It hasn't been too long, is it possible to turn against others?

That would be outrageous.

When the owners of several restaurants add up, they feel that such a thing is not necessarily a bad thing.

The business on Jiang Lin's side is so hot, if they get Jiang Lin's recipe and add it to the menu of their own restaurant, wouldn't it be the same.

Those of them who do business have a business vision, and people over there are blocking people, and it is definitely not just a blind man who can cook something to be curious.

In other words, Jiang Lin's craftsmanship is definitely very popular.

In that case, the stone of the mountain can attack jade.

Anyway, Jiang Lin had learned craftsmanship from them before, and they had come and gone and learned from each other, so there was nothing wrong with that at all.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I also went to the restaurant here as an apprentice. Even if I was taught by them, it was nothing. Anyway, we have a serious surplus of customers here. The store advertises it."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly, so that An Ge didn't need to care.

In fact, what he said was really what he thought.

If you compare it, their newly opened store is like a rich nouveau riche, and their restaurants can really accumulate word-of-mouth reputation bit by bit.

Popularity is real.

With the help of these restaurants, that is to do free publicity for him.

The food and drinks he cooks cannot be simulated by other people who want to simulate recipes. The most important ingredients are those talismans that can eliminate the demonic power accumulated in ordinary people. Can't reproduce.

Therefore, no matter what restaurant it is, it is impossible to compete with him for business.

The taste is not authentic and those customers still come to them.

There is no doubt about that.

"You, this temperament is really pleasing to others."

An Ge pursed his lips slightly, and didn't care about the restaurant's second attempt to steal the recipe.

This temperament is really good.

After that, An Ge gave Jiang Lin one more look. Jiang Lin's mentality and temper really made her like it.

Everything can be viewed with a normal mind, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry. Since she met Jiang Lin, she has never seen Jiang Lin sullen.

At this time, An Ge remembered the scene when she first met Jiang Lin. At that time, she misunderstood Jiang Lin, and even pulled the black cloth on Jiang Lin's eyes and tore off Jiang Lin's scar.

In this way, Jiang Lin didn't get angry, and even apologized to her first.

In the future, I am a family with me. It is really easy to support and has a good temper. I can do everything with me, and it will not make me angry.

With a slight flush of cheeks, An Ge continued busy packing food with lotus leaves and bamboo tubes.

"Listen, listen, don't look at the eyes of this chef God boss, but this long-term vision is much better than that of ordinary businessmen."

"Yeah, just with the attitude of God of Cooking, I will often come to help the business in the future."

"I have to pull over my distant relatives in the city."

After several customers in the inner circle of the crowd heard Jiang Lin's words, they immediately praised Jiang Lin again and again.

Such a boss, such a store owner, pay attention!

An hour later, the crowd at the door of the store gradually dispersed.

No more, nothing more.

There is nothing to sell.

Just as Jiang Lin and An Ge were cleaning up the shop, the old ghost wood demon who was concentrating on recuperating in the general's mansion opened his eyes. Just now, he seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with the evil spirit in the underground of Anyang City.

It seems that a certain area is not large, and the evil spirit below it is just about to move.

"What's going on? Could it be that I sensed something wrong?"

The ghost wood old demon frowned, not knowing what was going on in Anyang City.

Chapter [*] is in a hurry, he is in a hurry (middle)

Because many people gathered in the bustling commercial street where Jianglin is located, and hundreds of people ate the soy snacks and cakes cooked by Jianglin, their popularity has begun to subside, and the surrounding area is also due to The crowd moved and the popularity was insufficient, which made the Yin Sha Qi below have a tendency to counterattack.

Although at night, there will also be no people on the street, but the big formation set up by the old ghost wood also has a special method of targeting. As long as everything is normal, there will be no problems.

But now, because Jiang Lin's plan has already been implemented, it has led to a change in the underground Yin Sha Qi.

In fact, even Jiang Lin did not expect that the first day the store opened, there would be signs of instability in that area.

"Impossible. There have been no problems in this big formation for decades. It should be an illusion."

After thinking about it for a while, the ghost wood old demon decided not to go into detail anymore. His priority now is to restore himself and Nascent Soul's injuries as quickly as possible, so that he can completely become a free body as soon as possible.

And he wants to avoid any mishaps in the rest of the time.

Only in this way can he have the capital to deal with the monster corpse that had beaten him before, and seize its immortal body.

It was also because the ghost wood old demon cared too much about Jiang Lin's demon corpse, which led him to fantasize about his immortality in the future.

When there is something to focus on in his heart, the old ghost wood will naturally put other trivial matters to the back.

However, the ghost wood old demon ignored that if the roots of his body, the yin locust tree, could not be completely rotted by the yin evil energy, then he would not have any conditions to turn his fantasies into reality.

Assuming that he had an illusion, the old ghost wood temporarily blocked the connection between the large formation underground in Anyang City and himself, so that he could concentrate on recuperating his injuries.

He couldn't think of it even if he thought about it, because he ignored the subtle changes in the large formation underground in Anyang City, and it was too late when he learned of the situation later.

At that time, he can be in a hurry like an ant on a hot pot, the roots of his body are not rotten, and his ideas are castles in the air.

"I'm so tired, even more tired than I have been busy for a few days."

On the other side, in Jiang Lin's shop, An Ge moved a bench and sat by the door. She was so tired that she didn't even want to move more.

In fact, in terms of physical strength, An Ge doesn't have much influence. After all, she is a female cultivator. These physical efforts are nothing at all, mainly because she is too busy and the time is very tight, which makes her a little overwhelmed.

"I wanted to make you less tired, but it still made you tired. After two days of profit, let's invite a few careful girls to help, or return your tofu shop first. , you can ask someone for a deposit."

Jiang Lin also felt a little distressed when he heard An Ge's gasping voice. Although he took this opportunity to bring benefits to An Ge, this was not his main purpose. Therefore, he was quite worried about making An Ge so tired. Sorry.

"I'm still sighing here. What are you doing? In fact, you should be the most tired."

An Ge felt a little embarrassed after being so comforted by Jiang Lin. Thinking that when she was so busy before, Jiang Lin didn't even shout when she was tired, she felt very distressed.

Not to mention anything else, Jiang Lin didn't know how much effort he had spent after being busy for so long.

Jiang Lin couldn't see, and the rest of his senses were in high-intensity concentration, and his arm had to measure the amount of oil, salt and seasoning powder.

Just thinking about it for a while, An Ge felt that it was really too difficult for Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I just can't see my eyes, and my body is not as frail as a scholar. These things are no problem for me."

"From this point of view, I'm really not a business person. If you didn't prepare a bunch of items in advance, I would be at a loss."

After that, An Ge gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up. Ninety percent of the reason why the business was so hot tonight was due to Jiang Lin.

"Go back earlier, tomorrow may be even more busy, and I also plan to complete other things that I have been thinking about. I will invite you later, you will be the boss, just sit and count the money, no more. Tired."

"Don't call me the boss lady, she's still a big girl."

An Ge groaned slightly. Today, I don't know how many people are called Boss Jiang Lin. Now that Jiang Lin has her as the wife of the boss, doesn't it mean that she and Jiang Lin are already a couple.

In fact, An Ge didn't have any resistance in her heart, and she no longer disliked Jiang Lin, but it was her own girl's mind that made trouble. To put it bluntly, she still felt a little shy.

If you weren't the big girl, I wouldn't want you.

Jiang Lin wanted to laugh in his heart. If An Ge was an ordinary girl, she would be as coy as a girl when it comes to emotional matters, that would be normal.

But An Ge is a female cultivator, and now she has him in her heart, and she doesn't dislike him for being blind, but she still acts like a young daughter.

I'm busy with serious business now, and when I get a little bit more effective, don't be frightened by my initiative.

Eh?Don't wait any longer, I can let you go on the road of becoming a rich woman tomorrow, so let's take a little advantage today.

After making up his mind, Jiang Lin said, "I've been standing for a long time, and I haven't moved much, so it's hard to move."

"Ah? Then I'll take you back."

When An Ge heard Jiang Lin's words, he was too tired to walk. He didn't think much about it. He got up and hugged Jiang Lin's arm without saying a word.

She didn't let Jiang Lin call her the proprietress just now, but now she cares a lot about Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*] is in a hurry, he is in a hurry (below)

After the two returned to their residence, they ate some food left by Yu Qingping casually. An Ge took care of Jiang Lin a little and went to Yu Qingping to tell her aunt about the situation of the shop today.

Yu Qingping was immediately stunned. The crowd of customers blocked the entire street. What kind of concept is this?

"I said An Ge, when I met Xiao Lin, not only you, but also my uncle and I got a lot of benefits. According to what you said, it is estimated that the business over there will be full of money after all these years. Your uncle has so many years. The injuries that haven't been recovered should be able to be completely cured with the money they earned in exchange for some treasures."

After a pause, Yu Qingping said again: "People have worked hard and paid so much, you should express it, we are in exile, maybe your wedding is not easy to arrange, if you live in his room, your aunt will also Open one eye and close the other."


An Ge gave Yu Qingping a shy and angry look, what did he say!

Really the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry.

"It's not that I don't want to live with him. When I want to go to his room... It's not the beginning of the business, and I'm busy, so you just let me... I have to rest."

After hesitating twice, An Ge ignored Yu Qingping and went straight back to her room to rest.

It seems that I have to invite someone sooner.

Jiang Lin was in his room, listening to An Ge and the others clearly.

Yu Qingping urged An Ge to come and live with him, which surprised him.

As for An Ge's attitude, he was quite satisfied.

It's half push and half, anyway, how to resist if you don't show it.

If it wasn't for being overworked and busy tomorrow, An Ge might have come to his bed tonight.

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