Grandpa, forgive me, okay?

Are you so haunted?

At this moment, Liu Yi's heart felt like a bucket of bitter brine.

God knows how hard it is.


Jiang Lin didn't allow Liu Yi to cry there, so he went straight to give this guy a stick.

After knocking Liu Yi unconscious, Jiang Lin put the guy directly into the sack prepared in advance, and then he collected the corpse poison and placed the Six Yang Soul Charm on Liu Yi in the sack.

He needs to let Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu fight the old ghost wood demon, but these two people have legs and feet, and they will definitely withdraw when they are unfavorable. This is not what he wants to see.

Therefore, he needs to use this curse to control the two of them, and the actions of Liu Yi and Madam Gu will also be under his control.

As long as the Liuyang Soul Curse is in place, when he completely intends to fight the old ghost wood demon, Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu will not be able to do anything if they don't want to.

After getting Liu Yi, Jiang Lin went to the side and held the iron bar above his head, quietly waiting for Madam Gu to come back.

About half an hour later, Mrs. Gu ran in in a panic. There was already a problem with the magic circle she arranged on the ground. Therefore, in a hurry, she rushed into this underground space.


Jiang Lin didn't say a word, and directly hit the sap.

Still a strikeout.

Knock directly.

"Come on, it's time to play your role."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, and then followed the previous procedure and placed the Six Yang Soul Curse on Madam Gu.

Grabbing Madam Bone's neck, Jiang Lin shoved it into the sack, then left the underground space and rushed straight to the General's Mansion in Anyang City.

After a while, Jiang Lin arrived at the general's mansion and landed on the roof of the guest room in the mansion.

With a palm facing a row of the barrier around the general's dormitory, Jiang Lin untied the mouth of the sack and threw Liu Yi and Madam Gu inside.

The seal on Liu Yi's dantian was also undone by him, both of them opened their eyes at the same time, and then each held their heads.

What a pain.

As the leader of all this, Jiang Lin took the sack and concealed his figure and breath.

I hope you don't let me down and buy some more time.

Jiang Lin smiled, and then gliding away, heading to the area where the yin locust tree in the General's Mansion was located.

Chapter [*] is an eye-opener

Although he hasn't figured out the strength of the old ghost wood, Jiang Lin is not worried that Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu will be killed by the old ghost wood.

Although Liu Yi was beaten by him and called his grandfather, he looked very weak, but it depends on who he is compared with. In fact, this guy's cultivation and strength are not bad at all.

Otherwise, he would not have escaped in his hands.

If Liu Yi really did his best, he would still have the power to fight against the average Nascent Soul level cultivator. At the very least, he would be able to deal with it for a while.

As for Madam Bone, not to mention, there should have been a conflict with the old ghost wood demon before, and she also saved her life.

Moreover, this evil female cultivator wants to join Liu Yi to deal with the ghost wood old demon, at least she must feel that she will have some chance of winning.

Now that Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu are teaming up, even if they can't do anything to the old ghost wood, there should be no problem in protecting themselves.

Although Jiang Lin cast the Six Yang Soul Curse on them, and didn't plan to let them retreat, but he didn't plan to restrict the two of them.

Of course, it was limited to Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu using the escape technique to evade the ultimate move of the old ghost wood.

After placing a mysterious light mirror in a hidden place at the top of the wall, Jiang Lin heard a mother-in-law's angry shout from the general's bedroom.

The ghost wood old demon walked out with a gloomy face. During this time, his injured Nascent Soul was sucking the blood of strong men to recuperate, and he had to recover completely before the next full moon, but at this moment, there was someone else. bad for him.

At this time, Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu were still in a daze. They didn't know where they were, especially Mrs. Gu, who had no idea what was going on.

However, seeing the Ghost Wood Old Demon Empress, Madam Gu immediately reacted, and they actually arrived at the General's Mansion.

"This is the General's Mansion! Let's go!"

Madam Bone responded very quickly, and immediately prepared to flee. Although she had to deal with the ghost wood old demon, her own strength was not enough, and Liu Yi, who was beside her, had her spiritual power blocked again. At this moment, she must not want to Against the ghost wood old demon.

Madam Bone didn't know that the seal on Liu Yi's body had been undone by Jiang Lin, so she greeted Liu Yi at the first moment and flew away by herself.

The ghost wood old demon who just walked out was stunned for a moment after seeing Madam Bone, and then he smiled. Madam Bone appeared here, indicating that the other party should not have left Anyang City.

If Mrs. Bone returned to the imperial city or sent a letter, the time would not have been so fast.

"I let you escape last time, but this time, let's see how you escaped from the old slave's palm!"

The old ghost wood sneered again and again, and after that, regardless of his unrecovered injuries, he directly summoned the massive evil spirits under the ground, forming one corpse after another.

Jiang Lin had stopped temporarily and activated the Six Yang Soul Curse on Mrs. Gu and Liu Yi, and because of this, the ghost wood old demon turned evil into a soldier, and he felt it.

Although Jiang Lin couldn't see things with his eyes, and he didn't radiate spiritual sense, he had a special sense of corpse.

Yes, corpse!

At this time, Jiang Lin suddenly remembered that the target he had swallowed was suspected to be An Ge's corpse.

This thing can actually use the corpse?

Even though he remembered what happened before, Jiang Lin was still surprised. The ability of this old ghost wood demon was far beyond his expectations.

Not only can the demon pill be transformed into Nascent Soul, but also the corpse evil can be controlled.

However, Jiang Lin didn't continue to be surprised. He needed to use the time Mrs. Gu and Liu Yi won to go to the underground of the General's Mansion to find out what was going on.

After Madam Bone flew out, Liu Yi was also surprised to find that the spiritual power in his body had been released, but even so, he jumped up like Madam Bone, ready to slip away.

But not long after the soles of the feet left the ground, he and Mrs. Gu felt as if their bodies were being scorched by a cannon, and the unbearable pain made them both fall down almost at the same time.

Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu didn't know what was going on at all. They tried two more times, but they still felt like they were burned in the body as soon as they flew up.

In desperation, they could only bite the bullet and fight the old ghost wood.

Fortunately, Liu Yi informed Mrs. Gu that the ban in her body was lifted for no reason. After Mrs. Gu made up her mind, she cooperated with Liu Yi and fought fiercely with the ghost wood old demon.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already arrived at the martial arts field of the General's Mansion, where there was an extremely lush yin locust tree.

This ancient tree with yin locust flowers all over is the body of the ghost wood old demon.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, but he still didn't act rashly. He had never encountered such a monster that could separate the body from the old ghost wood. If he destroyed the yin locust tree here, there might not be any results.

Moreover, this yin locust tree is at least a thousand years old, and the trunk alone can only be hugged by a dozen big men. Even if he uses his own yang flame and spiritual power, once the ghost wood old demon is disturbed, it is estimated that there will be no achievements. .

After that, Jiang Lin was fumbling around. He now needs to get under the ground as soon as possible to see what the ghost wood old demon has gathered so much yin and evil energy to do.

If he can take some yin qi to supplement himself before fighting the old ghost wood demon, then his confidence will be much greater.

During this time, although Jiang Lin was walking around Anyang City, after all, he was blind in both eyes, and his spiritual sense could not be extended indefinitely. Therefore, he still did not have a specific understanding of the specific structure of Anyang City. .

And the only Tianxiang Tower in Anyang City that exudes aura of yin evil was destroyed by Liu Yi again. It is impossible to draw those evil spirits out. He has already tried it before.

The Yin evil energy in the rest of the place is relatively scattered and thin, which is not enough to solve his problem at all.

In this case, Jiang Lin could only go to the ground to explore.

The location of the General's Mansion is the eye of the entire huge array. Even if he doesn't know the location and layout of the city, as long as he ponders the array eye, he can find a way to drain the underground evil spirit.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to find a well [*] meters away from the martial arts field.

When he reached the bottom of the well, Jiang Lin began to use the corpse claw as a digging tool, and drilled all the way down.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he dug through the bottom of the well and fell into an underground world.


Lingju sensed the surrounding situation, and a very shocked expression appeared on Jiang Lin's face.

He felt a massive amount of yin suffocating around him, and these yin suffocation were so strong that they almost turned into a liquid.

In addition, what shocked him even more was the situation in the distance.

Countless old tree roots with the thickness of an adult humerus hang down and sway constantly.

Around this underground world, there are a total of eighty-eighty-sixty-four gigantic caves, and the dark evil spirits are constantly spewing out of them, and some of them even condense into the shape of huge snakes , wrapped around those roots and corroded them.

And at the bottom of this underground world, there is even a liquid precipitated by Yin Sha Qi.

I went, it was really... an eye-opener.

The corner of Jiang Lin's mouth twitched slightly. He had long heard that the predecessor of Anyang City, the Millennium Burial Mound, was a place with an extremely strong yin and evil spirit. But until now, he didn't know that he was indifferent to this thousand-year-old chaos. The burial is really underestimated.


This kind of Yin evil energy can really be described as massive.

Chapter [*] The benefits can't be harvested, it's heartbreaking!

For a time, Jiang Lin's mood turned from shock to ecstasy. The evil spirit here was beyond his expectations. If he absorbed a lot of evil spirit here, his eyes would soon recover, and his own The corpse poison can also suppress the corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian to death just like drinking Shiquan Dabu Tang.

In addition, what makes Jiang Lin even more happy is that the roots of the underground world have been corroded by the evil spirit, and the vitality they contain has been dissipated. As long as he collects it, he can transfer it to Zhan Min. , to temporarily solve Zhanmin's problem.

Just as he was about to start, Jiang Lin stopped and forced himself to calm down.

The reason why he came to the underground exploration of the General's Mansion was to find out what the big formation formed by the pattern of Anyang City would do.

Thinking of his original purpose, Jiang Lin temporarily suppressed the impulse in his heart.

He almost missed a few points.

First of all, the roots of these many ancient trees belonged to the yin locust tree in the martial arts field. In other words, they belonged to the ghost wood old demon.

Now he uses the power of the corpse to hide, hiding his figure, and he is not worried about being perceived or discovered by the old ghost wood, but once there is any action, it is not guaranteed that his deeds will be exposed and the old ghost wood will be noticed.

In addition, this subterranean world should be the eye of the huge array formed by Anyang City. Once he absorbs the yin and evil energy here, the balance of the array will be destroyed, and there will inevitably be some abnormal phenomenon. In that case , It's a little difficult not to be known by the ghost wood old demon.

After sinking his heart, Jiang Lin began to use his spiritual sense to scan the structure of this underground world and the connection principle of the evil spirit.

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