Hey, what if I'm blind, after a while, I'll hold a beautiful girl like me.

The [*]th chapter wants this kind of effect (below)

Coyly walking over, An Ge took the iron spoon in Jiang Lin's hand, scooped some vegetable juice and sipped it in his mouth.

It's exactly what my aunt said!

So delicious.

An Ge was stunned on the spot, and then her stomach began to growl again.

If I can have this kind of food every day in the future, I don't know how good it will be.

After thinking about it, An Ge's cheeks appeared ruddy, which contrasted with the fairy dress on her body, which was as beautiful as a painting.

Now, she doesn't think about how Jiang Lin learned such craftsmanship at all, no matter how he learns it, she will be fine in the future.

Who says blind people can't cook?My family's Jiang Xiaoxiao does a very good job, and the craftsmanship is superb!

"The saltiness is just right, it's very fragrant, and it's better than the chefs of the top restaurants. It's ready to serve."

After An Ge nodded, he looked at Jiang Lin holding his hand with pity, checked it carefully, and then whispered, "You can't see, why are you still learning any craftsmanship? Have you committed a lot of sins?"

"It's all fine."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, just now he was just guessing, but now An Ge has already grabbed his hand to check.

Moreover, An Ge didn't feel anything abnormal at all for the craftsmanship he showed.

That's what he wants.

"After eating, you come to the kitchen, I also learned something else, I have to let you try the taste, if it can be popular, I will sell it with your bean curd, and you can just sit and be the boss. "

Jiang Lin struck while the iron was hot. Since An Ge had no doubts, he didn't take the opportunity to secure An Ge's place in his heart, so when would he wait?

"Yo, you Xiaolin, when I asked you before, you said you didn't learn anything else, how come you can do everything now when An Ge arrives?"

Yu Qingping pouted and teased Jiang Lin slightly. Now Jiang Lin's cooking is not what she has eaten before, and Jiang Lin has to cook other things for An Ge.

Said to try the taste, didn't you want to grab An Ge's stomach?

This kid, although his eyes are blind, his heart is fine.

Jiang Lin laughed dryly. He wanted to say: When you asked me, of course I didn't know anything else, who made you already have a husband.

After that, An Ge and Yu Qingping had a good meal, but they didn't think Jiang Lin had acquired such a skill was unacceptable.

Yu Qingping was psychologically settled a few days ago, and An Ge was taken by Yu Qingping, so she didn't think much about it.

What she is thinking about now is what kind of life it will be when she married Jiang Lin in the future.

"I... I really can't eat it. I have never endured this way in my life."

More than an hour later, An Ge looked at the pastries and desserts on the table in the kitchen and really wanted to eat more, but she couldn't swallow it anymore.

Now her belly is the same as the child Jiang Lin has been pregnant with for several months.

"You have used a lot of heart, you are more skillful than the girls in the city."

"There's nothing difficult in the world, I'm only afraid of people who have a heart. It seems that this product should be popular. I didn't tell my aunt. I was at the door of the shop a few days ago. With the help of ordinary people's curiosity, I used the name of a blind chef. The head has knocked out the fame, and we will open tomorrow night. As I said, all customers who come on the first day will be entertained for free."

"Ah? All free entertainment? You...you are such a prodigal!"

When An Ge heard Jiang Lin said that he would not make money on the first day and would sell it for free, he immediately screamed.

She started a small business and had never had business experience before, but she knew that making money was not easy, so Jiang Lin told her that she would do a loss-making business on the first day.

"If you give up, you can get it. If you pass it on from ten to ten, there should be many people who come here because of your reputation. This is also giving up a small book to seek great benefits."

Jiang Lin explained to An Ge that An Ge used to be a female cultivator. It was only because of her circumstances that she started a small business like an ordinary family. She really didn't know much about some business practices.

He also had to explain that his main purpose was not to make any money, but to let more people take the food and drinks he provided and let the water in it work.

In case An Ge does not agree, the marketing method he finally came up with will directly pull his hips.

"Your brain is much stronger than mine."

An Ge thought for a while, and had to admire Jiang Lin. Not to mention, Jiang Lin used the name of a blind chef to make the store advertise, so that she couldn't even think of it.

"Let's rest early, tomorrow will be busy all day."


An Ge nodded slightly, then she looked at Jiang Lin and wanted to walk over and kiss him on the face, but in the end she was too shy to go there.

The next day, Jiang Lin and An Ge went to the store they had bought earlier.

To An Ge's surprise, there were already many people around the store.

"God of Cooking, you didn't open yesterday. My family's old and young Bai ran for a visit."

"Should it be open today?"

"Is it free to eat and drink? My seven aunts and eight aunts are coming to you."

After everyone saw Jiang Lin, they followed up with you and me.

"It will open tonight, and the promises made will naturally count."

Jiang Lin smiled and gave An Ge the key to open the door.

After that, he and An Ge started to get busy.

My God, how many people can come here tonight?

When An Ge was helping Jiang Lin, looking at the almost black heads on the street, he couldn't imagine what would happen after dark.

Many of these people came to watch the fun because they were curious about how a blind man cooked.

But who wouldn't want to take advantage of free food and drink?

Moreover, Jiang Lin's production process is transparent, everything is neatly arranged, which means that all the food and drinks made by Jiang Lin can be eaten.

In other words, so many people are almost all their guests. If they try Jiang Lin's craftsmanship again, there will be more the next day, and there may be thousands of people in one night.

It didn't take long for the scene An Ge imagined to appear.

There are many people in one aspect, and what is even more strange is that these people all shouted after patronizing.

Calling them one by one is like a fairy godmother!

At night, the whole street is blocked and you can't walk at all.

Although Jiang Lin was so busy that he didn't even have time to speak, he was overjoyed. Although the situation was also beyond his expectations, the level of business boom was something he had never imagined.

But this effect is exactly what he needs.

Chapter [*] is in a hurry, he is in a hurry (Part [*])

Jiang Lin was also fortunate that he had prepared a lot of lotus leaves, bamboo chopsticks and bamboo tubes beforehand, otherwise, he would not be able to greet so many people.

Now, as long as there is one more person to patronize, the popularity of his body will gradually be restrained in the body, and the yin and evil spirits in the whole area will be dissipated, which has the effect of gathering less and gathering more.

This is also his ultimate goal.

It didn't take long for the congestion on the street to alarm the guards of the General's Mansion. A bustling street was blocked by so many people that they couldn't even squeeze through. Of course, the guards on patrol would discover this.

However, the funny thing is that there were two or three guards' relatives and friends in this crowd, and then they gave the food in their hands to a few guards. After that, these guards also became members of the road block.

Xiangxiangxiang, we want to eat too.

The scene almost got out of control for a while.

"Jiang Lin, it's not enough, it's almost gone."

At this time, An Ge didn't care about how much he had to lose today, and reported to Jiang Lin that the remaining ingredients were not too much.

She is not worried about losing money by doing business here.

The people who are now crowding around the store are even willing to pay extra in order to be able to line up.

It's not free, you can pay, as long as it's your turn.

That is to say, if they are selling normally tomorrow, there will not be many people who will not come because they can't eat free crafts.

This also means that there may be more guests coming to visit tomorrow than today.

Maybe it only takes one night tomorrow to make up the lost capital.

This is more than that. Judging from the current situation, their business here will only become more and more prosperous and continue to boom.

This Jiang Xiaoxian didn't expect to have such a skill, how much stronger than other men with normal eyes.

An Ge secretly glanced at Jiang Lin, who was still busy. Even if she hadn't made a lot of money because of Jiang Lin for the time being, it didn't prevent her from developing a feeling of trust in Jiang Lin.

"Eh? Aren't you the shop assistant of the restaurant over there? Why do you come here to buy food?"

"Yeah, you don't have anything in your restaurant, why did you come and rob us?"

At this moment, the restaurant Xiaoer, who was trying to squeeze the gap in the crowd, was recognized by others.

An Ge also frowned slightly, and told Jiang Lin about the situation outside.

How could the second shopkeeper in the restaurant leave his post and come here to buy food at this time, most of them are stealing skills.

"Why, you can buy it, but I can't? If nothing else, the blind chef here even came to us to learn art."

The restaurant's second was not guilty at all, An Ge guessed right, he was called by the boss to get some samples back.

Jiang Lin's situation here is impossible without attracting the attention of the merchants on the street.

If nothing else, it is said that because the streets are congested, even the business of the restaurant has been affected.

Originally, the owners of several restaurants were still a little angry. How could they think that Jiang Lin, a blind man who went to study art, could do business so well. They were so greedy.

But no matter how angry they are, there is nothing they can do. Who asked Jiang Lin, the blind man, to send them money before.

The tuition fee is not much at all.

And at that time, they were still very happy, almost full of smiles.

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