"That's not good, how can I use your money?"

An Ge shook her head again and again. She felt that Jiang Lin was blind in both eyes and had no means of making a living. How much savings could she have, even if she had, she couldn't use it now.

Jiang Lin repeatedly stated that he didn't need yellow and white things for the time being, but An Ge was still unwilling to accept it. In the end, An Ge was a little angry, so he kept his mouth shut.

After helping An Ge to clean up the stalls and shops, Jiang Lin was led by An Ge to his residence.

When they left the tofu workshop, Liu Yi near Tianxiang Tower had already started to act, and the whole Tianxiang Tower was in chaos.

Many fox demons' inner cores were taken out by him.

"Where to run!"

Liu Yi smiled coldly and rushed out of the Tianxiang Tower, chasing after a slightly plump woman.

The ones he collected were all internal pills, and only Yun Duo'er, the oiran in Tianxianglou, had reached the level of a demon emperor, and a demon pill was formed in his body.

"You demon hunter is so unreasonable, those sisters and I have never harmed anyone, why did you kill us all!"

As Yun Duoer ran away, he questioned Liu Yi.

Since they came to Anyang City, their sisters have indeed never harmed anyone's life. Even in normal times, they just drink chicken blood and swallow raw meat.

But now, the monster hunters behind them don't care about the [*], they insist on letting them die without a burial place.

"A demon is a demon, as long as you meet me, Liu Yi, you will have nothing to do!"

Liu Yi snorted and accelerated the pursuit again.

The two chased and fled. Coincidentally, the direction of Yun Duoer's escape happened to be An Ge's residence.


After a while, Jiang Lin was facing the roofs on both sides of the street. He sensed the demonic fox's aura and the spiritual power of Liu Yi.


At this moment, An Ge also sensed the movement around her, so she saw Yun Duo'er being chased by a demon hunter.

After thinking about it, she pulled Jiang Lin into an alley in the street and said to him, "Jiang Lin, I'm in a hurry right now, you stay here and don't go away, I'll be back in a while."

Because she had received Yun Duo'er's kindness in the past, she couldn't just sit back and watch when she saw that Yun Duo'er was in danger.

"it is good."

Jiang Lin nodded. Although he still didn't know why An Ge would have such a reaction when he saw Liu Yi chasing and killing a fox demon, he still decided not to embarrass An Ge.

As for why, he can naturally check the reason later.

An Ge didn't waste time. After covering his face with a handkerchief, he walked out of the alley, jumped on the roof and chased towards Yun Duo'er.

Could it be that An Ge knew Liu Yi?

Jiang Lin frowned. According to his previous speculation, Liu Yi, who was beaten by him, was most likely related to the Yu family, and An Ge used to be a member of the Yu family. Could it be that there was some intersection between the two?

After pressing down the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin released his spiritual sense, concealed his figure, and followed An Ge.

It didn't take long for An Ge to chase him into a wood on the outskirts of the city.

At this time, Yun Duo'er had been caught by Liu Yi's hands, Tian Ling was held by Liu Yi's palm, and half of his face was about to show its original shape.

After a coquettish shout, An Ge flew down, forced Liu Yi back with one kick, and lifted Yun Duoer up.

"Doer, are you alright?"

"Ange, is that you?"

Yun Duo'er was stunned by An Ge's support, and then said: "I'm fine, this hateful monster hunter killed a few of my sisters, and even drove me to death."

Looking at Liu Yi with resentment, Yun Duo'er gnashed his teeth and said, "We have never done anything inappropriate in this city of Anyang. It's all been ruined by this damn monster hunter, and it's not enough to seal the well, and we have to hoe all of us."


Jiang Lin, who was sitting on a tree in the distance, was quite surprised. An Ge used to be a member of the Yu family, but he actually had such a deep friendship with a fox demon, but now after hearing what Yun Duoer said, he directly asked others to be stupid.

The well in the backyard of Tianxianglou that exudes yin and evil energy was actually destroyed by Liu Yi and the 13 sons.

This kid is so light!

At this moment, Jiang Lin really didn't know how to describe his mood.

When he found out that Liu Yi appeared in Tianxianglou, he still thought that this kid should not cause him any trouble. Even if there was trouble, he had some bottom line in his heart. After all, Liu Yi was a demon hunter, and he would at most make trouble with those fox demons. some contradictions.

But he never expected that this guy would actually destroy the well in the backyard of Tianxianglou.

That well is of great use to him.

Before the Moon Lun Knife had landed and his eyes had not completely recovered, the yin and evil energy in Tianxianglou was of great help to him.

But now, this most important source of Yin Sha Qi is gone.

Jiang Lin grinded his molars, and now he felt that Liu Yi, this boy, really deserved to be beaten by the five elements.

Chapter [*] Boy, you really owe the five elements (below)

Before following him here, Jiang Lin thought about what kind of friendship An Ge had with Liu Yi. He beat Liu Yi violently. It was a bit inappropriate, but now that he knew that An Ge didn't know Liu Yi at all, He really wanted to rush over and give Liu Yi some iron sticks.

Hit to death.

"Duo'er, you go ahead and I'll deal with him."

At this time, An Ge protected Yun Duo'er behind him and looked at Liu Yi.

"You two, neither of you can leave."

Liu Yi smiled lightly, then looked at An Ge and said, "It's really interesting, you should also be a cultivator, but you don't have any demonic aura, and you don't have any evil energy, so you actually get along with the monsters."

"What happened to the monsters? All living beings have the right to survive, and they didn't kill anyone, so why kill them all?"

With that said, An Ge made a move, and the Lunar Blade in his body flew out, ready to fight Liu Yi.

do not!

At this moment, the expression on Jiang Lin's face was frozen.

An Ge actually took the initiative to release the Lunar Blade!

He bought an immortal dress for An Ge, and painted complicated runes inside and outside the skirt. The purpose was to cover up An Ge's mysterious yin and moon-shaped swords, and prevent him from being caught by Liu Yi. and possible accomplices found.

But now, An Ge actually showed the moon knife in front of Liu Yi.

Although An Ge is covering his cheeks with a handkerchief now, he is still wearing new clothes.

An Ge had given him a beautiful immortal dress. It would be impossible not to wear it on his body.

In this way, as long as Liu Yi arrives at the tofu shop, or meets An Ge on the way, he can be recognized directly.

Although the clothes may be bumpy, it is impossible for the body, eyebrows, and face contours to be so similar.

You boy, today I have to beat you call grandpa.

Although An Ge voluntarily recruited the Moon Wheel Saber out of the body, Jiang Lin would definitely not blame her, so he poured out his anger on Liu Yi.

If it wasn't for this owed money, but his zealous behavior wouldn't have made him spend most of the day in vain.

It also wiped out the evil spirit of Tianxianglou.

At this moment, Liu Yi had not recovered from his stunnedness.

Lunar Knife!

It turned out to be a moon knife!

It really takes no effort to find a place to break through the iron shoes!

"I didn't expect the moon knife to actually be on you."

Liu Yi narrowed his eyes, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

In the daytime, he had mistaken someone because he wanted to find the Moon Wheel Knife, and even made a big oolong. Now that he thinks about it, he also thinks that he is real and funny.

If you look for the Moon Wheel Knife, look for the Moon Wheel Knife, and find the body of a blind man.

If this is spread out, it will make people laugh out loud.

It was precisely because he confirmed that he had found the wrong person, that Liu Yi thought that his search roulette had malfunctioned, and he didn't know how to find the moon knife later.

But it was a coincidence that the Lunar Knife appeared directly in front of him.

What kind of luck is this?

Liu Yi was full of joy, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

But before he could take away the smile on his face, when he attacked An Ge, half of his cheek was printed on the sole of a shoe.

After that, he flew out and broke several big trees.

"How is this going?"

An Ge, who had already been preparing to fight a tough battle, was completely stunned at this time.

She had absolutely no idea what was going on.

Even Liu Yi recognized the shock caused by the Moon Wheel Knife to her, which was covered up by this sudden change.

She stared blankly ahead, instinctively waiting.

The one who kicked Liu Yi was a monster, to be precise, a monster corpse, and it was covered in terrifying hair.

What An Ge saw was naturally Jiang Lin.

Although he didn't put Liu Yi's strength in his eyes, Liu Yi was not a pure weak chicken. In terms of cultivation level, Liu Yi was even half a chip higher than Yu Qingping.

Therefore, if An Ge dealt with Liu Yilai, he would definitely suffer a loss, which Jiang Lin absolutely did not want to see.

So he appeared.

It's just that he chose to appear as a zombie.

The long gown on his body has been taken off and put into the ancient mirror. Now his entire upper body, head and face are covered with dense corpse hair, and the upper and lower pairs of corpse teeth in his mouth are completely out of his lips. He recognized it.

As for his eyes, Jiang Lin also let the corpse poison overflow into it, forming two black mists, which would not be discovered by An Ge either.


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