At this time, the old ghost wood also gradually understood why the monster corpse came up to kill him, and said that he was eating alone.

The suffocating qi also has no small effect on the monster corpse.

After making up the abacus in his heart, the ghost wood old demon calmed down. If the plan in his heart was to be implemented, he had to wait for him to completely break free from the shackles of his body.

As for Jiang Lin, after leaving the General's Mansion, he didn't return to his residence, so he still had a lot of work to do.

According to the few prescriptions he had figured out during the day, he went to check it out. Fortunately, there was a prosperous area that just met his requirements. It was a commercial street, and the catering industry was relatively popular.

Jiang Lin also struck while the iron was hot, and directly found a shop with good feng shui. After spending a lot of gold and silver, the shop was sold.

After that, he went to a few restaurants, ordered a lot of soy products, and spent some money to learn from the chef in the restaurant's kitchen.

Originally, it was impossible for the owner of the restaurant to agree to such a thing. The specialty dishes of their own are the foundation of the business. If they were learned, they would simply increase their competitors.

However, Jiang Lin gave too much money, and Jiang Lin was still blind, so he could learn something, so several restaurants agreed to Jiang Lin's request.

As a result, it didn't take long for the owners and chefs of several restaurants to be dumbfounded. Jiang Lin, this blind man, can really learn what kind of cuisine, and even the chefs in the restaurants can I even suspect that my cooking skills have been learned from dogs.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's eyes being covered with black cloth, they would even suspect that Jiang Lin was not blind at all.

Is there such a blind man?

This is such a chef!

After returning to his residence, Jiang Lin used the ingredients left in the kitchen to practice his hands, and he was quite satisfied with the results. For some things he hadn't learned, he needed to ponder a little on his own.

Smelling the aroma of the dishes on the chopping board, Jiang Lin said with a smile, "I don't know what kind of expression I'll have when I taste these snacks when An Ge comes back. Help her make some money earlier, and you can also bring her husband and wife together as soon as possible. The relationship is settled."

"Hmph, you don't want me to try it first, you just think about others, and when you have a new relationship, you forget about my yellow-faced woman."

At this time, the little golden man pendant on Jiang Lin's neck suddenly burst into light, and after a while, Zhan Min appeared in front of Jiang Lin.

"Xiao Min, why did you show up? This will delay the process of your physique transformation."

"Can I not show up? We've all worshipped the heavens and the earth, and we still don't know that you have such a good craftsmanship. Now you're just thinking about letting people Ange taste it, and you don't even think about me."

Zhanmin pouted, then picked up the chopsticks on the stove and began to taste a few side dishes on the chopping board.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but laugh when he heard Zhanmin say this. This Zhanmin likes to be jealous, but his wife is very well-behaved.

"Well! Jiang Lang, this is really fragrant!"

After Zhan Min took a sip, his index finger moved suddenly.

After absorbing a lot of vitality in the General's Mansion, she began to concentrate on transforming it. When she could be distracted, Jiang Lin was praised by the chefs in the restaurant for being a chef.

Now that she really tasted Jiang Lin's craftsmanship, she was really surprised.

Such cooking skills are not much different from those of the imperial chefs in the imperial capital.

Seeing Zhan Min tasting the side dishes, and forgetting about his temper, Jiang Lin also smiled lightly.

Whether it is a man or a woman, as long as the stomach is caught, there are not so many things in the heart.

"It's not that I'm blowing it, you man, I'm actually a chef who was delayed by Taoism."

Jiang Lin boasted to himself, he was very confident in his craftsmanship, not to mention, several of his wives were killed by his cook before they entered the gate of his Jiang family. Art was attracted to him, so he had a good impression of him.

Zhanmin used to have a very good family. He was the daughter of a big family. He had tasted a lot of good things. Now that he has tasted these snacks and dishes, they are all like this. Then he will promote and sell these dishes in the future. It is estimated that it will be quite smooth. .

It may not take a few days. The prosperous area he chose is five or six miles in radius. Regardless of gender, age, or child, as he expected, the popularity of the body will be temporarily sealed in the body.

As long as he eats the food that he handles, it can quickly take effect.

Chapter [*] The God of Cooking Delayed by Taoism (Part [*])

In fact, Jiang Lin does not have any talent in cooking, but in those years at home, to deal with the unknown and solve the problems in the process of their life level transition for his wife, he must use some medicinal herbs and coffin fungus. Cook and serve them.

Those things really have to be boiled like a big stew in the Northeast, and even the dog doesn't want to eat it, so the dog just ignores it.

Therefore, in order to take care of his wives, he can only do his best to make those medicinal materials accessible. Year after year, even if the ingredients are not good, he is gradually conditioned by him to be able to swallow, and then there is a fragrance. Son, in the end, it can be afternoon tea or supper for Chen Yu and Ren Tingting.

Not to mention other dishes, this alone is enough to make some super chefs think they are inferior.

Now the ingredients are normal, and Jiang Lin took a little bit of a cat and a tiger and then adjusted it with his own cooking experience. One word: incense.


"Although I suspect Jiang Lang, you are bragging, I don't want to pierce you. Xuemei, although she can go to the hall and the kitchen, she is still incomparable to Jiang Lang. ."

Zhanmin put down her chopsticks and hugged Jiang Lin's arm, thinking that if she solves her physical problems in the future, she will be able to have such good luck often, and she is very happy.

Jiang Lin loves her very much. As long as she asks, even if he asks his man to cook for her, there is no problem.

"Jiang Lang, no, my chef Jiang, I don't care. Whatever I want to eat in the future, you, the chef, have to cook it for me."

"It depends on you, but I have to wait for it to settle down. Originally, my craft was raised by my wives at home. Under normal circumstances, I don't want outsiders to have this good fortune, but now I need to let the evil spirits in an area. Qi is no longer suppressed, and I can only sell my craftsmanship."

Jiang Lin said, and even wanted to laugh at himself. He was a Taoist priest, but in the end, he needed to use cooking skills that were not related to Taoism to solve the problem.

It is estimated that there is no monk or Taoist priest like him throughout the ages.

If some monks heard his words, they would laugh out loud.

A capable person whose hard power is comparable to that of a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, saying that his cooking skills have been delayed by the cultivation of Taoism is really ridiculous.

What about the pay?

"You girl, you really can act like a spoiled child. I miss Xuemei so much."

Jiang Lin was also a little helpless with Zhanmin, but Zhanmin likes to act coquettishly and babble, and it's all because of him.

"She is me, and I am her. She just thinks that I can give you more pampering like this, so she has always been left to me."

Zhanmin pursed her little mouth, and then said, "Jiang Lang, she thought you had your Xiaomin, did she forget her?"

"Oh my god. Vinegar, I use my skill as a god of cooking to mix a cup of the most fragrant vinegar for you. You can eat it how you want."

Jiang Lin patted his forehead, and he was really convinced. Zhanmin wanted to talk about eating Ange's jealousy, and there was more to say, after all, it was two people.

But Pan Xuemei in the previous life and Zhan Min today were originally a whole, and now they are all his wives, and even have only one body, so they are still jealous?

The left hand eats the vinegar of the right hand?Arms eat thigh vinegar?

Zhanmin chuckled and continued, "Jiang Lang, do you think Xiaomin sounds better, or Xuemei sounds better?"

"If there is a chance, let's divide you into two first. I love both of you, so as not to ask such a question again."

Jiang Lin didn't answer Zhanmin's question at all. When Zhanmin didn't recover his full memory before, he said that Pan Xuemei's name in his previous life was a bit dirty, and now he's asking him which boudoir name is good.

This is definitely the intention of the drunkard, not the wine, but the vinegar!

As long as he says a name, no matter who's name is, Zhanmin can make trouble with him again - hum, you know that her weight is more important in your heart.

"You're a greedy ghost. It hasn't been a month since I went to church with me, so you made an idea of ​​another beautiful girl. Now that the character has just been written, you want me to become two people."

Zhan Min squeezed Jiang Lin's arm lightly, really wanting to bite his man hard.

"Actually, I think it's not enough to divide it into two. It's divided into three, no, four. I still miss her that stupid girl who didn't even know her biological father. Well, I just miss her. Besides, after you got a new life, the stupid child who let me feed sweets every day is also very good."

Since Zhanmin likes to eat his own vinegar, Jiang Lin teased her. Anyway, there are four stages before Zhanmin and Pan Xuemei's soul can be completely merged.

You like to eat your own vinegar, right? Eat it hard, today's you, eat yesterday's Zhanmin's vinegar, it will make you sour.

However, although Jiang Lin was joking, he really had the slightest idea of ​​realizing this kind of evil taste in his heart.

In the past, when he learned that he might have a foolish wife who didn't even know his parents, he shouted for a long life, but now, thinking about the previous experience, he thinks it is quite interesting.

"It's divided into three and four, why don't you cut me into eight pieces, you greedy ghost, even the pure fool I used to be greedy."

Zhanmin's pair of small pink fists lightly beat Jiang Lin's chest, and then put his face on it, and after a while, he murmured: "Jiang Lang, we... we don't have a wedding room yet. Get ahead."

In fact, when she appeared, it wasn't because she wanted to taste Jiang Lin's cooking skills before An Ge. Although she and Jiang Lin worshipped, but after the worship, she was made into a small gold pendant by Jiang Lin and wore it around her neck. , haven't even had a bridal chamber yet.

Judging from the current situation, An Ge will become Jiang Lin's person sooner or later, just like her, but how could she be willing to be cut in line by An Ge, her later sister.

In fact, it really doesn't matter whether Zhan Min has anything to do with Jiang Lin's bridal chamber or not. Her body has long been Jiang Lin's, but she has not been reborn, and she is a downright stupid girl.

In other words, the past experience is a memory for her, including the memory of Pan Xuemei in her previous life.

This is equivalent to a dream she had, but the dream is very real.

Zhanmin didn't want to do this, so she was resolutely unwilling to fall behind An Ge in the matter of this spring night.

"According to you, it's because of this that you show up, and you don't even have to try my cooking skills."

Jiang Lin pinched Zhanmin's face, and then said: "I don't know much about the taste preferences of the residents of Anyang City. It's overflowing, which requires them to have eaten the special food I prepared. Therefore, in terms of taste, I have to let An Ge come to taste the dishes. Don't show up just because you eat such vinegar, you six thieves If the fate of earth life is not transformed as soon as possible, how can I safely solve the corpse poison in my body."

With a light hum, Zhan Min stopped talking.

Jiang Lin hugged him horizontally and went back to his room.

Anyway, now that An Ge has left Anyang City, and her aunt Yu Qingping has taken the green bamboo demon out again, even if Zhan Min appears here, there are only the two of them, and it is okay for Zhan Min to appear for a while.

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin put Zhan Min, who had already turned into a golden man, around his neck. From today onwards, he will have to show off all his skills as a chef.

It is to create a scene where thousands of people flock to it.

Of course, he would definitely not use some addictive materials such as Han Shi San and Wu Shi San.

Just rely on your own craftsmanship, at most add some benign medicinal seasonings.

I have to say that Jiang Lin really wants to test his ability if he wants to make the popularity of tens of thousands of residents solidify in his body in a short period of time.

Cooking skills alone are not enough, publicity and marketing are indispensable.

Chapter [*] The God of Cooking Delayed by Taoism (Part [*])

Jiang Lin is indeed not good at doing business, but has he never eaten pork or seen a pig run?

He is from the era of the Republic of China when he traveled to a different world from later generations, and he has seen a lot of his own.

Therefore, even if he came to the Da Luo Immortal Realm where there were many monks, and asked him to make some promotion methods, it was still very simple.

In fact, these are only auxiliary means. The most important thing is that the soy food or drinks he makes need to be popular.

After that, Jiang Lin didn't waste any more time thinking about the next things, and started to take advantage of the time when An Ge and Yu Qingping didn't come back, to prepare the magic talismans and some material powder that he needed to use.

Whether it is to show and sell his craftsmanship or to make money, it is not Jiang Lin's main purpose. His primary task is to obtain a part of the evil spirit to feed the corpse poison in his body.

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