Jiang Lin took An Ge's hand and didn't let her act rashly, but at this moment, a murderous intention appeared in Jiang Lin's heart.

Since this commander Guo has been courting death again and again, he will make it happen.

Now the old ghost wood is investigating the reason for the leakage of the evil spirit in this area. These drinks and food must not enter the sight of the old ghost wood.

An Ge took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Although she intends to make herself the head of the family in the future, she still subconsciously wants to rely on her man, and she is willing to listen to her husband's words.

Before long, a group of guards emptied the food and drinks from the store.

"An Ge, go to those restaurants and explain the situation. I will drive out the goods to be delivered as soon as possible."

After Commander Guo led them away, Jiang Lin found a suitable reason to temporarily leave An Ge.

"Well. Xianggong, I have to work hard for you again."

An Ge nodded slightly and left the shop as Jiang Lin ordered.

You, it is impossible to see the sun tomorrow.

Jiang Lin's face suddenly turned cold, and then a few black shadows drilled out of his shadow.

These charismatic spirits got his orders, no matter what, Commander Guo would end up with a violent death, and he had to be distraught.

Jiang Lin also gave Meiling an order to destroy the food and drinks.

However, he did not expect that several of Guo's subordinates were so greedy, they hid some lotus leaves on the road.

This also directly led to the later ghost wood old demon to find the real reason for the problem of the underground Yin Shaqi.

Chapter [*] Seeing the Light Again ([*])

A few charismatic spirits swam in the shadows along the street and followed Guo to lead them.

When they arrived at the office of the guards in the city, Commander Guo waved his hand and said to You Tou's followers: "Put the food you have collected on the table, and then you can call all those brothers back. When I am the leader, I will reward you. There is no need to celebrate any birthday."

Now, Commander Guo doesn't say anything about celebrating his birthday, he just can't even raise his appetite.

He didn't plan to inspect the collected drinks and food at all, and throwing them away would be for nothing. It's better to let his brothers eat and drink for free.

"Boss, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, why should you love a single flower, don't worry too much, that An Ge has found a blind man, it can only mean that her mind is not normal. Let's call the other brothers and buy some more. Good wine, once you get drunk, you forget all your troubles."

The oil head valet comforted Commander Guo, and then left with a group of guards, preparing to call back his colleagues who were patrolling outside, and have a good drink with Commander Guo to relieve his depression.

If you have trouble, just drink it.

After You Tou's attendant left, Guo Tong's face became more and more difficult to look at.

Because he couldn't ask for it, his psychology began to distort.

This commander Guo couldn't tolerate a blind man who had a better life than him, and robbed his goddess.

"I will never let you have any bad endings!"

Commander Guo clenched his fists. He didn't believe that his valet said that after getting drunk, all his troubles disappeared. This incident was destined to become a thorn in his heart in the future.

This guy didn't realize that there were a few black and terrifying charming spirits behind him at this time.

Leader Guo hadn't even started to think about what kind of trouble he would cause Jiang Lin in the future, when a group of charming spirits rushed forward.

To go up is to tear.

After making two screams, Commander Guo turned into a puddle of stubble and minced meat, and even the soul that had just returned to God was not spared.

Directly dissipated.

If it wasn't for Commander Guo intending to make trouble, Jiang Lin might not have killed this guy, but if this guy kept killing him, then he would have nothing to think about.

Kill the trouble.

After killing Commander Guo, a group of Charming Spirits threw some files on the table and the candlesticks.

When the fire got bigger, these charming spirits returned the same way.


After Jiang Lin got the report from Charming Spirit, he took them back to the ancient mirror.

At this time, the guards such as Youtou's valet have returned to the office, but the place has become a sea of ​​fire.

Some of the gluttonous guards still had food stuffed in their hands. When they saw this situation, they didn't even bother to eat. When they dropped the lotus leaf wrap, they went to put out the fire.

After the fire was put out, there was almost nothing left, and all the guards were ready to report the situation to General Yu or Mr. Onizuka immediately.

But the old ghost wood demon is now one of the top two, and he is looking for the reason outside, and the general in the general's mansion has long since died, and the old ghost wood demon specially ordered the guards not to be disturbed.

Therefore, no matter how anxious Guo's subordinates were, there was nothing they could do.

"An Ge, are you still angry? Actually, it's unnecessary."

On the other hand, An Ge came back from the restaurant not long after, and Jiang Lin asked when he heard An Ge humming slightly from time to time.

"It's nothing."

An Ge's response was a little unflattering. In fact, she was really uncomfortable, but it wasn't because Commander Guo made a fuss here.

She was really angry before, but thinking that Commander Guo would not bother her anymore, the anger in her heart disappeared.

But what Commander Guo said last made her sullen again.

Commander Guo said at the time that a blind man like Jiang Lin would need help even if he went to a romantic place like Tianxianglou to seek pleasure.

Normally, this is not unreasonable.

But as soon as she recalled the situation last night, Jiang Lin didn't need any help, and was very skilled.

If it hadn't been mentioned by Commander Guo, she would never have noticed such details.

That is to say, even if Jiang Lin is blind, he is no stranger to love between men and women.

It also showed that Jiang Lin must have met other women before.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable An Ge felt.

Ever since she met Jiang Lin, she had regarded Jiang Lin as a blind man. In fact, Jiang Lin was indeed blind, so she subconsciously thought that a person like Jiang Lin could not even touch a wife.

Whose girl has nothing to learn from her and find a blind man as her husband.

But now it appears that this is not the case.

But Jiang Lin didn't tell her anything.

When you go back, I will try you again, and if you don't explain it to me clearly, kneel on the washboard for me at night!

After almost a whole night of work, Jiang Lin and An Ge closed the shop. On the way back, Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. An Ge's attitude towards him was obviously not right.

Just like the angry little daughter-in-law.

This made him a little confused.

"You... have you ever had another woman?"

Back at the residence, An Ge brought in a basin of clean water for washing. After putting down the water, she put her hands on her hips and looked at Jiang Lin angrily.

At this moment, the anger in her heart has actually subsided to some extent. She guessed that Jiang Lin's damage to both eyes may be due to some human tragedy, or even a vendetta.

Before that, Jiang Lin should have been a normal person, but if something like this happened, even if Jiang Lin had a wife, he might have suffered a vendetta and died a long time ago, or if he saw that his man was blind, he was unwilling to be with him. lived together.

If things are really as she thought, if she continues to take this as an excuse, it will still be equivalent to exposing Jianglin's scars.

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect An Ge to ask him that, and then he was silent for a while.

"There have been, and there are still quite a few."

Nodding his head, Jiang Lin responded to An Ge directly. Although he did not know how An Ge thought of this question, since An Ge asked, he did not intend to hide it.

If he doesn't ask, he is concealing it, but since he has already asked and he doesn't admit it, it is deception.

Moreover, he has already planned to explain his previous affairs to An Ge, so there is nothing to deny.

"Let me tell you about my past. You and I are husband and wife. Whether it's my past or my future, you have the right to know."

"It's over, it's over, those who pass by don't remonstrate, those who come can be chased. I... I'm actually a little uncomfortable in my heart, I want to ask clearly, you are my first man, and you will be the only one, but you... ... Let the past things pass, and we will live together in peace in the future."

An Ge didn't expect Jiang Lin to hide anything, so he admitted it directly and told her the truth frankly.

Moreover, Jiang Lin had to tell her the past that she didn't know about.

At this moment, An Ge already thought that his previous guess might be true, otherwise, how could Jiang Lin admit it so easily.

Once she knew this, she didn't want to go any further.

It was not easy for Jiang Lin to marry her, not to mention that when she asked now, Jiang Lin was willing to reveal the past. Such an attitude made her very satisfied.

Even if Jiang Lin directly denied it just now, could it be possible that she could investigate something else?

They are both husband and wife. Isn't it good to live a good life together? They have to care about the things they were unhappy with before.

"An Ge, you have become my wife, do you have some regrets in your heart?"

Jiang Lin pursed his lips, and then untied the black cloth strip covering his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the candlelight in the room stimulated his eyes to feel sore.

Chapter [*] Seeing the Light Again (Part [*])

The pain in his eyes caused a stress reaction in Jiang Lin's eyes. Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and there was a little blood in them.

"You... What are you doing with your eyes open? You are blind, and I don't despise you. If I really despise you, how could I possibly have a relationship with you."

Seeing the tears in Jiang Lin's eyes, An Ge walked over quickly. She regretted asking Jiang Lin if she had ever had another woman.

She thought that when Jiang Lin recalled the past, sadness welled up in her heart, and only then did the tears fall.

She even felt that now Jiang Lin thought he was being disliked by her because he was blind.

Jiang Lin sat on the chair behind him, covering his eyes with one hand to prevent them from being stimulated by the candlelight again, and pulled An Ge with the other hand to sit on his lap.

Now his eyes, the distance has completely recovered, and he is still short of the fire, but he doesn't want to wait any longer.

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