin evil energy, relieve the corpse poison in the body, and then allocate some energy to heal his damaged eyeballs.

"What can I do? If it doesn't come out, wouldn't Jiang Lin suffer a lot of damage? If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have confirmed it."

Now An Ge is a little overwhelmed, the situation is completely beyond her expectations, and it is also out of Yu Qingping's expectations.

Now, An Ge has almost confirmed that Jiang Lin is the rare body of Yang Lian that his aunt said, otherwise, he would never make the Moon Blade stay in his body and be unwilling to come out.

But the confirmation was confirmed, but she was also worried about Jiang Lin's safety.

If Jiang Lin really suffered too much trauma because of the Moon Wheel Saber, it would be enough for her to feel guilty and distressed.

According to Yu Qingping, it is possible that the Moon Wheel Saber would not hurt Jiang Lin, but there is a premise that Jiang Lin must have her Yuan Yin in order to be regarded as the master by the Moon Wheel Saber.

But in the current Jiang Lin, there is no such possibility.

She was still an innocent girl, and there was nothing between her and Jiang Lin.

"Right now, I don't have a good way. You don't go out for a few days. Take care of him. Once he has something abnormal, even if it may cause him some damage, there is no way. You can only force it. The crescent knife was taken out, so as not to cause irreversible trauma to him."

After a little thought, Yu Qingping could only think of a solution for An Ge that was not a solution.

Although An Ge was anxious, she could only follow what her aunt said.

After that, Yu Qingping left the side room, leaving An Ge sitting beside Jiang Lin's bed.

For the next three days, An Ge stayed beside Jiang Lin except for necessary things.

It was during this period of protection that she developed an ambiguous affection for Jiang Lin.

The Moon Blade had a similar feedback effect on her. Now the Moon Blade and the Japanese Golden Wheel are in a sweet relationship. As the owner of the Moon Blade, even if there is no love, he will be guided.

In addition to the influence of the Moon Wheel Knife, An Ge himself is also a girl pregnant with spring.

Although she didn't know Jiang Lin for a long time, some things between the two were not trivial. Before, in addition to love, she also had a lot of feelings for Jiang Lin, such as guilt and pity.

What's more, she had also had close contact with Jiang Lin, and was taken advantage of by Jiang Lin and kissed her.

Under multiple influences, the current situation has naturally emerged.

Jiang Lin still didn't know that An Ge was already in love with this blind man. In the past few days, although he hadn't opened his eyes, he didn't rest for a moment.

Anyway, with the Moon Blade in his body, An Ge and Yu Qingping would not doubt it even if there was something unusual.

After calculating the time, Jiang Lin didn't pretend to be asleep anymore. He had already "borrowed" the Moon Wheel Sword for three days and four nights, and he couldn't keep going like this.

An Ge has said more than once that he is a blind man, how can he have any bad thoughts, everyone sees him this way, and he can't let others down.

Although the Moon Wheel Knife was the treasure he wanted, he could still think of a way later. If he did not return it, An Ge and Yu Qingping would definitely explode in anger.

Especially An Ge, who was disappointed with him to the point of a knife.

Therefore, after thinking about it, he decided to be the blind man with no bad intentions in An Ge's heart.

It's a pity that although his eyes got better, they couldn't heal.

His two eyeballs were too badly injured.

Even if his corpse has reached the level of stiff hair, and his vitality is very strong, he still cannot regenerate his severed limbs, and the permanent necrosis of his eyeballs cannot be restored to its original state in such a short period of time.

Not even with a moon blade.

I don't have any bad intentions, I just want to marry a wife and make a lot of money.

What kind of bad thoughts can this be?

After hypnotizing himself for a while, Jiang Lin sent a thought to the golden wheel in his dantian.

Almost there, there will be opportunities in the future.

So, with a sound of "hum", the crescent knife flew out of Jiang Lin's body. When An Ge saw this, he let go of his dangling heart and put the crescent knife back into his body.

"I am your master. In other people's bodies, I live so well?"

Feeling the slight joy that came from the crescent knife, An Ge snorted softly. The crescent knife had been nurtured in her body for so many years, but the result was not mature.

Seeing Jiang Lin, she even forgot her master.

Chapter [*]: Competitors one by one (Part [*])

"Jiang Lin, are you awake? Do you feel any discomfort?"

After Jiang Lin moved his body, An Ge focused his attention on Jiang Lin.

During this time, although she was guarding by Jiang Lin's side, she never knew the specific situation in Jiang Lin's body.

She also wanted to use her spiritual sense to find out whether the Lunar Knife was making a fuss inside Jiang Lin's body, but unfortunately, she couldn't find out anything.

However, she didn't think too much about it. Jiang Lin could have made this situation happen to the Moon Wheel Saber, probably because her physique was relatively special, and what she cultivated was the spiritual power of the mysterious yin nature, which would be considered reasonable and reasonable.

"I'm fine, what's wrong? Why do I feel like I've slept so long?"

After sitting up, Jiang Lin shook his head, pretended not to know anything, and asked An Ge.

"Well... You should have relapsed from the injury in your body, passed out in a coma, and slept for several days. I... I'm quite worried about you."

When asked by Jiang Lin, how could An Ge dare to tell the truth? He invited people to come and live at home. He took the sweat medicine for the first meal, and then almost killed other people. Fortunately, Jiang Lin took a relatively small amount of medicine. Great, otherwise this matter really can't be hidden.

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