After that, Jiang Lin didn't think much about it, and just took a rest.

Now everything he is busy in the shop is purely in the dark, and it is only with the strength of his physical senses and thoughts that he survives, which is quite a burden for him.

For the next four or five days, Jiang Lin simply stopped acting. He sorted out all the food and beverage categories he had prepared before, and paired it with the tofu flowers made by An Ge, making him the most beautiful on the street. 's boy.

As long as there are people who come to this street, there is no one who does not go to Jiang Lin. When they arrive at his place, no matter whether they are men, women or children, they will all stare at him.

Some are surprised that a blind man can cook and steam dim sum, and more is to see when he can ship.

The people who come can even be described as a sea of ​​people.

During these four or five days, Jiang Lin also went to several Fengyue places in the city similar to Tianxianglou, and spent some money to redeem the lives of twenty or thirty girls who had to sell their bodies due to the compulsion of life.

Of course, this kind of redemption is not a free redemption. You must do your best in the shop to make him satisfied.

The reason why Jiang Lin chose such a girl was to save his mind. He pulled those girls out of the quagmire, which was equivalent to the grace of re-creation, otherwise their bodies would be sullied.

With this level of reason, it is more important to make people willing to do their best than a simple employment relationship.

In fact, this is indeed the case. With this group of redeemed girls fighting, helping to do dishes such as washing dishes and greeting people, An Ge really can count the money with confidence.

[-] taels per day.

An Ge went further and further on the road of the rich woman.

Her and Jianglin's store is also a snack bar. If you compare it, it is similar to a tea restaurant, and the scale directly exceeds that of several restaurants on the street.

That is, in the past four or five days, with Jianglin's shops as the center, within a radius of seven or eight miles, there are not many people who are still popular.

It was precisely because of this that the power of the Yin Sha Qi that suppressed the underground in this area was insufficient, causing the Yin Sha Qi to gradually leak out.

Although some monks and demons discovered this situation, they didn't pay much attention to it. Even monks, there are some that need to be cultivated with the aura of yin attributes. Most of the monks in Anyang City are like this.

As for the evil spirits, they stayed here because they saw that the yin and evil spirits of Anyang City were suitable for cultivation. Now that there are benefits to take, where will they investigate the reasons.

An Ge also gradually discovered that something was wrong, but he didn't have any doubts, and he didn't suspect Jiang Lin because of it.

As a member of the Yu family, of course, she knew that Anyang City used to be a mass grave for thousands of years, and it had a lot of evil spirits.

Anyway, there is a general's mansion in Anyang City, and such matters can be handled by the officials.

In fact, the main reason is because these evil spirits have not caused any damage to people, and naturally she does not need to care about anything.

Only practitioners can discover these evil spirits, and the residents living in this area are not aware of it at all, and the food and drinks they eat contain the defensive water from Jianglin, even if they are evil spirits A little more intense, it doesn't matter.

And Jiang Lin, the master who led this phenomenon to happen, is already very happy now.

On the grounds of choosing ingredients, he often walks around the store, taking advantage of this time to absorb a lot of yin and evil energy to supplement his corpse poison.

An Ge was convinced that his senses were different from ordinary people, and some preparations in the shop still needed to be watched, so she basically did not follow Jiang Lin.

Two more days later, a shrill whistling sound broke out in the general's mansion.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on here!"

The ghost wood old demon rushed out of the general's mansion and flew into the air with an ugly expression on his face.

After he rested in peace, the wounds on his body and the severe wounds suffered by Nascent Soul were partially healed. That's why he interrupted the rest and recuperation process and wanted to ask Commander Guo if there was any trace of Mrs. Bone and any corpse evil.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, his mind contacted the great formation hub under the Yin Locust Tree, and his whole body exploded.

The yin evil energy under the yin locust tree is much less, and it is simply not enough to completely rot the roots of his body on the night of the full moon.

"Where is the problem? Where is the problem!"

Guimu Lao Yao straightened his hair in a hurry. He never thought of the link that was the least likely to cause problems. At this moment, there was a big problem.

Therefore, the ghost wood old demon didn't care about his own situation at all, he would rather damage himself, but also forcibly decree himself to break away from the shackles of his body, and go to the city to investigate the reason.

"In a hurry, he is in a hurry."

Jiang Lin was in a forest, his spiritual sense scanned the image in the Xuanguang mirror in front of him, and couldn't help but laugh.

Out of prudence, after he really implemented his plan, he often paid attention to the dynamics of the old ghost wood.

After all, such a thing will still alarm the yin-locust tree demon.

But he didn't expect that after the ghost wood old demon discovered the situation, he flew away from the general's mansion at a lightning speed like his butt was on fire.

Check, you can check, if you can find out the reason, I will lose.

You bastard, I will look at you anxiously.

How about letting you eat alone?Was my home stolen?

Chapter [-] mentality collapsed

Jiang Lin knew that the ghost wood old demon must have gone to track down the cause of the change in the Yin evil spirit in the underground of Anyang City, but in his opinion, the ghost wood old demon was simply a waste of effort.

No matter how you check, you are blind.

Asking the old ghost wood to think about such a thing as a cook and a blind man is simply impossible.

At most, the ghost wood old demon found that the residents of an area were not popular, and then went to investigate what water source, one well after another.

It is better to check the water source, after all, there are not many sources, but for food, check the wool.

Even if the ghost wood old demon hit the big luck and found out the truth, it was too late.

Jiang Lin's eyes were almost completely healed.

Right now, although his eyes were still covered by black cloth strips, he could already feel some light.

If it doesn't get better tomorrow, the day after tomorrow he will be able to completely restore his vision.

If it weren't for the fact that his own corpse poison needed a transformation process after ingesting the yin evil energy, Jiang Lin's eyes would have recovered faster.

In addition, the corpse poison in his body is also enough to support him to use some means because he has replenished a lot of Yin evil energy.

That is to say, even if the ghost wood old demon appears in front of him now, he has the power to deal with it and protect himself.

It's just that if you want to increase your own killing of the ghost wood old demon, you have to absorb more.

To support him to leave Wenerguo to search for extraterrestrial meteorites, more is needed.

Now that the ghost wood old demon has come, Jiang Lin interrupted the process of absorbing the yin evil energy, and returned to the commercial street just like the previous days.

At the same time, the old ghost wood demon couldn't hold back.

After he came to the area where the problem occurred, he couldn't find where the problem occurred.

At first, he thought it was a powerful evil cultivator or a monster that ruined his business, but after coming here, his whole body was almost numb.

This is not a problem at one point, nor is it a street that has been manipulated.

Rather, it is an area with a radius of nearly ten miles.

Such a large area is full of yin and evil spirits.

What's even more outrageous is that the magic circle underground in this area has not been damaged.

Therefore, the ghost wood old demon was completely blinded, anxious like a headless fly.

"Damn it, what happened to this motherfucker!"

The ghost wood old demon is about to regret his bowels now. It is only now that he realizes that the abnormality he noticed a few days ago is not an illusion, but a precursor to a problem.

But he didn't take it seriously, and temporarily cut off the connection between his mind and the great formation.

If this problem had been noticed earlier, it would not have been the case now.

The ghost wood old demon thought for a moment, his lungs were about to explode with anger, grandma's, why does God always go against me!

Now there is a big problem!

If the roots of his body are not broken, he will not be able to truly let Nascent Soul marry the roots, and he will not be able to set himself free.

Originally, according to his plan, if the first Nascent Soul Borrowing Body was successful, he only needed to wait a little while the Nascent Soul fit with the grafted body, and his roots would all be composted. If it breaks, it will directly be able to leap from the sea to a fish, and the sky will be high enough for the bird to fly.

But now there is much less yin and evil energy gathered in the great formation, and it is simply not enough to achieve his purpose at the scheduled time.

If it's just like this, he can still accept it, as long as he does some work and makes up for the process.

But the current situation is that his mother, the roots of his body have repaired a part of themselves because of the insufficient amount of Yin Sha Qi.

If he doesn't solve the problems that have arisen in time, everything he has done will fall in vain. What Nascent Soul borrowed, what freedom is obtained, and what is immortal body are all daydreams.

As for forcibly disconnecting the roots of the main body by external forces, the old ghost wood does not need to think about it. At least the yin evil energy has a homologous relationship with his main body. Using the yin evil energy to rot the roots and stems, it will not stay. What are the aftereffects.If he does it forcefully and uses violent means, he will not know how long it will take him to deal with the trauma caused by it, and he will be in a dangerous situation.

However, even if the ghost wood old demon wants to solve the current situation, he has to have a good look.

At this moment, he was completely confused, and he didn't know what was going on at all.

After searching in the city for most of the day, Guimu Lao Yao suddenly found the pedestrians on the street, and it seemed that his popularity had disappeared.

"What about your popularity? What about your popularity?"

The ghost wood old demon blocked a big man and repeatedly asked the other party what was going on.

"Who are you? You're sick!"

The big man pushed the ghost wood old demon away, cursing, and going crazy during the day.

"No, this person is normal in everything, how come he has lost his popularity!"

After the big man walked away, the old ghost wood muttered to himself. He looked at the living people who were almost unpopular in the streets and alleys, one head and two big ones.

In just a few days, how could the popularity of the people in this area disappear?

He used the big formation to gather and guide the evil spirits, but he needed a lot of popularity. Now that the popularity is gone, there will naturally be problems.

But TMD, what the heck is this swollen! ! !

The first thing that Guimu Lao Yao thought of was whether there was something wrong with the terrain around Anyang City or this area. After all, it should not be possible for manpower to make such changes in so many people in such a short period of time.

Even if it was done by an evil cultivator or a monster, the guards of the General's Mansion should report to him.

As a result, the ghost wood old demon kept looking for recent changes around him, and even vomited blood and left Anyang City, and went to the surrounding mountains to watch the shape of the mountain or the direction of the river.

However, the result was nothing.

After some efforts were fruitless, the old ghost wood wondered whether there was some evil magic weapon or treasure that appeared in Anyang City, which caused such a phenomenon, but no matter how he checked, he couldn't find it.

In desperation, the anxious and overwhelmed old ghost wood arrested a few people and explored the state of their bodies. However, although this guy has a lot of cultivation knowledge, Jiang Lin used Taoism in the Middle-earth world. It's just that he was uplifted, and the old ghost wood demon doesn't know much about the human body, so he can only check the wool.

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