Even if he found out the traces of water in the bodies of these people, he would never have imagined that it would go to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was still a demon corpse in his cognition.

Can a demon corpse have such a means?


"Yun Niang is so soft! God, the barren dog, you are stinking, you are so stinky!"

At night, the old ghost wood demon was like a shrew on a street, pointing at the night sky and spraying feces.

Now, the mentality of the old ghost wood has collapsed, it is really collapsed.

He just felt that this was God's intention to oppose him.

He checked everything, the water source, the surrounding crops, and even the rice shop and noodle shop, and everything was fine.

This is his base camp, whether it is the current Anyang City or the former thousand-year mass grave, it is equivalent to his lair.

But now there is a problem with the nest, but he is scratching his head and scratching his cheeks anxiously, and he can't figure out what happened.

The key point is that his situation is still very urgent. If there is no other way, his decades of planning and hard work will be in vain.

Chapter [-] Are you telling me about this?

When Guimu Lao Yao's mentality exploded, Jiang Lin and An Ge's stores were busy with business again.

In fact, there is no need for Jiang Lin to go on like this anymore. Now the evil spirit in this area is enough for him for the time being, and because the shop has staff, he can take the initiative to take An Ge down.

It's just that An Ge is still in the mood for joy now, and he doesn't want to give up so abruptly.

After nearly two hours of work, Jiang Lin and the others returned to their residence.

"I'm back, the rice has been prepared for you. By the way, I also burned a lot of water. Jiang Lin has been working in the fumes these days, so it's time to take a bath. An Ge, I'm also in your room. Put down the tub and relieve your fatigue, you are also working very hard."

Yu Qingping walked out of the main room, greeted Jiang Lin and the others, and then gave An Ge a different look.

I said before that I was busy every day, and I was very tired, but I had hired someone to help for several days. I was tired of being a proprietress, and I was procrastinating.

Auntie, I just pretend I don't know anything.

An Ge's cheeks suddenly burst into a little red glow, and she gave Yu Qingping an angry look.

This aunt is really smart.

Jiang Lin raised his hand and touched his nose, hiding the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Could it be that Yu Qingping knew that he was going to express himself to An Ge tonight?

Although he understood in his heart, Jiang Lin didn't say anything or ask.

"You wash up, I'll come over and tell you something later."

After eating, An Ge told Jiang Lin and went back to his room. Anyway, Jiang Lin took a shower or something, and he didn't need anyone's help. It wasn't the first time.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin was waiting in his room, waiting to be the bridegroom's son.

But after a while, he frowned, and An Ge's footsteps were heard outside, but the sound of silver coins colliding was mixed with the footsteps.

It should be An Ge who brought a lot of money.

What are you doing here with the money?

Jiang Lin was a little dumbfounded. Could it be that An Ge didn't want to spend the rest of his life with him, but wanted to pay?

I'm going!Who do you take me for?

"Jiang Lin, we have made a lot of net profit in the past few days. You have worked so hard, you must have a share here."

Just when Jiang Lin was puzzled, An Ge sat beside him, opened the purse, and put the silver coins in front of him.

What, it turned out to be giving me dividends.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If An Ge gave him something to pay after sleeping, he would be really stunned.

But then he felt a little tired and crooked in his heart, and dared to tell him something that Ange had told him before, is this the matter?

I'm still waiting to be the bridegroom, you're going to tell me this?

Jiang Lin was really speechless.

He also thought that with Yu Qingping's hint, An Ge should no longer delay.

As a result, he didn't procrastinate or he didn't procrastinate. Dividing dividends with him was considered a profit.

This is too much.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "I don't want the money, you need the money, just keep it first, and I can keep it with you."

"How can this be possible? I have received so much help from you, yet I can swallow all this alone?"

"It's really not necessary, I have a place to stay, and it's all because of you. I don't usually spend anything yellow and white, let alone this bag of silver money, even if there is a golden mountain in front of me now, I won't Get excited."

After a pause, Jiang Lin said again: "I guess you may not believe it when you say it. I am a person who regards money as dung, and wealth is like a floating cloud in me."

Jiang Lin really didn't brag about it, it wasn't because he was so lofty, but something like yellow and white, which he didn't like now.

With so many immortal treasures that money can't buy, he cares about what money and wealth are worth.

An Ge chuckled and said, "In front of me, you still put it on, you can't see it, how can you live without money."

But no matter what she said, Jiang Lin just didn't want to accept it. In desperation, she could only say: "Then what do you want, I'll buy it for you, or do you have any wishes? Are you eager to see the light again? I'll give it to you. You can save it, and I will find a way to heal your eyes in the future."

What An Ge said was the truth. If her situation could be better in the future, and her uncle Qingzhu Yao's injury could be cured, she would also find a way to heal Jiang Lin's eyes, but it really couldn't be cured, so she could use special rare spirit stones instead. .

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "Without medical treatment, my eyes won't stay blind forever."

An Ge looked at the smile on Jiang Lin's face and smiled softly.

She felt that it was really not easy for Jiang Lin, her eyes were ruined, she was still so optimistic, and she did not lose hope for life in her heart.

"If you want to ask me what I want, um... I want to get a wife."

Jiang Lin was about to talk to An Ge, what a great opportunity, but An Ge came here to talk to him about dividends.

I'm sorry, I don't want money, I want your people.

An Ge covered his mouth with a smile, and said deliberately: "You really dare to think, who is willing to marry a blind man like you, unless, ah, you find someone who is extremely ugly. Hey, how about some girls in the shop who are doing odd jobs? Pick one, don't despise others, at the very least, haven't they lost their lives in that kind of place?"

In fact, An Ge already knew Jiang Lin's intentions, so she just wanted to tease Jiang Lin.

All right, you pretend to be confused, right?

Jiang Lin pursed his lips, then shook his head and said, "I don't want that, I want you like that."

"What am I like? You can't see with your eyes, you don't know beauty or ugliness, you can't ask for something."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words clear, An Ge's cheeks were painted with rouge.

A "no, no, no" expression appeared on Jiang Lin's face: "No, just like you, I don't really care if you are beautiful or not."

Chapter [-] The Luckiest Blind Man

Seeing that Jiang Lin was serious, An Ge stopped joking, took Jiang Lin's hand and put it on his face.

She also wanted Jiang Lin to know what she looked like. At the very least, she wanted to give Jiang Lin an impression of exquisite facial features.

She is also arrogant in her heart. As a female cultivator whose cultivation is at the golden core level, if it is not forced by the situation, it is absolutely impossible for her to choose a blind man, but since she has decided to choose, she must let the other party understand. Found the treasure myself.

After that, An Ge said softly: "In the future, I will live with you, and I will not despise you. But there are some things I have to tell you. My aunt and I came here to avoid disaster and avoid the enemy. You If you choose me, your life may be at risk."

For a long time, An Ge dragged things off, not only because he was shy and ashamed, but also afraid that Jiang Lin would be timid and cowardly after knowing something.

She concealed her identity, but now that she is about to become husband and wife with Jiang Lin, she must have informed some risks in advance.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin would blame her in the future, and she would have nothing to say.

In fact, An Ge had many opportunities to explain to Jiang Lin that Jiang Lin had paid so much for her, and she should be honest with her.

But the more she got along with Jiang Lin, the more she worried about gain and loss.

Jiang Lin was blind, and he had already suffered a disaster. He lived a life of darkness and darkness. If there was another blow, even if it was only possible, it might make Jiang Lin timid.

Once Jiang Lin was unwilling to accept such a result, she could not disregard Jiang Lin's wishes and forcibly chain a blind man beside her.

That meant that she was no longer with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Since I have decided to live with you, no matter what disease or suffering, we will never leave each other. You don't dislike me being blind, and what danger and hardship can I be afraid of as a man?"

In Jiang Lin's heart, An Ge's position is indeed very important. It is good that An Ge did not confess his family background and situation, but he also concealed something.

Therefore, in An Ge's eyes, he is blind, even if he can do things that ordinary people can't, he is still blind.

In this way, An Ge does not despise him. He really wants to treat such a girl with a heart that is more cherished than Xianbao.

Jiang Lin has always known that he has the corpse emperor luck on his body, and his luck has always been very good.

But he never thought that he could reap a beautiful marriage even when he was blind.

Although Jiang Lin did not release his spiritual sense to investigate An Ge's face, he knew that An Ge's appearance was definitely good.

Whether it was from the customers in the shop or from the chef of the restaurant, he had heard others compliment An Ge's beauty more than once.

In fact, there is no need to hear that it is enough to show the fact that a young man like Guo Tongling from the General's Mansion, who is very girl-like, wants to pursue An Ge.

Now, such a young girl, who still has the identity of a monk, is willing to live with him as a blind man. This kind of plot and TV series are not played like this.

In other words, his luck is really invincible.

It directly made him the luckiest blind man.

As long as he is a normal person, he can be envied or not.

What about the story of Cinderella and the prince, or the plot of the poor man's counterattack against Bai Fumei, compared with him, the blind man, it is directly weak.

Who has him lucky?

With a slight force on his arm, Jiang Lin took An Ge into his arms and sipped on his two cherry lips.

After a while, An Ge pushed Jiang Lin away slightly, closed the door, pulled Jiang Lin to sit by the bed, and lowered the curtain.

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