Because he was still worried that there was trauma in Jiang Lin's body, but he couldn't find it, An Ge said, "You can feel the feeling carefully. If there is something wrong, just tell me."

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "I'm not uncomfortable, I'm causing you trouble."

"Don't worry, I'll make you something to eat. I'll go out to do business in a while. If you have something to do, I'll leave you the key."

"No need, your tofu... your tofu is very fragrant. I'll just go to the tofu shop to eat it. I just lay here for a few days, and I'm really sorry. If there is anything I can help, I'll make some. ."

Jiang Lin didn't want to waste time. Although he accidentally got the Moon Wheel Saber this time, it also delayed his time. Now he needs to walk around the city of Anyang and learn about the city.

An Ge had no problem with this either. After Jiang Lin washed up, she took Jiang Lin to the downtown area.

On the way, Jiang Lin also took the initiative to take some of the burdens in her hands, carried them on her shoulders, and followed her closely while exploring the way with a bamboo stick.

If it's like this in the future, it's also... It's pretty good.

An Ge looked back at Jiang Lin, and suddenly had some yearning for ordinary life in his heart.

In the future, if she is busy outside, Jiang Lin will help her by her side. Although life may be ordinary day after day, it is also quite warm.

After arriving at the tofu shop, it didn't take long for the guests to arrive one after another, and Jiang Lin sat on the side just like the first day.

"Ah! Commander Guo!"

"very handsome!"

"It's so handsome!"

Just as Jiang Lin walked to An Ge with a bowl and spoon, and was about to leave, he heard the cheers of girls erupting from the street corner.

"This commander Guo is here again. It's really rain or shine. As long as this place opens, he will definitely be found here."

The surrounding guests heard the movement on the street corner and looked over, and then they looked at An Ge with a smile.

"Ange, what happened over there?"

Jiang Lin didn't know what was going on because he didn't radiate spiritual sense, but after listening to the conversations of the guests around him, he asked An Ge.

It seemed that it was Commander Guo who wanted to pursue An Ge.

"Oh, it's a group of officers and soldiers in black guard uniforms. They belong to the general's residence in Anyang City. One of them, Guo Ping, is their commander and often comes to help with the business here."

An Ge frowned slightly, although she was a little impatient, she didn't show it in her tone.

This Guo Ping looks pretty good. He is very feminine in Anyang City. He often comes to sit with her, and he also has admiration for her.

Originally, she didn't take it seriously. After all, she opened a tofu shop and opened the door to do business. As long as it was a guest, she welcomed it.

Moreover, she can't control what other people think.

She was born beautiful, and it was normal for her to be admired.

However, this commander Guo didn't know what was crazy, for fear that others would not know, and said something like "Thousands of Jiaorui only love bean curd, the world's food is not as good as bean curd", which led to her tofu shop, I was almost rushed by a group of girls.

This made her feel a little unhappy.

"So it is."

Jiang Lin nodded, his guess was really good, this Commander Guo was really interested in An Ge.

At this moment, An Ge also laughed softly. She saw a group of young girls, like giving gifts, scrambling to deliver fresh vegetables and fruits to Commander Guo.

In the end, Roshan, who weighed nearly [*] catties, sent a large winter melon weighing [*] to [*] catties. Even if Commander Guo wanted to establish and maintain a good image in front of a crowd of girls, his face couldn't help turning green.

Jiang Lin didn't go to listen to the movement in the distance, so he didn't know why An Ge was laughing. That's why he didn't plan to leave. Now there is a man who is competing with him for An Ge. He also wants to Meet for a while.

Although I haven't seen this commander Guo yet, judging from the cheers on the street corner, it may be a little fresh meat.

In this way, he can really compete with him.

Now he is a blind man, and he has not been with An Ge for a long time. Even if Yu Qingping intends to match up, he still has nothing to say.

The various unreasonable behaviors of An Ge before were influenced by the Lunar Sabre in his body, but this influence would definitely not really influence An Ge's will.

So, now, the important thing is An Ge's attitude. An Ge's smile just now made him feel a little lost.

Although he admits that he has a lot of luck in peach blossoms, he is now blind, and it is inconvenient to explain everything. How many beautiful girls are really willing to find a blind man for a lifetime.

Even though Jiang Lin had known An Ge for a short time, he didn't even know what the other party looked like, but in his heart, he was not against the marriage arranged by Yu Qingping.

Of course, there are his considerations about his own situation, but there are other reasons as well.

The Moon Wheel Knife will have some impact on An Ge, as will the Sun Gold Wheel in his body, but the impact is not obvious.

Anyway, Jiang Lin knew that he already had a crush on An Ge.

Under such circumstances, how could he leave and let An Ge get along with that commander Guo.

Let others pry the corner?

It's also because Jiang Lin has been paying attention to his own situation for the past few days, and he doesn't know what An Ge is thinking. Otherwise, he wouldn't take this Commander Guo seriously at all.

Chapter [*] Competitors one by one (middle)

"Commander Guo, Miss Ange, Miss Ange is here to set up a stall again."

At this time, the oil head attendant beside Commander Guo saw An Ge from a distance, and shook Commander Guo's arm.

"It's open!"

Commander Guo's eyes lit up, and he looked over. He didn't even know how he had come here since he hadn't seen An Ge in the past few days.

It's really about to become a tea and rice.

"Accepted, accepted, accepted."

With a big wave of his hand, Commander Guo directly asked his subordinates to accept the fruits and vegetables sent by the girls, including the extra-large winter melon that Roshan had given him.

If you don't accept it, you'll have to be blocked.

After that, Commander Guo gave his subordinates another wink and ran in the other direction, otherwise so many people watched him go straight to the Yuhua Tofu Workshop in Ange, and they would have to rush over again.

"Commander, we can receive so many fruits and vegetables every once in a while, but we have a lot of good fortune. We also have to lose Commander. You are naturally beautiful and handsome. But in my opinion, you might as well follow those girls."

Youtou's attendant smiled and patted Guo Tongling on the shoulder, Guo Tongling rolled his eyes and said, "Didn't I tell you, I only picked one of the flowers. Although these fruits and vegetables are delicious, there are thousands of delicious foods. , I only love Douhuaer."

"Then we won't disturb the commander to taste the delicious food. Brothers, let's go. It's an easy task to lead you to the tofu shop. Let's take care of the things that Mr. Onizuka ordered."

The oil head valet smiled, and then went on patrol with a group of guards.

Commander Guo sorted out his hairstyle and walked around the streets to Yuhua Tofu Square in Ange.

Arriving in front of the tofu shop, he brushed off the cloak on his body again, held it in both hands, and sighed to see if there was any odor in his mouth.

"Girl Ange."

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Commander Guo walked over.

An Ge's polite mouth was slightly raised, a smile appeared, and he asked, "Commander Guo, you are here again, do you still put more chopped green onions as usual?"

"I didn't expect Miss Ange to remember my taste. I feel like I haven't seen you for a long time."

"If something didn't come, it didn't open."

An Ge didn't say much, and after that, he stopped looking at Commander Guo and continued to work.

But Commander Guo stood not far in front of her, and didn't sit down, just watched her busy.

"By the way, Jiang Lin, I'm busy right now. I'll give you the key first."

At this time, An Ge glanced at Jiang Lin and saw that Jiang Lin was facing Commander Guo, and only thought that he could just use Jiang Lin to break this annoying thought of Commander Guo.

Anyway, she has no opinion on Yu Qingping's suggestion now. It is estimated that it will not be long before she and Jiang Lin will have progress in their relationship.

In this case, it's not like taking Jiang Lin as a target.

"Take it, don't lose it, and if you walk, be careful on the road, don't... don't make me worry."

An Ge walked to Jiang Lin, picked up his hand and put the house key in his palm.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself."

Jiang Lin smiled and put the key in his arms.

It had nothing to do with people.

Jiang Lin was a little overjoyed in his heart. In front of this commander Guo, An Ge gave him the keys to his house, which was enough to explain the situation.

Although this situation may also be that An Ge deliberately wanted to provoke Commander Guo and wanted Commander Guo to take the initiative, but Jiang Lin knew that An Ge had no such intention.

When An Ge put the key in his hand just now, his fingers touched the other's wrist. At that time, An Ge's pulse was not slow at all.

Moreover, when An Ge said let him not worry about it, he said it sincerely.

Jiang Lin is not only good at hearing, but also not weak in his ability to distinguish between true and false in other people's words.

At this moment, Guo Commander was directly petrified in place.

What's happening here?

My goddess, the object of my long-standing admiration, now actually gave the keys to the house to another man!

Oh my God!

"Miss Ange, he... Who is he? What does he have to do with you?"

Commander Guo immediately came to Jiang Lin's table and looked at Jiang Lin with a hostile look.

Only then did he realize that Jiang Lin's eyes were covered with black cloth strips, and there was a shiny bamboo stick with one end touched by the table.


After discovering that Jiang Lin was blind, Commander Guo felt a little relieved.

An Ge can be regarded as a beautiful flower in Anyang City. Even if he doesn't look down on him, it is impossible to see a blind man.

Could it be that he, such a handsome and promising young man, can't compare to a blind man?

"Commander Guo, you are asking too much."

An Ge looked at Commander Guo with an unkind look, no matter what relationship she had with Jiang Lin, who was Jiang Lin, and Commander Guo, an outsider, why would he ask?

Do you have anything to do with half a dime?

"No...nothing, I just asked out of curiosity."

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