This is naturally Jiang Lin's handwriting, because he has had the experience of missing a hand, and Jiang Lin is not sure whether Liu Yi still has other clever escape techniques in his hands, and Liu Yi's injury is now close to a complete recovery, so, in order to Just to be on the safe side, and in order not to miss out on his own, Jiang Lin sealed the spiritual power in this cargo in advance.

This time, Liu Yi's appearance in the Tofu Factory was a godsend for him. This guy had never left Anyang City before, and he had no companions. That is to say, the fact that An Ge had a moon-shaped knife in his body did not spread.

As long as Liu Yi, the insider, was erased, Jiang Lin could leave Anyang City with peace of mind and solve Zhan Min's problems without any worries.

He had to seize this opportunity no matter what.

Otherwise, he will still feel that leaving is not okay, and staying is not okay.

"Brother Corpse, Dad Corpse, Lord Corpse! What grudges do I have with you? Why do you have to stare at me?"

After Liu Yi found that he couldn't mobilize the spiritual power in his body at all, his face turned into a chrysanthemum, and he asked Jiang Lin with a cry.

point out?It's always up to me to figure it out? !

Liu Yi really wanted to cry but had no tears at this time. The last time this monster corpse was about to destroy him, this time, is there any change?

He doesn't have to die.

Even if there is an escape technique, he must be able to use it.

"It's just not pleasing to the eye."

Jiang Lin laughed, then he blew at the big iron stick in his hand, and went straight down.

It's a familiar touch, and a familiar pain!

After screaming in agony, Liu Yi slammed gold stars in his eyes again, and his head was bleeding.

Bleeding directly from the forehead.

"I'll let you run, let you hide, the second uncle's, I'm looking for you all over the city."

With that said, Jiang Lin gave Liu Yi another stick.

Since he began to practice Taoism, no opponent or prey has made him want to chop off his hand.


Liu Yi's mind was blank after being beaten, and he couldn't even speak, so he could only spray feces in his heart.

If it wasn't for this monster corpse, he would never have thought that this guy would be looking for him all over the city.

If you find him, you can't avoid it by beating him first. After hitting his head with blood, he will kill him.

Do I have a vendetta against you for killing my father?

Why do you do this to me?

Just because it doesn't look good to me?Does this make sense? ! !

Woo woo woo.

"You really owe you a fight."

Jiang Lin spat, threw the iron rod in his hand to his feet, opened his right hand, and took it towards Liu Yi's dantian.

Just hit the killer.

But at this moment, there was a sudden movement on the ground of the interrogation room, and countless thorns of white bone burst out in an instant, separating Jiang Lin and Liu Yi.

After that, many of the surrounding bones turned into seven or eight skeletons and charged towards him.

"court death!"

Jiang Lin's tone suddenly turned cold, but he didn't pay attention to the person who performed the surgery, but his arm broke through the bone spurs in front of him at the speed of an electric shot, killing Liu Yi.

With a sound of "Dang", one of Jiang Lin's corpse claws just hit the bone shield that appeared on Liu Yi's body.

Then, under Liu Yi's position, countless stacks of white bones appeared, directly piercing the roof of the interrogation room.

"Come on!"

Madam Bone flew to Liu Yi's side almost instantly, grabbed him with the cross stake, and galloped away.

"Hmph, I think this time, who can save him!"

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes, teleported directly to the top of the interrogation room, and then chased Madam Gu and Liu Yi at a rapid speed.

This time, the killing intent in his heart was completely aroused.

At this moment, whoever harms his affairs will die.

In just a few blinks of an eye, he already understood that he hadn't been able to find Liu Yi for so many days, entirely because this guy had someone to help him.

Otherwise, Liu Yi would never have avoided his search.

Chapter [*] Making the Best Use of Everything (Part [*])

Madam Bone turned her head and glanced at Jiang Lin, the hairs on her body stood on end. Now Jiang Lin exudes murderous intent because of the damage, making her corpse look extremely hideous.

Run away!

Madam Bone had no doubt that if she was caught up by this terrifying corpse, she would definitely be bitten to death.

In terms of hard power, she is not as good as Liu Yi next to her. Liu Yi almost lost her life in the hands of this demon corpse before. If she is caught up, she will definitely have nothing to do.

Therefore, Mrs. Gu did not dare to delay at all, and directly released the magic weapon in her body.

In an instant, a white jade skeleton flew out of her mouth, zoomed in instantly, and landed at the feet of her and Liu Yi.

The huge white jade skeleton spun half a circle under Mrs. Bone's feet, and then a pair of empty eye sockets spurted out two blue ghost fires, which accelerated carrying Mrs. Bone and Liu Yi towards the distance.

But even so, Mrs. Gu not only did not relax, but her heart tightened, because she saw that Jiang Lin had teleported one after another, chasing after them.

If Jiang Lin was not at the node where the teleportation ended, she would not be able to see Jiang Lin's shadow at all.

This is too scary!

She used the white jade skeleton to escape her life, and the speed was not ordinary. It didn't take long for them to be more than ten miles away from the Anyang City prison, but this demon corpse was still closely following. Behind.

"I've already saved you twice. You have to think about it. If you don't agree to deal with Mr. Onizuka from the General's Mansion, I'll leave you here. Anyway, its target is you, not me."

Madam Gu was in a hurry and could only use this to coerce Liu Yi.

Last time and now, she extended a helping hand to this monster hunter, just to unite this rather good force to avenge her concubine killed by the old ghost wood demon.

If Liu Yi doesn't agree again, she will simply be thankless.

Not only is she unfortunate, but she is also likely to be in trouble because of it.

In this situation, if she can't get any more benefits, she can really throw Liu Yi here, regardless of her life or death.

Before Liu Yi could respond, Jiang Lin let out a light sigh.

This evil cultivator who suddenly appeared was actually going to deal with Mr. Onizuka from the General's Mansion.

This was beyond his expectations.

The reason why Jiang Lin didn't go to acquire the evil spirit was because he was afraid of Mr. Onizuka in the general's mansion. If this problem could be solved, it would also change his current dilemma and bring him more benefits. the benefits of.

After a little thought, Jiang Lin reduced the speed of his pursuit.

If he works harder, Liu Yi will not be able to escape his black hands no matter what, but if he can make this Liu Yi play more roles before ending his life, it is not a bad idea.

If you follow Liu Yi and the others, you might be able to get some information that he didn't know when they were talking.

"It's good to negotiate, it's all good to negotiate."

Liu Yi nodded again and again, joking, he was finally pulled on the line of death, and he couldn't let go of this life-saving straw.

At this time, Jiang Lin also gradually stopped. He did not stop chasing, but created an illusion for Liu Yi and the others.

After turning back a mile or two, Jiang Lin got into a dense forest and hid his figure. After that, he continued to chase in the direction where Liu Yi and the others fled.

"Fortunately it's not chasing."

Seeing that the chasing demon corpse gave up the chase, Mrs. Gu also breathed a sigh of relief, but she did not stop and continued to drive the white jade skeleton.

After a stick of incense, Mrs. Gu stopped in a barren mountain.

"It's safe at last, don't you know what to say? That monster corpse stared at you as soon as you appeared, it must have killed you, you can dodge once or twice, maybe there will be a third time. .If you join hands with me to deal with that old ghost wood demon, I can also provide some power to take care of you."

Madam Bone jumped off the white jade skeleton with Liu Yi, who was tied to a cross stake, and then looked at Liu Yi with some schadenfreude.

She provided assistance to this beard before, but this guy ignored her at all on the grounds that he didn't say hello to crooked people.

How is it now?If you don't agree, it may even be difficult to leave Anyang City.

It would be fine if they joined forces with her, at least they could get what they needed from each other, and it would be fine for her to provide some help.

If you don't agree, you can't really tell what will happen next.

However, there is a high probability that Liu Yi may suffer again.

Ghost wood old demon?What ghost wood old demon?

At this time, Jiang Lin, who was standing on a tree a hundred meters away, frowned. Didn't Mrs. Gu say before that she would let Liu Yi deal with Mr. Onizuka with her?

Why is there another ghost wood old demon?

Jiang Lin only knew that there was an unfathomable Mr. Onizuka in the general's mansion, but he didn't know more information, and naturally he didn't know that Mr. Onizuka was a monster made of a shadowy locust tree.

After pressing down the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin prepared to listen to what was going on for the time being.

"Mrs. Bone, I... I guess I'll have to wait for a while."

Liu Yi waved his hand, although now he has been rescued twice in a row by Mrs. Gu, he has accepted the other party's favor, and it is not good to turn the bottom of the bowl after eating the noodles, but now all his spiritual power has been banned, even if he wants to fulfill his promise. , temporarily unable to do so.

"Wait for a while? Are you kidding me? That ghost wood old demon's body is a yin locust tree. Although its roots stick to the ground, it can't be far from the general's mansion, but after a while, the Nascent Soul he cultivated will find it. If I get married as a substitute, I may be in danger. You guy, you are really shameless enough."

When Mrs. Gu heard Liu Yi's words, she thought that the latter was going to be a rogue again, and an angry look appeared on her face.

"I can't help it if you don't wait. My spiritual power has been blocked. How do you want me to deal with that ghost wood old demon? Didn't you see that I'm still tied up, there's nothing I can do?"

Liu Yi felt that he was eating Huanglian like a mute. The current situation was similar to what Mrs. Gu had analyzed. He was completely stared to death by the monster corpse. If he was alone and no one was taking care of him, he might have to be dangerous and extremely dangerous. There may be no hope of living anymore.

In this case, he just didn't want to cause more trouble, so he had to agree.

But the point is that he is powerless now.

After hearing Liu Yi's words, Mrs. Gu was stunned for a while, and then she realized that it was no wonder that this guy was so honest and didn't try to break free when he was tied.

Liu Yi sighed and continued: "Also, even if you want to deal with the ghost wood old demon, you have to take a long-term plan. Although he is a monster, he has the identity of Mr. Onizuka, and the entire general's mansion and even the power of Anyang City are under his control. Under control, if you rashly go there, wouldn't it be a death sentence? Since that guy has the ability to transform his own demon pill into Nascent Soul, how can it be so easy to deal with?"

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