Jiang Lin was not worried that An Ge would be recognized. Liu Yi was so seriously injured that even if he swallowed some treasures, it would take some time for him to regain his mobility.

Even if this guy may have accomplices, it is not so easy to find An Ge if he just heard about it.

Chapter two thousand and seven misses one after another ([*])

"Straighten your arms."

An Ge took the meter and came to Jiang Lin's side, and Jiang Lin did as he was told. He really missed the time when his wife made tailor-made clothes for him.

"Hey, why do you have such a beautiful pendant? It's still made of gold."

With a glance, An Ge noticed the necklace that Jiang Lin was wearing on his neck, which was Zhan Min, who had always been carried by him.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Well, if I say he is my wife, would you believe it?"

"Blow you."

An Ge rolled his eyes and continued: "You are a blind man, how can you have such a beautiful wife, whoever girl is blind will see you as a blind man. Are you being deceived when you bought the amulet, no? Nice to say."

As for Jiang Lin's words, An Ge didn't believe a word of it. She felt that Jiang Lin's thoughts were really beautiful. The possibility of her own development with Jiang Lin was due to Jiang Lin's special physique and that she was a female cultivator. It doesn't matter if life is good or not.

How could such a situation be the same.

From An Ge's point of view, the fact is that Jiang Lin was deceived and bullied him when he was buying some kind of protective gold and jade.

Are you scolding yourself?

Jiang Lin almost didn't laugh. If nothing happened, An Ge's affair with him would not take long.

In this way, An Ge really scolded himself for being blind.

"Where did you buy it? It's so cute, she's still pouting, I want one too."

An Ge looked at the lifelike appearance of the little golden man on Jiang Lin's neck, and liked it very much.

"Put your mouth?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously touched his neck.

As a result, with this touch, Zhanmin gave him a bite and bit him hard on the belly of his finger.

what happened?

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. He wasn't surprised that Zhanmin bit him, but he was surprised that Zhanmin didn't fall into a deep sleep.

Could it be that there is a problem with the Earth Spirit Orb?

After pressing down the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin was about to ask Zhanmin what happened after An Ge left.

Then his thumb touched the head of the golden statuette that Zhan Min transformed into.

This girl pouted and bit him just now. It is estimated that she was jealous when An Ge gradually got along with him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin is also quite helpless. Pan Xuemei has long known that he has a lot of women. Logically speaking, it is impossible for Zhanmin not to know. If it is just Pan Xuemei, it is not serious at all, but Zhanmin's personality is also in it. .

After Zhan Min was reborn, he was spoiled by him and his parents, and he was still the coquettish child of some eldest young lady.

"No matter how much you like it, I can't help it. I have to take her with me forever, and she will be missing in my life."

Jiang Lin shrugged, he couldn't send Zhan Min over just because An Ge liked it, otherwise his wife would be so angry that she would split.

"I don't want yours, stingy."

An Ge hummed softly, then sat on the side and concentrated on sewing clothes for Jiang Lin.

If you are with me in the future, I will wear it. If you don't want it, kneel on the washboard.

While making clothes for Jiang Lin, An Ge fantasized that if she started a family with Jiang Lin in the future, she would have the final say in everything.

"Xiao Min, is there a problem with the fusion of the earth spirit beads?"

When dawn was approaching, An Ge left and returned to Fang Xiuxiu. When Jiang Lin saw An Ge leaving, he lay on the boat and transmitted his voice to Zhan Min.

"Hmph, you went with others, so why do you still have me in your heart? People with apricot faces and peach cheeks are much more beautiful than me."

Zhan Min made a small noise like a mosquito, playing with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin sighed and sent his voice over: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't know if she is beautiful or not. No matter how beautiful you are, you are the most beautiful. Come on, tell me what's wrong."

"The fusion process seems to have stopped. It should be the lack of vitality in my body."

Being coaxed by Jiang Lin like this, Zhan Min stopped showing his temper and told Jiang Lin about his situation.

Is that so?

Jiang Lin raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows. He had never imagined this situation.

But thinking about it a little bit, he wasn't surprised.

After killing the mud demon, he was seriously injured, and he has been absorbing the vitality of Zhanmin's body, resulting in a lack of vitality in his body.

It should be the side effect now.

"It's a real headache."

Jiang Lin didn't have a good solution for a while. If it was normal, he would just take Zhan Min into the jungle to absorb the vitality.

But now that Zhanmin has turned into a gold adobe, it doesn't work that way anymore.

Other methods are even less effective, unless he can find plant and flower type monsters, which belong to the wood in the Five Elements, and can be transformed into the Five Elements soil through the transformation of the immortal fire.

And it is best to be the evil spirits formed by plants and flowers that like yin, in order to neutralize the positivity of fairy fire, and inject pure vitality into Zhanmin.

Jiang Lin didn't know the problems Zhan Min encountered, and Mr. Onizuka, whom he had always feared, could solve it.

The ghost wood old demon's body is a yin locust tree, and the vitality accumulated in the body for thousands of years is very beneficial to Zhanmin.

"I'm here to find a way for you. I owe you too much for my husband, so I won't let you have any more accidents."


Zhan Min replied obediently, and then fell asleep again.

Early the next morning, when Jiang Lin woke up, he took out the ancient mirror under the pillow and took out the compass to locate Liu Yi.

"I'll let you run away. Today, the blind man, I will kill you."

When he found Liu Yi's resting place, Jiang Lin smiled coldly. He didn't believe that Liu Yi could escape from him this time.

Chapter two thousand and seven misses one after another (below)

Just like yesterday, Jiang Lin and An Ge went to the bustling city to open. After Jiang Lin did some things within his power, he left the Tofu Factory and went to the south of Anyang City.

According to the position on the compass, Liu Yi was there.

After a stick of incense, Jiang Lin arrived in front of an inn, and Liu Yi should be in the guest room upstairs of the inn.

In the alley to the side, Jiang Lin put the bamboo stick into the ancient mirror, then directly concealed his figure and walked into the inn.

After sensing Liu Yi's breath, Jiang Lin didn't delay at all, he teleported to the second floor in an instant, and rushed open the door.

At this moment, Liu Yi was sitting cross-legged on the bed, closing his eyes to heal.

Because he had missed it once before, Jiang Lin didn't say hello this time, and his arm shot out like a giant python.

Although it has not been determined whether Liu Yi has a companion, Jiang Lin decided to kill him directly.

What needs to be confirmed, as long as Liu Yi is dying and has no resistance, he can directly probe Liu Yi's memory with the power of the corpse.


After the corpse claws pierced Liu Yi's heart, Jiang Lin let out a scream.

Because at this time Liu Yi on the bed had turned into a rain of fire, and there was no blood splashing out at all.


After Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, he laughed.

This Liu Yi, who appeared yesterday and made him miss once, made him miss him again today.

This ability to survive is much stronger than that of ordinary monks.

After that, Jiang Lin took out the compass from the ancient mirror in his arms, but there was no trace of Liu Yi on the compass.

Good guy, really escaped from me.

At this point, Jiang Lin has also seen a lot of Liu Yigao, who owes a lot of fights.

Being able to escape from his hands with the strength of Jindan level of cultivation, and let him work for nothing, if such a deed spreads out, it can really be a good story.

In fact, Jiang Lin really looked down on Liu Yi this time.

The reason why Liu Yi left an avatar here is because he was so scared of being beaten.

The psychological shadow Jiang Lin caused him was not ordinary.

After Liu Yi fled back last night, although he was afraid that the demon corpse would come after him, he did not panic completely.

He really couldn't figure out how a monster corpse that he had never seen before was staring at him again and again.

The first time was fine, but he was beaten to death, but the second time, he just wanted his life.

This is not the point, the point is how the monster corpse found him.

After thinking hard, Liu Yi still couldn't find the reason, but his intuition made him very uneasy.

So when he was worried that he would be called to the door again, Liu Yi did this.

In fact, he didn't realize that he was already being targeted by Jiang Lin's blood-tracking technique, but he was too afraid of another life-and-death crisis, so he used an incarnation technique and completely disappeared.

After losing Liu Yi's trace, Jiang Lin walked around the second floor of the inn for a while, and let go of his spiritual sense for a little sense. To his surprise, the whole inn no longer had any spiritual fluctuations.

Going down to the lobby of the inn on the first floor, Jiang Lin saw that the second shopkeeper was taking a nap, so he walked over and pointed at his forehead.

It seems that this Liu Yi should be only one person, and there is no companion coming.

After searching the store's second memory, Jiang Lin nodded slightly. According to the memory, Liu Yi had been alone since he arrived in Anyang City that day, and there were no acquaintances accompanying him.

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