He wanted to tell An Ge something candidly, and wanted to look at An Ge with his eyes, so that An Ge could see his eyes and know that everything he was about to say was the truth.

Eyes and eyes are sometimes more reliable than words.

Therefore, at this moment, he released a part of the corpse poison in his bones, and cooperated with Yang Yan to refine it, so that the generated corpse poison essence was transmitted to the binocular position.

Although now he uses Yang Yan and Corpse Poison at the same time, chaos will still occur due to the mutual repulsion between Yin and Yang, but during this period of time, he has absorbed a lot of Yin Sha Qi, and the corpse poison produced by refining Yang Yan is not counted. Serious chaos, for him, can still be dealt with.

"Xianggong, don't think too much, it's what you said before, husband and wife should face everything together, whether it's suffering or doom, just bear it together. You're blind, I'll take good care of you. , and never disliked it. Even if you are lame and paralyzed again, you are still my husband, and no matter how hard or tired, I will be happy. "

An Ge put his arms around Jiang Lin's neck and hugged him tightly.

Now An Ge only thinks that she is too careful. Jiang Lin and her may even be in danger when they become husband and wife. In this way, Jiang Lin has no hesitation, but she has let Jiang Lin have other women. Lin "remembered the past".

In fact, there is nothing wrong with An Ge having such a reaction, and it is not stingy at all, it is just a normal reaction.

However, when it comes to the matter, there is a contrast. From her perspective, Jiang Lin is with her, and his life may be in danger later.If you don't look at it from her standpoint, Jiang Lin also took a lot of risks.

An Ge was being hunted down by the Yu family, and the Yu family was not a small force in Wenerguo, so Jiang Lin's choice was indeed a big risk.

But Jiang Lin didn't care about this, he dared to deal with his wife, he didn't care what the hostile side was, the big deal was to fight desperately.

Compared with this, An Ge was cautious.

"Ange, give me your handkerchief."


An Ge did as he was told, took out a square scarf from his arms and stuffed it into Jiang Lin's hand.

Jiang Lin held his eyes with a handkerchief, and the scabs that fell off the surface of the eyeballs were sent out along with tears.

Blinking his eyes slightly, Jiang Lin looked at An Ge's face in front of him.

"Ange, you are so beautiful."

Seeing An Ge's face, Jiang Lin also smiled slightly. Until now, he has not seen what An Ge looks like.

With a scorpion head and crescent eyebrows, bright eyes and white teeth, although it is not like a fairy, it is not fake at all.

He has been with An Ge for a while, but he has never spread his spiritual sense to An Ge.

Even if he shared the same bed with An Ge, after An Ge was asleep, he never went to investigate.

An Ge and Yu Qingping have lived in exile for many years, and their alertness is definitely extraordinary. If he scans with his spiritual sense, he will most likely be detected.

Even last night when the relationship between husband and wife was implemented, if An Ge sensed his spiritual sense, it might really become a couple in a bridal chamber.

Looking at An Ge in front of him, and feeling the light and colors around him, Jiang Lin felt quite sighed in his heart. Although his eyes had suffered trauma before, at that time he didn't have to worry about anything at all, he could use his spiritual sense instead. eyes.

But this time, he really experienced the life of a blind man.

What's even more outrageous is that he doesn't even know what his wife looks like.

I really don't know the beauty of my wife.

After such a long time, his eyes finally recovered and he was able to see again.

"You... your eyes..."

At this moment, when An Ge saw Jiang Lin's open eyes and the star-like eyes in his eye sockets, he was speechless and stunned.

After a while, An Ge regained consciousness a little, then looked at Jiang Lin in disbelief, and then her pupils slightly enlarged.

At a certain moment, she realized that she suddenly didn't know Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin is blind, this is absolutely not wrong. When she first met Jiang Lin, she was hostile to Jiang Lin because of a misunderstanding. That is, at that time, she covered Jiang Lin's eyes with black cloth strips. to pull.

Therefore, she could clearly see the wound on Jiang Lin's eyes. The blood lines on the scars were the same as the stitches and stitches left by the tailor's clothes.

Such wounds cannot be cured at all. Even if you go to a worldly doctor, there is only one answer: it is recommended to remove the eyeballs, leaving only a pair of empty eye sockets.

But now, Jiang Lin's eyes have become normal.

How is this possible?

Although Jiang Lin had done a lot of incredible things before, learning cooking skills and starting a business as a blind man, these were still acceptable to An Ge.

As long as the senses are sharper and the mind is extremely attentive, it is not impossible for the blind to do those things.

After all, the world is so big that there are no wonders.

However, Jiang Lin's eyes were healed, but An Ge couldn't accept it. Of course, this was logically unacceptable.

A blind man with his eyeballs destroyed like that, the genius doctors in the world may not have any way to do it, what can you do to heal?

There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, Jiang Lin is not an ordinary person at all.

"You... who are you?"

An Ge stood up and kept backing away. Only now did she realize that this husband, who had slept in the same bed with her, she didn't know at all.

Sure enough.

Jiang Lin sighed in his heart when he looked at An Ge today. An Ge had obviously already reacted. He knew that he was not blind at all, not an ordinary blind man, nor an ordinary person.

Chapter [*] This situation is about to get divorced ([*])

"I'm Jiang Lin, that's my name. An Ge, there is a saying in my hometown, a couple of one night and a hundred days of grace, I don't ask for a hundred days, a thousand days, can you give me a period of time and listen to my explanation? "

Jiang Lin looked at An Ge sincerely, and now he was worried that An Ge would not even give him a chance to explain, so he put some labels and hats on his head.

"How do you explain? How good are your eyes? Is that blind man I know really you?"

An Ge's eyes were hazy with tears. She didn't know whether Jiang Lin, who she knew, or everything during this time, was planned by Jiang Lin.

She found that she couldn't see through Jiang Lin at all, and she didn't even know what Jiang Lin's purpose was.


Jiang Lin was at a loss for words, then he stood up, walked to An Ge, put his arms around the back of An Ge's neck, and made An Ge's head touch his forehead.

He selected some of the past memories and sent them to An Ge's mind.

These memories are mainly some of his battle scenes and where he got Anyang City from, and how he learned about the Moon Wheel Knife.

If it was only expressed in words, An Ge might not even wait for him to finish speaking, and his emotions would explode.

"Sure enough, you're not blind, your skills are sky-high, and you have such a high level of cultivation. You really came here for the Moon Wheel Saber, you want the Moon Wheel Saber, you grab it, you grab it, why do you want it? Set up such a big game? Why do you want to deceive my innocence? You coveted my appearance, whether you use force to occupy, or poison to bewitched, why do you want to take my heart away?"

An Ge was sluggish for a moment because the memory was passed into her mind. After digesting the external memory in her mind a little, she pushed Jiang Lin away fiercely, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

She had previously thought that Jiang Lin might be a cultivator, and it was very likely that he came here for the Lunar Sabre in her body, but it turned out to be exactly what she thought.

It really is!

What a blind man, fake.

What distressed her tired, fake.

Even the first time she repeatedly rejected her and was unwilling to come to live in her house, it was hard to escape.

You are so scheming!

An Ge felt that she had never felt so heartbroken. Now, she just wanted Jiang Lin to return her former husband to her.

Even if such a husband has no ability, even if he is so blind that he has to use a bamboo stick to grope around, she doesn't mind.

She doesn't want to recognize the current husband.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin didn't expect An Ge's reaction to be so big.

Looking at this situation, An Ge may have planned to cut him off completely. To put it bluntly, it would be a divorce from him.

What a shameless life!

Jiang Lin never thought that such a thing would happen to him.

The relationship is broken, it can't go on!

He had encountered a similar situation in the past, but the initiative was basically on his side, whether it was Jiang Ting, who was forced to marry him, or Feng Yan, who was determined to marry him, both of them said Ask him to give him a leave of absence.

It was just a divorce.

But this time, if one fails, An Ge might divorce him—divorce.

With a sigh, Jiang Lin sat back on the wooden bench and said softly, "I know it's too much to keep you calm now, but I still want you to hear what I said in the past. This is when you realize that I... Before I deceived you, what I wanted to do, you can treat me as a self-talk or listen to a joke."

After saying that, Jiang Lin looked at An Ge, who is still full of tears now, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Lin didn't wait for An Ge's response, he said to himself: "When I was dealing with a powerful alternative corpse evil, I was severely injured, and the corpse poison invaded my body, which led to the appearance of yin and yang in my body. Chaos needs to be suppressed with ghosts and grievances. When I was seriously injured and in a coma, I drifted along the river to your neighboring country Ermao, where I met a Taoist Tian, ​​whose ancestors once told you about the rain. The family has worked together and went to a thousand-year-old mass grave, which is Anyang City. This is the reason why I came here. At the same time, I also learned from Tian Taoist that the Yu family and a treasure - the moon wheel Knife."

Jiang Lin set his eyes on An Ge, and after finding that An Ge was listening, he continued: "The Moon Wheel Knife has the effect of transforming the yin and evil spirits. For me, it has a lot of help. I also imagined that it would be great if I could get this treasure. Later, after inquiring along the way, I came here. During this process, I was designed by a mud demon, my eyes were completely destroyed, I was really blind. My cultivation base, because the injury in the body cannot be used, although it can be replaced by spiritual sense, but for the sake of careful consideration, I have always been very careful."

"So, you found me?"

An Ge showed a hint of ridicule as if she was laughing at herself. It turned out that she was not mistaken at the beginning, and it was not because of her unstable cultivation that she had an illusion, but it was Jiang Lin's reaction to confirm that there was a moon-shaped knife in her body.

Chapter [*] This situation is about to get divorced ([*])

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "I think that's what I said, and you may not believe it. Although I was intentionally approaching you at the time, it had nothing to do with the moon wheel knife in your body. At that time, I didn't know that you had a moon wheel in your body. Knife. You have a mysterious yin in your body, which is useful to me. I just want to absorb some of it from you. As for how many times you touched me, the moon wheel knife in your body changed because of this. "

At this time, Jiang Lin recruited the Japanese Golden Wheel in his body, and then followed out, the Moon Wheel Saber belonging to An Ge.

The two wheel blades are circling each other, just like a pair of intimate lovers.

"They are one yin and one yang, one day and one month, and they attract each other, which caused you, the owner of the Moon Lun Knife, to be affected. Later, you invited me to go home, which is also the reason. This is what I learned later."

Having said this, Jiang Lin chuckled lightly. He was really brought home by An Ge. At least in An Ge's view, she really led the wolf into the room.

"I was still cautious at that time, and I didn't want to contact practitioners I didn't understand. I had chaos in my body, and I couldn't use any means, so I didn't want to cause trouble. So I refused at that time, I really wanted to refuse, but The thing in my body was like being in estrus. It was making trouble in my body. In desperation, I agreed. It was also the same day that I found out that you have a moon knife in your body. You drugged me, I I know the same thing, but in order to temporarily borrow the moon-shaped knife, even if you put arsenic on me, I will eat the same."


An Ge pinched herself and suppressed the smile that she had just started. She thought that in order to get the Moon Wheel Knife, Jiang Lin knew that there was a drug in the meal, and he even ate it.

She had never seen such a person.

"Auntie, she checked my situation, but my strength is not inferior to that of ordinary Yuan Ying cultivators. Naturally, she didn't find anything. I know the same thing about her arrangement between you and me. After entering my body, he has been guarding me. I know all this. At that time, I thought, why don't I marry you. Although I don't know what you look like, I know that you are clean and beautiful. Virgin, I have wives, and there are a lot of good-looking ones, and I don’t care about your appearance, and I don’t think they will be extremely ugly.”

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