Chapter [*] Making the Best Use of Everything (Part [*])

It turns out that the old ghost wood is actually Mr. Onizuka!

At this time, Jiang Lin, who had been listening on the big tree, was already very excited. He was quite surprised when he heard that Mrs. Gu said that the ghost wood old demon's body is a yin locust tree.

What he wanted to find for Zhan Min were monsters such as plants or flowers, and the old ghost wood demon in the mouth of the bone man just met his requirements.

In addition, the body of the ghost wood old demon is the yin locust tree. The vitality possessed by this kind of cold plant demon is a great supplement to Zhan Min.

Originally, Jiang Lin had always guessed that Mr. Onizuka from the General's Mansion might be a cultivator with a relatively high level of Taoism. After all, the entire Anyang City was under the guidance and arrangement of this person, forming a huge magic circle.

But he didn't expect Mr Onizuka to be a monster through and through.

Jiang Lin was quite surprised by this information, but in addition to being surprised, he also felt that this information gave him a pleasant surprise.If Mr. Onizuka from the General's Mansion of Anyang City is a tree demon who cultivated from a yin locust tree, then the two things that he absorbs the yin evil spirit of Anyang City and solves the problem of Zhan Min can be combined.

In other words, he doesn't need to leave Anyang City at all, as long as he takes down this ghost wood old demon, nothing will happen.

Zhanmin can get the supply of vitality and completely become one with the earth spirit bead. There should be no trouble in the follow-up. As long as the physique of Zhanmin's six thieves earth life becomes inner earth and outer gold, he can practice normally in the future.

And he himself has the supplement of Yin Sha Qi, at least for a while, to find the extraterrestrial meteorite mentioned by the system.

In addition, he can continue to get along with An Ge, improve his relationship, and get married later. If there are no surprises, it is a done deal.



Oops, fortunately, I didn't kill Liu Yi, the poor guy.

At this moment, Jiang Lin actually had the urge to hold his hand and kiss him twice.

If he hadn't missed it before, he wouldn't have been able to obtain such information.

The previous miss was really a good loss, a wonderful loss!

This thing really turned a corner.

Jiang Lin really did not expect things to take such a turn.

However, although Jiang Lin was excited, he was not overwhelmed by this joy. He calmed down a little, and was a little lucky that he didn't rashly use his spiritual sense to probe the general's mansion.

According to Liu Yi, that old ghost wood demon can transform the demon pill that should have formed a demon spirit into Nascent Soul. Such a method is not possessed by ordinary demons, not to mention that this demon is proficient in formation techniques.

Jiang Lin deduced that with his previous and current state, if he met with the ghost wood old demon, he would most likely suffer a loss.

His eyes are already blind, and he was injured when dealing with the mud demon. It is very difficult to deal with an ordinary demon ancestor, let alone such a ghost wood old demon.

"In that case..."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and smiled slightly. Now that he has the opportunity to solve the current predicament, he intends to give it a shot.

Although his principle is to avoid trouble as much as possible, but now there are many benefits in front of him, including the safety of his wife. In this case, it is a big trouble, and he has to provoke it.

However, caution is necessary.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was going to leave Liu Yi's life behind first.

Make the best use of it first.

Using Liu Yi and this lady bone to attract the attention of the old ghost wood demon, he secretly inquired about the specific situation of the general's mansion.

At the same time, he can also use these two people to find out the strength of Guimu Lao Yao's cultivation.

These are only temporary uses. Later, if he really fights the old ghost wood demon, Liu Yi can still play some role.

After making up his mind, Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes. Now there are two problems in front of him. One is to control Liu Yi and Madam Gu.

But in this way, he has to use his own spiritual power to cast a spell on the two, then his true face will be revealed.

For now, he does not intend to reveal his identity.

But if he didn't cast the spell, he had to prevent Liu Yi from being able to escape from Anyang City.

As for another problem, when he acted, he didn't want An Ge and Yu Qingping to find out.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin decided to first stare at Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu in secret. If Liu Yi still wanted to escape, he would come forward and stop him.

As soon as the night fell, he immediately began to act.

During the time when he returned to Tofufang, he could use the charm in the ancient mirror to monitor Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu.

On An Ge's side, he found a reason to leave for a few days.

After that, Jiang Lin followed Liu Yi and Madam Gu in secret as he planned.

It was also because of this that he knew that some time ago, Liu Yi and Madam Gu were hiding in the underground of Anyang City, and there was still a bone formation around them, which caused him to find no one no matter how he looked.

However, to his relief, Liu Yi seems to be really frightened by him, and now he doesn't even dare to escape from Anyang City.

I was worried that I would be found again.

With Mrs. Bone by her side, this guy can at least have a helping hand.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin left two charm spirits on the ground to monitor not far away, and returned to the tofu workshop first.

"An Ge, is it a holiday? Why do I smell something meaty here?"

"It's not a holiday, as for me, I need to leave for five or six days, and I have to leave at night, and my aunt and uncle are also busy. I can't go home for three or four days. I'm worried that you won't be able to find anything to eat at home alone. I just want to keep some food that can be fried for you."

An Ge explained to Jiang Lin, but didn't say much.

In fact, it was time for her to buy some healing materials for the green bamboo demon, and she needed to leave Anyang City.

She wants to use the moon knife to hurry, and she can only choose to fly at night.

As for Yu Qingping, it is necessary to bring the green bamboo demon to the bamboo forest in the city, and use the aura there to heal her wounds.

In the past, this kind of thing would happen every one or two months, but because there was more Jianglin at home, An Ge specially prepared some fresh meat and live fish.

That's right.

Jiang Lin nodded. In this way, he didn't need to look for reasons. If An Ge, Yu Qingping, and the Green Bamboo Demon were not around, it would be much easier for him to act.

Chapter [*] Make the Best Use of Everything (Part [*])

"You are a daughter's family, and you have to travel at night, which is quite worrying. Be careful in everything."

"Why don't you ask me what to do?"

An Ge rubbed her mouth and she had known each other for a long time. Jiang Lin still didn't ask any more questions. Before, she thought that Jiang Lin was good at keeping things in check, but now, she can't help but feel a little lost in her heart. .

Jiang Lin smiled and said: "I think, when you want to tell me, you should say, you don't mention it, there should be a reason. As long as you are safe and sound, I think it is better than anything. "

An Ge smiled sweetly, and murmured softly, "It's not in vain for me to buy you so many chickens, ducks and fish."

When the two returned to their residence, An Ge began to work in the kitchen. Yu Qingping helped the green bamboo demon out, said hello to An Ge, and then went to the bamboo forest in the west of the city.

"Take care of yourself. Aunt and the others should come back before me, and you will be taken care of by then."

After explaining to Jiang Lin, An Ge walked out of the door.

"Just like this, how can I rest assured?"

Jiang Lin sighed softly, and then released the dozen or so charm spirits in the ancient mirror.

After casting the light-avoidance spell on a group of charming spirits, Jiang Lin gave them an order to follow An Ge at a certain distance. If An Ge was in any danger, some of them would swear to protect them, and the rest would follow An Ge as soon as possible. Speed ​​returns to inform him.

After waiting for a stick of incense, Jiang Lin made sure that neither An Ge nor Yu Qingping would turn back, so he took a lot of dragon tendons from the ancient mirror.

He would use these dragon tendons to form a mesh, put a sack on it, and go directly to the place where Liu Yi and Madam Gu were hiding.

After putting Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu in sacks, they took them directly to the General's Mansion, and then let them out.

Even if Liu Yi and the others are unwilling, there is nothing they can do. They can bite the bullet and start a fight with the ghost wood old demon, and he will take advantage of the opportunity created by the two to carry out his own actions.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to appear at the hiding place of Liu Yi and Madam Gu.

"It turns out that Mrs. Bone left beforehand, which saved me some trouble."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly after hearing the report of the supervising Charming Spirit, and then he only needed to attack one by one.

Jiang Lin took a few steps on the ground, and a crack appeared not far away.

The magic array that Mrs. Bone arranged here was nothing to him at all.

At the same time as jumping into the crack, Jiang Lin also released the corpse poison in the bones, revealing the appearance of a corpse.

At this time, Liu Yi was sitting cross-legged in the underground space, trying to mobilize the spiritual power in his body to attack the seal imposed by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin clasped his arms and looked at Liu Yi with a smile.

"It's too difficult, this damn demon corpse, motherfucker, doesn't know how to use such a seal, I'll call you uncle!"

With a grunt, Liu Yi opened his eyes and greeted Jiang Lin vigorously.

The spiritual seal that he imposed on Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin can break away with little effort, but the seal that Jiang Lin placed on him, even if his cultivation base breaks the boundary again, it may not be able to break.

"Don't let me Liu Yi meet you again, otherwise, I'm fucking..."

The depressed Liu Yi continued to greet Jiang Lin, but just halfway through the words, he was completely silent.

It's not that there is no sound, at least when he swallowed, there was a grunting sound in his throat.

At this time, he had already raised his head, just facing Jiang Lin's "four eyes", looking at each other.

"Master Corpse, hehe... hello..."

Liu Yi is now laughing because of the incomparable grass Nima, but the expression on his face is not like a smile, how ugly it is, it is a bitter one.

Even the most skilled actor may not be able to imitate his expression at this time.


Jiang Lin raised his mouth with a corpse tooth and said hello to Liu Yi.

After that, he reached into his arms with one hand and took out the big iron rod that had a long-term marriage with Liu Yi.

"Dad, mama, I want to go home! I have an [*]-year-old mother and a nursing baby~"

Liu Yi leaned forward and knelt down directly to Jiang Lin.

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