Jiang Lin let out an angry corpse roar at Liu Yi, who leaned back against the roots of the tree and vomited blood while covering his chest.

I beat you today and you don't even know you, Amu!

I lost mine!

You slapped goods!

"I #¥%&*!"

After a little sigh of relief, Liu Yi spit out feces again, second uncle, what's going on?

what on earth is it!

At this moment, Liu Yi's expression was like being fed a mouthful of hot air.

Where did this monster come from?

Why are you kicking me?

Did my special mother trick you?

I have to say that Liu Yi is really a double standard. Yun Duo'er and the other fox demons didn't provoke him, and they didn't hurt anyone. He would kill them all.

But now that he was kicked by a demon corpse, his mouth was full of feces.

"Boy, you really owe the five elements."

Jiang Lin pointed out a corpse claw and pointed at Liu Yi, and then took out a big iron rod from the ancient mirror around his waist.

Before Liu Yi could react, his whole head buzzed.

Once again staring at the stars.

Jiang Lin swung a stick on his forehead, swiping it firmly.


An Ge and Yun Duo'er are now full of question marks, this sudden arrival of a demon corpse can still speak human words.

Because Jiang Lin deliberately changed his voice, An Ge never thought that the terrifying corpse in front of him was an acquaintance.

"Duoer, it... is it your friend?"

An Ge looked at the demon corpse who had beaten Liu Yi like a dead dog, and touched Yun Duoer beside him.

Originally, she wanted to guard against it, but now it seems that this monster corpse has no ill intentions towards them, and is just staring at the abominable monster hunter.

Yun Duo'er also looked confused, then shook her head and said, "I am a fox demon, it is a demon corpse, how could I be its friend, and you don't know it?"

"I do not know."

An Ge also shook her head. She had never seen a demon corpse before, so how could she know others.

However, although the two were stunned, they were very happy in their hearts.

What is this called?

This is called the wicked grind.

"I %¥#[email protected]!"

Liu Yi couldn't even get up after being slapped by Jiang Lin's latte stick, but he kept scolding wildly in his mouth.

He now knows that the familiar sourness and the familiar stick have all been experienced by him during the day.

This damned demon corpse, this is the second fucking time to beat him.

And this time, grandma's, he wondered if the demon corpse who beat him was using the strength of feeding.

Broken his skull.

What made Liu Yi extremely aggrieved was that he didn't know the reason at all.

At this moment, Jiang Lin did kill him. If An Ge's Moon Wheel Saber hadn't been exposed, and this Liu Yi might have something to do with the Yu family, he wouldn't kill him, so as not to provoke the Yu family again. family.

Although he planned to attack before, he just wanted to imprison Liu Yi and his possible accomplices, or seal them up for three to five years.

But it's different now. If you kill Liu Yi directly, you can avoid subsequent troubles.


Liu Yi felt the crisis of life and death, and did not dare to be vague any more, and directly let the spiritual power in his body burst out completely, and Jiang Lin was shocked back out.

However, these methods of his were useless to Jiang Lin at all.

When Jiang Lin went to the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory after he broke the realm, he was able to kill the peak demon emperor in seconds. Weak, even if Jiang Lin was injured, he still couldn't find any flowers.

After Jiang Lin teleported out, he appeared directly in front of Liu Yi. He stepped on Liu Yi's foot with one foot, and continued to swing the big iron rod with both hands to beat Liu Yi as a tumbler.

While beating, Jiang Lin asked, "You brat, why are you doing this? Why do you need to be beaten so much?"

Chapter two thousand and six misses one after another (on)

Not far away, An Ge and Yun Duo'er, who had been watching the battle, shivered.

It's too awful.

It was really miserable.

In such a short period of time, Liu Yi was really beaten by that demon corpse with an iron rod, and he didn't even know his own mother.

Liu Yi was indeed very miserable, and now he was beaten by Jiang Lin so much that his whole body twitched.

"Don't... don't look at it, let's go back first. After all, it is a monster corpse. Although it can speak human words, it may not have human nature. If it comes to us, it will be troublesome."

Because Jiang Lin was really too violent, An Ge, who was watching on the side, felt terrified and worried that Jiang Lin would find them.

Now that this monster corpse is staring at others, it's better to go first.

Yun Duo'er took it seriously, and immediately flew out with An Ge.

Jiang Lin sensed that An Ge and Yun Duo'er had left, and without further delay, he thrust out his arm and pierced Liu Yi's chest directly.

Under normal circumstances, demon corpses of the same level can directly crush Taoist priests and cultivators of the same level, and Liu Yi will end up the same way.

Although he still has the means, he may still be able to deal with the general Mao Zong. For Shang Jianglin, it is purely his own bad luck.

Although Jiang Lin had been swinging the iron rod, he couldn't even mobilize the spiritual power in his body even if he beat him.

When his chest was pierced, Liu Yi let out a scream, which immediately alerted An Ge and Yun Duoer who had just walked away.

The two turned their heads to look, and suddenly felt a little scalp numb.

This monster corpse is really terrifying.

So they accelerated again, as fast as they could.

Jiang Lin frowned, he had to return to the previous alley before An Ge.

However, just because of such a distraction, Liu Yi took out a handful of demon pill and inner pill from the cloth bag around his waist, gathered most of his spiritual power, and pressed it against Jiang Lin's chest.

With a "bang", Jiang Lin was blown away by the explosive force generated by the mutual repulsion of Yin and Yang, and Liu Yi also got a chance to breathe.

After stuffing a handful of rare materials into his mouth, a round of flame Frisbee similar to blood droplets appeared in Liu Yi's body.

Ka gushing out a mouthful of blood, Liu Yi jumped up with all his strength, and disappeared without a trace while driving the flaming frisbee.


Jiang Lin was very surprised. When he dealt with a Jindan cultivator, he even pierced through the chest of the other person, and he missed it during the harvest.

Such a situation is rare.

He didn't expect that Liu Yi actually mastered the escape technique, and after suffering such a serious injury, he was able to escape from his hands.

After two steps, Jiang Lin stopped. If he went after Liu Yi now, he might not be able to get there before An Ge reached the Hutong.

Therefore, after measuring for a moment, Jiang Lin took the iron rod, and then teleported one after another, turning back the same way.

In less than a cup of tea, Jiang Lin returned to the alley where An Ge had left him before, collected the corpse poison, and burned the blood on his body with Yang Yan, then he took out the long gown from the ancient mirror and put it on. Then he covered his eyes with black cloth strips.

After a while, An Ge came to the alley, and she was slightly relieved to see Jiang Lin still leaning on a bamboo stick and staying there.

She was worried that Jiang Lin had not seen her back for such a long time, and went out to find her.

Hearing An Ge's footsteps, Jiang Lin smiled slightly and asked, "Is the matter done? Is it troublesome?"

"Okay, sorry to leave you here alone."

An Ge stepped forward and held Jiang Lin's hand. She had her own affairs, so it was not convenient to tell Jiang Lin, but she didn't ask anything, and she was very careful.

After that, Jiang Lin followed An Ge back to his residence just like before.

As for Liu Yi, who escaped, he was not too worried.

He has a positioning compass in his hand. Wherever Liu Yi fled, as long as he didn't leave Anyang City, he could find it.

This guy can escape the first day of the first year, but can't escape the fifteenth.

Jiang Lin's idea was to wait for An Ge and Yu Qingping to rest, and then leave the residence to find Liu Yi's trace, but what he didn't expect was that when An Ge returned, he would measure his body and make new clothes for him.

An Ge was given a fairy dress by Jiang Lin, and she liked it very much. It was because of this that she wanted to return Jiang Lin's favor.

As for whether to return the favor or respond to her heart, only she herself knows.

"Actually, you don't have to rush to make new clothes for me, just rest early."

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. An Ge had brought all the needles and needles to his room. This was to set up a lamp and tailor clothes for him.

But in this way, he will not be able to go out.

On Liu Yi's side, he was still waiting to get his head.

"You haven't changed your clothes. The clothes you used before were soiled because they rolled on the floor. I washed them for you. If you hadn't slept for a few days, you probably wouldn't be able to change them."

An Ge thought that Jiang Lin said this because he didn't want her to be affected, but Jiang Lin had already bought her a dress, and she couldn't leave her without clothes to change.

Jiang Lin stopped talking, An Ge was right, he had nothing to change.

It seems that there is only a temporary delay.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin could only postpone the matter of killing Liu Yi for the time being.

Even if Liu Yi was left to breathe for a while, it wouldn't be a big deal.

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