To achieve this goal, the snacks or cakes he made must be added with some water or other materials, otherwise, it would be impossible for the guests who had visited to gain their popularity.

It is inevitable that An Ge and Yu Qingping should not know about the making of rune water or the preparation of other materials.

Otherwise, he would not be able to grasp the development and direction of the situation in the future.

For the time being, he concealed that, in any case, nothing he did would hinder An Ge and Yu Qingping. Not only that, but he could also let An Ge and the others enjoy the benefits.

After he got to the street and bought a lot of wooden barrels, Jiang Lin started to keep busy.

After working all day, Jiang Lin put buckets of talisman water into the ancient mirror before taking a break.

Although he didn't do any physical work, his own spiritual sense has been replacing his eyes during this time, especially yesterday and the night before, when he went to the General's Mansion, he needed to disperse his spiritual sense without being noticed. , Today, he used his spiritual sense to assist himself in making a magic talisman. Rao is that his spiritual will is not weak at all, and he can't bear it.

"It's really difficult."

Jiang Lin couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Before he arrived at Daluo Immortal Realm, he was mentally prepared, and this trip might be extraordinary.

But he didn't expect it would be so difficult for him to go.

At this time, Jiang Lin really had the urge to return to Middle-earth immediately, hug his wives to sleep day and night, and ignore everything.

I don't know when Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie will wake up.

Jiang Lin thought of the two ghost wives who had been sleeping in his heart and atrium. He felt quite tired now, and it would be good to talk to his wife.

After that, Jiang Lin touched the pendant he was wearing on his neck and tucked it under his collar. Now Zhan Min was so loved by him last night, and the expression on his face was very satisfied, no longer. It was the appearance of Duzui before. If An Ge came back and asked for his pendant on a whim, he would not be able to explain it.

After a night of rest, Jiang Lin started to prepare for his plan the next day. Now he can use his spiritual sense and not be hindered by blindness. If Yu Qingping comes back, he will have to relax a little bit. It also wastes time.

After drawing some drawings of the utensils, Jiang Lin went to the blacksmith shop in the city first, some special stoves for making snacks, and he had to ask the blacksmith to build them as soon as possible.

In one morning, he either contacted the farmers or went to the shepherd. In addition to soybeans, he also needed mung beans and red beans. As for the shepherd, it was naturally to solve the problem of milk sources.

In the afternoon, he went to several tea houses and a pastry shop, still learning some crafts.

As for the night, he still went to other restaurants. First, he could learn from others' strengths. Second, this was what he wanted to show others.

If An Ge or Yu Qingping asks, he can completely say that he has been learning crafts these days.

After another two days, Jiang Lin started his own marketing and promotion work. He spent some money to have the study organize some flyers for him, and hired children on the street to distribute them around.

"Blind chef, tonight on XX Street, we will show our talented cooking skills, and guests can try it for free. You can also come early to watch the production process."

For a time, as long as anyone who saw the flyer, it was like seeing a joke.

Blind chef?

You are so blind, you don't even know east, west, north, south, and cook?

Not to mention the chef, you can chop a vegetable with your fingers.

No one believes it.

However, no one believes that although it is inevitable, everyone is curious. Driven by curiosity, some people really come to watch the fun.

Now Jiang Lin has started making tofu in the shop under the plate. In the past few days, even without An Ge, he has learned all these procedures.

"Hey, is he really blind? These things are really neat."

"Even if he's not blind, he's still covered with a cloth. Can he really do these things without his eyes?"

"My God, not to mention whether he has any craftsmanship or not, even if he makes things, he won't get sick if he eats them. He washes them again and again."

The melon eaters watching around the store were completely stunned. They couldn't believe that a blind man could prepare ingredients so neatly.

"This blind man, isn't he really a chef?"

Looking at it, some people began to wonder if there was really a blind chef who came to Anyang City.

Chapter two thousand and twenty-three

"It shouldn't be possible."

"If he can really make anything to eat, I'll be the first to try it, provided he cleans it up."

"Let's not talk about how he does it. If he can make something edible, I will recognize him as the God of Cooking."

"Yes, even if the chef is blindfolded, he may not be able to do such a thing."

A group of spectators suddenly became interested, and they watched Jiang Lin busy there.

After half a day, Jiang Lin, the tofu guy, started to make tofu on the spot.

Afterwards, there was an uproar among the crowd watching the fun. The blind man made tofu, and he did it in a good and clean way. Can you believe it?

Freshly ground, filtered, boiled, steamed with brine, spend time pressing, and the white and tender tofu comes out like this!

And during the whole process, as long as the blind man's hands are dirty, wash them in the clean water on the side.

It's also incredible.

Jiang Lin cut the tofu into pieces, and pushed the special stove that the blacksmith had sent to the door of the shop.

He took out the handkerchief, held the shovel, added the charcoal, and set it on fire. The people around him were stunned.

Jiang Lin is preparing to order the iron plate tofu in advance to gain popularity.

Next, Jiang Lin went even further, frying with oil, sprinkled with seasoning powder, and then turned over at the right time.

It didn't take long for the crispy yellow and fragrant sizzling tofu to take shape.

That is, at this time, many people in the surrounding audience smelled the fragrance, and their stomachs rang.

"Everyone, in fact, the blind chef is just a gimmick made by a blind man. You can see everything you do. At least, the food is clean. If you want to taste it, feel free to come forward."

Jiang Lin smiled, then picked up the iron plate tofu he had made, placed it on a clean porcelain plate, and placed the pair of bamboo chopsticks.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and then a strong man walked over, picked up the porcelain plate and tasted it.

After the food was entered, the strong man was as stunned, and then shouted: "It's so fucking fragrant."

Then this guy was like a supporting role in Zhou Xingxing's movie "God of Cookery", crying: "Why, why do you want me to eat such delicious tofu."

Then this guy really cried out.

Jiang Lin was dumbfounded. If he hadn't been awake, he would have even thought he was on the set of a movie.

As for you!

The whole thing is like asking for a childcare!

After the strong man started, people began to taste the craftsmanship of Jiang Lin, the blind chef.

The whole thing is so weird.


Then Jiang Lin was directly pushed out, and a group of people surrounded his stove.

Like a group of starving ghosts, rushing to eat.

Could it be that this Daluo Immortal Realm doesn't even have an iron plate tofu?

Have you all discovered new continents?

Jiang Lin was quite speechless, this scene was a bit exaggerated, and the effect was beyond his expectations.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Lin smiled slightly. This propaganda effect should be effective for the first time. As long as An Ge returns, he will be able to attract tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of people around this bustling market in a very short period of time. The popularity of the body is not obvious, so there is no huge amount of popularity to suppress the underground evil spirit.

At that time, he will just be able to absorb the overflowing Yin evil energy.

After a while, a group of customers who had tasted the food looked at Jiang Lin eagerly. They were not full, but not satisfied.

"God of Cooking, some more?"

"God of Cooking, is there anything else?"

"When will it really open, God of Cooking? I'll bring my family and friends here to help the business."

Hearing the people's questions one after another, Jiang Lin said: "There are some, but there are not many preparations. It should be opened in two or three days, and there will be pastry sweet soup. If you can help to recommend it to the neighbors, On the day of opening, all orders are free until closing."

For Jiang Lin, he didn't need some yellow and white things at all, and it would benefit him even more if more people came over.

After about half an hour, Jiang Lin had nothing to do, and he was all eaten.

A group of people watching the lively is still unfinished, each and everyone is going to be a loudspeaker. When the blind chef's shop opens, they bring their families and bring their mouths to eat and drink for free.

After Jiang Lin took over the shop, he sent those porcelain plates and chopsticks to a nearby restaurant and left them alone. Anyway, these were temporarily rented by him, and he didn't need to wash them.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin went to the pastry shop he had visited before. Coincidentally, he met Commander Guo at the pastry shop, and Commander Guo and his subordinates also brought several sacks for driving, and the sacks were filled with petals.

After Guo Tong led them away, Jiang Lin went over to ask the owner of the pastry shop. To his surprise, Guo Tong led them almost every season, and asked the pastry shop here to make some flower cakes with the flower petals and distribute them for free. To the people of Anyang City.

Jiang Lin took some petals and checked them, only to find out that these are actually the yin locust flowers produced on the body of the old ghost wood, but they contain some demonic power.

And these demon powers actually have the effect of purifying evil spirits.

It turned out to be the case.

After some investigation, Jiang Lin realized that Commander Guo should have been ordered by the ghost wood old demon to make these Yin Huaihua drag people into food and distribute them to ordinary people in Anyang City.

The purpose is to prevent them from being attacked and damaged by the evil spirits in the city.

Jiang Lin certainly wouldn't think that the ghost wood old demon was doing a good deed. This guy just wanted to use the popularity of the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people in the city to suppress the underground evil spirit.

You gave me a good chance.

A smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face. Although the ghost wood old demon used this hand to protect the people in the city from the evil spirit, there must be some demon power left in those people's bodies.

If you get used to it, it will be better. Under normal circumstances, you will not feel any discomfort, but if he adds some magic power to the water, it will ensure that the guests who come will be addicted.

That is to say, if he really opened a store to sell food and drinks, it would be impossible if he wanted to be popular.

Ordinary food and tea, at most, give people the feeling of deliciousness and deliciousness, but he can make them feel so refreshed with a little more.

After eating and drinking, my waist is no longer sore, and my head is no longer sore. I can go to the sixth floor in one breath.

Does anyone else have this effect?

Now Jiang Lin can think about it for a while, it won't take a few days at all, and the evil spirit in this area will become stronger and stronger.

Chapter [-]: The Stunned Yu Qingping (Part [-])

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