Even if the subterranean yin evil qi dissipated, Jiang Lin had already left behind. The water talismans he made had a similar effect to these yin locust flowers, but he gave them spiritual power. There is no damage to the human body.

After the ghost wood old demon queen is over, Jiang Lin will naturally announce the fact that there is a lot of yin qi in the city. He can ensure that those residents will not be harmed by yin qi for a period of time, but after he leaves, he will Not anymore.

Although Anyang City might become uninhabitable due to the butterfly effect once the yin evil energy erupted in a certain area, becoming an empty city, Jiang Lin did not feel any guilt.

The reason why Anyang City can gather so many people is because of the situation that the ghost wood old demon deliberately arranged for his own interests.

Once the purpose of the old ghost wood is achieved, with such a huge population in Anyang City, there is basically no good end to it.

In the General's Mansion, many strong men were caught by the ghost wood old demon, and they used their Nascent Soul as blood food.

Therefore, as long as the old ghost wood has needs, it is no problem to directly use the people in the whole city as nourishment.

On this point, Jiang Lin felt that his guesses should be inseparable.

Although there are monster hunters in this country, the old ghost wood has a natural geographical advantage. If all the yin and evil spirits in the underground of Anyang City are released, it will be no different from the previous thousand-year mass grave.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, it is difficult to stay in it for a long time.

Therefore, the old ghost wood demon also has the capital without fear.

After staying in the pastry shop until midnight, Jiang Lin returned to his residence.

After refining some talisman water to purify the demon power, Jiang Lin released his spiritual sense, covering the entire courtyard.

If there is no accident, Yu Qingping and Qingzhu Yao are expected to return tomorrow, so he also needs to keep in mind the arrangement of various objects in the residence.

Once Yu Qingping came back, his spiritual sense would be inconvenient.

Early the next morning, Yu Qingping returned to the residence with the green bamboo demon.

Next, as long as An Ge comes back and brings back some treasures for recuperating his injuries, the Green Bamboo Demon's injuries will be able to recover some more.

After cooking a little, Yu Qingping called Jiang Lin up. Now Jiang Lin lives at her house and An Ge is not there, so she can only take care of Jiang Lin a little.

However, what surprised her was that Jiang Lin didn't need her to bother at all. Whether it was walking around the room or washing his face and mouth, Jiang Lin didn't need her to remind and help.

Although Jiang Lin has lived here for half a month, Yu Qingping has basically taken care of the green bamboo monster in the main room, and has never come out. Therefore, she is really concerned about what kind of state Jiang Lin is in. Not so clear.

"You kid, even though you're blind, you're very relieved."

Yu Qingping looked at Jiang Lin, and the more she looked at it, the more satisfied she became. She thought about the future, and it was estimated that An Ge would not suffer at home because of Jiang Lin's blindness.

In her opinion, the matter between An Ge and Jiang Lin, the blind man, should be settled soon.

Although she didn't know much about Jiang Lin during this time, An Ge often went there to deliver meals, and her niece gradually became more cheerful after meeting Jiang Lin.

It would be inaccurate to say that she was cheerful, and sometimes An Ge's face had a hint of spring.

As an experienced person, Yu Qingping knows everything, that is to say, it is estimated that Jiang Lin already has a place in An Ge's heart.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Wansheng has already accepted your help and given you a place to rest, so why would you be so embarrassed to cause you trouble again? If you can solve things by yourself, it's not a big problem if you take a little snack. "

"What are you talking about, just treat this place as your own home. You child, you really don't look like a blind man."

Yu Qingping smiled and looked at Jiang Lin's face and the objects in the room. They were all clean and tidy. Although she had never seen a few blind people, she expected that there were no blind people who could compare with Jiang Lin. of.

In addition to her own room, when she went to the kitchen before, she also found that all the tableware and chopsticks were cleaned and neatly arranged. This must have been done by Jiang Lin. Yes, that's quite an oddity.

After putting Jiang Lin's food on the wooden table in the yard, Yu Qingping stopped paying attention to Jiang Lin. After half an hour, Jiang Lin packed up and left the residence.

Now that Yu Qingping is back, he also intends to let the other party know what he is doing.

Therefore, except for mealtimes, he would go back, and he would spend the rest of the time in restaurants, tea houses and pastry shops, just paying to study.

Once or twice was fine. On the second day, Jiang Lin was absent more often, which attracted Yu Qingping's attention.

Especially last night, it was getting late, Jiang Lin still went out, and he didn't come back until midnight.

So, after dinner, Yu Qingping secretly followed behind Jiang Lin, wanting to see what Jiang Lin was doing.

Then, she saw Jiang Lin walk into a restaurant.

"Didn't this kid just eat? Why did he go to the restaurant?"

Yu Qingping is a little unclear, so is it because Jiang Lin is not full or dislikes her craftsmanship?

Not so.

Yu Qingping didn't try to guess what was going on. She took two bamboo leaves from her pocket and pressed the leaves on her eyes. After that, she cast a spell.

Under her spell, two bamboo leaves flew out, flying behind Jiang Lin, and followed them all the way in.

After a while, she was a little dazed. Those two bamboo leaves could replace her eyes. Using the bamboo leaves, she saw Jiang Lin was led by Xiao Er into the kitchen of the restaurant.

Jiang Lin came to this restaurant not to order food and drink, but to enter the back kitchen of the restaurant.

What made her even more incredible was that Jiang Lin was actually asking the chef for cooking skills.

What the hell is going on here?

Could it be that the food I cook is really that bad?

But even if it is unpalatable, there is nothing you can do. You are a blind man. I am here to ask you how to cook. Can you cook?

Yu Qingping really didn't understand what idea Jiang Lin had in mind. Cooking requires eyes to see, at least the size of the heat must be known. Let's not mention these for the time being, it's oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, etc. A blind man, how to let go?

Even if it is cooked, can it be eaten?

Maybe it can be salty to death.

However, what she saw next made her completely stunned.

Chapter [*] The stunned Yu Qingping (middle)

At this time, the chef had already stepped aside and let Jiang Lin try it out.

Jiang Lin nodded, he already knew that Yu Qingping was following him, and there were monitoring eyes in the distance.

So, he really became a blind cook.

However, this is nothing, in a short period of time when Yu Qingping cast the spell, his spiritual sense has swept the entire kitchen in an instant, forming a three-dimensional image in his mind.

So Jiang Lin made a green bean side dish under the witness of two bamboo leaves floating not far away.

Although the process is a bit slow, the overall is still relatively smooth.

"Is he really blind?"

At this time, Yu Qingping outside the restaurant didn't know what kind of expression she had. Even if she was a cultivator, she felt a fantasy about such a thing.

It was she who was blind herself. Although she could perceive the outside world with her mental thoughts, it was quite difficult to do such a thing.

But Jiang Lin did it.

Not only that, but the chef in the back kitchen of the restaurant kept praising Jiang Lin, which was better than some people with healthy eyes.

This made her feel that her cognition was a little subverted.

This restaurant is quite famous in the city of Anyang, and the chefs in it naturally have very good craftsmanship.

Jiang Lin, a blind man, was able to get such praise from such a chef, then the skills he learned were definitely worth a pound.

If nothing else, it might be better than what she did.

She used to be a nun, but because of the situation, she is now half a housewife.

Therefore, she has at least some skills in cooking, but now she has been compared by a blind man in Jiang Lin.

Is there such a thing?

At this moment, Yu Qingping had the urge to rush in to taste it.

If she knew that Jiang Lin, this blind man, knew more than that, Xiaocai desserts and refreshments could be done well, and it was estimated that even her jaw would drop.

If she finds out that Jiang Lin has already sold the store and sold out her fame, and then waits for An Ge to come back and sit and count the money, she will completely doubt her life.

Is there such a blind man?

"I said, boy, you are blind, how did you come to learn how to cook?"

In the back kitchen, the chef of the restaurant couldn't help but be a little curious. Under normal circumstances, a blind man can just get by, how could he even spend money to learn cooking.

Wouldn't it be nice to save that money to prepare for your future life?

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and responded, "This... it's because I was taken in by a girl and stayed at her home. She is a small business owner who sells beancurd, but she has no business acumen and earns some money every day. I'm very tired. I have some savings, but she doesn't want it. I just thought of doing my best to help her. Anyway, although my five senses are incomplete, apart from my eyes, my senses of smell, hearing, taste and touch are different from ordinary people. Learn something. Craftsmanship shouldn't be a problem. When I was not blind before, I had some foundation. I'm not afraid of your jokes. I want to help her make some ideas to expand her business and earn two more. I also hope that I can fight for it and see if I can do it in the future. Live with her and live together."

In fact, Jiang Lin said these words to Yu Qingping.

At the beginning, it was Yu Qingping who wanted to settle the matter between him and An Ge, and Yu Qingping was also An Ge's elder. Now if Yu Qingping is very satisfied with him, the matter between him and An Ge should be resolved. develop faster.

"This kid, he really has a heart, what a young man."

At this time, Yu Qingping was so moved that she couldn't add more.

She could hear clearly what Jiang Lin said just now.

Now she doesn't doubt whether Jiang Lin is really blind. She thinks that the reason why Jiang Lin can do these things is because she and An Ge have been away from here, often come here to learn art, and practice makes perfect Humans cannot.

But if you want to do it with practice, how can it be so easy, Jiang Lin is a blind man, this is how much effort it takes.It turns out that this kid cares so much about An Ge, and feels bad that she can't make a lot of money every day because of her busy schedule.

There was an aunt smile on Yu Qingping's face. She looked at Jiang Lin now, and it was pleasing to the eye.

If her niece An Ge had any more concerns or dislikes, she would not want to be an aunt.

Yu Qingping was satisfied with Jiang Lin at this time. If she were twenty years younger and met such a man, she would be blind, and she was willing to be dragged down for the rest of her life.

Although Jiang Lin is physically disabled, his love is stronger than that of Jin.

He is blind and wants to be good to others. This is a difficult thing to do, but even so, Jiang Lin still spends his savings as tuition, learns some crafts, and helps his lover make the business more prosperous.

Don't talk about this generosity, just such courage, I don't know how many men with normal eyes are much stronger.

"Haha, I have to say, I admire you very much. I have already guessed who you are talking about, it's that girl in the Yuhua Tofu Factory? She is the one who sells bean curd in the city, and she should be married. You really dare to think that people are very beautiful. However, boy, I support you, what's wrong with being blind, the most important thing for a man is to have a sense of responsibility and good conduct. You spent a lot of tuition to learn Craftsmanship, just to make people not so tired, but also to learn so hard, good!"

The restaurant chef laughed and patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder.

He had never seen such a blind man who dared to think, and wanted to live with a beautiful flower in the city.


If this thing really happened, I don't know how many people would be so angry that others would even want to poke their eyes.

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