"I... I told you that we avoid enmity, so... so, maybe we can't even arrange a wedding, you... you can't think I'm a random person."

"I see."

After Jiang Lin responded, An Ge untied the black cloth covering Jiang Lin's eyes and undressed him.

Her aunt had hinted and urged her more than once. After tonight, she wanted to see how her aunt hinted at her.

At this time, the moon blade in An Ge's body also flew out because of the spiritual resonance between it and its master, and submerged into Jiang Lin's body.

An Ge didn't panic when she saw this. Anyway, her spiritual weapon was about to treat Jiang Lin as its master.

In Jiang Lin's body, the Moon Wheel Saber descended all the way to Jianglin's dantian position, and Jiang Lin's Rijin Wheel was also cheering, breaking away from Jiang Lin's Jin Dan and welcoming the Moon Wheel Saber.

Yin and Yang chase each other, and the sun and the moon follow each other.

The golden wheel of the sun released a spiritual shock of its own to the moon knife. Since then, the latter will cause the host to have a vicious change in the physique, and because of the spiritual intersection of the golden wheel of the sun, it completely disappears. .

That is to say, even if An Ge continued to use the Moon Wheel Saber as the core of his cultivation in the future, he would not have a physique mutation like the predecessors to form a body of evil yin.

The two wheel blades overlap each other, one blue and one red radiance, as if echoing each other's masters.

At this time, Yu Qingping just happened to walk out of the main room, and when she saw that the door of An Ge's room was open, it was dark inside, and there was candlelight in Jianglin's room, but the door was closed, and she understood what was going on.

Yu Qingping's face showed her aunt's smile again. Although her niece chose a blind man, she regretted that everything else was still very good.

"Ah! I forgot to ask Jiang Lin if he was born blind. If he has a child in the future, he will be dead like his father!"

Yu Qingping patted her forehead. She didn't ask about Jiang Lin's past. Now she realized that it would be a tragedy if she had a blind grand-nephew or grand-niece.

However, then she breathed a sigh of relief, remembering that when Jiang Lin explained to him a few days ago, he seemed to have said that his eyes were normal before, but she didn't pay attention at that time.

After forming a seal with both hands, Yu Qingping arranged a soundproof magic circle around the main room, and then returned to the room with a smile.

Chapter [-] Against this marriage, how old are you? (superior)

"Xianggong, get up, I have to prepare a lot of things today."

The next morning, An Ge made breakfast and went to Jiang Lin's room to wake him up.

Originally, even she could rest for a while. In the future, she and Jiang Lin wanted to make up for the wedding, but she didn't know when, so last night was equivalent to her and Jiang Lin's wedding night, and she should have fallen asleep. to wake up naturally.But today, their shop in the commercial street needs to deliver the goods ordered by several restaurants, and there is really no extra time to rest.

Today, their business situation is similar to what Jiang Lin said at the time. Although several restaurants on the street have bought a lot of samples, they can't get the original and authentic taste.

In desperation, those restaurants negotiated with them to purchase supplies from them and sell them on a consignment basis.

Today is delivery day.

If it wasn't for this, she also wanted Jiang Lin to rest more. During this time, Jiang Lin's fatigue was all her eyes.

Jiang Lin opened his eyes, and when the light outside stimulated him, he instinctively blocked his face with his palms.

The eyes still haven't fully recovered.

Jiang Lin frowned, then he touched the black cloth next to the pillow and covered his eyes.

At this time, An Ge also went over to serve him dressing, feeling An Ge's slightly fragrant breath in front of him, Jiang Lin hesitated several times before he stopped.

He wanted to say something to An Ge.

Now that the boat is done, he wants An Ge to get to know him again.

"What are you doing, it's like not waking up."

Looking at Jiang Lin who seemed to be absent-minded, An Ge raised his hand and pinched his earlobe, and murmured, "There are a lot of things today, don't indulge in yesterday's joys, I won't leave you, it will be a long time to come. ."

Jiang Lin nodded, and An Ge's words reminded him inadvertently that his eyes have not fully recovered yet. If everything is in a showdown, An Ge will not be able to stand it for a while, and if he leaves him, he will not be able to chase after him.

Therefore, after weighing it, Jiang Lin felt that he should wait for his eyes to see the light again. His eyes will be completely healed today and tomorrow, and his eyesight will be restored.

After eating, Jiang Lin went to the commercial street with An Ge holding his arm.

He didn't leave today to absorb any evil spirits. On the one hand, the ghost wood old demon is as anxious as a headless fly, and he will inevitably go to the places where the evil spirits are gushing out in this area. He doesn't want to. Got hit.

On the other hand, now that An Ge's Moon Blade is in his body, An Ge will not let him go.

The fact is the same. On the way, An Ge used the tone of a family owner to tell Jiang Lin not to leave her for half a step. No matter where he went, he had to take her with him.

Before, there was a Liu Yi in Anyang City who wanted to seize the moon-shaped knife. Although An Ge heard that this bearded monster hunter was chased by a monster, most of them are gone, but does Liu Yi have an accomplice An Ge? Don't know yet.

Therefore, in order to prevent Jiang Lin from encountering any danger, she did not want Jiang Lin to be separated from her before the Moon Lun Knife returned to her body.

"Also, I... In the eyes of outsiders, I haven't left the cabinet yet. In front of people, I will call your name. When no one is there, or at home, I will call you Xianggong."

An Ge shook Jiang Lin's arm. She had the status of a cultivator, so she didn't care about these things, but since she was making a living in Anyang City, she didn't want to recruit people because she and Jiang Lin entered the dining hall without ringing the bell. joke.

"It's all up to you."

Jiang Lin smiled. He didn't mind these things. Even if An Ge's demands were too much, he had nothing to do with him in the future.

When she got to the store, An Ge started to get busy, busier than the previous days, but she always had a happy smile on her face.

Not only because she became a wife for the first time and became someone else's wife, but also because of such a down-to-earth life, she felt very at ease.

Now An Ge is even willing to give up her cultivation. As long as she can live in such a way, she feels that there is nothing to regret.

In the afternoon, there were more people on the street where the shop was located.

At this time, a smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face.

"Jiang Lin, what are you laughing at?"

An Ge felt a little inexplicable. Jiang Lin's smile seemed to be gloating.

"It's nothing, I just thought of this, that Commander Guo should come over. He was beaten by a blind man of mine, can I not laugh?"

Jiang Lin thought it was very interesting when he thought of the leader Guo who often wanted to approach An Ge on the grounds of helping business, but had no self-awareness.

This guy, attentiveness is very attentive, and it deserves it.

Really not even qualified to be a spare tire.

Sometimes An Ge would just pretend to be too busy, and ignore Commander Guo at all.

A while ago, Commander Guo went to Ange's tofu shop and found that it was closed. When he heard that Ange had changed his business place, he immediately came to him shamelessly.

What's even more interesting is that when Commander Guo saw a blind man in Jianglin, he was able to make food and drinks on the street and bring income to An Ge, and he immediately felt a sense of crisis.

When he saw An Ge wiping the sweat on Jiang Lin's forehead with a handkerchief, this guy turned towards him.

As a result, Commander Guo was despised by his subordinates and some customers.

I don't know how many times I've said it, people are blind.

Do blind people understand?

With the help of Miss Ange, the family has a place to shelter from the wind and rain, so what if they find some way to repay their gratitude?

What's wrong with this?

A blind man works so hard, and Miss Ange helps wipe the sweat. Isn't it normal?

Could it be that the sweat fell and the food could not be sold?

Can't there be anything else on the mind except some things between men and women?

I am always afraid that my crush will be carried away by a blind man. Did you drop the price, or did Ange drop the price?

You, the commander-in-chief of the General's Mansion, are always afraid of being robbed of the admired person by such an honest blind man. In reality, you must have had a very unsatisfactory life, right?

You must be ashamed, right?

These words were all heard by Jiang Lin. Of course, some of them were said by Guo Commander's subordinates, and they were said in person, and some were whispered by others.

In fact, in the eyes of others, Commander Guo is really not very good. Except for some girls who are really not very good, other male compatriots or some elders do not take him seriously.

As a guard commander, this guy dresses up all day and even his hair is shiny. If he has nothing to do, he will walk among the girls and show off that he has been among the hundreds of flowers, and the leaves do not stick to his body, or he is going to sing here. Come.

It's just that you're too full to have nothing to do, free time.

If you come often, come here often, and you don’t even have any practical expressions. It’s the same as wishing for others to respond and then post it backwards.

Is this interesting?

Jiang Lin thought Commander Guo was funny, but he didn't expect Commander Guo to come and object to him being with An Ge.

This guy can't accept that he really lost to a blind man, his heart is completely unbalanced, and he firmly opposes An Ge living with a blind man.

The blind have no rights, and the blind do not deserve happiness.

Chapter [-] Against this marriage, how old are you? (middle)

"I see your smile, and I feel very proud."

An Ge rolled her eyes at Jiang Lin, and then she pursed her lips and smiled. She really wanted to see how Commander Guo would look when he found out that he was not as good as a blind man.

She also finds this Commander Guo annoyed, but Commander Guo is usually here to help with the business, and he doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, so she can't find a reason to shoot him away.

What's more, Commander Guo also has a affiliation with the General's Mansion, and there are capable people in the General's Mansion, so she didn't think about using spells to put this annoying blame on a lesson.

If it weren't for her situation not being very good, according to her previous character, this commander Guo would have been swept away by a broom, out of sight and out of mind.

"What's there to be proud of? It is true that I have endless satisfaction in my heart to be able to marry you, but to say that I am complacent because I compared that commander Guo, that is nothing. I put myself like this You are really looking down on yourself as an oil-headed monster."

Jiang Lin shook his head. He really just wanted to laugh. Compared with a leader Guo who was not even a spare tire, he didn't lower his worth.

An Ge looked at Jiang Lin and felt sweet in his heart. Jiang Lin's words just now meant that he became a husband and wife with her, and he was a treasure.

Moreover, what satisfied her even more was Jiang Lin's attitude. This kind of mind is much stronger than that of ordinary men. Even if he is disabled, he does not look down on himself at all.

At least in her opinion, Jiang Lin is a man with a strong heart.

Such a man is worthy of her.

"An songs."

At this moment, Guo Tong led a lot of his followers to the door.

After tidying up the collar of his coat, Commander Guo smiled slightly and said to An Ge: "Tomorrow, it's my birthday, my subordinates want to celebrate my birthday, your side dishes are more popular than those in restaurants, so , I just want to invite you to my house and plan to prepare a family dinner to entertain my brothers. You are busy with business here, so I will come over to tell you in advance. Don't worry, I will double your profit for one day. compensated."

Commander Guo waited eagerly for An Ge's response. In fact, he just wanted to be a drunkard, not drinking. Tomorrow is indeed his birthday, but what kind of birthday celebration or family banquet was given to him by his subordinates.

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