Jiang Lin didn't have a moon-shaped knife in his body, but the other party could still ask him for it. It was estimated that there was some special way to search. An Ge was in the Yuhua Tofu Factory not too far away, and it was impossible to escape.

It's not too much trouble, but if the people behind him didn't come alone, there would be a lot of people who would compete with him for the moon-shaped knife.

Therefore, whether it is Commander Guo, who is interested in An Ge, or the guy behind him who wants to get the Moon Wheel Saber, they are all in the same competitive relationship with him.

"What moon blade? You've got the wrong person."

Jiang Lin lit the bamboo stick and turned around, not to mention that he didn't have the Moon Wheel Sabre on his body, even if he did, he wouldn't be able to hand it over so easily.

"It's you?"

The man behind Jiang Lin was the demon hunter Liu Yi who had met Jiang Lin on the high mountain outside Anyang City a few days ago.

Liu Yi is indeed a monster hunter, but at the same time, like An Ge, he has a strong relationship with the Yu family.

He is a disciple of the chief elder of the Yu family. In terms of seniority, he is of the same generation as An Ge.

This time, when he came to Anyang City, Liu Yi not only wanted to collect some monsters to obtain the Nei Dan Yao Dan, but also was on the mission to find the Moon Wheel Saber, which is why he held Jiang Lin and made him hand over the Moon Wheel Saber. .

However, after seeing Jiang Lin's face, Liu Yi was quite surprised.

Jiang Lin is a blind man. When he was outside Anyang City before, he had seen this blind man. How could he possibly have a moon-shaped knife?

At that time, the probe on his body did not respond at all.

At this moment, Liu Yi doubted whether the utensils he was carrying were wrong.

In fact, he really did not find Jiang Lin wrong. Jiang Lin had a moon blade in his body a few days ago, and he also used the moon blade to absorb and transform the mysterious yin energy, which led to the aura of the moon blade on his body. remains.

Liu Yi?

Hearing the other party's voice again, and sensing the breath on his body, Jiang Lin also knew that the person who came was actually Liu Yi who he had met before.

"I seem to have heard your voice, do you know if Xiongtai is looking for me?"

Jiang Lin knew Liu Yi's identity, but how could he confess that it would be best to pretend he didn't know anything.

Although he is not afraid of this Liu Yi now, he has a lot of confidence in the real battle, but if his identity is exposed because of this, he may lose his qualification to compete directly.

Liu Yi did not respond to Jiang Lin, but frowned. After that, he took out the roulette he had put back from the cloth bag around his waist and confirmed it again.

That's right!

I didn't find the wrong person.

Liu Yi's brows furrowed even tighter. The object displayed on the artifact was the blind man in front of him.

Jiang Lin's ears moved slightly. Hearing Liu Yi's series of movements, he also had some clues in his heart. This Liu Yi mostly found him with the help of some mysterious yin aura or other auras left in his body.

"I didn't expect that I really misunderstood. I was almost fooled by you and handed over the moon knife. I won't embarrass you."

After confirming that the probe was not malfunctioning, Liu Yi looked at Jiang Lin with a bad look on his face.

He didn't know Jiang Lin's encounters in Anyang City in the past few days, so he attributed the things he missed when he met Jiang Lin on the high mountain to being disguised by Jiang Lin.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Jiang Lin shook his head, and then pretended to be garlic. Anyway, the Moon Wheel Knife really wasn't with him. No matter how sure Liu Yi was, it would only be in vain.

"Still being stubborn here, just let me see what you are capable of, and it made me lose sight of it."

Liu Yi snorted coldly, grabbed Jiang Lin's arm, and clasped it.

Originally, if Jiang Lin exuded spiritual awareness, he would not have given Liu Yi any chance at all, but now he has nothing to fear. Anyway, he doesn't have a moon knife, so Liu Yi is looking for the wrong person.

Therefore, he is not going to have any conflict with Liu Yi. If this guy is still stubborn, he might as well be a porcelain touch.


After Liu Yi captured Jiang Lin, he was also surprised.

Just now, he concentrated all his energy and prepared to fight Jiang Lin. After all, Jiang Lin had been able to hide from his eyes before, at least his cultivation was not weak.

But now, the blind man was caught by him so easily.

"What are you doing?"

"Isn't it bullying?"

"A tall man, bullying a blind man?"

Just when Liu Yi was puzzled, the beggars in the alley couldn't stand it any longer.

They are all vagabonds begging for a living, and most of them are sick. Therefore, for Jiang Lin, who is also a disabled person, they have some pity for each other.

Now when they saw Liu Yi bullying a blind man for no reason, they couldn't bear it.

"When this Anyang City can really be bullied at will? Come on!"

"Look, someone is embarrassing a blind man!"

Two or three beggars shouted directly, and it didn't take long for pedestrians on the street to be attracted after hearing the cry.

How is this going?

Liu Yi didn't care about the situation around him. He released his spiritual sense and wanted to explore the location of the Lunar Knife in Jiang Lin's body.

However, even if his cultivation base is not weak, he is only similar to Yu Qingping. In terms of strength, he is still a long way from Jiang Lin, so naturally he can't detect anything.

At this time, the pedestrians who were attracted by the beggar's voice couldn't stand it any longer, and they pointed at Liu Yi one by one.

"I don't know you at all. You have to ask me for a knife. If you want a knife, you can't go to the blacksmith shop? I can't feel my arm now. You have to take me to the medical center."

Jiang Lin didn't expect that the beggars in the alley would roar when they saw the road, so, at this moment, he was really a touch of porcelain.

He didn't even want to blackmail Liu Yi, he just wanted to take this opportunity to find out if Liu Yi was the only one.

If it wasn't for one person, and there were other companions, he would be ready to kill them one by one, and then the next black hand.

Originally, Jiang Lin didn't have any grudges with Liu Yi, just in terms of goals, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​​​playing tricks.But unfortunately, Liu Yi's target is An Ge, and An Ge and him have been married by Yu Qingping.

That is to say, the relationship between An Ge and him is no longer ordinary. In this case, for An Ge's safety and his own purpose, Liu Yi can't wonder why he has a dark heart.

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine chapters knock the sap, under the black hand (middle)

Jiang Lin still doesn't know the details of Liu Yi, but he guessed that this monster hunter has a high probability of being closely related to the Yu family.

Although the Moon Wheel Knife was originally a treasure of the Yu family, An Ge and Yu Qingping were originally members of the Yu family, but they were expelled from the family.

Jiang Lin heard this information from the conversation between An Ge and Yu Qingping when he was pretending to be in a coma.

What's more, now that the Moon Blade has become a spiritual tool for Ange's life to cultivate, once it is forcibly taken away, the damage to the cultivation base is small, and it is likely to be life-threatening.

Therefore, even if An Ge has nothing to do with the Yu family, or even if An Ge stole this treasure, he would have stood for An Ge.

Jiang Lin is usually willing to reason, but it is about the health and safety of his family, so the reasoning is left to others, and has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, in his heart, he could only say sorry to Liu Yi in advance.

Liu Yi loosened the strength on his hand a little, and touched the beard on his chin with the other hand. The current situation made him a little confused again.

Under normal circumstances, if the blind man in front of him was the same type of person as him, a monk, he would have reacted long ago if he was captured by others.

After all, the arm was captured and the back door was wide open. This was a very dangerous thing, but this blind man had not shown much.

Could it be really wrong?

After thinking for a while, Liu Yi made a seal with one hand, silently recited the magic formula, and then placed a palm print on Jiang Lin's back.

A golden rune was immediately printed on Jiang Lin's back.

Liu Yi still wasn't sure whether he had really found the wrong person, so this palm seal sealed Jiang Lin's spiritual power.

In his cognition, no matter how the other party pretends to be, it must be based on his own spiritual power. Once the spiritual power is blocked, it will naturally reveal his tricks.

However, even if his palm was printed on Jiang Lin's back, Jiang Lin didn't give off any breath.

Jiang Lin's concealment method is not based on his own spiritual power, but on a small rune formation. Unless the body surface and the runes infiltrated into the flesh are damaged, otherwise, there will be no major problems.

Seeing this, Liu Yi was still not ready to give up. He stretched his five fingers, clasped the roulette of the probe moon knife, pressed it directly on Jiang Lin's waist, and his own spiritual power poured into the roulette.

If the Moon Wheel Knife was in Jiang Lin's body, it would definitely be sucked out by this roulette.

After a while, the expression on Liu Yi's face became a little exciting.

No response, nothing at all.

The crescent knife was never on Jiang Lin's body, no matter how he cast it, it would be futile.

"Damn, you broke me right now?"

Sucking Yahuazi, Liu Yi scolded him. It was already like this, but there was still no result. He didn't have to think about it to know that he was looking for the wrong person, and the reason was that the roulette wheel used to detect the moon knife had malfunctioned.

After that, he put Jiang Lin's arm down and turned to leave.

"You're leaving now? Who will treat my arm? I don't even know where the hospital is."

Jiang Lin didn't expect Liu Yi to be so shameless. When he put it here, he would break his arm and hit him in the back. Now he is leaving without saying a word.

"I recognized the wrong person, and now I have something to do. I'll invite you back for a drink."

Liu Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, then squeezed out of the crowd and walked away.

Is this okay?

I've got to do the trick on you.

Jiang Lin smiled coldly in his heart. This Liu Yi sealed the spiritual power in him. Although he could be washed away by him, it also caused him some trouble.

Now this guy wants to walk away, but he still doesn't agree.

Therefore, Jiang Lin chased after him with a bamboo stick in one hand in the crowd who accused Liu Yi.If Liu Yi still has accomplices and joins them in a short period of time, it will save him the trouble.If it is not certain whether Liu Yi still has an accomplice for the time being, then don't blame him for hitting the sap.

After hitting the sap, he went to find out the information of Anyang City. In addition, he still needed to take some measures to protect Ange.

In fact, according to Jianglin's character, he should first consider ensuring that An Ge will not have an accident.

But the problem is, he can't tell An Geming to beware, he can only choose his own way, which requires him to do some work, in addition, the seal on his own spiritual power also requires him to attack.

This will take a while.

The main reason is that if you go back now, you will lose Liu Yi's trace.

Therefore, after weighing it, Jiang Lin chose to try his luck first.

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