For the next period of time, Jiang Lin followed Liu Yi, but the distance was not too close. After tracking for half an hour, Jiang Lin was not ready to follow.

This Liu Yi is just wandering around in Anyang City. If he follows him again, he doesn't know when he will be able to determine whether this guy has any accomplices.

If it goes on like this, An Ge may have problems.

After calculating the time, Jiang Lin felt that he could sap this Liu Yi.

Although he has not yet reopened the seal of spiritual power in his body, his own corpse poison is still unaffected.

Jiang Lin walked to the blacksmith shop not far away, and bought a big iron rod from the boss, and the rod had a bulge on it.



When Liu Yi passed by an alley, Jiang Lin swung his stick in it.

strike out!


Liu Yi's strength and reaction are not bad at all. When he sensed the arrival of the crisis, he poured out the spiritual defense in his body.

But unfortunately, this time, it was Jiang Lin who hit him with a sap.

Jiang Lin's stick went down, causing his eyes to shine with gold stars, and his mouth was full of feces.

It was also Jiang Lin who wanted to confirm whether he had any companions, so he kept his hand. Otherwise, if the strength of the corpse was added to the iron rod, Liu Yi's head would have exploded like a big watermelon.

Second uncle, let you bully me a blind man!

After Liu Yi was thrown flying and plunged into the alley, Jiang Lin rushed over and slapped Liu Yi vigorously with an iron stick.

It is one aspect that he takes this product out of anger. On the other hand, he needs to get Liu Yi's blood on the iron rod, so that he can use spells to understand the movement of this product.

Hey, knocking the sap is cool for a while, and it's always cool.

Jiang Lin's mood was really refreshing at this time. Liu Yi was knocked by him and barked like a dog.

Chapter [*] Knock on the sap

"Who? Who is it!"

Liu Yi hugged his head and shouted loudly. Now he is here with a big iron rod, but he can't even see the aggressor.

Jiang Lin hid his figure, and kept changing his position with teleportation, so that Liu Yi couldn't see the main lord at all.

"I let you call!"

Jiang Lin roared and smashed Liu Yi's forehead with a stick, causing this guy to bleed.

After the iron rod was stained with Liu Yi's blood, Jiang Lin didn't continue. He still wanted to foam at the mouth, but in that case, if this fellow had an accomplice, this Liu Yi would not be able to join the accomplice. .

In the end, Jiang Lin twisted his upper body, gave Liu Yi a stick again, and threw the goods onto the street.

Liu Yi, whose head was bleeding, fell on the street, got up and roared hard.

He didn't even know what kind of immortal he was provoking, and he was beaten up by someone who was going well.

Moreover, what made him angry even more was that he didn't even know who was beating him.

It was the first time in his life that he had encountered such a situation.

It's just that Liu Yi never expected that he was just a head start when he was beaten by a sap this time.

After that, he was beaten with a sap and almost became a daily activity.

Being stared at by Jiang Lin, let alone a cultivator of Jindan stage, even if the former Lord of Heaven is resurrected without heaven, it will not end well.

After roaring, Liu Yi endured the pain and rushed into the alley just now, but now Jiang Lin is long gone.

At this time, Jiang Lin was already a few blocks away. He took out the bamboo stick from his arms and continued to be a blind man.

He didn't go back to the tofu shop immediately, but went back to the alley where he encountered Liu Yi.

Now he still needs some time to break through the spiritual seal imposed by Liu Yi on him. Taking advantage of this time, he will do what he was planning to do.

Because a few beggars had seen Jiang Lin more than half an hour ago, when Jiang Lin asked about Anyang City, these beggars were also quite enthusiastic.

In addition, Jiang Lin gave them some money, so they told Jiang Lin everything they knew and heard.

As for Jiang Lin's arm returning to normal, he was also put off by Jiang Lin on the grounds that he went to the hospital for treatment.

"It turns out that this Anyang City was built under the leadership of Mr. Onizuka from the General's Mansion. It seems that the water in this Anyang City is not shallow at all."

After leaving the alley, Jiang Lin muttered to himself, in some of the information he had just obtained, there was the location of the General's Mansion in Anyang City. After a little comparison, he found that the area where the General's Mansion was located was exactly A few days ago, I felt the place where the corpse was fluctuating.

According to those beggars, the general of Anyang City was simply a military general, and he did not possess any extraordinary abilities.

That is to say, the fluctuation of the corpse that appeared at that time was most likely related to Mr. Onizuka.

Moreover, the entire architectural layout of Anyang City was designed by Mr. Onizuka alone. The location of the General's Mansion is the center of the entire Millennium Mass Burial Mound.

The yin evil spirit is the most intense there.

At this moment, Jiang Lin felt a little pressure. This Mr. Onizuka's accomplishments in formation techniques were quite impressive. Although he didn't know the opponent's strength yet, he could see it from the inside.

When he followed Liu Yi on the street before, he also noticed the yin and evil spirit of Anyang City, and it seemed that they were all led to the central area, where the General's Mansion was located.

He wants to get a lot of yin and evil spirits, and it is estimated that he has to meet Mr. Onizuka.

In addition to these, Jiang Lin also thought of one thing.

That day, when he and An Ge were eating in the yard, a corpse flew over, and the target seemed to be An Ge.

Now that I think about it, it's very likely that An Ge's physique or the moon-shaped knife in his body attracted those corpses.

Could it be that Mr. Onizuka is also thinking of Ange?

Jiang Lin raised his hand and pinched his chin. It's all right now. There may be another one who has a competitive relationship with him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin no longer delays, the seal in his body has been smashed by him, and he can take some protective measures for An Ge.

After that, he directly released his spiritual sense and looked for a silk cloth shop nearby.

After asking a pedestrian, Jiang Lin got the location of the silk cloth factory, so he went straight to find it.

He couldn't remind An Ge to gather the mysterious yin aura in his body and hide the aura of the Moon Wheel Saber in his body, so he could only think of other ways.

And the method he thought of was to buy An Ge a new dress.

When he was in the tofu shop, An Ge said that he would make some new clothes for him, so he would buy An Ge a beautiful and beautiful flower clothes, and there was nothing wrong with An Ge, and An Ge would not be suspicious.

However, such flowery clothes would definitely not be ordinary clothes. He would paint more advanced hidden runes on the clothes to cover up the mysterious yin aura on An Ge.

As for whether the clothes fit An Ge's body, An Ge is not satisfied, and Jiang Lin is not worried at all. A few days ago, he used An Ge to bully him blind and throw An Ge to the ground. Went to An Ge for a bear hug and ate a few mouthfuls of soft tofu.

Therefore, An Ge's body is fat and thin, and his body length is short, and he still has some confidence in his heart.

When he arrived at the silk cloth factory, Jiang Lin chose a fairy dress for An Ge that was of good material and fit quite well.

After that, he asked for a room at the inn not far from the silk cloth factory.

After setting up the isolation circle in the room, Jiang Lin took out a lot of forbidden medicinal materials and some rare treasures from the ancient mirror.

After refining these treasures into medicinal liquid with Yang Yan, he bit his fingers, and with his own blood essence, he copied and painted one after another intricate and mysterious runes on the inside and outside of the immortal dress.

After a stick of incense, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. He finally got the immortal dress, which has an excellent concealment effect.

Moreover, these runes were also hidden by his superb means, and he was not worried that they would be discovered by An Ge or Yu Qingping.

Then Jiang Lin didn't delay, he took out the iron rod that beat Liu Yi from the ancient mirror, and created a special compass using the blood on it as a guide.

With this compass, he can grasp Liu Yi's movements later. If the other party has any accomplices, they should meet at night.

Generally speaking, as long as they are in the same group, they are most likely to live in the same place.

After finishing these tasks, Jiang Lin put the compass in the ancient mirror, and put the immortal dress in the baggage.

Now he can go back.

He has almost grasped the general information of Anyang City. As for what kind of experts or evil spirits there are here, it is impossible to ask. He can only rely on him to move around to sense it, so as to avoid what happens when he absorbs the yin and evil energy later. trouble.

Chapter [*] The woman's nose, take it! (superior)

Before arriving in Anyang City, Jiang Lin had already decided to act cautiously when he didn't know much about it.

When he came here, if it was not necessary, he really did not want to get into any difficult problems.

Killing an extremely terrifying Wangtian a few months ago seems to have exhausted his luck.

This can be seen from the current situation of the people around him. Baoyi and Liu Sheng do not know when they will recover. They are lying in his ancient mirror. Later, although he meets Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie again, more than a month ago He was also implicated by him, and fell asleep in his atrium and ventricle.

Finally met Pan Xuemei and Zhan Min, who were six thieves, and now they are wearing them like necklaces.

As for himself, he first encountered the black judge, which caused him to suffer heavy losses again, and later encountered the mud demon anti-killing game, which made him even blind now.

That is to say, now his state has been unable to restore steady state. If he encounters another danger, maybe he may become deaf or mute again, or even lose his arm and break his leg.

He couldn't eat any of these.

Once the situation changes again, even if Jiang Lin has experienced hundreds of battles and his record is almost unparalleled, he will most likely defeat Maicheng.

In this situation, he should be cautious if he can be cautious. Before taking action, he needs to think carefully, grasp as much information as possible, and avoid all unnecessary troubles.


After turning around a street, Jiang Lin faced the direction of the center of the street. There, he sensed a lot of demonic energy, and there was a fox smell in the demonic energy.

Are there fox demons gathered there?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin walked over. Anyway, going back on this street is not a detour.

In fact, the most important thing is that in addition to sensing the scent of the fox demon, he also noticed that there was a lot of yin and evil energy in the center of the street. He also walked around Anyang City, although the walking distance was not long. , but the place where it passed, the evil spirit radiated by it was still quite weak, and it was not even comparable to an ordinary cemetery.

There are not many people in this street, and it can gather quite a lot of yin qi, so Jiang Lin wanted to go there and see what caused the condensed yin qi.

When he reached the center of the street, Jiang Lin swept away his spiritual sense, only to find that the place exuding demonic aura was a Fengyue place called Tianxianglou, which was a brothel.

Is it so blatant?

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