Jiang Lin was a little surprised. The demonic energy here was quite strong, indicating that there were quite a few fox demons gathered inside. Maybe the oiran and the top cards were all fox demons.

This man who is so romantic here is really blessed, and ordinary people really can't enjoy such a service.

This is the first time he has seen the fox demon openly sell it.

This street is also a bustling avenue.

This is not the point. The point is that the current situation of Anyang City should be mastered by Mr. Onizuka in the general's residence.

Since this Mr. Onizuka has gathered the evil spirit in the city in one place, and Tianxianglou is equivalent to intercepting it halfway, it is still blatant, and it should be targeted long ago.

Could it be that the fox demon here has something to do with Mr. Onizuka?

While guessing, Jiang Lin walked and walked to the stall opposite Tianxianglou selling rouge gouache.

He wanted to get a sense of the situation in Tianxianglou, and at the same time, he could also take advantage of this time to choose some cosmetics for An Ge and send them along with his clothes.

In fact, Jiang Lin really guessed wrong. The fox demon in Tianxiang Building has nothing to do with Mr. Onitsuka. Mr. Onitsuka, that is, the old ghost wood, has long known that there are many fox demons in Tianxiang Building. What action, because he regarded this place as a pigsty early in the morning.

If there is any need, just take the Neidan Yaodan from the monster directly here. The more the fox demon here uses the Yin Sha Qi to cultivate, the better it will be for him.

Squeezing his chin, Jiang Lin carefully released his spiritual sense to investigate the reason why Tianxianglou was able to gather yin and evil energy.

Until now, he has not had a clear understanding of the overall layout of Anyang City, and the rest of the place does not have such a strong yin and evil spirit, at least not in the few streets he walked, so he wanted to explore it. Find out what happened.

Even if his eyes regained his vision later, if it wasn't necessary, he didn't really want to meet Mr. Onizuka from the General's Mansion. It would be best if he could capture the evil spirit in this way of Tianxianglou.

Jiang Lin probed and found that the evil spirit of Tianxianglou was escaping from the well in the backyard.

Has the evil spirit of the entire city accumulated underground?

Jiang Lin thought for a while, and just when he wanted to investigate further, Guo Tong led a group of guards to the Tianxiang Tower to search for the assassins who had assassinated the general.

Therefore, Jiang Lin took his own spiritual sense, lest he would be noticed by the fox demons inside because of the arrival of Commander Guo. Although those fox demons were not very cultivated, if they had any connection with Mr. Onizuka, He might be stunned.

After choosing some rouge gouache for An Ge, Jiang Lin left without stopping.

"came back?"

After a stick of incense, An Ge smiled when she saw Jiang Lin who came back. Although she didn't want to look after Jiang Lin now, after Jiang Lin left her sight, she would still make her feel a little worried.

"Come on, I'll help you sit down."

Anyway, the busy time is over now, and there are no customers on the pavement, so An Ge walked over to support Jiang Lin, lest he bump into it.

As she approached Jiang Lin, her nose moved slightly, and her face became a little ugly after that.

"You... where have you been?"

An anger appeared on An Ge's face, and there was some questioning in his tone.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just walked around and bought something."


Seeing that Jiang Lin was unwilling to confess, An Ge hummed softly.

Just now, she smelled a smell of rouge from Jiang Lin's body, and it was a good quality rouge. This is not the point. The point is that this kind of rouge is only the favorite of those fox demons in Tianxianglou.

She knew that the top oiran cards there were all fox demons, but at the same time, they were also dirty women.

If she hadn't accepted the kindness of Yun Duo'er, the oiran of Tianxianglou, her expression would have become extremely disgusting at this moment.

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. An Ge couldn't control his emotions, and said in a cold tone, "The girls in Tianxianglou are all gentle, aren't they?"

Chapter [*] The woman's nose, take it! (Down)

"How do you know that I have been to Tianxianglou?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. After he left An Ge, he exuded a spiritual sense. If An Ge followed him, he would definitely find out.

But if An Ge didn't follow him, how did he grasp his movements?

"You really went. I thought you were blind. You should be very honest. I didn't expect you to be the same as other men."

When An Ge heard Jiang Lin's surprised words, a pantothenic anger arose in his heart for no reason, and then said, "With so many rouge smells on your body, you hug a few girls to be happy?"

Hearing this, Jiang Lin immediately understood that An Ge had smelled some rouge on him.

Is a woman's nose so strong?

Jiang Lin felt quite speechless. He just stood at the entrance of Tianxiang Tower for a while, and then went to the rouge stand opposite to stay there.

Moreover, this is all before a stick of incense.

Just by virtue of his nose, An Ge can infer that he has been to Tianxianglou.

This sense of smell, he also obeyed.

dog nose?

Afterwards, Jiang Lin moved his nose, wanting to smell the smell left on his body.

However, what made him speechless was that he really didn't smell anything.

Jiang Lin has always been quite confident in his five senses, but now, he also has to admire An Ge.

Because of this, Jiang Lin is glad that he didn't enter the Tianxiang Tower to check the situation of the evil spirits.

That is really yellow mud falling off the crotch.

"I've been to that street, but never in."

Jiang Lin explained that he didn't go to Merry and Happy at all, and of course he couldn't be wronged.

"Really? It seems that I misunderstood you. You didn't go in? How long did you stay? Are you afraid that others will see you blind and not entertain you?"

An Ge didn't believe Jiang Lin's words at all, didn't he go in?If you haven't entered the Tianxiang Tower, can you still have that rouge scent on your body?


Jiang Lin really didn't know how to explain it. He did stay opposite the entrance of Tianxiang Tower for a while, but why was he worried that he would not be entertained?

Although he was speechless at the trumped-up charges that An Ge was wearing, Jiang Lin still smiled.

Now it seems that An Ge really cares about him, otherwise, even if he learns of such a thing, he will only feel disgusted, not like he is now.

He could clearly feel An Ge's sullenness in his heart.

Pressing his lips, Jiang Lin said, "Although I'm blind, I don't consider myself dirty and sloppy. I won't go to that kind of place, even if anyone drags me. In your heart, I'm just that kind of person. A person who cleans himself and loves himself?"

With that said, Jiang Lin took out some rouge gouache from his arms and handed it to An Ge.

"I smelled a rouge stand over there, and I chose a few for you. If you don't believe me, you can go there and ask. I'm a blind man, so it's easy to impress others, and the stall owner there won't be ignorant. Mine. Besides, when I came back, that Guo Commander went to Tianxianglou to search for assassins. You can use his strength to ask, even if I want to bribe any stall owner or people in Tianxianglou, in the face of officers and soldiers, are they? Dare to hide it."


An Ge looked at the small fat powder in Jiang Lin's hands, and then looked at Jiang Lin, and felt a little guilt in his heart.

Jiang Lin said so, so it was clear that she had wronged Jiang Lin.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also asked her to use the hands of Commander Guo to check. If Jiang Lin really went to that kind of place, he could find it as soon as he checked.

Seeing that Jiang Lin still had a light smile on his face, An Ge really liked this blind man more and more in his heart.

This character is really good.

When I first met her, I was misunderstood by her, and I was not angry. Now I am misunderstood by her, I still don't feel wronged.

"Why should I check? It doesn't matter if you go to that kind of place or not."

Although she felt sorry for Jiang Lin in her heart, An Ge still kept her mouth open, her mouth still stubborn, but she still accepted Jiang Lin's lip balm with a shy smile on her face.

"It's up to you, but ah, your nose... it's really smarter than a dog. I think that my sense of smell is different from ordinary people. Compared with you, I'm still inferior. I admire it, I'm convinced!"

Jiang Lin was telling the truth. If it weren't for today's incident, if he didn't pay attention later, he might not have been able to hide it from An Ge.

"Who is the dog? I won't cook for you at night!"

Chong Jianglin wrinkled his nose, An Ge continued: "You say my nose is better than a dog, and you are willing to bow down to me, you are not as good as a puppy, no, it may be that you are a little bit stronger than a puppy. "

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly and did not argue with An Ge.

Let you scold me, then you can really marry a chicken and a dog and a dog.

"You can't see, so what kind of powder did you buy me? Can people not bully you?"

Although An Ge was very happy, after thinking about it, he had no expectations for this gift from Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin is no better than buying some food or utensils. It's not easy for others to coax him. He is a man, and his eyes can't see anything. He went to buy rouge gouache, and people didn't try to fool him.

"I just want to buy you some gifts, see if you like it or not."


An Ge opened the delicate powder boxes in her hands, and her eyes suddenly lit up. She also quite liked the color of these rouge gouache.

In fact, Jiang Lin didn't know what An Ge liked. He just chose some similar ones purely based on the hobbies of his wives.

The bunch of wives in his family also like to dress up, so Jiang Lin is quite experienced in this aspect.

"Actually, I also bought you a gift, and I'll give it to you in a moment."

Jiang Lin originally wanted to take out the immortal dress from the bag, but thinking of An Ge's sense of smell, he prepared to deal with some of the medicinal fragrance left on the dress, otherwise, he really couldn't explain it.

"What did you buy again?"

"You'll know in a while."

Jiang Lin smiled, then got up and went to the shop behind with a bamboo stick.

"Mysterious and mysterious, he was originally a blind man. How much money could he have? He also spent random money."

An Ge pouted, and as soon as she said the words, she blamed herself for being a little overthinking.

That day, the Xianglou was not something that ordinary people could go to, and it cost a lot of money. How much money can Jiang Lin have on his body like this?

Even if you have that kind of heart, you don't have that kind of money.

But she didn't think about it before, just because she smelled the powder on Jiang Lin's body, she didn't think about anything.

Had to suspect that he was touching women randomly outside.

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