It's just pure kindness, such a beautiful and kind girl, you just gave up?

Therefore, after hearing these words, Commander Guo changed his previous depression and rekindled hope in his heart.

In the past few days, he is also the same as before, often coming to the tofu shop.

But Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously at all.

Hey, I'm still worried that I don't have a place to start, now it's good.

Jiang Lin put down the bamboo stick in his hand, and he planned to borrow the power of Commander Guo to get this Liu Yi into the prison.

At that time, he could just obliterate Liu Yi.

Chapter [*] Liu Yi, who wants to cry but has no tears (middle)

Commander Guo flew aggressively towards Liu Yi from mid-air, screaming strangely in his mouth, but Liu Yi just shifted his position a little, so that this funny kicked him and fell to the ground.

After two hoots, Commander Guo immediately got up. Someone was playing a rogue with his goddess, no matter how hard he fell, he could still get up.

"What are you doing? What are you doing!"

Commander Guo stretched out his palm and pushed Liu Yi. Liu Yi grabbed his wrist and twisted one of his arms [*] degrees.

Throwing Commander Guo to one side, Liu Yi said coldly, "I advise you to leave our affairs alone."

"Between you?"

Commander Guo couldn't care about the pain in his arm, and his voice suddenly became an octave higher. He looked at An Ge and asked, "An Ge, he... who is he to you?"

"Who is mine? I don't know him at all!"

An Ge glared at Commander Guo angrily, and quickly explained that she did not explain to Commander Guo, but told Jiang Lin, for fear that Jiang Lin might misunderstand her.

"I don't know me yet. Don't you plan to tell me what happened that night?"

Liu Yi smiled lightly, and then said, "Believe it or not, once I preach about your affairs, you will have no place here."

Now Liu Yi already knows that An Ge has a moon-shaped knife. This is a handle. If An Ge doesn't give him some money and money, then he doesn't mind revealing it to Anyang before he leaves. The monster hunter in the city, causing her some trouble.

"That evening???"

Commander Guo screamed again, and now he really doesn't know what happened between An Ge and this bearded young man.

"What do you say?"

An Ge glared at Commander Guo. She was worried that Jiang Lin, who had been sitting in the back, would misunderstand something, but now Commander Guo kept adding fire.

"That night, this rogue was chasing Yun Duo'er in Tianxiang Tower. He wanted to do something wrong. I happened to rescue Yun Duo'er. This rogue came here today and asked me to compensate him. It's like a joke."

"That's right."

After listening to An Ge's explanation, Commander Guo breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that An Ge had nothing to do with this beard.

"So, he is the murderer who committed the Tianxianglou murder?"

Suddenly, Commander Doubi Guo remembered that there had been a murder case in Tianxiang Tower before, but they had the task of looking for assassins, and the investigation of the case had been put on hold.

That night, a few fox demons died in Tianxiang Tower, and a few more clients died. In order to avoid trouble, Yun Duoer put all these things on Liu Yi, who was already "dead".

"Come on, get it for me!"

As a result, Commander Guo immediately asked his surrounding men to surround Liu Yi.

An Ge was naturally happy to see such a situation, so he reminded Guo Commander: "This stinky beard can do sorcery."

"Oh? It's fine if he doesn't resist. If he resists, I can immediately notify Mr. Onizuka from the General's Mansion. I'm not afraid that he will have any side effects."

Commander Guo immediately took out a talisman paper from his arms. If Liu Yi did not resist, then nothing would happen. Once he resisted, he would report it directly to Mr. Onizuka.

This talisman paper is naturally given to them by the old ghost wood demon. With their guards alone, even if they find Mrs. Bone, they will not be able to play any role. Therefore, the old ghost wood leaves this hand. They found Mrs. Bone, and as soon as the talisman paper was torn, the old ghost wood demon would arrive soon.

Moreover, the old ghost wood has also instructed that if there is a new demon hunter or evil cultivator in the city, if there is anything strange, you can also let him know.

The surrounding guards also pulled out the Pu Dao, and they were ready to guard against Liu Yi's sorcery.

Liu Yi frowned when he saw the talisman paper in Commander Guo's hand. Of course, he didn't want to be taken away by these guards. Now, he needs to leave Anyang City as soon as possible to avoid being found by the monster corpse again.

But if he uses magic to resist, he will directly alert Mr. Onizuka from the general's mansion. He has already learned from Mrs. Gu that Mr. Onizuka is actually an old ghost wood demon with a very high cultivation base and is difficult to deal with.

Once he is alerted, he may be stopped if he can't even get out of Anyang City.

By then, his own safety would be completely insecure.

Therefore, after weighing it over and over again, Liu Yi was ready to grieve himself for the time being, and after he was taken away, he could just find an opportunity and use magic to escape.

Because of this incident, now Liu Yi no longer wants to ask An Ge what compensation he wants, it is better to leave Anyang City first.

"Okay, I won't resist, but let me remind you first, I'm not a murderer at all. The ones I kill are all fox demons. I'm a genuine demon hunter, and I know orthodox mysticism."

Shrugging, Liu Yi clasped his arms, and Commander Guo asked his men to step forward to take Liu Yi down.

Jiang Lin, who had been sitting not far away, raised his brows. Originally, he planned to make a momentary move when everyone was not paying attention. He would use his black hand to seal the spiritual power in Liu Yi's body first, so that this guy wanted to escape. Can't escape.

But in this situation, he doesn't need to act.

"Commander Guo, haven't there been a lot of disappearance cases in the city recently? I think [*]% of it has something to do with this stinky beard. You have to entertain him well."

An Ge saw Liu Yi being kidnapped by Wu Hua Da, so he took the opportunity to make up for it, wanting to make this annoying beard suffer more.

"Oops? What did you bastard say? Bloody mouth, you are really poisonous."

Liu Yi was scolding, and Commander Guo stepped forward and kicked him, and then asked his subordinates to escort him to the prison.

"Don't worry, since he dares to be a rogue in the street and is a murderer, I won't spare him lightly. This fellow knows sorcery, I have to watch him all the way, so I'll go first."

Commander Guo patted his chest, and then followed up with a group of his men.

"An Ge, I'll leave for a while."

After Guo Commander led them away, Jiang Lin got up, and he had to bring this Liu Yi a prison sentence.

"Go, be careful not to bump it."

An Ge didn't think much, and nodded. Jiang Lin often went out and walked around, so she didn't want to ask more.

Jiang Lin left in the other direction of the street, and then turned around and headed straight for the prison in Anyang City.

After arriving in the prison, Jiang Lin stunned a guard, hid him, and put the guard's black clothes on himself.

"Give me a good trial. If he fails to come out, he will be punished. Ask him who he is, what is his purpose in coming to Anyang City, and what does it have to do with the assassin who killed the general ten days ago."

As soon as Jiang Lin changed into the appearance of a guard, Commander Guo came out of the interrogation room and specially explained that his oil-head valet would give Liu Yi some special care.

When Jiang Lin entered the interrogation room, he found that Liu Yi was tied to a cross stake with chains all over his body.

However, Liu Yi didn't take it seriously at this moment, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth.He originally planned to use the spell directly after that Commander Guo left, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

"Speak! What is your purpose and what is your identity?"

The oil head valet shook the thorns whip, and a whip hit Liu Yi, but when it was interesting, the whip was someone else, but he himself screamed.

Liu Yi's being tied to a cross was already the limit of his endurance, how could he eat a whip again, so he used a little spiritual power to directly let the oil-head follower find hardships for himself.

"Class leader, look at me, I'll try him."

Jiang Lin patted Youtou's valet on the shoulder, then rushed up and pressed Liu Yi's dantian with his palm.

Liu Yi still had a smile on his face, and he was still waiting for the guard to scream in pain.


At this moment, Liu Yi's brows furrowed, and the spiritual power in his body actually cut off contact with him, and when the palm came down, the other party didn't respond.

After Jiang Lin clapped his hands, he took a step back and slashed the back of the neck with a hand knife, causing him to faint.

Then he took out from his arms - a big iron rod.


When Liu Yi saw the big iron rod in Jiang Lin's hand, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

What, why are you so familiar?


At this moment, Jiang Lin let out a laugh, a face that did not belong to him began to grow corpse hair, and two pairs of corpse teeth also came out.

The expression on Liu Yi's face froze instantly, and then began to wrinkle gradually, as if he was about to cry.

Chapter [*] Liu Yi who wants to cry without tears (Part [*])

O heaven, O earth!

That is why ah!

Liu Yi's heart roared silently, is there any reason for this!

Did I eat your steamed buns or owe you tens of thousands of dollars?

Gotta kill me!

At this moment, Liu Yi only felt that the whole world was dark, without a trace of light.

When he came to this city of Anyang, he was beaten violently not long after, and he was beaten by this big iron rod.

On the same night, he was beaten again and was almost killed. It was still this big iron rod. Later, he was even pierced by the terrifying demon corpse, the holder of this big iron rod, in his chest.

If it wasn't for his luck, he would have just burped.

The next day, this monster corpse definitely went to him again, otherwise his incarnation technique would not have been broken.

It was hard to hide for seven or eight days. I don't know how much material treasure reserves were smashed, and the injury was healed. Today, he is ready to leave Anyang City, because he is afraid of being caught by that monster who doesn't know what kind of hatred he has with him. Find the corpse.

But damn, now they are in front of me!

If you are found, you will be beaten, or if you are directly killed, you will not be able to escape.

Who can stand this!

Liu Yi wanted to break the chain on his body, but unfortunately, at this time, he could no longer mobilize the spiritual power in his body.

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