Yu Qingping was a little disappointed, but she didn't show it.

Jiang Lin, the blind man, no matter how diligent he is, he still suffers from his physical condition. Everyone has done his best, so how could she show any disappointment.

Auntie, I'm sorry, you don't have such good luck for now.If you're single all the time, maybe I'll treat you differently, maybe I might have other ideas.

After Yu Qingping left, Jiang Lin had some broken thoughts in his heart. Yu Qingping had no kinship with him, and even an aunt, he still respected her as an elder, and called him that according to An Ge's seniority.

As a result, this Yu Qingping tasted the sweetness and kept thinking that she really regarded him as her own junior.

They called him Xiaolin so much.

Jiang Lin sold his crafts to those who didn't know each other because he had his own purpose and could benefit from it.

Let An Ge taste it because he wants to make someone a wife.

Here, Yu Qingping, she has been acting like a gluttonous cat. What does this mean?

I'll give you a bite to eat, and you'll be fine if you can help.

I keep asking, and it's almost there.

In the past few days, because Liu Yi wanted to escape from Anyang City, Jiang Lin entertained this guy.

At the same time, after beating Liu Yi half to death, he also searched some memories of this guy.

For a long time, he has not been clear about the specific festivals between Yu Qingping and An Ge and the Yu family.

It was also because he searched Liu Yi's memory that he learned about the Yue Lian of the previous generation of the Yu family—that is, Yu Qingping was considered a beauty in the Yu family.

Yu Qingping combines with a green bamboo monster and is hunted down by her family. There are reasons why some admirers are so angry that they jump.

Therefore, if Yu Qingping had been single all the time, Jiang Lin felt that he might have thought more, and his object might not only be An Ge.

Although Yu Qingping's physique was not as good as An Ge's, at least she used to be the owner of the Moon Wheel Knife. As for her age, it didn't matter to Jiang Lin.

However, the fact is that this assumption does not exist.

At night, Jiang Lin was walking on the street, and many shadows approached him.

These shadows were naturally released by him to follow An Ge to prevent any unexpected charms from appearing.

An Ge is back and has entered Anyang City.

So, Jiang Lin took the enchanting spirits back to the ancient mirror, and went straight back to his residence, ready to let An Ge taste his craftsmanship.

"Aunt, I'm back and starved to death."

After a quarter of an hour, An Ge pushed open the courtyard door, and then a strong fragrance rushed to her face, so she went straight to the kitchen.

Yu Qingping should have come back by now, so An Ge naturally thought it was her aunt who was cooking in the kitchen.

"You... Jiang Lin?"

When An Ge saw that it was Jiang Lin who was throwing a spoon in front of the stove, her small cherry mouth opened into a capital "O".

"Are you back? Wait for a while, I'll be able to eat in a while."

Jiang Lin faced An Ge and smiled lightly.

"You...are you doing...cooking here?"

An Ge rubbed his eyes vigorously, wondering if he was seeing it wrong, or whether he had hallucinations.

"An Ge, don't disturb Jiang Lin."

At this time, Yu Qingping had already walked out of the main room because she heard An Ge's shout, and she came to the kitchen and pulled An Ge out.

A smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face. Now Yu Qingping's foreshadowing should be effective.

The [*]th chapter wants this kind of effect ([*])

"Aunt, he...he..."

An Ge was pulled aside by Yu Qingping, but she hasn't recovered until now.

"He's cooking? He's blind, cooking and cooking?"

"Isn't it just cooking, why are you so excited?"

Yu Qingping rolled her eyes at An Ge. Now An Ge was too shocked and spoke in a louder voice.

Although Jiang Lin learned the craft outside and was able to take it out, after all, this kind of thing requires sensory assistance such as hearing and smell, and cannot be taken lightly like a normal person.

This is also the reason why she pulled An Ge over, because she was afraid of disturbing Jiang Lin.

But now, An Ge is still chattering.

Yu Qingping had forgotten that when she first learned that Jiang Lin, the blind man, could cook, her reaction was no different from that of An Ge now.

"Isn't it just cooking?"

An Ge could even see a question mark on her forehead, and she even wondered if there was a problem with her cognition.

It turns out that all the blind people in this world can cook?

"You, Jiang Lin is not for you."

Yu Qingping pulled An Ge aside, and told her about Jiang Lin's trips to restaurants and teahouses to learn his craft.

Not only that, Yu Qingping also mentioned the fact that she noticed that Jiang Lin was always going out strangely and followed behind.

"People, it's because you are busy all day, and you can't make a lot of money. I feel sorry for you, and I spent all my savings. I went to a restaurant and a teahouse as an apprentice, I want to learn some crafts, and buy some food and drinks, Sell ​​it together with your bean flowers, so that you can earn more money."

"He He……"

When An Ge heard this, his heart felt warm again and pantothenic acid.

Jiang Lin, a blind man who can't see, actually suffered so much to make her less tired.

People can't see, so they usually walk with a bamboo stick to explore, let alone learn how to cook with a discerning person.

Can this be learned?

Because of Yu Qingping's remarks, An Ge's surprise was diluted a lot, and he didn't pay much attention to how outrageous Jiang Lin can do things that a blind man can't do.

"Auntie, you know why you don't stop him. What if he gets burned?"

After calming down a little, An Ge looked at Yu Qingping with a bit of anger. Now it seems that her aunt should have returned a few days ago, but knowing that Jiang Lin did these things, not only did her aunt not stop her. , has been left to others, and now Jiang Lin is still busy in the kitchen.

"Yoyoyo, do you feel bad for others? Let me tell you, I'm very satisfied with this kid Jiang Lin. If the two of you become a couple in the future, you can't dislike his eyesight."

Yu Qingping smiled and teased An Ge.

Anyway, she had told Jiang Lin before that she wanted to help. Jiang Lin had paid so much, so he couldn't keep waiting for a response.

"Auntie, what are you talking about!"

When An Ge was told this by Yu Qingping, he immediately blushed, and then changed the subject: "You haven't answered me yet, so why didn't you stop him."

"How can I stop it? People are really doing it for you. When I found out, he had already bought a shop in a prosperous part of the city. It is estimated that he has all his net worth. I will only listen to him later. I know. Let me tell you, when I followed him that night, I heard him tell the chef of the restaurant that he wanted to help you expand your business and try to live with you in the future. He can't see, so he probably has this I dare not tell you what I think.”

Yu Qingping continued to blow An Ge's air as Jiang Lin expected. As An Ge's elder, she was in such a situation now that she really didn't want An Ge to miss Jiang Lin.

"Auntie, ignore you!"

An Ge's heart was beating thumpingly. Although this was not what Jiang Lin said to her, at least she knew Jiang Lin's intentions.

As a girl who has never been emotional before, but is now in love, it's strange not to feel shy.

And she didn't expect Jiang Lin to pay so much for her.

In her eyes, Jiang Lin is blind, at least he has been blind for several years. How much money can he have in his hand? If he smashes it out, it means that his future life will be completely lost.

"I'm going to help him. If he has any burns, I'll blame you, auntie."

With that said, An Ge was about to go to the kitchen to prevent Jiang Lin from cooking again.

However, before she took two steps, she was stopped by Yu Qingping: "Don't worry about him, you don't know how talented he is, I tasted the tofu dish made by him that day, and I still miss it. This kid, he told me that he didn't learn anything, and he was a little slow in learning. In the end, it was estimated that he was choking on the time. As soon as you figured out that you were going to come back, you could just start the fire and start the stove. You smelled the fragrance. I am your aunt, although It's not a relative, but at least it's an elder. He doesn't even think about me, he just wants to please you. When we become a family later, you can see how I can embarrass him. "

After that, Yu Qingping told An Ge that Jiang Lin's sense of smell, hearing, and memory were far superior to ordinary people. There was no problem when cooking a few days ago. After writing down the location, there would be basically no mistakes.

"He's a blind man, and the dishes he cooks make you miss your aunt? You're not kidding me, are you?"

An Ge was a little stunned again. She felt that Jiang Lin was standing in front of the stove in front of the stove, and he was already drawing a tiger from a cat.

Are the dishes edible?

As a result, Yu Qingping said that Jiang Lin's craftsmanship made her miss her.

Just kidding it is!

But as soon as the words came out, An Ge's nose moved, and then her stomach began to make trouble.

Thief incense!

Jiang Lin listened to the conversation between An Ge and Yu Qingping. He really wanted to say to An Ge: If you doubt my craft, you should learn how to cook with me in the future.

With her glittering nostrils open, An Ge walked into the kitchen.

"Hungry? Come and taste the salt. Is it big or small."

Jiang Lin faced An Ge again, with a rather sunny smile on his face.

"How do you know it was me? You can't see it."

"I remember the frequency of your footsteps in my heart."

Jiang Lin chuckled, even if he didn't radiate spiritual sense now, he still knew that it was An Ge who came in.


An Ge pouted, and then looked at Jiang Lin with affectionate eyes, and now even she herself could realize that she was in love with a blind man.

Although Jiang Lin could not see An Ge, he could hear her slight heartbeat.

He guessed that An Ge was looking at him affectionately at this moment.

There should be no problem.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's mood is indeed very good. Having Yu Qingping as the middleman is equivalent to giving An Ge a buffer.

At the very least, An Ge shouldn't have any doubts because what he's doing is too far-fetched.

Moreover, at present, An Ge not only has no doubts, but he should have a place in his heart.

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