Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a huge amount of Yin evil energy to remain hidden underground without leaking out.

Looking at this, the old ghost wood demon is obviously trying to use these evil spirits to corrode the roots of the rotten body. What is the reason?

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, the ghost wood old demon's body is the yin locust tree, no matter what the reason is, it is impossible to hurt his own body.

Could it be that this ghost wood old demon is idle and wants to abuse himself?

This is obviously impossible.

At this moment, Jiang Lin thought of some words he heard in the daytime. When Mrs. Gu mentioned the ghost wood old demon, she seemed to have said that this guy couldn't stay away from the general's mansion because of the limitations of his own body. That is, it cannot leave the area where its body is located.

If you say that, this old ghost wood demon spent so much money to come to such a self-abuse, it really means to break and stand up.

Guessing this, Jiang Lin couldn't help but look at the old ghost wood a little more. According to the information he knew, the old ghost wood should have started planning for these things decades ago. Such a scheming, even if Jiang Lin I was going to be the enemy of the old ghost wood, and I couldn't help but want to give this guy a compliment.

No wonder this guy released the corpse, the target is An Ge, it seems that this guy should be preparing for the work of his own Nascent Soul borrowing body.

Not long ago, Jiang Lin was still a little confused. If the corpse from more than ten days ago was released by the ghost wood old demon, the target is An Ge, it is probably because the ghost wood old demon took a fancy to her Xuanyin. constitution.

But the ghost wood old demon holds so much yin and evil energy in his hand, there is absolutely no need to give up the near and seek far.

But after making an inference in his heart, Jiang Lin solved the confusion in his heart. Based on the situation of the yin locust tree, An Ge's mysterious yin body must be more useful to the ghost wood old demon.

"You can't even let me kill you."

Jiang Lin whispered to himself, he originally wanted to kill this old ghost wood demon because of his own interests, and now that the old ghost wood demon may have threatened An Ge, he would not let this guy have a good end no matter what. .

After accepting the killing intent in his heart, Jiang Lin looked at the huge amount of evil spirit in this underground world, and his mood was extremely depressed.

These are all good things that are of great benefit to him. If they are accepted, they will benefit him more than a little bit, but he can't do anything now, so he can't take advantage of them.

I'm worried.

Jiang Lin really felt like his heart was being stabbed wildly by silver needles, especially when he saw the liquid formed by the sedimentation of the evil energy on the ground. At this time, in his heart, he felt that this thing was Bihan. The marrow is a thousand times better than the treasures of heaven and earth.

Pinching his own thigh, Jiang Lin continued to analyze the connection between the sixty-four caves around him. At the same time, he also paid some attention to the situation of the Xuanguang mirror in the ancient mirror.

He had previously placed a mysterious light mirror on the hidden wall on the ground, in order to understand the battle between Liu Yi and the others outside the ghost wood old demon.

After about a quarter of an hour, Jiang Lin felt a little more edgy, so he scanned all the surrounding situations and branded it into his mind.

After finishing these tasks, he began to deal with Zhanmin's problems.

The yin evil energy here is in a state of balance due to the effect of the large formation, but the vitality emitted by the corroded roots of the yin locust tree is superfluous.

In other words, as long as he just collects these vitality, it should not be perceived by the old ghost wood.

Although these opportunities are not enough, it is better than nothing, at least it can alleviate Zhan Min's predicament.

With an idea in his heart, Jiang Lin immediately began to act. He sent a sound transmission to the humanoid pendant on his neck, awakening Zhan Min who was sleeping.

"Xiao Min, I have found a place full of vitality, and it is very suitable for your current state. You let go of your body and mind and prepare to receive the body. I'm gradually approaching the place with abundant vitality, you have a little control, it's not appropriate to make trouble now. What's going on?"

After Jiang Lin explained to Zhan Min, his body slowly gliding over, shuttled between the roots of the yin locust tree.

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Zhan Min didn't ask any more questions, and immediately did as Jiang Lin said.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to realize that Madam Zhonggu and Liu Yi in the yard of the General's Mansion should not be able to hold on any longer, so he stopped Zhanmin and returned according to the original path.

At this time, Mrs. Gu and Liu Yi were seriously injured. Even if they joined forces, they only had the power to fight the old ghost wood. The longer the time, the lower their winning rate.

Chapter [*] Be a Tofu Guy

If Mrs. Gu and Liu Yi had planned it well, a surprise attack would have some miraculous effects, but it was a pity that they were packed in sacks by Jiang Lin and used directly as tools.

After Madam Bone couldn't hold it any longer, she released the white jade skeleton in her body and wanted to escape again. Then she was surprised to find that there was nothing abnormal in her body this time.

"Let's go quickly!"

Surprised and delighted in her heart, Madam Bone took a drink and flew away with the white jade skeleton.

And Liu Yi was also reminded by Mrs. Gu, released his own flame roulette, and flew away from the general's mansion in a blink of an eye.


When the old ghost wood demon saw that he couldn't keep Mrs. Bone, his face was ashen.

If he was desperate, Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu would have no chance of escaping at all, but he was worried about Yuan Ying's own marriage next time, so he left some strength.

"Jiang Lang, where was that place just now, why is the yin suffocation so strong? Why don't you absorb some of it? Doesn't the corpse poison in your body need yin suffocation?"

"Don't mention it, I'll be pissed when you mention it. I'll deal with your problem first. Even if I want to absorb it, I have to think about it in the long run."

Jiang Lin responded gloomily to Zhan Min. He is a person who doesn't like to take treasures. In the past, when killing evil spirits, he often gave the other party's nest.

But now, he has the heart to find treasure but has no power to execute it.

"what happened?"

Zhanmin listened to Jiang Lin's tone and felt that things might not be easy. Jiang Lin was so concerned about her safety, and she was also worried about her man.

Before leaving his parents, Jiang Lin told her that he must find the evil spirit energy to feed the corpse poison in his body as soon as possible. The situation will get worse and worse.

"The vitality just now belongs to a monster made from the shadow tree..."

Jiang Lin explained to Zhan Min roughly, and then he said: "Xiao Min, you have the supply of vitality, you can deal with it well, I guess you can come again tomorrow. I won't make you wait too long, it's gone. This ghost wood old demon, your problem can be completely solved."

"Jiang Lang, you can't just take care of me, you must protect yourself. Your eyes aren't good until now. I'm worried about you."

"Don't worry, I already have a plan in my heart, and I won't act rashly until I have enough of it."

Jiang Lin gently stroked the little gold pendant on his neck and comforted Zhan Min: "Let's have a good chance of transforming. If the transformation is completed as soon as possible, the stone in my heart will fall."


Zhan Min responded obediently, and then began to transform and absorb the vitality.

I have to go again tomorrow, that Liu Yi who owes me a fight, you have to play a role for me.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and mourned for Liu Yi in his heart. He really needed to go to the underground of the General's Mansion again tomorrow night.

Tonight, his mind was focused on analyzing the formation in the underground of the General's Mansion and cooperating with Zhan Min to absorb vitality, and he didn't devote much energy to paying attention to the methods of the old ghost wood.

Whether it is to let Zhanmin take in some vitality or to make a judgment on the strength of the ghost wood old demon, he still needs to use Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu to play a role.

Moreover, the old ghost wood demon let Mrs. Gu and Liu Yi escape tonight. If they meet again tomorrow night, it must be another chance for this guy. The old ghost wood demon will definitely grasp it well and show more strength and means of his own.

At this time, Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu didn't know that they had a bad luck and haven't played yet, and they will be put into a sack by Jiang Lin and thrown to the General's Mansion tomorrow night.

Even if they want to leave Anyang City now, it will be useless if they don't care about anything.

If you don't leave Anyang City, hiding elsewhere is equally useless.

The Six Yang Soul Curse Jiang Lin cast on them is not so easy to solve. Once they show signs of breaking free or escaping, Jiang Lin will let them experience an extremely sour feeling.

After that, Jiang Lin returned to An Ge's residence, and in his room began to analyze the huge magic circle arranged by the ghost wood old demon under the general's mansion.

"It seems that this kind of magic circle can not only guide Yin Sha Qi, but also gather popularity."

Jiang Lin frowned and murmured, then he raised his eyebrows slightly, patted the table, and said, "Yes, with so much yin and evil energy, it is absolutely impossible to stay underground without going on. It was the popularity of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands in Anyang City that suppressed it."

After walking a few steps in the room, a flash of light appeared in Jiang Lin's mind. Now he doesn't need to use any Dao technique to open a point on the guide line to drain the evil spirit.

As long as the popularity of urban residents in an area is not obvious, it will not take long for the evil spirit in that area to rise due to the lack of popularity of the suppression, and finally get out of the ground and release.

In that case, he wouldn't have to go to the underground of the General's Mansion and risk the risk of being discovered by the old ghost wood to absorb the evil spirit.

There is no need to laboriously open any gaps and engage in drainage.

"If that's the case, then I'll be a tofu guy."

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Lin snapped his fingers.

If you want to make so many people less popular, the workload required is not ordinary, and it is impossible for him to cast spells on people one by one.

In this case, the most suitable method is to put some talisman water or Gu powder into the well or the food of the residents.

Throwing talisman water into the well was a good idea, but Jiang Lin didn't want to choose that.

If there is something that kills two birds with one stone, why not do it?

Jiang Lin's current thinking is to help An Ge to expand his business. An Ge opens a tofu shop and sells tofu flowers, and he can't make much money at all.

But if there is his helper, soy products can be directly made into an industry and become a specialty snack, then there is basically no shortage of customers.

As long as the guests who have patronized, will be able to consolidate the popularity in the body because they have eaten the ingredients that he handles.

Then his purpose of releasing Yin Sha Qi has been achieved.

Of course, Jiang Lin wouldn't regard human life as a must because he only cares about his own goals. After all, the yin and evil qi escapes, and if it is excessive, it will be harmful to the human body after all.

It is up to him to eliminate these harms.

This is an advantage on the one hand, and on the other hand, he can also enhance his relationship with An Ge by helping An Ge earn a lot of money.

When the time comes, An Ge might hug him and kiss him.

What a good man, even though he is blind, he can help make money. If he starts a family together in the future, he can also live a happy life.

"It's time to show my culinary skills."

Jiang Lin thought about it for a moment, then laughed.

An Ge is a bean curd Xi Shi, if he is a bean curd guy, he is really suitable.

Chapter [*] I let you eat alone! (superior)

However, although Jiang Lin had such a plan, he could not implement it immediately. He gave An Ge and Yu Qingping the impression that he was blind, and such a blind man was not one who had been blind for a short time.

Whether it is his perception of the surroundings or his usual state, he is obviously quite adapted to the state of losing his sight.

At least in the eyes of An Ge and the others, he has been blind for many years.

Therefore, he has to pave the way for the next things to do.

Otherwise, when An Ge comes back, he will become a chef, and no one will believe him.

After eating some of the food left by An Ge, Jiang Lin found a pen and paper, and began to recall some scenes he had seen in the kitchen at his home in Middle-earth.

Although his craftsmanship is very good, most of it is accumulated by cooking medicinal treasures and meat for his wives.

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