Chapter [*] Boy, you really owe the five elements (Part [*])

An Ge looked at the rouge gouache in her hand, and her face gradually turned rosy. No man had ever bought her such a thing.

In the past, when she was in the Yu family, she was still young, and even if some of her peers had any thoughts, she would be scruples about her aunt and did not dare to approach her.

When she was not expelled from her family, Yu Qingping's status was not low at all.

Later, because Yu Qingping got acquainted with the green bamboo demon, there was a farce for the Yu family in which the demon catcher fell in love with the demon. Her niece was also affected because of her suffering. Since then, she has lived a life of wandering and fleeing, and more There could be no time for her to meet any man.

Why does he always feel that he is blind and not blind?

An Ge glanced back at her. Before, she felt apologetic for misunderstanding Jiang Lin, and she ignored the significance of Jiang Lin giving her rouge gouache.

If a man is fine, how can he buy fat powder for the girl's house?

What's more, Jiang Lin was originally a blind man. No matter how good his mentality was, if he wanted to show his favor to a girl, he would definitely have some scruples.

But Jiang Lin gave her rouge gouache very plain, so it was very likely that Jiang Lin was like a mirror in her heart and knew her thoughts.

Thinking of this, An Ge's cheeks turned slightly red. She had never had any emotional experience, and she didn't know how Jiang Lin would pursue her later.

Just when An Ge was thinking about something, another guest came, she suppressed her emotions and concentrated on her business.

On the other side, Jiang Lin went to the shop and took advantage of the guests coming from the stall outside, so he took out the immortal dress he bought for An Ge, covered the palm of his hand with his own Yang Yan, and wiped it inside and outside the skirt.

He had already done concealment methods before, but Ange's nose was thief, if Ange's dog nose smelled these slight residual medicinal odors, he really couldn't explain it.

"An Ge, if you're not busy, come in."

Hearing that the customers outside had left, Jiang Lin shouted.

There were already other people in Anyang City who wanted to use the moon knife, and Jiang Lin also wanted An Ge to change into this new dress as soon as possible.

"What did you buy again? It's a waste of money."

An Ge pouted and walked into the shop. After she came in, Jiang Lin threw out the immortal dress folded in her hand: "For many years, no one has made clothes for me, so I bought them for you too. Wearing a fairy dress, I don't know if you like it or not."

"Leave a fairy dress?"

An Ge's brows twitched. Jiang Lin bought her new clothes in addition to rouge gouache.

"You don't know if I'm fat or thin. If I don't fit, I can't even quit."

An Ge looked at Jiang Lin with a bit of anger, what to say about rouge gouache, even if she didn't like it very much, she could still use it, but if the clothes didn't fit, she couldn't wear it at all.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I hugged it once, it should be considered a fit."


When An Ge was told by Jiang Lin, he immediately covered his cheeks with shy hands.

Then she unfolded the immortal immortal dress and put it in front of her for comparison. To her surprise, the immortal immortal dress was just like the one made for her.

Moreover, she likes the style and color very much.

After closing the door in the past, An Ge couldn't wait to take off his clothes and put on the immortal dress.

Although there was Jiang Lin next to her, she was blind in both eyes, even if she was standing naked, it was nothing.

Jiang Lin didn't expect An Ge to change his clothes in front of him. Even if he was blind at the moment, he chose to look at his nose and nose, and resisted the urge to use his spiritual sense to explore.

Today, he still doesn't have any intuitive image of An Ge in his heart.

In other words, he didn't know what An Ge looked like, whether it was an oval face or a melon seed face, and what his facial features were.

However, Jiang Lin didn't care much about it. He had so many beautiful wives, but he didn't care much about An Ge's appearance. As long as he wasn't ugly and his body was clean, he could accept it.

The women in his family also have relatively average appearances, such as Heiyue, who are also hurt by him like a darling.

Whether An Ge is beautiful or not, he really doesn't care much.

"This fairy dress is so pretty."

An Ge turned around twice, and the more he looked, the more beautiful he felt.

"You must be beautiful in what you are wearing."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly. Now that An Ge has changed into the immortal dress, at least she and the Moon Lun Dao have a layer of protection.

In the future, even if he leaves the tofu workshop, he doesn't have to worry about An Ge being targeted because of the mysterious yin energy in his body.

"You can't see, how do you know if I'm pretty?"

"Sometimes, beauty doesn't have to be seen with the eyes, but with the heart. You are very beautiful in my heart."

Jiang Lin also imitated the common man and said some compliments this time.

He is now blind in both eyes, and if he wants to get another wife, he is still a female cultivator at the Jindan level, which is not an easy task.

Therefore, in words and actions, he has to take the initiative.


An Ge groaned slightly, but he still felt sweet and sweet in his heart.

"It seems that someone is coming outside, let me fight you."

Taking advantage of An Ge's good mood, Jiang Lin didn't plan to leave again. Although his eyes could heal on their own, it would take some time.

If he could establish a relationship with An Ge earlier, he would be able to confess his troubles as soon as possible and borrow the Moon Wheel Saber to ease his predicament.

Of course, Jiang Lin also knew that such a thing could not be rushed, so he prepared with both hands, intending to use the evil spirit gushing out of the well in the backyard of Tianxianglou first.

Unfortunately, Jiang Lin still thought too well.

At this moment, Liu Yi, who had been beaten by him before, also arrived at the door of Tianxianglou.

Now Liu Yi's injuries have almost recovered. He is a monster hunter, and he naturally has a lot of rare medicinal materials on his body.

Therefore, he had already dealt with the injury caused by the iron rod on his body earlier, and now he is all better.

"So many fox spirits, I got a treasure."

When Liu Yi arrived at the entrance of Tianxiang Tower, he saw at a glance that there were many fox demons gathered here.

For demon hunters, the fox demon is a very good prey. This kind of demon not only has the inner core demon pill, but the fox skin on it can also be exchanged for a lot of medicinal materials for cultivation.

Liu Yi was not a direct descendant of the Yu family. Although the Yu family would provide some necessary materials for cultivation, it was limited. Therefore, during the years of training abroad, he still mostly relied on himself.

"Haha, it's actually using the evil spirit of this place to cultivate."

Liu Yi touched the beard on his chin, then went around the street behind Tianxiang Tower and sneaked into the backyard.

By the well in the backyard, Liu Yi's hands were connected in succession, and finally, with his palms in a row, a net of spiritual energy flew out, directly blocking the yin and evil energy escaping from the well.

He intends to destroy the fox demons in Tianxianglou, so naturally he will not give them a chance to recuperate. Otherwise, with his current state of injury, dealing with the fox demons will be a little troublesome.

At the same time, Jiang Lin, who was helping An Ge, frowned, and the compass in his arms moved.

So, he used his mind to investigate a little, but found that Liu Yi actually appeared at the location of Tianxianglou, and was still casting spells.

What are these goods going to do in Tianxianglou?

Jiang Lin frowned. Liu Yi was a monster hunter. He knew it. Now that this guy has arrived at the gathering place of fox monsters, what kind of shit is he trying to fix?

Jiang Lin didn't know that Liu Yi had sealed the well in the backyard of Tianxiang Tower. If he knew, he would be so angry that he would laugh.

He was going to use the yin and evil energy in Tianxianglou, but now it's better, and he was directly blocked by Liu Yi.

Chapter [*] Boy, you really owe the five elements (middle)

Don't say you're causing me any trouble, kid.

Jiang Lin checked again carefully. The direction of Liu Yi's position in the roulette wheel in his arms, including the distance, was in Tianxianglou.

He can't know what Liu Yi is doing now, and he can only hope that this Liu Yi will not cause him any trouble.

This guy came to Anyang City, and the target was An Ge and the Moon Wheel Knife. It was already a mess. If he was a demon in Tianxianglou again, it would be bad for him.

After that, Jiang Lin stopped paying attention to Liu Yi's movements. If nothing else happened, he would make some moves tonight.

If Liu Yi still has companions, he will deal with them together. If there is only one person, then he will directly attack.

In Tianxiang Tower, Liu Yi did not act immediately after sealing the well in the backyard. It is still bright and sunny now. Although these fox demons in Tianxiang Tower are fox demons, at least they still have human identities in the eyes of outsiders.

If he misses a single hit, he may be reported by these fox demons as a human being, and then he may cause a commotion.

"Wait until the evening, and try to catch all of you fox demons."

With a snap of his fingers, Liu Yi jumped directly to the courtyard wall and onto the roof of a nearby house, drinking a few sips of wine comfortably, waiting quietly for the night.

"This technique seems to originate from the Yu family."

After Liu Yi left, there was a gap in the window of the firewood house in Tianxiang Building, revealing Mrs. Gu's rather pale face.

Since the last time she went to the General's Mansion and suffered heavy injuries, Mrs. Gu hid in the Tianxiang Tower to recuperate her injuries with the help of the evil spirit of this place.

As for Liu Yi's appearance in the backyard, she had already discovered it before, but she did not stop it.

Anyway, her injuries have recovered [*]% to [*]%, and the rest is done by absorbing some living people's blood. There is no need to have any conflict with Liu Yi.

In addition, she now wants to unite with this monster hunter to avenge her concubine.

However, even though she had this idea in her heart, she also didn't act immediately. She still didn't know Liu Yi's strength. Since Liu Yi wanted to deal with the fox demon here, she planned to look at the other party's means first.


In the evening, An Ge wiped the sweat on his forehead and prepared to close the stall.

"If you need money, I'll save some."

Jiang Lin felt very distressed when he saw An Ge shouting tired.

He already knew that An Ge opened a tofu shop and set up a stall in Anyang city to sell beancurd because Yu Qingping's husband was seriously injured. Now they are being hunted by the Yu family, and they can only exchange some money in this way. A treasure for healing wounds.

However, in his view, this approach is simply a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, a female nun like An Ge is not a business person at all.

How much can I earn a day selling a tofu flower?

But after thinking about it, Jiang Lin also understood that it is really not easy for people who practice to make some money without relying on the skills they have acquired from their own practice.

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