After leaving the inn, Jiang Lin showed his figure when he got to the side. After thinking about it for a while, he still felt that he was not in a hurry to make finding Liu Yi his top priority.

Although there may be something wrong with An Ge because of Liu Yi, for now, this is only possible, and there is still a period of buffering.

Now he has to find some plant and flower monsters for Zhan Min, and this matter cannot be delayed.

Maybe in the process of walking in this city of Anyang, he can find the trace of Liu Yi again.

Liu Yi was so injured that he could never travel far, and could only recuperate nearby.

It is a pity that Jiang Lin walked for a whole day and visited half of Anyang City, but he did not find the target he was looking for, nor did he find the trace of Liu Yi.

This made him wonder if it was because of his blindness that his strength had dropped significantly.

Although he was mainly looking for a problem-solving target for Zhan Min, he did not completely put aside the matter of finding Liu Yi.

Liu Yi has another means, but he has injuries on his body, and the smell of blood is not so easy to hide. He doesn't believe that Liu Yi has such a clever ability to hide.

Jiang Lin guessed right, if it was just Liu Yi, no matter what, he would have escaped the first day of the first year, but the second day of the first year, and could not make it to the fifteenth ending.

But now Liu Yi is not alone.

Mrs. Bone, who had been hiding in Tianxiang Tower before, pulled Liu Yi when it was the most difficult time.

Last night, after seeing Liu Yi's method to deal with the fox demon, Mrs. Gu had already determined Liu Yi's strength, but when Liu Yi was chasing Yun Duo'er, she didn't follow him and found a few men who came to have fun. He sucked a lot of blood essence and completely recovered from the injury.

After that, Mrs. Gu went to look for Liu Yi, and met Liu Yi halfway after Jin Chan escaped from the shell.

Mrs. Bone intended to join forces with Liu Yi to deal with the ghost wood old demon, so she extended a helping hand to Liu Yi.

This is why Jiang Lin has been wandering for so long, and he has not found even a trace of Liu Yi.

At this moment, Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu are hiding in the underground of Anyang City, and there are many bone formations formed by white bones around, which suppressed Liu Yi's breath to the lowest level.

In the next seven or eight days, Jiang Lin had already visited Anyang City all over, including where the monks and evil spirits were hiding, he already knew.

But even so, Jiang Lin was always frowning.

There is not much time left for him, to be precise, there is not much time left for Zhan Min.

This also means that he is likely to leave Anyang City ahead of time. As for the evil spirit in this place, it is like a bunch of hedgehogs, making him unable to speak.

During this time, Jiang Lin had also been to the vicinity of the General's Mansion, but he did not act rashly to investigate with his spiritual sense, but his intuition made him feel that the water there was very deep, and with his current state, it was very likely that he would not be able to grasp it.

This puts him in a dilemma again.

He desperately needs Yin Sha Qi, but he can't get it right now. Not only can he not get it, he has to give up first.

Compared with his own situation, Jiang Lin must put Zhan Min's problem first. Even if he is completely ruined by the chaos in his body, he cannot let his wife have a life-and-death catastrophe.

At present, there is a way to give him a chance to relieve, and that is the mysterious yin in An Ge's body.

Either he prescribes the medicine, or the overlord takes the bow, and An Ge will be dealt with first.

But no matter which way, it will definitely make An Ge break with him, and he will be traumatized by forcing the former's mysterious yin aura.

Although this is not the first time he has used this method, when he was dealing with Yu Canhua, he didn't care whether Yu Canhua was willing or not, and directly cooked the rice on the stove.But now and then, Jade Remnant Flower is Gu Mengxue's phantom body, his wife, but An Ge is not.

Based on what he knew about An Ge during this period of time, once he suffered that kind of injury, it would basically be impossible for him and An Ge in the future.

These are all issues that make Jiang Lin feel that it is not a matter of advancing or retreating.

In addition, An Ge's safety is also a headache for him.

He had never been able to find Liu Yi, who was in need of a fight. If he left and solved Zhan Min's problem first, he would not be able to predict whether An Ge would encounter danger or not.

Just a showdown?

Jiang Lin moved his fingers slightly to scratch at the corner of the table in front of him, looking a little hesitant.

At present, all he can choose is to tell An Ge the truth and take it away, so as to ensure An Ge's safety and make him feel at ease.

But even if he said it, based on his relationship with An Ge, people might not be willing to believe him and leave with him.

Therefore, Jiang Lin also regretted himself. With his ability, killing Liu Yi could be said to be almost certain, but he missed.

He went back to make up the knife, but he fluttered in the air again, completely losing Liu Yi's Xingzang.

Even so, even if he was blind, it shouldn't be difficult to find Liu Yi, but he just couldn't find it.

As long as the uncertainty factor of Liu Yi is removed, and he leaves Anyang City first, there will be no such worries.

At least the fact that An Ge has a moon knife in his body will not leak out.

At this moment, Jiang Lin really has a feeling that he wants to chop his hands.

Chapter [*]: Liu Yi who wants to cry but has no tears (Part [*])

"Boss, have a bowl of salted tofu flowers, and put more chopped green onions."

Just then, a man's shout came from the street.

"Okay, the fragrant tofu flower will be here soon."

An Ge responded, because she was busy, she didn't look up to see who the guest was.

She didn't look, and Jiang Lin didn't look either. After all, Jiang Lin was still blind.

But Jiang Lin didn't have to look to know who was coming.

It's true that there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you just cast it.

At this moment, the expression on Jiang Lin's face was really wonderful.

The moment before, he still wanted to chop off his hands, and regretted that he had missed many times and failed to remove the uncertain factor of Liu Yi, which caused him to be in a dilemma now.

But now, Liu Yi came directly to the door.

Moreover, there is actually a special place to eat tofu and tofu flowers.

That's my future wife's tofu... Huaer, can you eat it?

However, although Jiang Lin was extremely excited, he did not act rashly.

At this time, Liu Yi had tied the horse he was leading to one side, and found a table at the booth to sit down.

Jiang Lin cleared his throat and said to Liu Yi, who was already sitting at the adjacent table: "It's you, I still want to ask you for medical expenses, you seem to owe me a drink, I have been in the city all this time. Looking for you, where did you go? Are you afraid of being blackmailed by me and went out of the city?"

Jiang Lin wanted to repeat Liu Yi's words. During this period of time, he lost the trace of the goods, and he didn't know if the guy had left Anyang City to report the situation long ago. Therefore, for the sake of prudence, he decided to ask first. Ask again.

"Huh? It's you."

Liu Yi turned his face to look at Jiang Lin, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Isn't this the one who caused the big oolong incident a few days ago?

"What am I doing out of the city? Didn't I just admit the wrong person? As for the whole city looking for me?"

After pouting, Liu Yi took out two silver ingots from his pocket and threw them on Jiang Lin's table, and then said: "I will pay you for this, I will leave the city today, I really can't stay here, after eating the bean curd I'll go, hurry up."

What Liu Yi said was really from his heart. During this period of time, he had been hiding in the ground to recover from his injuries. He didn't know how much he had spent to store his treasures before he saved his life and regained [*] to [*]% of his strength.

Originally, he wanted to hide for a few more days, but Mrs. Gu was always nagging him to deal with some ghost wood old demon. He was so annoyed that he showed up today.


Jiang Lin nodded. Since Liu Yi said so, he probably didn't leave Anyang City, but he just didn't find him.

I'm sorry, but today you have to explain here, you can't leave.

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, this poor Liu Yi almost wanted him to chop off his hands, how could he let him run away like this.

"Come on, please take it slow."

At this moment, An Ge brought a bowl of fragrant tofu to Liu Yi.

Liu Yi looked up, his brows suddenly tightened, and then he looked at the immortal dress and eyebrows that An Ge was wearing, and immediately raised his finger to her and said, "Hey~ is that you?"

"Stinky Beard, it's you! You're not dead!"

When An Ge saw Liu Yi, who was still alive, she also screamed. At first, she saw with her own eyes that this bearded demon hunter was pierced through the chest by a demon corpse, but she didn't die.

It was also because of seeing a "dead" person in front of him that An Ge was overly surprised and lacked consideration.

That night, she had always covered her face. As long as she didn't admit it, she could continue to hide the fact that she had a moon knife.

"Yue Lun... You let the fox demon go, and I almost lost my life. You have to compensate me for my losses."

Liu Yi originally wanted to ask An Ge for the Moon Wheel Saber, but when he thought about it, the other party was definitely not willing, and he might even start a war with him, delaying time.

Anyway, after he left Anyang City, he wanted the Yu family to report the situation, and he could get some credit.

It's not that he didn't want to take back the Moon Wheel Knife with his own hands, but there is a terrifying monster corpse in Anyang City, and he can still tell the difference between life and credit.

Therefore, as soon as his mind turned, Liu Yi changed his words.

If he hadn't paid attention to this girl at the beginning, and only paid attention to the moon knife, he wouldn't have taken much precautions, and he would have been a martyr.

Later, in order to recuperate from the injury, he didn't know how much treasure he had smashed, so he wanted An Ge to compensate him.

To put it bluntly, it is blackmail.

"You are so shameless, why didn't you die? You, although I don't know you, I think your surname should be Wu Minglai, you rascal! Get out of here and don't do your business."

An Ge almost laughed, this beard was almost killed by a monster corpse, and it wasn't her hands, but this guy came to ask her for compensation.

Brain watted?

Liu Yi touched the beard on his chin and said, "Will you pay? Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

At this time, Jiang Lin had already grabbed the bamboo stick and was about to leave first, and this guy was now left to rely on An Ge.

It was really a mouse licking the cat's nose and trying to kill it.

"What are you doing? What are you doing! Ya~"

At this time, Guo Commander, who happened to be at the end of the street, saw An Ge arguing with a man, and heard An Ge say a rogue, and he couldn't hold back his anger.

Like Bolt, this funny guy sprinted directly towards the tofu square, and then came with a volley kick to kick Liu Yi's dog face.

Now, Commander Guo is full of fantasies about An Ge again. After he was pricked by Jiang Lin that day, he was depressed and explained the situation to some of his subordinates.

However, his subordinates, especially the oil-headed valet, gave him a head start.

An Ge is so beautiful, how could he possibly fall in love with a blind man, unless there is something wrong with his brain.

Do people look like people with brain problems?

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