When Commander Guo was seen by An Ge like this, he immediately realized that he was being rude and could only smile awkwardly.

After that, An Ge didn't pay any more attention to her, and continued to greet the other customers at the pavilion.

"I said, bro, what's your relationship with Miss Ange?"

After An Ge left, Commander Guo sat next to Jiang Lin. Although he was relieved, he still felt that if he didn't ask clearly, it would be like a thorn in his heart.

Just like this?

Jiang Lin put away his spiritual sense and "saw" the appearance of Commander Guo.

Originally, he thought that this commander Guo was so attractive to young girls, so he had to look better than Pan An, not worse than some movie stars he knew.

But now he swept his spiritual sense on Guo Tongling's face, only to realize that this Guo Tongling, who was surrounded by a group of girls, was the same thing.

I have to say that this girl from Anyang City has a low taste.

"I have nothing to do with her."

With a slight smile, Jiang Lin shook his head, and at the same time he held a moment of silence for this leader Guo who felt good about himself.

This guy is the commander of the guards of the General's Mansion, and he's actually dressed up with oil and flour. It's impossible to say that he's not narcissistic.

But now such a narcissist can't compare to a blind man like him.

So, next, he had to give this competitor a good crit.

"So it is."

When Commander Guo heard the words, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, but then he felt that something was wrong. You have nothing to do with Ange. Why did they leave you the keys of the house?

Before waiting for Commander Guo to ask, Jiang Lin said again: "However, I live with her now. She hasn't come to the tofu shop these few days because I was injured and took care of me in my room."

Now that An Ge has already said something, Jiang Lin no longer has any scruples, and directly prepares to let this commander Guo break the defense.


Commander Guo almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood and has been taking care of you in your room?

Chapter [*] Competitors one by one (below)

Commander Guo felt a little buzzing in his head, three days, at least three days!

An Ge didn't come to the tofu shop for three days, but he took care of this man at home, and he still took care of him in his room.

If this kind of care isn't care in the normal sense, oh my!

At this moment, Commander Guo even felt that his beliefs had collapsed.

At this moment, An Ge turned her head and glanced at Jiang Lin. Although Jiang Lin was telling the truth, she had an intuition and felt that Jiang Lin seemed to say it on purpose.

When she wanted to bring Jiang Lin home, Jiang Lin knew that it would be inconvenient to live together if he was alone.

There is no reason to tell Commander Guo these things now.

Could it be that he deliberately said that because he knew that Commander Guo was interested in me?

Thinking of this, An Ge smiled slightly, a little sweetness in his heart.

There are a few young girls who are in love, and there are several who don't want their favorite objects to show their concern and concern for them.

Even if Jiang Lin is blind, he has almost no right to choose a mate. If she has no opinion, Jiang Lin probably won't have time to be happy, but she still wants Jiang Lin to like her.

An Ge was actually not unhappy with what Jiang Lin said. She originally planned to use Jiang Lin to stop Guo's thoughts, but now the effect is better.

After Guo Commander was stunned for a long time, he shook his head and calmed down a little.

He still felt that things shouldn't be as he thought, An Ge is such a delicate flower, and he has no shortage of suitors at all, how could he be so tasteless and find a blind man to be a man.

"I know, big cousin, are you Miss Ange's cousin? Are you his relative?"

Commander Guo had an expression of "I'm definitely not wrong" on his face, and patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder.

"I said that I have nothing to do with her anymore. It's just that she saw me a few days ago and made some misunderstandings. She asked me to live in her house for a period of time, probably for a month."

Jiang Lin continued to give Commander Guo a crit. Not only did Ange take care of him in the first few days, but also spent the next month with him day and night.

how about it?

Are you envious?


A month later, An Ge might have become a girl.


This time, Commander Guo's face turned green again, even greener than when Roshan sent him the extra-large winter melon.

He couldn't help but not green, his crush actually wanted to live with another man for so long!

Now even Commander Guo still feels that it is a little impossible, and he can't hold it anymore.

Which man can accept that the person he likes lives with other men, and he is not related at all.

"Brother, look at this, I am the guard commander of the general's mansion. Although I met you for the first time, I always feel that you have a special fate. Why don't you come to live with me, my house is not at all. It’s not small, and there are many servants.”

Commander Guo didn't dare to ask An Ge why he wanted to keep a blind man who had nothing to do at home, so he thought of a way.

It's okay to get Jiang Lin away from An Ge.

Who is your eldest brother?

Jiang Lin pouted, this commander Guo is really shameless, in order to get rid of him, any special fate will come out.

I ape you stinky shit!

It is An Ge who has a special fate with me!

Although he despised Commander Guo in his heart, Jiang Lin didn't show it. It's already like this. This Commander Guo still has a heartless heart and keeps thinking about it, so he plans to give this guy a powerful medicine.

"I have to ask An Ge about this."

Jiang Lin showed that he could not be the master, and then he faced An Ge's location and said, "An Ge, Commander Guo asked me to live with him, what do you think?"

After being asked by Jiang Lin, An Ge was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Why do you want to live with him? Didn't you live well in my house? I'm going to make some new clothes for you."

She never thought that Commander Guo would go so far. She brought Jiang Lin home a few days ago, and there was a reason for the previous misunderstanding and the reason why she was affected by the Moon Lun Knife in her body, but Commander Guo brought Jiang Lin home. What is the abacus?

Don't you just know that she lives with Jiang Lin?

After taking them back to their residence, can you take care of them?

Don't talk about taking care of it, it's good not to be punished.

When Commander Guo heard that An Ge said that he was going to make clothes for Jiang Lin, his mentality completely collapsed.

Where are the girls who casually make clothes for men?

Even if there are many girls in Anyang City who are very infatuated with him, they would not dare to do so.

I actually lost to a blind man.

I'm so handsome, I'm not as good as a blind blind man!

What's the use of being handsome?It's not like being compared by a blind man!

At this moment, Commander Guo felt that his heart had suffered an unbearable crit.

To say that everything was fine before, he didn't quite believe that An Ge would like a blind man.

But now, An Ge has to make tailor-made clothes for this blind man. This is what a wife does for her husband!

"That... I'm sorry, I... suddenly remembered that there are still some things I haven't dealt with."

Commander Guo has become a big mourning, and now even the fragrant tofu flower can't arouse any appetite.

The goddess in his heart wants to be good to others, but he is still a blind man with blind eyes, so how can he eat.

He took some silver coins from his arms and put them down. Leader Guo did not delay at all and left the tofu workshop directly.

Now, as long as he stays for a quarter of an hour, it can make him stab him in the heart like a knife.

"An Ge, go ahead and do your work first. I still have some things to do. I'll be back when I'm done. I can help you, and I feel better. You girl... it's so nice."


An Ge smiled sweetly, with a shy smile.

After that, Jiang Lin lit a bamboo stick and went to the street.

He was going to find some beggars or homeless people in Anyang City to ask for specific information about Anyang City.

Anyway, he is not short of money. For beggars or homeless people, as long as they have money, they basically answer whatever they ask.

After leaving the tofu workshop, Jiang Lin released his spiritual sense and acted as his eyes.

Before long, he found a few sloppy beggars in an alley.


Just as Jiang Lin walked into the alley, a big hand suddenly rested on his shoulder from behind, and at the same time, there was a rather unkind voice: "The Yu family's crescent knife should be on you, right? Hand it over!"

this sound...

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, feeling that the voice behind him was somewhat familiar.What surprised him even more was that the person who suddenly appeared behind him actually asked him for a moon-shaped knife.

Why did I just get the guy who competed with me for my wife, and now there is another person who competes with me for the baby?

Jiang Lin's heart was really depressed. Someone in An Ge was arguing with him. At this moment, there were also people who were robbing him of the Moon Wheel Knife, one after another, and there might be more in the future.

This Nima, how fierce is the competition?

Chapter [*] Knock the sap, under the black hand (on)

Jiang Lin is not unfounded. From the conversation between An Ge and Yu Qingping, he already learned that they were being hunted by the Yu family, just to recapture the moon-shaped knife in An Ge's body.

The people behind him are now asking him for a moon blade. Although he still doesn't know why, Jiang Lin understands that at least the person who covets the moon blade has arrived in Anyang City.

In this case, it will be a matter of time to find An Ge.

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